You could find the John Landy you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to John's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 50 records in 11 states for people matching the John Landy name. See more...

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John J Landy in Billerica, Massachusetts  |  Age Age: 67
John Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 39 Ridgeway Ave, Billerica, MA
  • 27 Lake St, Billerica, MA
  • 785 Ocean St, Marshfield, MA
John Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 978-667-4761,
  • 781-775-1811
John Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John J Landy in Billerica, Massachusetts  |  Age Age: 95
John Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 39 Ridgeway Ave, Billerica, MA
  • 27 Lake St, Billerica, MA
  • 43 Glenside Ave, Billerica, MA
John Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 978-667-4761,
  • 508-667-4761
John Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John C Landy  |  Surry, Virginia

John Landy may live at 1867 Cobham Wharf Rd in Surry, VA with an 912 area phone number and may have connections to E Landy and Everdean Landy.

Age: 93
Phone Number: 
1867 Cobham Wharf Rd, Surry, VA ; 1902 the Oaks, Clarkston, GA ; 595 W 54th St, Savannah, GA
E Landy, Everdean Landy
Previous Locations:
Baltimore, MD
John P Landy  |  Jacksonville, Florida
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
904-234-5681, 904-268-5980
3881 Habersham Forest Dr, Jacksonville, FL ; 7510 Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville, FL ; 2970 Hartley Rd Ste 106, Jacksonville, FL
Barbara L Dockery, Carole A Landy, C F Landy
John D Landy  |  Milton, Massachusetts

John Landy may live at 287 Hillside St in Milton, MA with an 781 area phone number and may have connections to Michelle Marie Landy, Yasmin T Dos and Mary E Landy.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
781-729-1550, 781-383-0118, 802-496-6382
287 Hillside St, Milton, MA ; 11 Highland Ave, Cohasset, MA ; 230 Behn Rd, Warren, VT
Michelle Marie Landy, Yasmin T Dos, Mary E Landy
Previous Locations:
Winchester, MA; Watertown, MA; Boston, MA; Plainsboro, NJ
Job Title:
Cto at Sovos Compliance
Work Email:,
John W Landy  |  Boca Raton, Florida
Age: 100
Phone Number: 
732-991-3220, 216-324-6482, 732-892-0032
22717 Royal Crown Ter E, Boca Raton, FL ; 121 Meadow Point Rd, Point Pleasant Boro, NJ ; 22917 Royal Crown Ter, Boca Raton, FL
Carol A Dalessandro, John C Landy, Dorothy M Landy
John R Landy  |  Saint Paul, Minnesota
Age: 81
Phone Number: 
651-492-9287, 651-492-8774, 651-917-3752
1464 California Ave W, Saint Paul, MN ; 132 Wheeler St S, Saint Paul, MN ; 428 Dayton Ave, Saint Paul, MN
Brenda J Landy, Joshua E Landy, Laron Landy
John F Landy  |  East Islip, New York

John Landy may live at 288 Marilynn Ct # 74 in East Islip, NY with an 516 area phone number and may have connections to Anne C Landy, Kaitlin A Landy and Mary E Billings.

Age: 102
Phone Number: 
516-581-7818, 631-581-7818
288 Marilynn Ct # 74, East Islip, NY ; 288 Marilynn St # 74, East Islip, NY ; 64 Princeton St, Islip, NY
Anne C Landy, Kaitlin A Landy, Mary E Billings
Seen As:
John A Landy
Previous Locations:
Islip Terrace, NY
John J Landy  |  Islip Terrace, New York
Age: 70
Phone Number: 
7 Brook Cir, Islip Terrace, NY ; 288 Marilynn Ct, East Islip, NY ; 129 Rivers Dr, Great Neck, NY
John Landy, Kris Landy, John F Landy
John A Landy  |  Scranton, Pennsylvania

John may go by John A Landy IV and have relatives of Joseph Landy, Sarah A Landy and James Kathy Young.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
610-529-0600, 610-497-2501
720 Stafford Ave Apt 5, Scranton, PA ; 3648 Deepwater Ln, Brookhaven, PA ; 14 Bunting Ln, Aston, PA
Joseph Landy, Sarah A Landy, James Kathy Young
Seen As:
John A Landy IV
Previous Locations:
Marcus Hook, PA; Drexel Hill, PA; Clifton Heights, PA
Job Title:
Executive at Ameritech
John K Landy  |  Clifton Park, New York

John may go by Johnnie Landy, John K Landy Jr or John K Landy Sr and have relatives of Joseph Landy, Beverly Landy and Natache R Landy.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
3 Hollandale Ln Apt C, Clifton Park, NY ; 3 Hollandale Ln, Clifton Park, NY ; 587 Broadway Apt J10, Menands, NY
Joseph Landy, Beverly Landy, Natache R Landy
Seen As:
Johnnie Landy, John K Landy Jr, John K Landy Sr
Previous Locations:
Albany, NY
John J Landy  |  Braintree, Massachusetts
Age: 99
Phone Number: 
413-822-0441, 413-743-7025
12 Weston Ct, Braintree, MA ; 352 Eagle St, North Adams, MA ; 1 Potter St, Adams, MA
Lorraine M Chin, Janice M Landy, Margaret M Landy
John T Landy  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
1146 S 11th St # 2, Philadelphia, PA ; 3800 Gateway Dr Apt 4, Philadelphia, PA ; 3800 Gateway Dr, Philadelphia, PA
Natalie M Cella, Marie B Scafidi, Marie E Landy
John W Landy  |  Naples, Florida

John Landy may live at 1 High Point Cir W Apt 506 in Naples, FL with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to Ann M Landy.

Age: 99
Phone Number: 
239-940-3549, 412-367-0793, 239-649-5436
1 High Point Cir W Apt 506, Naples, FL ; 48 Oxford Ct, Pittsburgh, PA ; 1 High Point Cir W, Naples, FL
Ann M Landy
Previous Locations:
Central City, PA
John S Landy  |  Yardley, Pennsylvania
Age: 67
Phone Number: 
215-601-8280, 215-493-4931
1071 S Kimbles Rd, Yardley, PA ; 1583 Bud Ln, Yardley, PA ; 2548 5th Ave, East Meadow, NY
James L Landy, C Landy, Christa Landy
Previous Locations:
Mount Vernon, NY
John Landy  |  Great Neck, New York
Age: 97
653 Middle Neck Rd, Great Neck, NY ; 17 Longridge Ln, Glen Head, NY ; 17 Longridge Ln # 2, Glen Head, NY
Dale R Landy, Ruth Edna Landy
Previous Locations:
Southampton, NY; Roslyn Heights, NY
John Landy  |  Brandywine, Maryland
Age: 74
11810 Lusbys Ln, Brandywine, MD ; 2109 Alice Ave Apt 104, Oxon Hill, MD ; 610 Castlewood Pl, Upper Marlboro, MD
John W Landy  |  Boca Raton, Florida
Age: 74
22717 Royal Crown Ter E, Boca Raton, FL ; 2375 NE 173rd St, North Miami Beach, FL ; 749 Bayfront Ter, Sebastian, FL
Dorothy M Landy, Carol A Landy, John W Landy
John J Landy  |  Haverstraw, New York
Age: 100
12 State St, Haverstraw, NY ; 177 Bennett Ave, Yonkers, NY
Ethel E Landy
John Landy  |  Columbia, South Carolina
Age: 69
1100 Taylor St, Columbia, SC ; 110 Taylor St, Columbia, SC
John S Landy  |  Albany, New York
Age: 82
550 1st St, Albany, NY ; 550 1st St Apt 54, Albany, NY
Beverly Landy, Joseph Landy, Natache R Landy
John Landy  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
518 S 13th St, Philadelphia, PA
John Landy  |  Bethesda, Maryland
Phone Number: 
6110 Madawaska Rd, Bethesda, MD
John Landy  |  Ridgewood, New York
Phone Number: 
7532 62nd St # 1, Ridgewood, NY ; 7532 62nd St, Ridgewood, NY
Maria T Landy
John K Landy  |  Montpelier, Vermont
Phone Number: 
16 Greenfield Ter, Montpelier, VT ; 57 College St Apt O, Montpelier, VT ; 32 Msgr O'Callaghan Way, Boston, MA
Inez Marie Landy, Marie Landy, Timothy F Landy
John W Landy  |  Great Neck, New York
8 Kenneth Ct, Great Neck, NY ; 200 E 71st St Apt 5k, New York, NY ; 96 5th Ave Apt 16e, New York, NY
Sandra Landy
John Landy  |  Islip Terrace, New York
Age: 102
Phone Number: 
7 Brook Cir, Islip Terrace, NY
Kaitlin A Landy, John F Landy, Kris Landy
John F Landy  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 107
Phone Number: 
4722 Springfield Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Helen C Landy
John Landy  |  Wanaque, New Jersey
Age: 98
Phone Number: 
941-416-0991, 941-485-6766, 973-835-1361
9316 Warrens Way, Wanaque, NJ ; 221 Venice Palms Blvd, Venice, FL ; 331 Venice Golf Club Dr, Venice, FL
Dolores J Landy, Ernest N Landy, Carolyn A Landy
Previous Locations:
Mahwah, NJ; Carlstadt, NJ; Long Branch, NJ
John W Landy  |  Sutton, West Virginia
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
1641 Brushy Fork Rd, Sutton, WV ; 100 Brush Frk, Sutton, WV ; 155 Beamer Dr, Sutton, WV
Joe Landy, Pamela J Landy, Joanne Landy
Work Email:
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FAQ: Learn more about John Landy

What is John Landy's address?
John Landy's address is 39 Ridgeway Ave, Billerica, Massachusetts 1821. John may also have lived in Pinehurst, MA
What is John Landy's phone number?
John Landy's phone number is 978-667-4761. Other phone numbers for John Landy may include 912-447-5052.
What is John Landy's age?
Average age for John Landy is 82 years old.

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