Want to know more about Alex Katz? We found 61 records in 11 states for Alex in our United States directory. You could find out more about potential matches by looking into contact detail matches, potential work histories, home addresses, and telephone records. The average Alex is about 71 years of age with about 35% in the 81+ age bracket. See more...

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Alex L Katz in Coconut Creek, Florida  |  Age Age: 108
Alex Katz addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3102 Portofino Pt, Coconut Creek, FL
  • 3102 Portofino Pt Apt D2, Coconut Creek, FL
  • 6172 Westgate Dr, Orlando, FL
Alex Katz phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-972-0108,
  • 305-972-0108
Alex Katz relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Alex S Katz in Queens Village, New York  |  Age Age: 55
Alex Katz addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 21711 82nd Ave, Queens Village, NY
  • 8004 165th St, Jamaica, NY
  • 1309 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY
Alex Katz phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 718-465-3127,
  • 845-583-6396,
  • 718-615-4444
Alex Katz relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Alex Katz  |  Worcester, Massachusetts
Age: 75
Phone Number: 
508-353-1572, 508-755-2613
74 Camelot Dr # 105, Worcester, MA ; 74 Camelot Dr, Worcester, MA ; 173 Highland Ave, Cotuit, MA
Misha Katz, Maya Katz, David Katz
Job Title:
Bellman at The Ritz-carlton Hotel Company Llc
Marketing, Management; Tulane University
Alex Nmi Katz  |  Portland, Oregon

Alex may go by Katz Alex and have relatives of Sylvia A Nikitins, Richard Katz and Barbara A Katz.

Age: 102
Phone Number: 
503-520-8656, 503-671-9673, 503-292-2619
7270 SW Benz Park Ct, Portland, OR ; 6140 SW Boundary St Apt 100, Portland, OR ; 13335 SW Whistling Way, Beaverton, OR
Sylvia A Nikitins, Richard Katz, Barbara A Katz
@uswest.net, @aol.com, @att.net
Seen As:
Katz Alex
Previous Locations:
Lake Oswego, OR
Alex R Katz  |  Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
215-882-3400, 215-519-9184, 215-885-6281
1233 Fairy Hill Rd, Jenkintown, PA ; Po Box 643, Foxcroft Square, PA ; 940 Pennsylvania Blvd, Feasterville Trevose, PA
Ernest Katz, Elias Katz
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA
Alex Katz  |  New York, New York

Alex Katz may live at 435 W Broadway Fl 5 in New York, NY with an 914 area phone number and may have connections to Irene Katz, Alex Katz and Ari A Katz.

Age: 97
Phone Number: 
914-948-4271, 212-463-7598, 212-337-0794
435 W Broadway Fl 5, New York, NY ; 435 W Broadway, New York, NY ; 211 W 19th St Apt 5a, New York, NY
Irene Katz, Alex Katz, Ari A Katz
@cs.com, @collegeclub.com, @netscape.net
Previous Locations:
White Plains, NY
Alex Katz  |  Forest Hills, New York
Age: 45
10537 65th Ave Apt 5a, Forest Hills, NY ; 766 Hillcrest Pl, Valley Stream, NY ; 72 Roanoke St, Staten Island, NY
Issac Katz, Yasha Katz, Raisa Katz
@comcast.net, @gmail.com, @msn.com, @aol.com, @lycos.com, @yahoo.com
Alex H Katz  |  Miami, Florida

Alex may go by Alexander Harry Katz and have relatives of Barry Katz, Leah C Katz and Sandra E James.

Age: 42
Phone Number: 
850-376-8563, 305-253-9595
15451 SW 67th Ct, Miami, FL ; 1303 Ocala Rd, Tallahassee, FL
Barry Katz, Leah C Katz, Sandra E James
Seen As:
Alexander Harry Katz
Alex A Katz  |  Davie, Florida
Age: 71
4159 SW 67th Ave Apt 109a, Davie, FL ; 60 Estes St Apt 4, Lynn, MA
Goldy Katz, Edith Katz, Betty M Katz
Alex N Katz  |  Saint Louis, Missouri
Age: 84
1 Covington Ln, Saint Louis, MO ; 7332 Stanford Ave, Saint Louis, MO
Alex Katz  |  Madison, Wisconsin
Phone Number: 
8102 Blakton Rd Apt 102, Madison, WI ; 5760 Highland Way Apt 209, Middleton, WI ; 5760 Highland Way, Middleton, WI
Charles J Katz, Christopher J Katz, Jill E Katz
@malvern.com, @gmail.com
Alex Katz  |  New Rochelle, New York
Phone Number: 
19 Indian Trl, New Rochelle, NY
@optonline.net, @gmail.com
Alex Katz  |  Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
5098 Cold Point Hill Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA
Cheryl H Katz, Sherrill Katz, Richard Katz
Alex Katz  |  New York, New York

Alex Katz may live at 435 W Broadway in New York, NY with an 917 area phone number and may have connections to Vivien T Bittencourt, Alex Katz and Ada Katz.

Phone Number: 
917-445-3841, 917-445-3499
435 W Broadway, New York, NY
Vivien T Bittencourt, Alex Katz, Ada Katz
Alex Katz  |  Queens Village, New York
Phone Number: 
21711 82nd Ave, Queens Village, NY
Dina Isakov, Dena Katz, Alex S Katz
Alex Katz  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3083 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Alex Katz  |  Brooklyn, New York

Alex Katz may live at 2532 Hubbard St in Brooklyn, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Faina Katz, Ellen L Katz and Maya Mazur.

Phone Number: 
2532 Hubbard St, Brooklyn, NY ; 49 Murdock Ct, Brooklyn, NY ; 49 Murdock Ct Apt 5e, Brooklyn, NY
Faina Katz, Ellen L Katz, Maya Mazur
@gmail.com, @hotmail.com, @aol.com
Alex J Katz  |  Lansing, Michigan
16991 S Us Highway 27, Lansing, MI
Alex E Katz  |  Newton Highlands, Massachusetts
Age: 64
32 Puritan Rd, Newton Highlands, MA
Nancy B Katz, Nancy E Katz, Ari A Katz
Alex J Katz  |  Boynton Beach, Florida
Age: 104
5375 Piping Rock Dr, Boynton Beach, FL
Muriel Katz, Muriel B Katz, Merrill D Katz
Alex Katz  |  Kansas City, Kansas
Age: 67
5126 Hutton Rd # 12, Kansas City, KS
Alex Katz  |  New York, New York
Age: 38
34 Watts St Apt 29, New York, NY
Alex Katz  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 41
Phone Number: 
6630 SW 70th Ln # 22-B, Miami, FL
Alex Katz  |  Passaic, New Jersey

Alex Katz may live at 87 Boulevard in Passaic, NJ with an 732 area phone number and may have connections to Shoshana Katz, S Katz and Charles L Katz.

Age: 49
Phone Number: 
732-942-6425, 973-471-1211
87 Boulevard, Passaic, NJ ; 1429 Canterbury Rd, Lakewood, NJ ; 311 Forest Ave Apt 3, Lakewood, NJ
Shoshana Katz, S Katz, Charles L Katz
Alex Katz  |  Paramus, New Jersey
Age: 50
133 Howland Ave, Paramus, NJ ; 1142 Rosse Ave, New Milford, NJ
Roman Katz, Alexander Pe Kats, Zoya Shaposhnik
Alex Katz  |  Livingston, New Jersey
Phone Number: 
17 Camelot Dr, Livingston, NJ
Alex Katz  |  Oceanport, New Jersey
Age: 115
Phone Number: 
203-499-7739, 203-969-9062
11 Burntmill Cir, Oceanport, NJ ; 97 Country Ridge Dr, Rye Brook, NY ; 77 3rd St Apt J3, Stamford, CT
Lillian Katz, Sandra T Katz, Adolph Isidore Katz
Previous Locations:
West Palm Bch, FL; Boynton Beach, FL; Red Bank, NJ; Boca Raton, FL
Alex Katz  |  Hoboken, New Jersey

Alex Katz may live at 618 Madison St # 1 in Hoboken, NJ with an 914 area phone number and may have connections to Miriam Katz, Helaine D Katz and Helene D Katz.

Phone Number: 
914-948-4271, 201-798-0279, 609-308-2117
618 Madison St # 1, Hoboken, NJ ; 830 Madison St Apt 527, Hoboken, NJ ; 618 Madison St, Hoboken, NJ
Miriam Katz, Helaine D Katz, Helene D Katz
@aol.com, @gmail.com
Previous Locations:
Princeton Junction, NJ; Greenwich, CT; White Plains, NY
Alex Katz  |  South Orange, New Jersey
Age: 102
410 Melrose Pl, South Orange, NJ ; 41 Melrose Dr, Livingston, NJ
Alec Katz, Rita K Katz, Nicole Katz
Alex M Katz  |  New Orleans, Louisiana

Alex Katz may live at 432 Henry Clay Ave in New Orleans, LA with an 504 area phone number and may have connections to R Katz, Richard L Katz and Erin Luft.

Age: 41
Phone Number: 
504-309-3777, 305-669-9452, 305-661-1342
432 Henry Clay Ave, New Orleans, LA ; 6630 SW 70th Ln, Miami, FL ; 5525 Annunciation St, New Orleans, LA
R Katz, Richard L Katz, Erin Luft
@hotmail.com, @cableone.net, @cfl.rr.com, @bellsouth.net
Work Email:
@katz.us, @tz1.com, @tz.com
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Alex Katz Phone Numbers

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We can help you look for Alex. One of the easiest ways to search for them is by using their full name as 'Alex Katz' in a people search. You can also try alternative techniques using an address in a known city. Do you know of a close relative or neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Alex.

FAQ: Learn more about Alex Katz

What is Alex Katz's address?
Alex Katz's address is 3102 Portofino Pt, Coconut Creek, Florida 33066. Alex may also have lived in Flushing, NY, and White Lake, NY.
What is Alex Katz's phone number?
Alex Katz's phone number is 718-465-3127. Other phone numbers for Alex Katz may include 508-755-2613 and 508-353-1572.
What is Alex Katz's age?
Average age for Alex Katz is 71 years old.
What is Alex Katz's email address?
Alex Katz's email address is aaale*****@gmail.com. We have 1 additional email on file for Alex.

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