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Trying to find someone named David Garza who lives in Florida? We found 46 records across 50 cities. See their information which may include contact info, employment histories, home addresses and phone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in West Palm Beach or Orlando. When looking at their birthdates, David is 57 years old on average, with nearly 57% categorized in the 41-60 age group. See more...
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
David Garza, also possibly known as David Garza Jr, has a last known location of 20734 Auburn Leaf Trl in Land O Lakes, FL using the 813-837-5213 phone number. Potential relatives are Hilda R Garza, Icela H Barrera and Goldie A Rohlff.
David may go by David D Garza Sr and have relatives of Ramon Garza, Judith M Alvarez and Ramon H Garza.
David may go by David Joseph Agapito Garza, David Josephagapito Garza or David J A Garza and have relatives of Angela Jean Garza, Agapito Garza and Agapito Garza.
David Garza may live at 2509 W Lake Dr in Wimauma, FL with an 407 area phone number and may have connections to Gina R Porter, Catarino F Garza and Madel Melchor.
David Garza may live at 209 Fireside Ct in Lehigh Acres, FL with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to Patrisia Garza, Guadalupe J Garza and Terri Garza.
David Garza may live at 3922 Jade Dr in Weslaco, TX with an 956 area phone number and may have connections to Monica Garza, Rachael G Byers and Jesse Garza.
David Garza may live at 100 Tamarindo in Brownsville, TX with an 941 area phone number and may have connections to Lia Garza, Celia Flores and Moises Garza.
David Garza may live at **** Santa Catalina in San Antonio, TX with an 210 area phone number and may have connections to Alicia Perez, Christine Garza and David E Garza.
David Garza may live at 8531 Collingwood in Universal City, TX with an 830 area phone number and may have connections to Christina Farias, David G Garza and Jesse Garza.
David Garza, also possibly known as David Chavira Garza, has a last known location of 27410 Parkweg Loop in New Braunfels, TX using the 703-717-9551 phone number. Potential relatives are Carrie Garza and C Garza.
David Garza, also possibly known as David J Garza Jr, has a last known location of 1104 Walston St in Dalton, GA using the 941-657-2904 phone number. Potential relatives are Irma M Garza, Victoria Mata and Carmen Garza.
David Garza may live at 136 Prospect Park W in Brooklyn, NY with an 518 area phone number and may have connections to Louis M Garza, Alexandra N Garza and Joan E Garza.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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