Need to find information on Sandi Carr? We found 16 records in 10 states for Sandi in our US person directory. You could find out more about likely matches by searching for contact detail matches, prospective employment histories, house addresses and smartphone number records. The typical Sandi is around 70 years old with about 86% falling into the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Sandi L Carr in Austin, Colorado  |  Age Age: 77
Sandi Carr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 9661 Kebler Rd, Austin, CO
  • 480 N Grand Mesa Dr, Cedaredge, CO
  • Po Box 140142, Denver, CO
Sandi Carr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 970-835-3397
Sandi Carr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sandi B Carr in West End, North Carolina  |  Age Age: 69
Sandi Carr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 527 7 Lks N, West End, NC
  • 110 NE 14th St, Oak Island, NC
  • 112 5th St, Durham, NC
Sandi Carr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 910-400-5350
Sandi Carr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sandi P Carr  |  Knoxville, Tennessee

Sandi Carr, also possibly known as Sandy Carr, has a last known location of 4228 Holloway Dr in Knoxville, TN using the 956-457-7645 phone number. Potential relatives are Duwayne H Powers, Karen E Mayes and Alyson Carr.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
956-457-7645, 865-633-9875
4228 Holloway Dr, Knoxville, TN ; 334 Galveston Rd, Brownsville, TX ; 217 Melton Hill Dr, Clinton, TN
Duwayne H Powers, Karen E Mayes, Alyson Carr
Seen As:
Sandy Carr, Sandl Carr, Andra D Carr, Andra Carr, Sandra Carr, Sandra Dee Carr
Job Title:
Pellissippi State Community College
Sandi Carr  |  Denver, Colorado

Sandi Carr may live at 1861 S Shoshone St in Denver, CO with an 720 area phone number and may have connections to Alice Carr and Richard L Carr.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
1861 S Shoshone St, Denver, CO ; 4388 Garland St, Wheat Ridge, CO ; 1424 Ames St, Lakewood, CO
Alice Carr, Richard L Carr
Previous Locations:
Arvada, CO
Sandi O Carr  |  Queen Creek, Arizona

Sandi may go by Sandra Carr and have relatives of Antoinette M Carr, Alison M Carr and Heather R Carr.

Age: 79
Phone Number: 
801-225-1891, 480-396-3105, 480-888-8275
20816 S Antonius St, Queen Creek, AZ ; 3452 N Olympic, Mesa, AZ ; 8510 Sunridge Rd, Lincoln, NE
Antoinette M Carr, Alison M Carr, Heather R Carr
Seen As:
Sandra Carr
Previous Locations:
Orem, UT
Sandi S Carr  |  Conifer, Colorado

Sandi may go by Sandy L Carr and have relatives of Todd Everett Adams, Michael J Adams and Norman D Carr.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
303-718-6215, 720-252-9184, 303-999-9999
30856 Kings Valley Way, Conifer, CO ; Po Box 140142, Denver, CO ; 820 E Applewood Ave, Centennial, CO
Todd Everett Adams, Michael J Adams, Norman D Carr
Seen As:
Sandy L Carr
Sandi J Carr  |  Fayetteville, North Carolina
Age: 75
890 Kaywood Dr, Fayetteville, NC ; 890 Kaywood Dr # 103, Fayetteville, NC
Donald S Carr
Sandi K Carr  |  Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Sandi Carr may live at 250 Sandstone Dr NE in Rio Rancho, NM with an 505 area phone number and may have connections to Kathleen A Reese, Isabel R Carr and Robert J Carr.

Phone Number: 
505-892-9867, 505-994-1013
250 Sandstone Dr NE, Rio Rancho, NM ; Po Box 3760, Edgewood, NM ; 9600 Central Ave SW Trlr 86, Albuquerque, NM
Kathleen A Reese, Isabel R Carr, Robert J Carr
Seen As:
Sandy K Carr
Work Email:
Sandi L Carr  |  Parish, New York
29 County Route 45, Parish, NY
Barbara J Carr, Donna L Carr, Heather Carr
Sandi Carr  |  Lancaster, Ohio
Age: 77
1236 Sheridan Dr, Lancaster, OH ; 242 Weis St, Logan, OH ; 16885 Purdum Rd, Logan, OH
Timothy E Carr, Austin Coen, Jason E Coen
Previous Locations:
Nelsonville, OH
Sandi Dee Carr  |  Cincinnati, Ohio

Sandi Carr may live at 3131 Sunshine Ave in Cincinnati, OH with an 513 area phone number and may have connections to Sandra F Carr, Alicia Carr and Sarah E Carr.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
3131 Sunshine Ave, Cincinnati, OH ; 922 York St, Cincinnati, OH ; 2021 Sundale Ave, Cincinnati, OH
Sandra F Carr, Alicia Carr, Sarah E Carr
Seen As:
Sandy Carr, Sandi D Carr, Sandra D Carr, Sandra Carr
Sandi J Carr  |  Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 70
2615 W Gary Ave Unit 2044, Las Vegas, NV ; 9655 Cow Pony Dr, Las Vegas, NV ; 8011 Vision St, Las Vegas, NV
Eve Mann, Arnold Mann
Seen As:
Sandra J Carr
Previous Locations:
North Hollywood, CA; Playa Del Rey, CA; Los Angeles, CA
Sandi J Carr  |  Spokane Valley, Washington

Sandi Carr, also possibly known as Sandra Carr, has a last known location of 11222 E 33rd Ave in Spokane Valley, WA using the 509-475-3430 phone number. Potential relatives are Harry J Carr, J M Carr and Conrad J Carr.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
509-475-3430, 509-926-0622
11222 E 33rd Ave, Spokane Valley, WA ; 12211 E 26th Ave, Spokane Valley, WA ; 1706 N Glenn Rd, Spokane Valley, WA
Harry J Carr, J M Carr, Conrad J Carr
Seen As:
Sandra Carr, Carr Sandra, Sandra L Carr
Sandi L Carr  |  San Antonio, Texas

Sandi may go by Sandra Carr Young, Sandra L Carryoung, Sandra Carr-Young, Sandi Carr-Young, Sandra Carr Young, Sandra Lee Carryoung, Sandi Carr Young, Sandra L Carr-Young or Sandra Lee Carr-Young and have relatives of Elizabeth J Carr, Arnette Pemberton and Roger B Pemberton.

Age: 75
Phone Number: 
903-396-7611, 210-496-0383, 210-346-1662
151 Grassmarket, San Antonio, TX ; 4050 Running Spgs, San Antonio, TX ; 3102 Blanco Pass, San Antonio, TX
Elizabeth J Carr, Arnette Pemberton, Roger B Pemberton
Seen As:
Sandra Carr Young, Sandra L Carryoung, Sandra Carr-Young, Sandi Carr-Young, Sandra Carr Young, Sandra Lee Carryoung, Sandi Carr Young, Sandra L Carr-Young, Sandra Lee Carr-Young
Previous Locations:
Kerens, TX
Sandi L Carr  |  Federal Way, Washington

Sandi Carr, also possibly known as Sandi Lee Massey-Carr, has a last known location of 419 SW 327th Pl in Federal Way, WA using the 253-209-4143 phone number. Potential relatives are Becky Adams, Richard L Massey and Theresa L Lynn.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
253-209-4143, 253-568-0318, 253-944-1265
419 SW 327th Pl, Federal Way, WA ; Po Box 24015, Federal Way, WA ; 23000 S 43rd Ct, Auburn, WA
Becky Adams, Richard L Massey, Theresa L Lynn
Seen As:
Sandi Lee Massey-Carr, Sandy Carr, Sandy L Carr, Sandi L Massey-Carr
Previous Locations:
Edgewood, WA; Tacoma, WA
Work Email:
Sandi M Carr  |  Humble, Texas
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
14619 Logan Falls Ln, Humble, TX ; 5010 Woodway Dr Apt 124, Houston, TX ; 1920 Augusta Dr Apt 11, Houston, TX
Cathy E Coffee, Curtis H Martin, Joseph E Martin
Previous Locations:
Sugar Land, TX
Work Email:
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Public records available for people named Sandi Carr

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Sandi Carr Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Carr over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Sandi Carr

What is Sandi Carr's address?
Sandi Carr's address is 9661 Kebler Rd, Austin, Colorado 81410.
What is Sandi Carr's phone number?
Sandi Carr's phone number is 910-400-5350. Other phone numbers for Sandi Carr may include 865-633-9875 and 956-457-7645.
What is Sandi Carr's age?
Average age for Sandi Carr is 70 years old.
What is Sandi Carr's email address?
Sandi Carr's email address is carr**** We have 3 additional emails on file for Sandi.

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