We found 23 record matches to Henry Kramer in New York. Find more details about the Henry you are trying to find by researching their likely addresses, contact numbers, email addresses and linked family members. Wondering where the majority of the addresses are located? Wantagh has the greatest residency, with Smithtown next highest. For individuals with the Henry Kramer name, the average is about 90 years of age, with roughly 79% categorized in the 81+ age group. See more...

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Henry E Kramer in Sunnyside, New York  |  Age Age: 96
Henry Kramer addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 4215 43rd Ave Apt B27, Sunnyside, NY
  • 1331 Bay St Apt 613, Staten Island, NY
  • 1331 Bay St, Staten Island, NY
Henry Kramer phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 718-420-9045
Henry Kramer relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Henry W Kramer in Orchard Park, New York  |  Age Age: 72
Henry Kramer addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3800 Teachers Ln Apt 6, Orchard Park, NY
  • 109 Flohr Ave, Buffalo, NY
  • Po Box 746, Buffalo, NY
Henry Kramer phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 716-823-9518
Henry Kramer relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Henry K Kramer  |  Buffalo, New York

Henry Kramer, also possibly known as Kevin Kramer, has a last known location of 155 Greene St in Buffalo, NY using the 716-523-4674 phone number. Potential relatives are Susan M Staufenberger, Barbara A Kramer and Tammy L Kramer.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
716-523-4674, 716-668-4745
155 Greene St, Buffalo, NY ; 1017 E Lovejoy St, Buffalo, NY ; 10837 Molasses Hill Rd, Alexander, NY
Susan M Staufenberger, Barbara A Kramer, Tammy L Kramer
@malvern.com, @gmail.com, @verizon.net, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kevin Kramer, Kevin H Kramer, Kevin H Kramer Sr
Previous Locations:
Darien Center, NY
Henry D Kramer  |  Central Islip, New York

Henry may go by Kramer Henry, Henry David Kramer Jr, Henry Jr Kramer or Henry D Kramer Sr and have relatives of Kim M Kramer, Dorothy Ann Kramer and Coleen M Grego.

Age: 89
Phone Number: 
516-582-5739, 631-582-4478, 631-234-4805
47 Cranberry St, Central Islip, NY ; 27 3rd Ave, Central Islip, NY ; 3995 Faircross Pl # 50, San Diego, CA
Kim M Kramer, Dorothy Ann Kramer, Coleen M Grego
Seen As:
Kramer Henry, Henry David Kramer Jr, Henry Jr Kramer, Henry D Kramer Sr
Previous Locations:
Bedford Hills, NY
Henry D Kramer  |  Islip Terrace, New York

Henry Kramer, also possibly known as Henry David Kramer, has a last known location of 189 E Nassau St in Islip Terrace, NY using the 631-582-4478 phone number. Potential relatives are Patricia J Cordes, Coleen M Grego and Henry D Kramer.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
631-582-4478, 631-234-4805
189 E Nassau St, Islip Terrace, NY ; 47 Cranberry St, Central Islip, NY ; Po Box 383, Islip Terrace, NY
Patricia J Cordes, Coleen M Grego, Henry D Kramer
Seen As:
Henry David Kramer, Kramer Henry, Henry D Kramer Jr, Henry David Kramer Jr
Previous Locations:
San Diego, CA
Henry R Kramer  |  Montour Falls, New York
Age: 90
Phone Number: 
1916 Price Rd, Montour Falls, NY ; 1984 Price Rd, Montour Falls, NY ; Rr 1 Box 1 # 73 1, Montour Falls, NY
Denise A Kitchel, Emily A Kramer, Adrienne L Kramer
Previous Locations:
Watkins Glen, NY
Henry Kramer  |  Ithaca, New York
Age: 82
Phone Number: 
607-275-3635, 607-275-3671
1524 Ellis Hollow Rd, Ithaca, NY ; 369 Berkshire Valley Rd, Wharton, NJ ; 327 Ed Hill Rd, Freeville, NY
J Kramer, Henry G Kramer, Judith M Kramer
@cox.net, @sbcglobal.net
Henry T Kramer  |  Plainview, New York

Henry Kramer, also possibly known as Henry J Kramer, has a last known location of 49 Ridge Dr in Plainview, NY using the 516-635-7123 phone number. Potential relatives are Joyce C Kramer, Ryann Kramer and Chelsea Kramer.

Age: 73
Phone Number: 
516-635-7123, 516-633-4011, 516-822-4898
49 Ridge Dr, Plainview, NY ; 1432 Holiday Park Dr, Wantagh, NY ; 14740 70th Ave, Flushing, NY
Joyce C Kramer, Ryann Kramer, Chelsea Kramer
@aol.com, @gte.net, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Henry J Kramer
Henry J Kramer  |  New York, New York

Henry may go by Henry I Kramer and have relatives of L Kramer and Henry J Kramer.

Age: 104
Phone Number: 
26 Beaver St Apt 16, New York, NY ; 26 Beaver St, New York, NY ; 220 Hopkins Ave, Jersey City, NJ
L Kramer, Henry J Kramer
Seen As:
Henry I Kramer
Previous Locations:
Passaic, NJ
Henry A Kramer  |  Hicksville, New York
Age: 99
Phone Number: 
40 Basket Ln, Hicksville, NY ; 40 Mark Pl, Plainview, NY
Arlyne H Kramer, Deborah A Schneider, Susan E Kramer
Henry W Kramer  |  Ronkonkoma, New York
Age: 92
Phone Number: 
220 Ontario St, Ronkonkoma, NY ; 7426 45th Ave, Elmhurst, NY
Heidy M Kramer, Karen A Kramer, Mona C Kramer
Henry Kramer  |  Ridge, New York

Henry Kramer may live at 78 Enfield Ct Unit B in Ridge, NY with an 631 area phone number and may have connections to Lillian P Kramer.

Age: 118
Phone Number: 
631-697-6672, 631-821-5945
78 Enfield Ct Unit B, Ridge, NY ; 132 S Main St, Ellenville, NY
Lillian P Kramer
Henry W Kramer  |  Angola, New York
Age: 106
1096 Karen Dr, Angola, NY ; 8157 Erie Rd # 46, Angola, NY
Jennifer L Ebling, Richard H Kramer, Maomi B Kramer
Henry Kramer  |  Ridge, New York
Phone Number: 
78 Enfield Ct, Ridge, NY
Henry Kramer  |  Syracuse, New York
815 Avery Ave # C1, Syracuse, NY
Henry Kramer  |  Bronx, New York
Phone Number: 
735 Kappock St Apt 10e, Bronx, NY
Henry R Kramer  |  Smithtown, New York
Phone Number: 
410-366-1886, 631-360-9267
41 Winslow Ln, Smithtown, NY ; 24 Lilac Ct, Cambridge, MA ; 87 W Cedar St Apt 4c, Boston, MA
Heather Kramer, Jean D Kramer, Robert R Kramer
Previous Locations:
Baltimore, MD
Henry Kramer  |  Auburn, Washington
Age: 97
Phone Number: 
32905 174th Pl SE, Auburn, WA ; 2266 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn, NY ; 457 Classon Ave, Brooklyn, NY
June E Kramer, J Kramer
Henry Kramer  |  Hallandale Beach, Florida
Age: 107
215 SE 3rd Ave, Hallandale Beach, FL ; Po Box 515, Woodridge, NY ; 5830 Reseda Blvd, Tarzana, CA
Harry L Kramer, Shirley Kramer, Donna G Kramer
Previous Locations:
Coconut Creek, FL; Hallandale, FL; Miami, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Plantation, FL
Henry J Kramer  |  Boynton Beach, Florida
Age: 84
Phone Number: 
4767 Boxwood Cir, Boynton Beach, FL ; 320 Lansdowne, Westport, CT ; 213 W Shore Dr, Massapequa, NY
Henry J Kramer, Kaye R Kramer, Henry J Kramer
Previous Locations:
Atlanta, GA; Wantagh, NY
Henry L Kramer  |  Wilmington, North Carolina

Henry Kramer, also possibly known as Henry L Kramer Jr, has a last known location of 7014 Trailmark Rd in Wilmington, NC using the 910-256-4482 phone number. Potential relatives are Henry Kramer, Glenn M Kramer and Susan R Oss.

Age: 94
Phone Number: 
7014 Trailmark Rd, Wilmington, NC ; 1449 S Moorings Dr, Wilmington, NC ; 1840 Glen Eagles Ln, Wilmington, NC
Henry Kramer, Glenn M Kramer, Susan R Oss
Seen As:
Henry L Kramer Jr
Previous Locations:
Baldwin, NY; Cleveland, OH
Henry R Kramer  |  Catawba, North Carolina

Henry Kramer, also possibly known as Hank Kramer, has a last known location of 8167 Summit Ridge Dr in Catawba, NC using the 443-388-8376 phone number. Potential relatives are Doreen K Frank, Robert R Kramer and Jane D Kramer.

Age: 81
Phone Number: 
443-388-8376, 631-360-9267, 386-789-5619
8167 Summit Ridge Dr, Catawba, NC ; 72 Eastern Ave, Arlington, MA ; 24 Lilac Ct, Cambridge, MA
Doreen K Frank, Robert R Kramer, Jane D Kramer
Seen As:
Hank Kramer, Henry Kramer Md, Henry Richard Kramer
Previous Locations:
Boston, MA; Smithtown, NY; Baltimore, MD; Mooresville, NC; West Islip, NY; Deltona, FL
Henry T Kramer  |  Branchburg, New Jersey

Henry Kramer may live at 51 Village Way in Branchburg, NJ with an 908 area phone number and may have connections to Janet B Kramer and Ann T Ross.

Age: 107
Phone Number: 
908-967-0646, 908-526-5531
51 Village Way, Branchburg, NJ ; 110 Surf Rd, Lindenhurst, NY ; 101 Forest Ave, Rye, NY
Janet B Kramer, Ann T Ross
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Henry Kramer Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Kramer over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Henry Kramer

What is Henry Kramer's address?
Henry Kramer's address is 4215 43rd Ave Apt B27, Sunnyside, New York 11104.
What is Henry Kramer's phone number?
Henry Kramer's phone number is 716-823-9518. Other phone numbers for Henry Kramer may include 716-668-4745 and 716-523-4674.
What is Henry Kramer's age?
Average age for Henry Kramer is 90 years old.
What is Henry Kramer's email address?
Henry Kramer's email address is 71652*****@malvern.com. We have 6 additional emails on file for Henry.

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