We found 3 records in 3 states for Oscar Balde in our US directory. The top state of residence is South Carolina, followed by Michigan. The average Oscar Balde is around 76 years of age with around 50% falling in the 41-60 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...

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Oscar C Balde  |  Westland, Michigan

Oscar Balde, also possibly known as Oscar Campos Balde, has a last known location of 38324 N Jean Ct in Westland, MI using the 843-728-9547 phone number. Potential relatives are Oscar G Balde, Maria G Balde and Efigenia G Balde.

Age: 92
Phone Number: 
843-728-9547, 734-735-5282, 734-728-9547
38324 N Jean Ct, Westland, MI ; 1639 Shoemaker Dr, Westland, MI ; 8230 N Ridgebrook Dr, North Charleston, SC
Oscar G Balde, Maria G Balde, Efigenia G Balde
Seen As:
Oscar Campos Balde, Oscar G Balde Sr
Oscar G Balde  |  Summerville, South Carolina

Oscar may go by Oscar G Balde Sr, Oscar C Balde, Oscar Gonzales Balde, Oscar Baldejr, Gonzales Balde Oscar, Oscar F Balde or Oscar G Balde Jr and have relatives of Frank G Balde, Lloyd G Blake and Efigenia G Balde.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
803-465-2264, 843-552-0774, 734-728-9547
271 Coosawatchie St, Summerville, SC ; 8230 N Ridgebrook Dr, North Charleston, SC ; 38324 N Jean Ct, Westland, MI
Frank G Balde, Lloyd G Blake, Efigenia G Balde
@aol.com, @hotmail.com, @juno.com, @yahoo.com, @sc.rr.com
Seen As:
Oscar G Balde Sr, Oscar C Balde, Oscar Gonzales Balde, Oscar Baldejr, Gonzales Balde Oscar, Oscar F Balde, Oscar G Balde Jr
Oscar Balde  |  Albany, New York
28 Cortland Pl, Albany, NY
Oscar is last known to have resided in Albany, New York. We may have email addresses and phone numbers associated with Oscar along with known relatives. Run a full report on Oscar to uncover additional details.

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FAQ: Learn more about Oscar Balde

What is Oscar Balde's address?
Oscar Balde's address is 38324 N Jean Ct, Westland, Michigan 48186.
What is Oscar Balde's phone number?
Oscar Balde's phone number is 734-728-9547..
What is Oscar Balde's age?
Average age for Oscar Balde is 76 years old.

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