You could find the Louis Weinstein you are looking for by searching through our US directory. Locate available information about potential matches to Louis' contact information, employment, work history, and residency locations. Our US names directory contains around 67 records in 13 states for people matching the Louis Weinstein name. See more...

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Louis Weinstein in Tamarac, Florida  |  Age Age: 114
Louis Weinstein addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 9300 Lime Bay Blvd Apt 115, Tamarac, FL
  • 9300 Lime Bay Blvd, Tamarac, FL
  • 5022 Fort Hamilton Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY
Louis Weinstein phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-721-5211,
  • 305-721-5211
Louis Weinstein in Boynton Beach, Florida  |  Age Age: 101
Louis Weinstein addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 9702 Sail Palm Ct, Boynton Beach, FL
  • 12205 SW 69th Pl, Miami, FL
  • 13350 SW 1st St Apt 209, Pembroke Pines, FL
Louis Weinstein phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-442-9776,
  • 718-253-8458,
  • 954-444-2676
Louis W Weinstein  |  Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Age: 84
Phone Number: 
919-418-6269, 919-933-3578
103 Winston Ridge Dr, Chapel Hill, NC ; 2103 N Brandywine St, Arlington, VA ; 1648 N Greenbrier St, Arlington, VA
Jason Glenn Weinstein, Dezra S Sweeney, Lydia L Edwards
Previous Locations:
Warrenton, VA
Louis Martin Weinstein  |  Hampton, Virginia

Louis Weinstein may live at 71 Cavalier Rd in Hampton, VA with an 757 area phone number and may have connections to Al D Weinstein, Harvey E Weinstein and Lisa W Mazzei.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
757-812-1456, 757-727-6977
71 Cavalier Rd, Hampton, VA ; 55 Queens Ct, Newport News, VA ; Po Box 936, Hayes, VA
Al D Weinstein, Harvey E Weinstein, Lisa W Mazzei
Seen As:
Luis Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia

Louis Weinstein may live at 865 Windom Pl in Virginia Beach, VA with an 757 area phone number and may have connections to Louis Weinstein, Carolyn Sheila Richa and Dorothy A Weinstein.

Age: 109
Phone Number: 
757-813-4846, 757-340-4060
865 Windom Pl, Virginia Beach, VA ; 2920 Saturn St, Virginia Beach, VA ; 3809 Piping Rock Ln, Virginia Beach, VA
Louis Weinstein, Carolyn Sheila Richa, Dorothy A Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Scarsdale, New York
Age: 87
Phone Number: 
914-693-9395, 914-693-9554, 718-229-8625
203 Sprain Rd, Scarsdale, NY ; 6950 218th St, Oakland Gardens, NY ; 555 Kappock St, Scarsdale, NY
Allan D Weinstein, Sue Weinstein, Jonathan H Weinstein
Previous Locations:
Woodside, NY; New York, NY; Hartsdale, NY
Work Email:
Louis W Weinstein  |  Rosemount, Minnesota
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
651-238-3331, 651-460-4501, 651-423-1775
13587 Atrium Ave, Rosemount, MN ; 18856 Everest Path, Farmington, MN ; 912 McIntosh Dr, Saint Paul, MN
Nikol A Sherwood, Stuart R Weinstein, Barbara J Goy
Previous Locations:
Orlando, FL; Minneapolis, MN; Minot, ND
Job Title:
Project Management at Unitedhealth Group; Architect at Microsoft
Work Email:,,
Computer Science; Minot State University
Louis P Weinstein  |  West Newton, Massachusetts
Age: 117
Phone Number: 
26 Greylock Rd, West Newton, MA ; 186 Walden St, Concord, MA ; 22 Greylock Rd, Allston, MA
E Weinstein, Ethel R Weinstein
Previous Locations:
Roslindale, MA
Louis Weinstein  |  Boynton Beach, Florida
Age: 117
Phone Number: 
561-400-4670, 561-689-5068, 561-735-0994
6742 Garde Rd, Boynton Beach, FL ; 8224 S Jog Rd Apt 229, Boynton Beach, FL ; 8224 S Jog Rd, Boynton Beach, FL
Sylvia M Weinstein
Previous Locations:
West Palm Beach, FL; Fresh Meadows, NY; Lake Worth, FL
Louis W Weinstein  |  Albany, Oregon
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
541-928-1311, 541-926-5528
902 NW Scenic Dr, Albany, OR ; 924 NW Scenic Dr, Albany, OR ; 1086 7th Ave SW Ste 101, Albany, OR
Natalie Weinstein, Eleanor F Weinstein, Mills B Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Plymouth, Massachusetts

Louis Weinstein may live at 339 Lunns Way in Plymouth, MA with an 508 area phone number and may have connections to Arthur H Weinstein, Jayne M Handscom and Jill Parrish Violi.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
339 Lunns Way, Plymouth, MA ; 99 Florence St, Malden, MA ; 8 Sherman Dr, Randolph, MA
Arthur H Weinstein, Jayne M Handscom, Jill Parrish Violi
Previous Locations:
North Andover, MA
Louis Weinstein  |  Scottsdale, Arizona
Age: 117
Phone Number: 
602-391-1647, 480-860-0677
9393 N 90th St Ste 102, Scottsdale, AZ ; 28 Warwick Pl Apt K, Yorktown Heights, NY ; 9833 E Dreyfus Ave, Scottsdale, AZ
Myron G Weinstein, David M Weinstein, Lewis E Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Trenton, Michigan

Louis Weinstein may live at 116 West Rd in Trenton, MI with an 313 area phone number and may have connections to Beverly Weinstein, G Weinstein and Judith F Weinstein.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
313-506-8339, 248-379-0909, 248-543-1081
116 West Rd, Trenton, MI ; 1660 West Blvd, Berkley, MI ; 5980 Whethersfield Ln, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Beverly Weinstein, G Weinstein, Judith F Weinstein
Previous Locations:
Ferndale, MI; Royal Oak, MI; Southfield, MI
Louis Saul Weinstein  |  Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania
Age: 83
Phone Number: 
2532 Kirk Dr, Huntingdon Valley, PA ; 2131 Welsh Rd, Philadelphia, PA ; 407 Rollingsgate Ct Apt B1, Bensalem, PA
Ellen N Weinstein, Debra M Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Louis Weinstein may live at 241 S 6th St Apt 2301 in Philadelphia, PA with an 215 area phone number and may have connections to Lenore Weinstein.

Age: 92
Phone Number: 
241 S 6th St Apt 2301, Philadelphia, PA ; 6 Locust Way # 2301, Philadelphia, PA ; 241 S 6th St, Philadelphia, PA
Lenore Weinstein
Seen As:
Lou Weinstein
Job Title:
Expert In Marketing , Operations, Logistics, Sales, Engineering, Materials, Safety, Sap at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Work Email:
Louis K Weinstein  |  Norwalk, Connecticut
Age: 106
Phone Number: 
203-222-9378, 203-227-6128, 203-840-1334
597 Westport Ave Unit B341, Norwalk, CT ; 7 Salem Rd, Westport, CT ; 32 Walter Ave, Norwalk, CT
Bertha L Weinstein, Louis L Weinstein, R Weinstein
Louis M Weinstein  |  Stamford, Connecticut
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
37 Brownley Dr, Stamford, CT ; 3 Salem Rd, Westport, CT ; 11 Alden Rd Apt 5e, Larchmont, NY
Lori R Warner, Rona D Weinstein
Louis D Weinstein  |  Trumbull, Connecticut

Louis Weinstein may live at 117 Greenbrier Rd in Trumbull, CT with an 203 area phone number and may have connections to Dorothy Weinstein and Beth S Hayden.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
117 Greenbrier Rd, Trumbull, CT ; 106 Ansonia Rd, Woodbridge, CT ; 212 Maple St, New Haven, CT
Dorothy Weinstein, Beth S Hayden
Previous Locations:
Monroe, CT
Work Email:,
Louis Weinstein  |  Topeka, Kansas
Age: 114
1135 SW College Ave, Topeka, KS ; 2317 SE Bellview Ave Apt H, Topeka, KS ; 1135 SW College Ave # 312a, Topeka, KS
Louis A Weinstein  |  Sanford, Florida

Louis Weinstein may live at 1613 Terrace Dr in Sanford, FL with an 954 area phone number and may have connections to Gary Weinstein, Gary Weinstein and Caren D Weinstein.

Age: 49
Phone Number: 
1613 Terrace Dr, Sanford, FL ; 1621 SW 47th Ter, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Gary Weinstein, Gary Weinstein, Caren D Weinstein
Louis M Weinstein  |  Framingham, Massachusetts
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
4 Sylvester Dr, Framingham, MA ; 811 Arnold St, Philadelphia, PA
Susan G Goldstein, Anita B Weinstein, Kate B Jackson
Louis E Weinstein  |  Brookline, Massachusetts

Louis Weinstein may live at 143 Coolidge St Apt 1 in Brookline, MA with an 617 area phone number and may have connections to Louis M Weinstein, Doris B Weinstein and Doris Weinstein.

Age: 97
Phone Number: 
617-771-8979, 617-734-1226
143 Coolidge St Apt 1, Brookline, MA ; 143 Coolidge St, Brookline, MA
Louis M Weinstein, Doris B Weinstein, Doris Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Seaford, New York
Phone Number: 
516-582-5031, 516-781-3001
3814 Beechwood Pl, Seaford, NY
Louis Weinstein  |  Albany, Oregon
Phone Number: 
541-926-6030, 541-926-5528, 541-926-0393
1086 7th Ave SW, Albany, OR ; 1086 7th Ave SW Ste 101, Albany, OR
Louis Weinstein  |  Brooklyn, New York
60 Remsen St Apt 10a, Brooklyn, NY ; 96 Schermerhorn St, Brooklyn, NY ; Po Box Klyn, Brooklyn, NY
Alision Y Boak, Ellen W Pittari, Janet Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
215-985-1133, 215-568-6400
1617 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA ; 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd Lbby W4, Philadelphia, PA ; 30 N 17th St, Philadelphia, PA
Louis Weinstein  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
419-874-4120, 419-251-3704
306 Gaskill St, Philadelphia, PA
Louis Weinstein, Joshua P Weinstein, Andrea C Weinstein
Louis Weinstein  |  Springfield, New Jersey
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
201-709-8510, 973-454-2566, 973-379-9376
170 Linden Ave, Springfield, NJ ; 884 S Springfield Ave Apt 29, Springfield, NJ
Marc Weinstein, Sharon W Weinstein
Louis B Weinstein  |  Bridgeton, New Jersey

Louis Weinstein may live at 971 Columbia Hwy in Bridgeton, NJ with an 856 area phone number and may have connections to Jessica Weinstein, Marx M Weinstein and Donna L Weinstein.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
971 Columbia Hwy, Bridgeton, NJ ; Rr 3 # 357, Bridgeton, NJ ; Rr 3 Box 357, Bridgeton, NJ
Jessica Weinstein, Marx M Weinstein, Donna L Weinstein
Louis J Weinstein  |  Long Branch, New Jersey
Age: 103
Phone Number: 
732-648-1156, 732-229-5362
Po Box 3146, Long Branch, NJ ; Po Box 191, Little Silver, NJ ; 498 Marvin Dr, Long Branch, NJ
Julie R Weinstein, Martin Weinstein, Bernice F Weinstein
Previous Locations:
Tinton Falls, NJ
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Louis Weinstein Phone Numbers

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We can help you search for Louis. The easiest method to search for them is by entering their complete name as 'Louis Weinstein' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative approaches using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or next-door neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Louis.

FAQ: Learn more about Louis Weinstein

What is Louis Weinstein's address?
Louis Weinstein's address is 9300 Lime Bay Blvd Apt 115, Tamarac, Florida 33321. Louis may also have lived in Brooklyn, NY
What is Louis Weinstein's phone number?
Louis Weinstein's phone number is 954-442-9776. Other phone numbers for Louis Weinstein may include 919-933-3578 and 919-418-6269.
What is Louis Weinstein's age?
Average age for Louis Weinstein is 85 years old.
What is Louis Weinstein's email address?
Louis Weinstein's email address is louis.w*******

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