We found 6 records in 4 states for John Xerri in our US directory. The top state of residence is Michigan, followed by New York. The average John Xerri is around 80 years of age with around 50% falling in the 61-80 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...

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John D Xerri  |  Birmingham, Michigan

John Xerri may live at 1657 Hanley Ct in Birmingham, MI with an 248 area phone number and may have connections to Joyce M Xerri, John D Xerri and Carie A Xerri.

Age: 88
Phone Number: 
248-969-0811, 480-664-1013
1657 Hanley Ct, Birmingham, MI ; 3601 S Adams Rd, Rochester Hills, MI ; 4354 N 82nd St Unit 134, Scottsdale, AZ
Joyce M Xerri, John D Xerri, Carie A Xerri
Previous Locations:
Oxford, MI; Dearborn Heights, MI; Detroit, MI
John D Xerri  |  Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

John Xerri may live at 2685 Colonial Way in Bloomfield Hills, MI with an 248 area phone number and may have connections to Joyce M Xerri, John D Xerri and Carie A Xerri.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
248-884-1256, 231-881-0586, 248-644-1771
2685 Colonial Way, Bloomfield Hills, MI ; 931 Brooklawn Dr, Troy, MI ; 4195 Barcroft Way, West Bloomfield, MI
Joyce M Xerri, John D Xerri, Carie A Xerri
@hotmail.com, @aol.com, @comcast.net, @epix.net, @frontiernet.net, @mediaone.net
Seen As:
John Domminc Xerri, John D Xerri Jr
Previous Locations:
Birmingham, MI; Oxford, MI
John F Xerri  |  Fruitport, Michigan

John Xerri, also possibly known as John Franklin Xerri, has a last known location of 6866 Lakita Dr in Fruitport, MI using the 231-881-0586 phone number. Potential relatives are Leigh A Fuher, John F Xerri and Sharon W Xerri.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
231-881-0586, 231-865-8874, 231-865-8854
6866 Lakita Dr, Fruitport, MI ; 129 Alpine Rd, Woodland Park, CO ; 145 E Division St, Rockford, MI
Leigh A Fuher, John F Xerri, Sharon W Xerri
Seen As:
John Franklin Xerri, John Franklin Xerri Jr, John F Xerri Ii, John F Xerri Jr
Previous Locations:
Monroe, LA; West Monroe, LA; Grant, MI
John F Xerri  |  Grant, Michigan

John Xerri, also possibly known as John F Xerri Jr, has a last known location of 13754 Poplar Ave in Grant, MI using the 231-343-8274 phone number. Potential relatives are John F Xerri, Sharon W Xerri and Leigh A Fuher.

Age: 87
Phone Number: 
231-343-8274, 231-881-0586, 231-834-7734
13754 Poplar Ave, Grant, MI ; 13754 S Poplar Ave, Grant, MI ; 145 E Division St, Rockford, MI
John F Xerri, Sharon W Xerri, Leigh A Fuher
Seen As:
John F Xerri Jr, John Franklin Xerri Jr, John F Xerri Sr
Previous Locations:
Fruitport, MI
John Xerri  |  Astoria, New York
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
4802 21st Ave, Astoria, NY ; 4233 Crescent St, Long Island City, NY ; 2138 48th St, Astoria, NY
Tony Xerri, Denise M Stella, Shawn M Xerri
@hotmail.com, @rock.com, @hushmail.com
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
John Xerri  |  North Hills, California

John Xerri may live at 16845 Septo St in North Hills, CA with an 818 area phone number and may have connections to Adriene E Vega and Carmelin M Valdivia.

Age: 100
Phone Number: 
16845 Septo St, North Hills, CA
Adriene E Vega, Carmelin M Valdivia
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Work Email:

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FAQ: Learn more about John Xerri

What is John Xerri's address?
John Xerri's address is 1657 Hanley Ct, Birmingham, Michigan 48009. John may also have lived in Birmingham, MI, and Oxford, MI.
What is John Xerri's phone number?
John Xerri's phone number is 248-644-1771. Other phone numbers for John Xerri may include 231-865-8854 and 231-865-8874.
What is John Xerri's age?
Average age for John Xerri is 80 years old.

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