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Need to find information on Linda Davis? We found 7780 records in 13 states for Linda in our US person directory. You could find out more about likely matches by searching for contact detail matches, prospective employment histories, house addresses and smartphone number records. The typical Linda is around 60 years old with about 53% falling into the 51-60 age bracket. See more...
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
Linda may go by Lnda M Davis and have relatives of James G McMeins, Katherine Sutler and Katie Faler.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda Kay Davis, has a last known location of 3718 Bellefontaine Ave in Kansas City, MO using the 816-569-5672 phone number. Potential relatives are Tamika Davis, Linda J Davis and Doristene Davis.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda J Davis, has a last known location of 10525 Monaco Dr Apt 164 in Jacksonville, FL using the 904-880-7435 phone number. Potential relatives are Tremaina Davis, Natasha N Davis and Michael Bell.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda K Davis, has a last known location of 795 Roxbury Rd Apt D in Shippensburg, PA using the 717-776-3649 phone number. Potential relatives are Michael Dewalt, Amos A Dewalt and Michael K Dewalt.
Linda may go by Linda L Davis and have relatives of Linda J Davis, Linda Godbey and Corey Davis.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda T Davis, has a last known location of 41 Eastgate Cir in Fayetteville, TN using the 601-949-8902 phone number. Potential relatives are Alfred C Davis, Laquita Davis and Linda L Davis.
Linda Davis may live at 61 Hunters Gap Loop in Pottsville, AR with an 480 area phone number and may have connections to Larry Chris Terry, Jody Melton White and Amber McCoy.
Linda Davis may live at 4900 Lyon Heart Dr Apt L in Owings Mills, MD with an 410 area phone number and may have connections to Courtney A Randall, Bathsheba M Smithery and Kenneth Eugene Randall.
Linda may go by Linda L Davis or Linda Lightfoot Davis and have relatives of Nora C Davis, Larry D Wamley and Patricia A Davis.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda G Davis, has a last known location of 1222 S Maple Ave in Bartlesville, OK using the 405-880-4002 phone number. Potential relatives are Waynita F Davis, Kenneth J Davis and Susan E Straley.
Linda may go by Linda K Davis and have relatives of Linda R Davis, Lausanne M Carpenter and Betty M Davis.
Linda may go by Linda D Nix Davis or Linda D Nix-Davis and have relatives of James E Nix, Donald Nix and Candee M Nix.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Linda Robinson Davis, has a last known location of 102 Amber St in Fitzgerald, GA using the 478-474-6723 phone number. Potential relatives are Emma Jean Davis, Elva Dell Manley and Gary L Davis.
Linda Davis, also possibly known as Lynda Davis, has a last known location of 1507 Beaver Valley Pike in Willow Street, PA using the 978-833-1540 phone number. Potential relatives are Ruth Rhoads, Phyllis A Davis and Amy B Mowery.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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