We found 26 record matches to John Herr in Florida. Find more details about the John you are trying to find by researching their likely addresses, contact numbers, email addresses and linked family members. Wondering where the majority of the addresses are located? Saint Petersburg has the greatest residency, with Naples next highest. For individuals with the John Herr name, the average is about 81 years of age, with roughly 50% categorized in the 81+ age group. See more...

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John Herr in Osprey, Florida  |  Age Age: 94
John Herr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 385 N Point Rd Unit 701, Osprey, FL
  • 5501 Dunrobin Dr, Sarasota, FL
  • 385 N Point Rd, Osprey, FL
John Herr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 941-966-8811,
  • 508-362-2225
John Herr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John Herr in Rotonda West, Florida  |  Age Age: 93
John Herr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 520 Swee****er Dr, Rotonda West, FL
  • 400 Cypress Forest Dr, Englewood, FL
  • Po Box 377, Galesville, MD
John Herr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 941-475-4527,
  • 941-698-9171,
  • 941-698-1024
John Herr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John H Herr  |  Lakeland, Florida

John may go by John H Herr Jr and have relatives of Jere M Herr, Russ M Herr and Lynda L Castello.

Age: 98
Phone Number: 
4850 Colonnades Cir E, Lakeland, FL ; 4850 Colonnades Cir E # 12 12, Lakeland, FL ; 1501 W Pipkin Rd, Lakeland, FL
Jere M Herr, Russ M Herr, Lynda L Castello
Seen As:
John H Herr Jr
John S Herr  |  Sebring, Florida

John Herr may live at 4109 Nigeria St in Sebring, FL with an 760 area phone number and may have connections to Pauline R Herr.

Age: 103
Phone Number: 
760-885-3159, 209-559-2616, 760-438-1173
4109 Nigeria St, Sebring, FL ; 4005 Ethiopia Blvd, Sebring, FL ; 1432 Sweetbriar Cir, Carlsbad, CA
Pauline R Herr
Previous Locations:
Portland, OR
John R Herr  |  Saint Petersburg, Florida

John Herr, also possibly known as John J Herrity, has a last known location of 2020 Billmar Ln N in Saint Petersburg, FL using the 508-958-8114 phone number. Potential relatives are Bette Y Herr, Jean M Herr and Frederick J Herr.

Age: 67
Phone Number: 
508-958-8114, 508-477-5032, 727-550-0307
2020 Billmar Ln N, Saint Petersburg, FL ; 224 12th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL ; 17 Deer Run # 653, Orleans, MA
Bette Y Herr, Jean M Herr, Frederick J Herr
Seen As:
John J Herrity, John Robert Herr, John Herrity
Previous Locations:
Solomons, MD; Tampa, FL; Fort Myers, FL; Lawrence, MA; East Orleans, MA; Oxnard, CA; Harwich, MA; Mashpee, MA; Port Charlotte, FL
John H Herr  |  Fort Mc Coy, Florida
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
352-595-8871, 352-266-6210
10510 NE 153rd St, Fort Mc Coy, FL ; 3001 SE Lake Weir Ave Apt 608, Ocala, FL ; 132 Park Ave, Ephrata, PA
Calvin E Herr, Joan L Harmes, Wendy A Bradney
Previous Locations:
Manheim, PA
John H Herr  |  Naples, Florida

John Herr may live at 815 104th Ave N in Naples, FL with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to Kasey Ratliff, J S Herr and Ashly W Wenteran.

Age: 94
Phone Number: 
815 104th Ave N, Naples, FL ; 306 Beauregard St, Charleston, WV ; 1934 Olympus Rd, Charleston, WV
Kasey Ratliff, J S Herr, Ashly W Wenteran
Seen As:
John H Herr Jr, John H Herr Sr
John H Herr  |  Bonita Springs, Florida
Age: 94
Phone Number: 
203-453-5335, 203-453-3564, 239-495-8735
28028 Cavendish Ct, Bonita Springs, FL ; 28028 Cavendish Ct Apt 5401, Bonita Springs, FL ; 111 Canaan Rd, New Paltz, NY
Linda L Herr
@aol.com, @ix.netcom.com
Previous Locations:
Vernon Rockville, CT; Guilford, CT
John W Herr  |  Cape Coral, Florida

John may go by John W Herr III and have relatives of Jennifer Herr, Christine A Herr and Mary B Ramirez.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
219-730-2570, 219-365-3814
2729 SW 42nd Ln, Cape Coral, FL ; 10039 Settlers Ct, Saint John, IN ; 9101 Lancer Dr, Saint John, IN
Jennifer Herr, Christine A Herr, Mary B Ramirez
Seen As:
John W Herr III
Previous Locations:
Merrillville, IN; Munster, IN
John V Herr  |  Clearwater Beach, Florida
Age: 109
450 S Gulfview Blvd Apt 506, Clearwater Beach, FL ; 23600 Northline Rd, Taylor, MI ; 343 Hibiscus Dr, Palm Harbor, FL
Louise F Herr, John Herriii, Jacqueline M Herr
Seen As:
John V Herr Jr
Previous Locations:
Clearwater, FL
John Edward Herr  |  Saint Petersburg, Florida
Age: 96
Phone Number: 
786-346-2039, 727-480-3970, 727-522-9537
1469 62nd Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL ; 3603 Kenyon Ave, Baltimore, MD
Helen Katherine Herr
John E Herr  |  Deltona, Florida
Age: 109
1460 Baton Dr, Deltona, FL ; 14 Calle, Zanoni, VA
Virginia Herr
John Herr  |  Englewood, Florida
Phone Number: 
400 Cypress Forest Dr, Englewood, FL
John Herr  |  Lakeland, Florida
Phone Number: 
4850 Colonnades Cir E, Lakeland, FL
John C Herr  |  Marianna, Florida
3512 Seminole Ln, Marianna, FL ; 4324 W 20th St Apt J310, Panama City, FL
Yvette D Herr, Pearl B Herr, Travis A Herr
John Herr  |  Louisville, Kentucky

John may go by John Adam Herr and have relatives of John S Herr, Kathryn M Herr and Jennifer A Herr.

Age: 43
Phone Number: 
304-343-5491, 502-618-0240, 304-343-6492
3741 Es*** Rd, Louisville, KY ; 1506 Teter Rd, Charleston, WV ; 1412 Virginia St E, Charleston, WV
John S Herr, Kathryn M Herr, Jennifer A Herr
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @email.com, @gmail.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
John Adam Herr
Previous Locations:
Charleston, SC; Mount Pleasant, SC; Charlotte, NC; Jacksonville, FL; Jacksonville Beach, FL
John Herr  |  Wolcottville, Indiana
Age: 100
Phone Number: 
863-634-3525, 260-351-4455, 863-452-0741
6310 E 600 S, Wolcottville, IN ; 6430 S 900 E, Wolcottville, IN ; 1850 Us Highway 27 S, Avon Park, FL
Joan A Herr, Pamela J Herr, J Gordon
Previous Locations:
Lagrange, IN; Albion, IN
John A Herr  |  York, Pennsylvania
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
119 S Belvidere Ave, York, PA ; 75 Wise Rd, York, PA ; 510 Colonial Ave, York, PA
Harry R Herr, Neda B Herr, Nancy J Herr
Previous Locations:
Fort Lauderdale, FL
John B Herr  |  Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Age: 80
Phone Number: 
51 N Prince St Apt 4, Lancaster, PA ; 831 Fremont St, Lancaster, PA ; 831 Fremont St Apt 21, Lancaster, PA
Pamela Herr
Previous Locations:
Davie, FL; Columbia, PA
John B Herr  |  Lititz, Pennsylvania
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
717-425-3137, 239-656-3994, 717-383-2597
401 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA ; 314 ****erland St Apt 6, Lebanon, PA ; 9200 Littleton Rd, North Fort Myers, FL
Judith A Herr, Angela R Herr, Andrew R Herr
Previous Locations:
Lancaster, PA; Palm Coast, FL; Virginia Beach, VA; Hampton, VA
John D Herr  |  Goldens Bridge, New York

John Herr, also possibly known as John Diller Herr, has a last known location of Po Box 11 in Goldens Bridge, NY using the 919-478-5410 phone number. Potential relatives are Cheryl T Herr, Timothy Herr and John D Herr.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
919-478-5410, 914-669-8514, 919-960-6887
Po Box 11, Goldens Bridge, NY ; 6 Fox den Ln, North Salem, NY ; 116 Wild Primrose Ln, Chapel Hill, NC
Cheryl T Herr, Timothy Herr, John D Herr
Seen As:
John Diller Herr
Previous Locations:
Iowa City, IA; Purdys, NY; Miami, FL
Work Email:
John D Herr  |  Carrboro, North Carolina

John Herr may live at 103 Oleander Rd in Carrboro, NC with an 914 area phone number and may have connections to Mary Lou Herr, Michael Herr and Cheryl T Herr.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
914-669-8514, 919-960-6887, 919-969-7236
103 Oleander Rd, Carrboro, NC ; 114 High St Apt A, Carrboro, NC ; Po Box 11, Goldens Bridge, NY
Mary Lou Herr, Michael Herr, Cheryl T Herr
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Jack Herr, John Diller Herr
Previous Locations:
Chapel Hill, NC; Minneapolis, MN; Miami, FL; North Salem, NY
John Grant Herr  |  Minneapolis, Minnesota
Age: 88
Phone Number: 
952-944-5963, 239-948-1482
7861 W 96th St, Minneapolis, MN ; 27080 Lake Harbor Ct Apt 101, Bonita Springs, FL ; 27080 Lake Harbor Ct, Bonita Springs, FL
Katrina L Fox, Erlene Herr, E Herr
John S Herr  |  Charleston, West Virginia
Age: 74
Phone Number: 
941-597-2286, 304-205-5585
1504 Teter Rd, Charleston, WV ; 1506 Teter Rd, Charleston, WV ; 815 104th Ave N, Naples, FL
John Herr, Rosemary Herr, Jennifer A Herr
John Y Herr  |  Leesburg, Virginia

John may go by John Manning Herr Jr and have relatives of Lisa P Herr, Joshua Herr and Ying Her.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
703-673-3199, 703-757-0468
20330 Tanager Pl, Leesburg, VA ; 14718 Grobie Pond Ln, Centreville, VA ; 4936 Springleaf Dr, Liberty Twp, OH
Lisa P Herr, Joshua Herr, Ying Her
Seen As:
John Manning Herr Jr
Previous Locations:
Herndon, VA; Vienna, VA; Washington, DC; Santa Ana, CA; Sterling, VA; Reston, VA; Culpeper, VA; Margate, FL
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Public records available for people named John Herr

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John Herr Phone Numbers

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Trying to find John Herr in Florida? We can help you find prospective matches using our people finder database. Start by searching for their complete name with the person lookup search bar. Next, narrow down the results using their understood age and geographic location in Florida by entering the city. You could discover where they live at their residence address and how you may manage to call them by phone or email them. You can also discover potential matches for John's alias names, social profiles, neighbors in Florida and relatives.

FAQ: Learn more about John Herr

What is John Herr's address?
John Herr's address is 385 N Point Rd Unit 701, Osprey, Florida 34229. John may also have lived in Clinton, MD, and Temple Hills, MD.
What is John Herr's phone number?
John Herr's phone number is 941-475-4527. Other phone numbers for John Herr may include 863-647-1079.
What is John Herr's age?
Average age for John Herr is 81 years old.

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