We found 4124 records in 17 states for Edward in our United States directory. Learn more about them by investigating contact info matches, prospective work histories, house addresses, and phone records. The typical Edward match is around 55 years of age with about 60% falling into the 51-60 age group. See more...

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Edward H Davis in Leominster, Massachusetts  |  Age Age: 49
Edward Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 345 West St Apt 1, Leominster, MA
  • 973 Main St, Fitchburg, MA
  • 695 Water St, Fitchburg, MA
Edward Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 978-345-0714,
  • 978-342-6948,
  • 978-345-0799
Edward Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Edward E Davis in Cookeville, Tennessee  |  Age Age: 62
Edward Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1069 Double Springs Rd, Cookeville, TN
  • 5249 Nashville Hwy, Baxter, TN
  • 302 Maxwell St, Baxter, TN
Edward Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 931-858-6375,
  • 931-858-5708
Edward Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Edward J Davis  |  Raleigh, North Carolina

Edward Davis may live at 2900 Calvary Dr Apt 101 in Raleigh, NC with an 919 area phone number and may have connections to Joyce Davis, Edward J Davis and Joyce Davis.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
919-673-7320, 919-673-2016, 919-713-4326
2900 Calvary Dr Apt 101, Raleigh, NC ; 4540 Hargrove Rd Apt 206, Raleigh, NC ; 4908 Coolridge Ct Apt D, Raleigh, NC
Joyce Davis, Edward J Davis, Joyce Davis
@gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Seen As:
Edward Jerome Davis Jr, Edward J Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Morrisville, NC; Durham, NC; Garysburg, NC; Philadelphia, PA; Garner, NC
Job Title:
Relief General Manager at Royco Hotels; General Manager at Hampton Inn & Suites By Hilton
Work Email:
Edward B Davis  |  Melbourne, Florida

Edward may go by Edward Davis Jr or Edward Bryan Davis and have relatives of Edward Joseph Davis Rd, Kimberly A Anacker and Eddie T Davis.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
252-332-3796, 919-562-3853, 912-576-3516
2600 Majestic Ave, Melbourne, FL ; 3208 Brentwood Ln, Melbourne, FL ; 204 Pine Bluff Way, Kingsland, GA
Edward Joseph Davis Rd, Kimberly A Anacker, Eddie T Davis
Seen As:
Edward Davis Jr, Edward Bryan Davis
Previous Locations:
Powellsville, NC; Harrellsville, NC; Wake Forest, NC; Stone Mountain, GA; Jacksonville, FL; Winter Park, FL; Lawrenceville, GA
Edward C Davis  |  Castle Hayne, North Carolina

Edward Davis may live at 110 Linville Dr in Castle Hayne, NC with an 910 area phone number and may have connections to L O Davis, Barbara Gail Davis and Lorraine T Drinkwater.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
910-632-7741, 910-602-1125, 910-798-8729
110 Linville Dr, Castle Hayne, NC ; 21 Pelican Point Rd, Wilmington, NC ; 214 Armstrong Rd, Wilmington, NC
L O Davis, Barbara Gail Davis, Lorraine T Drinkwater
Previous Locations:
Rochester, MN; Daytona Beach, FL; Viroqua, WI; Dover, MN; Richland Center, WI
Edward Charles Davis  |  Crystal Falls, Michigan

Edward Davis, also possibly known as Edward C Davis, has a last known location of 130 Maple St in Crystal Falls, MI using the 906-367-1836 phone number. Potential relatives are Mike David, Edward J Davis and Shelli A Brown.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
906-367-1836, 906-875-6508
130 Maple St, Crystal Falls, MI ; Po Box 46, Iron River, MI ; 1622 State Highway M69, Crystal Falls, MI
Mike David, Edward J Davis, Shelli A Brown
Seen As:
Edward C Davis, Ed Davis Jr, Edward Davis Ii, Edward J Davis
Previous Locations:
Marquette, MI; White Pigeon, MI; Three Rivers, MI
Edward W Davis  |  Dry Ridge, Kentucky

Edward Davis may live at 369 Claiborne Dr in Dry Ridge, KY with an 859 area phone number and may have connections to George R Davis, Ronald W Davis and Stephanie A Kopocs.

Age: 59
Phone Number: 
859-428-1325, 859-384-0859, 859-869-0363
369 Claiborne Dr, Dry Ridge, KY ; 25433 Colon Dr, Punta Gorda, FL ; 369 Clairborne Dr, Dry Ridge, KY
George R Davis, Ronald W Davis, Stephanie A Kopocs
@yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
William Davis, Ed Davis, William Edward Davis, Ed E Davis, Wm Davis
Previous Locations:
Union, KY; Independence, KY; Covington, KY
Work Email:
Edward C Davis  |  West Columbia, South Carolina
Age: 53
Phone Number: 
803-791-0962, 803-739-1600, 803-534-9555
1120 Blakely Ct, West Columbia, SC ; 143 Medical Cir, West Columbia, SC ; 1170 Boulevard St Ste F, Orangeburg, SC
Francis E Davis, Megan Shea McLaughlin, Megan M Lang
@yahoo.com, @sc.rr.com, @worldnet.att.net, @bellsouth.net
Previous Locations:
Salem, VA; Columbia, SC; Saint Louis, MO; Charleston, SC
Job Title:
Resident at Saint Louis University; Owner at Davis Orthodontics
Work Email:
Biology, Orthodontics; University Of South Carolina, Saint Louis University
Edward J Davis  |  Lexington, South Carolina

Edward Davis, also possibly known as Edward Jerode Davis, has a last known location of 265 Southbrook Dr in Lexington, SC using the 803-834-4511 phone number. Potential relatives are Kenji R Davis, Dwenell Davis and Geraldine S Davis.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
803-834-4511, 803-490-0844, 803-356-0212
265 Southbrook Dr, Lexington, SC ; 9401 Wilson Blvd Lot 328, Columbia, SC ; 1637 W Main St Lot 12, Lexington, SC
Kenji R Davis, Dwenell Davis, Geraldine S Davis
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
Edward Jerode Davis, Edward M Davis, Jerode Davis
Previous Locations:
Gadsden, SC; Hopkins, SC; Gaston, SC
Edward B Davis  |  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Edward Davis may live at 3517 Claremont Ave in Chattanooga, TN with an 423 area phone number and may have connections to E W Davis, Glendon T Davis and Linda L Davis.

Age: 44
Phone Number: 
423-596-5043, 423-322-7211, 706-965-6020
3517 Claremont Ave, Chattanooga, TN ; 889 Boynton Dr, Ringgold, GA ; 4312 South Ter, Chattanooga, TN
E W Davis, Glendon T Davis, Linda L Davis
@att.net, @juno.com, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Seen As:
Eddie Davis
Previous Locations:
Rocky Face, GA; Dalton, GA; Rossville, GA
Edward L Davis  |  Marshville, North Carolina

Edward Davis may live at 1520 Old Highway 74 in Marshville, NC with an 704 area phone number and may have connections to Adriane L Davis, Billy W Davis and James Davis.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
704-764-5706, 704-272-7015, 704-624-2991
1520 Old Highway 74, Marshville, NC ; 1016 Hamiltons Cross Rd, Marshville, NC ; 5606 S Rocky River Rd, Monroe, NC
Adriane L Davis, Billy W Davis, James Davis
Seen As:
Larry Davis, Edward B Davis, Edward Blair Davis, Edward Larry Davis Sr, Edward L Davis Sr
Previous Locations:
Peachland, NC; Charlotte, NC; Matthews, NC; Indian Trail, NC
Edward Davis  |  Minot, North Dakota

Edward may go by Edward Neweggcom Davis and have relatives of Belinda Jo Davis, Lois G Davis and Mildred Minnie Krueger.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
701-590-8326, 701-441-9326, 701-837-5622
1130 6th St NE, Minot, ND ; 2025 27th St SE Apt 10, Minot, ND ; 918 Valley St, Minot, ND
Belinda Jo Davis, Lois G Davis, Mildred Minnie Krueger
@yahoo.com, @mail.com, @aol.com, @hotmail.com
Seen As:
Edward Neweggcom Davis
Previous Locations:
Mandan, ND; Bismarck, ND
Edward L Davis  |  Stockbridge, Georgia
Age: 55
Phone Number: 
678-519-3355, 678-610-7628, 678-272-7616
1050 Rock Quarry Rd Apt 94, Stockbridge, GA ; 1001 Baywood Cir, Morrow, GA ; 1050 Rock Quarry Rd, Stockbridge, GA
Sebrina Davis, Dominique Davis, Lesa M Smith
Previous Locations:
Mcdonough, GA; Hampton, GA; Atlanta, GA; Jackson, GA; Sylvester, GA
Edward D Davis  |  Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Edward Davis may live at 6213 Crestridge Ave SW in Cedar Rapids, IA with an 651 area phone number and may have connections to Delores M Plan, Edward F Davis and Alice K Davis.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
651-554-9144, 651-554-8137, 651-552-7156
6213 Crestridge Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA ; 151 19th Ave N, South Saint Paul, MN ; 613 4th Ave S, South Saint Paul, MN
Delores M Plan, Edward F Davis, Alice K Davis
@peoplepc.com, @aol.com, @att.net, @netscape.net, @compuserve.com, @earthlink.net, @msn.com
Seen As:
Davis Edward, Edward David Davis
Previous Locations:
Salt Lake City, UT; Inver Grove Heights, MN
Edward G Davis  |  Washington, Missouri

Edward may go by Edward Glenn Davis and have relatives of Angela D Krolak, Ellis S Davis and Jacqueline R Emanuel.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
5104 Bethlehem Church Rd, Washington, MO ; 2364 Highway A, Washington, MO ; 230 Pinehurst Ln, Union, MO
Angela D Krolak, Ellis S Davis, Jacqueline R Emanuel
Seen As:
Edward Glenn Davis
Previous Locations:
Villa Ridge, MO; Labadie, MO; Saint Clair, MO; Beaufort, MO
Edward W Davis  |  Arnold, Missouri
Age: 51
Phone Number: 
636-548-8972, 636-223-2326, 636-223-2163
2855 Harmony Ridge Dr, Arnold, MO ; 800 Country Glen Dr, Imperial, MO ; 1007 Oak Canyon Pass, Imperial, MO
Billie J Brashier, Angela M Davis, Jessica Davis
@yahoo.com, @charter.net, @gmail.com, @netzero.com
Previous Locations:
Saint Louis, MO; Barnhart, MO; Bonne Terre, MO
Work Email:
Edward P Davis  |  Branford, Connecticut
Age: 48
Phone Number: 
610-892-3893, 610-892-2715, 610-892-2565
60 Turtle Bay Dr, Branford, CT ; 120 Short Beach Rd # 10d, Branford, CT ; 510 N Lemon St Apt D3, Media, PA
Edward C Davis, Ann D Davis, Ann Davis
Previous Locations:
Milmay, NJ; West Deptford, NJ; Bridgeton, NJ
Edward B Davis  |  Vicksburg, Mississippi
Age: 53
Phone Number: 
601-883-1633, 601-631-2712
2727 Alcorn Dr Apt 27, Vicksburg, MS ; Po Box 821511, Vicksburg, MS ; 409 Locust St, Vicksburg, MS
Bernard Brooks Brooks, Loretta A Davis, Mary G Davis
Previous Locations:
Milwaukee, WI
Edward Davis  |  West Palm Beach, Florida

Edward may go by Edward Martin Davis and have relatives of Eddie L Davis, Cynthia Johnson and Nanie Davis.

Age: 44
Phone Number: 
561-584-0352, 561-294-4072, 561-471-7610
1830 Abbey Rd Apt 206, West Palm Beach, FL ; 2320 Seminole Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL ; 3627 Townhouse Ct, West Palm Beach, FL
Eddie L Davis, Cynthia Johnson, Nanie Davis
@hotmail.com, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
Edward Martin Davis
Previous Locations:
Riviera Beach, FL; New Orleans, LA
Edward A Davis  |  Smyrna, Georgia

Edward Davis may live at 708 Tibarron Pkwy SE in Smyrna, GA with an 404 area phone number and may have connections to Belinda R Davis, Gloria Davis and William Davis.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
404-271-7623, 404-909-4506, 404-792-7138
708 Tibarron Pkwy SE, Smyrna, GA ; 1269 W 20th St, Jacksonville, FL ; 2708 SE Norseman Dr # 17, Smyrna, GA
Belinda R Davis, Gloria Davis, William Davis
@gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @bellsouth.net, @qwest.net, @aol.com, @hotmail.com, @address.com, @webtv.net
Seen As:
Ed Davis
Previous Locations:
Atlanta, GA; Norcross, GA; Roswell, GA
Work Email:
@refercentral.com, @refmaker.net, @refricentral.com, @zwallet.com, @thefreecash.co.csc
Edward Davis  |  Cocoa, Florida

Edward Davis may live at 1628 Fay St in Cocoa, FL with an 321 area phone number and may have connections to James Davis, M Davis and Irene Davis.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
321-208-4205, 321-636-1724, 321-633-7479
1628 Fay St, Cocoa, FL ; 1335 Bee St N, Orange Park, FL ; 813 Mediterranean Ln, Cocoa, FL
James Davis, M Davis, Irene Davis
Seen As:
Edward E Davis Jr, Edward Earl Davis Jr
Edward E Davis  |  Canton, Mississippi

Edward Davis may live at 103 Channing Cir in Canton, MS with an 318 area phone number and may have connections to Kathy M Brooks, Delia E Davis and Laura E Mosley.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
318-647-5336, 601-667-3520, 318-647-3336
103 Channing Cir, Canton, MS ; 107 Bayou Rd, Rayville, LA ; 2997 51st Ave, Gulfport, MS
Kathy M Brooks, Delia E Davis, Laura E Mosley
@att.net, @worldnet.att.net
Seen As:
Edward Davis Ronald Jr, Ronald Davis, Ronald Edward Davis, Edward Davis Ronald, Edward R Davis Jr, Ronald E Davis Jr, Edward E Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Mer Rouge, LA; Long Beach, MS
Edward Davis  |  Saint Louis, Missouri

Edward Davis may live at 1383 Blackstone Ave in Saint Louis, MO with an 314 area phone number and may have connections to Peggy L Davis, Eddie L Davis and Isaiah Davis.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
314-454-9242, 314-771-1615, 314-776-0068
1383 Blackstone Ave, Saint Louis, MO ; 3679 S Broadway S Apt E, Saint Louis, MO ; 1416 Belt Ave, Saint Louis, MO
Peggy L Davis, Eddie L Davis, Isaiah Davis
Seen As:
Edward A Davis, Edward A Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Bridgeton, MO
Edward G Davis  |  Detroit, Michigan

Edward Davis may live at 6421 Piedmont St in Detroit, MI with an 313 area phone number and may have connections to Teneni Brown, Stephanie L Ayers and Regina M Kirk.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
313-441-4514, 313-740-7373, 313-491-4527
6421 Piedmont St, Detroit, MI ; 15859 Braile St, Detroit, MI ; 6229 Apa Ln, Lithonia, GA
Teneni Brown, Stephanie L Ayers, Regina M Kirk
@yahoo.com, @att.net, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Edward M Davis, Edward E Davis, Edward J Davis, Edward G Davis Jr, Edward Gene Davis Sr
Previous Locations:
Lansing, MI; Monroe, MI
Edward B Davis  |  Tyrone, Pennsylvania
Age: 49
Phone Number: 
814-355-0410, 814-235-1643, 267-335-4961
1261 Logan Ave, Tyrone, PA ; 10 Vairo Blvd Apt 217a, State College, PA ; 614 E Howard St, Bellefonte, PA
Jean A Davis, Vanya M Yoder, Frank G Davis
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA; Huntingdon, PA
Work Email:
Edward W Davis  |  Holly, Michigan

Edward Davis may live at 11429 Dixie Hwy in Holly, MI with an 248 area phone number and may have connections to Deborah K Snowden and Debra S Davis.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
248-307-1615, 270-525-6611, 248-369-8551
11429 Dixie Hwy, Holly, MI ; 912 11th St, Port Huron, MI ; 931 Minnie St, Port Huron, MI
Deborah K Snowden, Debra S Davis
@address.com, @aol.com, @hotmail.com, @sbcglobal.net, @netscape.net, @yahoo.com, @nc.rr.com
Previous Locations:
Troy, MI; Burtchville, MI; Central City, KY
Work Email:
Edward M Davis  |  Saint Paul, Minnesota
Age: 62
1335 Minnehaha Ave E, Saint Paul, MN ; 9613 Flintwood St NW, Minneapolis, MN ; 7793 Hemingway Ave S, Cottage Grove, MN
Deanna L Davis, Ed Davis, Mia A Davis
@aol.com, @lycos.com, @msn.com
Seen As:
Edward R Davis, Edward Martin Davis
Previous Locations:
Champlin, MN; Becker, MN
Edward Davis  |  Trenton, New Jersey

Edward Davis may live at 357 Parkway Ave in Trenton, NJ with an 609 area phone number and may have connections to Terri Davison, Edward A Davies and Beverly Hutchinson.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
609-695-5378, 609-394-5702, 609-218-5649
357 Parkway Ave, Trenton, NJ ; 12 Wiscassett Ave, Ewing, NJ ; 326 Chestnut Ave Apt 4, Trenton, NJ
Terri Davison, Edward A Davies, Beverly Hutchinson
@hotmail.com, @msn.com
Seen As:
Edward Davis Rd, Ed Davis
Edward E Davis  |  Houma, Louisiana
Age: 60
Phone Number: 
706-655-3792, 302-697-6349
508 Mozart Dr, Houma, LA ; 464 Gouaux Ave Apt B, Houma, LA ; 15 Hammett Way, Sharpsburg, GA
Betty L Davis, Thomas M Davis, Maria D Convis
Previous Locations:
Chauvin, LA; Manchester, GA; Lagrange, GA; Warm Springs, GA; Palm Bay, FL; Shiloh, GA
Edward W Davis  |  Madisonville, Louisiana

Edward Davis, also possibly known as Eddie Davis, has a last known location of 113 Hano Rd in Madisonville, LA using the 985-845-8345 phone number. Potential relatives are Karin L Gober.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
985-845-8345, 985-845-7674, 985-384-0829
113 Hano Rd, Madisonville, LA ; 316 Pencarrow Cir, Madisonville, LA ; 2204 Elm St, Morgan City, LA
Karin L Gober
Seen As:
Eddie Davis
Previous Locations:
New Orleans, LA; Berwick, LA
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Edward Davis Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Davis over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Edward Davis

What is Edward Davis' address?
Edward Davis' address is 345 West St Apt 1, Leominster, Massachusetts 1453. Edward may also have lived in Buffalo Valley, TN, and Detroit, MI.
What is Edward Davis' phone number?
Edward Davis' phone number is 931-858-6375. Other phone numbers for Edward Davis may include 919-713-4326 and 919-673-2016.
What is Edward Davis' age?
Average age for Edward Davis is 55 years old.
What is Edward Davis' email address?
Edward Davis' email address is davise******@gmail.com. We have 3 additional emails on file for Edward.

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