You could find the Maritza Collazo you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to Maritza's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 45 records in 9 states for people matching the Maritza Collazo name. See more...

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Maritza Collazo in Tampa, Florida  |  Age Age: 56
Maritza Collazo addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1905 E 98th Ave, Tampa, FL
  • Po Box 161, Saint Just, PR
  • Saint Just, Carolina, PR
Maritza Collazo phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 813-935-7837,
  • 813-935-3578
Maritza Collazo relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Maritza Hesly Collazo in Miami, Florida  |  Age Age: 48
Maritza Collazo addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 20814 SW 125th Court Rd, Miami, FL
  • 16160 SW 107th Pl, Miami, FL
  • 11260 SW 164th St, Miami, FL
Maritza Collazo phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 786-250-3027,
  • 305-218-0793
Maritza Collazo relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Maritza Collazo  |  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
717-433-8639, 717-238-1329
2128 N 5th St Apt 5, Harrisburg, PA ; 1813 Sycamore St, Harrisburg, PA ; 336 Harris St, Harrisburg, PA
Andrea L Colon, Nilsa Collazo, Jeremias Luis Colon
Previous Locations:
San Juan, PR; Carolina, PR
Maritza Collazo  |  Belle Isle, Florida

Maritza may go by Maritza I Collazo, Collazo Maritza Rivera or Maritza Ines Collazo and have relatives of Inez P Dejesus, Hector Rivera and Edwin Trujillo.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
407-914-3007, 407-273-0016, 702-260-0386
4555 Cove Dr Apt 105, Belle Isle, FL ; 1367 Marsh Creek Ln, Orlando, FL ; 4555 Cove Dr, Belle Isle, FL
Inez P Dejesus, Hector Rivera, Edwin Trujillo
Seen As:
Maritza I Collazo, Collazo Maritza Rivera, Maritza Ines Collazo
Previous Locations:
Burleson, TX; Isabela, PR; Oviedo, FL; Henderson, NV
Work Email:
Maritza Collazo  |  Altamonte Springs, Florida
Age: 69
Phone Number: 
407-681-7952, 407-951-5040, 407-637-2372
830 Orienta Ave Apt B, Altamonte Springs, FL ; 1000 Douglas Ave Apt 68, Altamonte Springs, FL ; 1086 Douglas Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL
Shantae Collazo, Samuel Collazo, Jessica Collazo
Previous Locations:
Winter Park, FL; Orlando, FL; Winter Springs, FL; Sanford, FL
Maritza Ai Collazo  |  Orlando, Florida

Maritza Collazo, also possibly known as Martiza Collazo, has a last known location of 3846 Curry Ford Rd in Orlando, FL using the 407-257-5652 phone number. Potential relatives are Julia Crispin and Maria Collazo.

Age: 66
Phone Number: 
407-257-5652, 407-342-2014, 321-235-9410
3846 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, FL ; 1007 Pinar Dr, Orlando, FL ; 2212 S Chickasaw Trl, Orlando, FL
Julia Crispin, Maria Collazo
Seen As:
Martiza Collazo, Maritza I Collazo
Previous Locations:
Miami, FL
Maritza Collazo  |  Miami Lakes, Florida

Maritza Collazo, also possibly known as Maritza Ai Collazo, has a last known location of 7108 Bedlington Rd in Miami Lakes, FL using the 305-556-8579 phone number. Potential relatives are Carmen M Collazo, Orlando R Perez and Yamilka Robles.

Age: 67
Phone Number: 
7108 Bedlington Rd, Miami Lakes, FL ; 954 W 22nd St, Hialeah, FL ; 7108 Bedlington Rd, Hialeah, FL
Carmen M Collazo, Orlando R Perez, Yamilka Robles
Seen As:
Maritza Ai Collazo
Previous Locations:
Orlando, FL; Bronx, NY
Maritza H Collazo  |  Miami, Florida

Maritza Collazo may live at 20814 SW 125th Court Rd in Miami, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Maria A Hernandez, Miriam L Fernandez and Hugo A Hernandez.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
305-480-2027, 786-228-5425, 305-259-5926
20814 SW 125th Court Rd, Miami, FL ; 20314 SW 129th Pl, Miami, FL ; 840 SW 105th Ave Apt 318, Miami, FL
Maria A Hernandez, Miriam L Fernandez, Hugo A Hernandez
Previous Locations:
North Miami Beach, FL
Maritza Collazo Collazo  |  Miramar, Florida

Maritza Collazo, also possibly known as Maritza Collazo Zapata, has a last known location of 5124 SW 155th Ave in Miramar, FL using the 305-205-5534 phone number. Potential relatives are Anthony Matos, Maria E Zapata and Jessica Matos.

Age: 59
Phone Number: 
5124 SW 155th Ave, Miramar, FL ; 211 Las Palmas St, Royal Palm Beach, FL ; 651 SW 109th Ave Apt 203, Pembroke Pines, FL
Anthony Matos, Maria E Zapata, Jessica Matos
Seen As:
Maritza Collazo Zapata, Maritza Collazo Matos, Maritza C Collazo
Previous Locations:
Hollywood, FL; Miami, FL; Miami Shores, FL
Maritza Collazo  |  New Castle, Delaware
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
302-290-4086, 302-324-8153
22 Aidone Dr, New Castle, DE ; 4 Tana Ct, Newark, DE ; 249 Ridgemont Dr, Pontiac, MI
Maritza Rodriguez, Yaralix Garcia, Myrna C Ortiz
Previous Locations:
Juana Diaz, PR
Work Email:
Maritza Collazo  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 61
Phone Number: 
3532 Stouton St, Philadelphia, PA ; 6121 Shisler St, Philadelphia, PA ; 100 E Ruscomb St # 2, Philadelphia, PA
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Maritza M Collazo  |  New York, New York

Maritza Collazo may live at 245 E 93rd St Apt 4b in New York, NY with an 646 area phone number and may have connections to Ivette Andreu and Gilbert G Collazo.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
646-590-1950, 212-369-5938
245 E 93rd St Apt 4b, New York, NY ; 245 E 93rd St, New York, NY ; 10371 SW 150th Pl Apt 5201, Miami, FL
Ivette Andreu, Gilbert G Collazo
Previous Locations:
Queens Village, NY
Maritza Collazo  |  Buffalo, New York
Age: 62
47 Sprenger Ave, Buffalo, NY ; 64 Stewart Ave, Buffalo, NY ; 172 Herkimer St Apt 1, Buffalo, NY
Carmen Rita Fernandez, Francisca Martinez, Frank Rodriguez
Maritza Collazo  |  Orlando, Florida
Age: 42
3846 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, FL ; 509 S Chickasaw Trl # 318, Orlando, FL ; 1635 Via Pilar, Orlando, FL
Humberto A Collazo, Andres Collazo, Isabel Collazo
Maritza Collazo  |  New York, New York
Age: 63
195 Nagle Ave Apt 11f, New York, NY ; 82 Wadsworth Ter Apt 6d, New York, NY ; 96 Wadsworth Ter Apt 3e, New York, NY
Alberto Collazo, Miguel A Collazo
Maritza Collazo  |  Stephens City, Virginia
Age: 60
118 Slippery Elm Dr, Stephens City, VA ; 40 Lukens Ave, Brentwood, NY ; 101 S Shenandoah Ave, Front Royal, VA
Marta Ramirez, Wanda Ramirez, Miguel A Collazo
Previous Locations:
Brooklyn, NY
Maritza L Collazo  |  Erie, Pennsylvania
Age: 53
2050 E 10th St Apt 5, Erie, PA ; 1358 Swiss Ln, Deltona, FL ; 2135 Gladstone Ct # 2, Erie, PA
Anna Collazo, Pedro Quinones, Jose M Collazo
Maritza Collazo  |  Yonkers, New York

Maritza Collazo may live at 118 Beech St in Yonkers, NY with an 914 area phone number and may have connections to Luis A Collazo, Maritza Collazo and Fremior Collazo.

Phone Number: 
914-843-0945, 914-751-5798
118 Beech St, Yonkers, NY ; 118 Beech St Apt 2, Yonkers, NY
Luis A Collazo, Maritza Collazo, Fremior Collazo
Maritza Collazo  |  Stamford, Connecticut
236 Greenwich Ave, Stamford, CT
Maritza Collazo  |  Bridgeport, Connecticut
752 Capitol Ave Apt 1, Bridgeport, CT
Maritza Collazo  |  New Bedford, Massachusetts
Phone Number: 
114 Clark St, New Bedford, MA
Maritza Collazo  |  Springfield, Massachusetts
Phone Number: 
122 Chestnut St, Springfield, MA
Maritza Collazo  |  Springfield, Massachusetts
Phone Number: 
122 Chestnut St Apt 314, Springfield, MA
Maritza Collazo  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Maritza Collazo may live at 1127 S 50th St in Milwaukee, WI with an 414 area phone number and may have connections to Blanca Castro, Luis S Collazo and Addylane L Callazo.

Phone Number: 
414-273-1340, 414-671-6767
1127 S 50th St, Milwaukee, WI ; 710 W Bruce St, Milwaukee, WI
Blanca Castro, Luis S Collazo, Addylane L Callazo
Maritza C Collazo  |  Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania
9576 Millwood Dr, Tobyhanna, PA
Anne L Collazo, Kristopher Collazo
Maritza H Collazo  |  Homestead, Florida
Phone Number: 
207 N Krome Ave, Homestead, FL
Maritza Collazo  |  Yonkers, New York
Age: 63
118 Beech St Apt 3, Yonkers, NY
Luis A Collazo, Maritza Collazo, Evangelist Collazo
Maritza Collazo  |  Newark, New Jersey
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
Po Box 7506, Newark, NJ ; 287 Orange St Apt 1, Newark, NJ ; 624 Nye Ave Apt 7r, Irvington, NJ
Angeles Collazo, Sacha Vega, Jose M Florian
Previous Locations:
Paterson, NJ; Kearny, NJ; Camden, NJ; Hudson, NY; Harrison, NJ
Maritza A Collazo  |  North Bergen, New Jersey
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
201-864-1127, 201-863-1680
8520 2nd Ave # 2, North Bergen, NJ ; 3811 Palisade Ave Apt 1, Union City, NJ ; 109 Etna St # 3, Brooklyn, NY
Juan Nia Gutierrez, James Collazo, Linda J Kingsmore
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Maritza E Collazo  |  North Bergen, New Jersey

Maritza may go by Mantza Collazo and have relatives of Portia Dawson Collazo, M Collazo and Angel Delacruz.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
845-651-6045, 718-833-0791
911 88th St, North Bergen, NJ ; 42 Farries Ave, Florida, NY ; 7855 Boulevard E Apt 10b, North Bergen, NJ
Portia Dawson Collazo, M Collazo, Angel Delacruz
Seen As:
Mantza Collazo
Previous Locations:
Brooklyn, NY
Job Title:
Senior Manager Equal Opportunity at Internal Revenue Service
Work Email:
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FAQ: Learn more about Maritza Collazo

What is Maritza Collazo's address?
Maritza Collazo's address is 1905 E 98th Ave, Tampa, Florida 33612.
What is Maritza Collazo's phone number?
Maritza Collazo's phone number is 786-250-3027. Other phone numbers for Maritza Collazo may include 717-238-1329 and 717-433-8639.
What is Maritza Collazo's age?
Average age for Maritza Collazo is 61 years old.
What is Maritza Collazo's email address?
Maritza Collazo's email address is maritza*******

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