Want to know more about Grace Holmes? We located 123 records in 18 states for Grace in our US directory. You could learn more about them by researching contact info matches, potential employment histories, home addresses, and phone records. The average Grace is around 85 years old, with around 59% falling in the 81+ age bracket. See more...

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Grace M Holmes in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania  |  Age Age: 96
Grace Holmes addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • Po Box 722, Gwynedd Valley, PA
  • 2389 Harts Ln, Lafayette Hill, PA
  • 345 N Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd Apt 706, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Grace Holmes phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-524-7739
Grace Holmes relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Grace Holmes in Yonkers, New York  |  Age Age: 67
Grace Holmes addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • Po Box 274, Yonkers, NY
  • 710 Warburton Ave Apt 4c, Yonkers, NY
  • 710 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY
Grace Holmes phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 914-423-5661
Grace Holmes relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Grace E Holmes  |  Lenexa, Kansas
Age: 92
Phone Number: 
913-631-0952, 913-274-4725
14001 W 92nd St Apt 306, Lenexa, KS ; 4701 Black Swan Dr, Shawnee, KS ; 14001 W 92nd St, Lenexa, KS
Julia R Holmes, Etienette D Holmes, Lisa Holmes
Grace P Holmes  |  Charlotte, North Carolina
Age: 94
Phone Number: 
912-262-0367, 912-283-0144
6803 Moss Lake Rd, Charlotte, NC ; 114 Beaver Dr, Blackshear, GA ; 1201 Morton Ave, Waycross, GA
Donna K Holmes, Huddie Nails
Previous Locations:
Brunswick, GA; Philadelphia, PA; Rosedale, NY; Flushing, NY
Grace K Holmes  |  Hartford, Connecticut
Age: 95
Phone Number: 
860-798-0078, 860-527-5875
450 Edgewood St Apt 4, Hartford, CT ; 450 Edgewood St Apt 47, Hartford, CT ; 450 Edgewood St, Hartford, CT
Grace Mary Holmes  |  Kane, Pennsylvania

Grace Holmes may live at 4069 Route 6 in Kane, PA with an 814 area phone number and may have connections to Scott Michael Remick, Herbert F Remick and Ella M Remick.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
4069 Route 6, Kane, PA ; 124 Bayard St, Kane, PA ; 430 Biddle St, Kane, PA
Scott Michael Remick, Herbert F Remick, Ella M Remick
@hotmail.com, @gmail.com
Grace G Holmes  |  Port Matilda, Pennsylvania

Grace Holmes may live at 1713 Fowler Hollow Ln in Port Matilda, PA with an 814 area phone number and may have connections to Scott N Holmes, Lori A Holmes and Jacalyn M McNaul.

Age: 105
Phone Number: 
814-692-7397, 814-692-7006
1713 Fowler Hollow Ln, Port Matilda, PA ; Rr 2 Box 776, Port Matilda, PA ; Rr 2 # 495, Port Matilda, PA
Scott N Holmes, Lori A Holmes, Jacalyn M McNaul
Grace Holmes  |  Burlington, Vermont
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
802-373-8723, 703-444-5363, 802-540-0046
101 Howard St, Burlington, VT ; 32 Howard St, Burlington, VT ; 52 Whittingham Cir, Sterling, VA
Jean J Duncan, Lincoln Holmes, William H Holmes
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Previous Locations:
Shelburne, VT; Milton, VT; Winooski, VT
Grace E Holmes  |  Brooklyn, New York
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
1579 E 46th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 662 88th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 760 E 89th St, Brooklyn, NY
Grace E Holmes, Kim M Holmes, Tiwana M Livingston
Grace E Holmes  |  Lawrenceville, Georgia
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
141 Bernice Dr, Lawrenceville, GA ; 1579 E 46th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 662 E 88th St, Brooklyn, NY
Althea Holmes, Jessica M Holmes, Sylvan L Holmes
Grace M Holmes  |  Effort, Pennsylvania

Grace Holmes may live at 116 Rocky Mountain Dr S # 2 in Effort, PA with an 717 area phone number and may have connections to Kevin T Holmes, Korynn Holmes and Charles A Holmes.

Age: 100
Phone Number: 
116 Rocky Mountain Dr S # 2, Effort, PA ; 116 Rocky Mountain Dr S, Effort, PA ; 57 Kyle Dr, Kunkletown, PA
Kevin T Holmes, Korynn Holmes, Charles A Holmes
Previous Locations:
Wharton, NJ
Grace M Holmes  |  Manassas, Virginia
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
571-606-6641, 703-365-7627, 703-335-8064
9002 Whispering Pine Ct, Manassas, VA ; 8985 Patterson Pl, Manassas, VA ; 107 Butler Cir, Locust Grove, VA
Judi M Smith, Lena Holmes, Ethen Smith
@gmail.com, @aol.com, @yahoo.com
Previous Locations:
Hayes, VA; Bristow, VA; Manassas Park, VA
Grace A Holmes  |  Chariton, Iowa
Age: 90
Phone Number: 
429 S Main St, Chariton, IA ; 429 S Main St Apt 456, Chariton, IA ; 429 S Main St Apt 218, Chariton, IA
C Donald Holmes
Previous Locations:
Russell, IA
Grace Holmes  |  Northport, New York
Age: 94
Phone Number: 
631-757-9115, 631-262-9829
205 Asharoken Ave, Northport, NY ; 19717 Mount Bachelor Dr Unit 616, Bend, OR ; 3500 Chelan Dr, West Linn, OR
Cecile S Pfingston, Robert W Holmes, Robert Holmes
Grace D Holmes  |  Norwich, New York
Age: 76
Phone Number: 
607-336-6362, 607-373-3684, 607-336-5112
31 Newton Ave, Norwich, NY ; 502 Clarendon St, Syracuse, NY ; 5 Eric St, Norwich, NY
Christopher D Holmes, Laura L Holmes, Thomas R Holmes
@gmail.com, @hotmail.com
Grace L Holmes  |  Cedar City, Utah

Grace Holmes may live at 512 S 780 W in Cedar City, UT with an 985 area phone number and may have connections to Bruce F Holmes, Travis J Holmes and Diane D Holmes.

Age: 94
Phone Number: 
985-255-3665, 435-586-8707, 435-586-4601
512 S 780 W, Cedar City, UT ; 235 S 200 E, Cedar City, UT ; 156 S Main St, Cedar City, UT
Bruce F Holmes, Travis J Holmes, Diane D Holmes
Previous Locations:
Patterson, LA
Grace M Holmes  |  Rossville, Georgia
Age: 106
Phone Number: 
423-485-9894, 706-866-4074, 423-954-9947
1300 McFarland Ave Apt C203, Rossville, GA ; 7230 Lee Hwy, Chattanooga, TN ; 300 W 6th St Apt 3h, Chattanooga, TN
Bethyl L Holmes
Previous Locations:
Sun Prairie, WI; Rhinelander, WI; Green Bay, WI; Delafield, WI; Boca Raton, FL; Eagle River, WI
Grace L Holmes  |  Salisbury, Maryland
Age: 94
Phone Number: 
1715 Wood Holme Ct, Salisbury, MD ; 136 Paddock Dr, Fruitland, MD ; 12813 Buckingham Dr, Bowie, MD
Richard E Holmes, Nancy E Holmes, Richard G Holmes
@cableone.net, @cs.com
Grace B Holmes  |  Decatur, Georgia
Age: 105
Phone Number: 
1800 Clairmont Lk Apt 708, Decatur, GA ; 1800 Clairmont Lk, Decatur, GA ; 3442 N Druid Hills Rd Apt O, Decatur, GA
Thomas J Holmes
Previous Locations:
Atlanta, GA
Grace M Holmes  |  Orange City, Florida

Grace Holmes, also possibly known as Grace Marie Holmes, has a last known location of 500 Grand Plaza Dr Apt 214 in Orange City, FL using the 407-399-9536 phone number. Potential relatives are Frank W Holmes.

Age: 110
Phone Number: 
407-399-9536, 386-789-3730
500 Grand Plaza Dr Apt 214, Orange City, FL ; 1837 E Chapel Dr, Deltona, FL ; 985 Sylvia Dr, Deltona, FL
Frank W Holmes
Seen As:
Grace Marie Holmes
Previous Locations:
Toms River, NJ
Grace Marie Holmes  |  Bristol, Virginia

Grace Holmes may live at 14484 Rainbow Rd # 22 in Bristol, VA with an 276 area phone number and may have connections to Harless L Holmes, Kenneth Holmes and Rose M Bush.

Age: 80
Phone Number: 
276-591-1711, 276-591-5320, 276-644-1351
14484 Rainbow Rd # 22, Bristol, VA ; 14484 Rainbow Rd, Bristol, VA ; 100 Moore St Apt 815, Bristol, VA
Harless L Holmes, Kenneth Holmes, Rose M Bush
Previous Locations:
Silver Spring, MD; Meadowview, VA
Grace E Holmes  |  Chandler, Arizona

Grace Holmes may live at 4176 E County Down Dr in Chandler, AZ with an 276 area phone number and may have connections to Marc Holmes and Marc E Holmesjr.

Age: 80
Phone Number: 
4176 E County Down Dr, Chandler, AZ ; 15022 Lee Hwy, Bristol, VA ; 400 N Coronado St Apt 1146, Chandler, AZ
Marc Holmes, Marc E Holmesjr
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA
Grace A Holmes  |  Lone Jack, Missouri
Age: 101
35203 E Spainhour Rd, Lone Jack, MO ; 204 NW Cypress St, Lees Summit, MO ; 204 N Cypress St, Grain Valley, MO
Johnna P Holmes, Jack Holmes, Felicia Armstrong
Grace S Holmes  |  Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
Age: 96
6305 Burnham Cir Apt 300, Inver Grove Heights, MN ; 259 Butler Ave E, Saint Paul, MN ; 8200 Hadley Ave S Apt 358, Cottage Grove, MN
Lillie Regina Copeland, R A Holmes, Renee A Holmes
@mindspring.com, @yahoo.com
Grace E Holmes  |  Lexington, Tennessee
Age: 40
Phone Number: 
88 Huntingdon St, Lexington, TN
Diane D Carter, Paul Carter, Tony P Holmes
Grace Holmes  |  Monroe, Louisiana
Phone Number: 
318-323-3906, 318-343-0742
7950 Millhaven Rd, Monroe, LA ; 300 Harrison St Apt 1104, Monroe, LA ; 300 Harrison St Apt 201, Monroe, LA
Grace J Holmes  |  Covington, Louisiana
Age: 85
Phone Number: 
1804 Justin Dr, Covington, LA ; 64422 Main St, Angie, LA ; Po Box 140, Angie, LA
G Holmes, Mark A Holmes, Angela D Holmes
Previous Locations:
Bush, LA; Jupiter, FL
Grace J Holmes  |  Angie, Louisiana
Age: 85
Phone Number: 
985-886-1155, 985-986-2256
Po Box 140, Angie, LA ; 82102 Bealer Rd, Bush, LA ; 64422 Main St, Angie, LA
Jerrie A Holmes, Bennie B Holmes, Grace J Holmes
Previous Locations:
Jupiter, FL; Covington, LA
Grace L Holmes  |  Patterson, Louisiana

Grace Holmes may live at 124 Domino Dr in Patterson, LA with an 985 area phone number and may have connections to Jacquelin G Dickerson, Volanda Dickerson and Mercie Lene Dickerson.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
985-395-4536, 985-992-3015
124 Domino Dr, Patterson, LA ; 321 C**** St, Jeanerette, LA ; Po Box 590, Berwick, LA
Jacquelin G Dickerson, Volanda Dickerson, Mercie Lene Dickerson
Grace M Holmes  |  Passaic, New Jersey
Age: 77
Phone Number: 
973-773-7049, 973-773-0716, 973-777-6273
59 Ascension St Apt 101, Passaic, NJ ; 23 Aspen Pl Apt 2f, Passaic, NJ ; 11 Aspen Pl Apt 8d, Passaic, NJ
Marshall Holmes, Holmes Timothy, Richard E Holmes
@ibm.net, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
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Public records available for people named Grace Holmes

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Grace Holmes Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Holmes over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you look for Grace. One of the easiest ways to search for them is by using their full name as 'Grace Holmes' in a people search. You can also try alternative techniques using an address in a known city. Do you know of a close relative or neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Grace.

FAQ: Learn more about Grace Holmes

What is Grace Holmes' address?
Grace Holmes' address is Po Box 722, Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania 19437.
What is Grace Holmes' phone number?
Grace Holmes' phone number is 914-423-5661. Other phone numbers for Grace Holmes may include 913-274-4725 and 913-631-0952.
What is Grace Holmes' age?
Average age for Grace Holmes is 85 years old.

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