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We found 74 records in 22 states for Theodora Smith in our US directory. The top state of residence is Florida, followed by New York. The average Theodora Smith is around 75 years of age with around 33% falling in the 61-70 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Theodora Smith may live at 3724 Landstown Rd in Virginia Beach, VA with an 757 area phone number and may have connections to Mary E Heslin, Saequana Smith and Myra E Smith.
Theodora may go by Theodora S Smith, Vallone Theodora Smith, Theodora Smith Vallone, Theodora Smith-Vallone or Theodora J Smith Vallone and have relatives of Christina M Amin, Alice J Smith and Vincent P Vallone.
Theodora Smith, also possibly known as Smith M Theodora, has a last known location of 1447 Buena Vista Dr in MacOn, GA using the 478-621-4870 phone number. Potential relatives are John H Smith and Robert B Thomas.
Theodora Smith may live at 201 Tremont Ln in Johnson City, TN with an 423 area phone number and may have connections to Laura E Young, J Timothy Smith and John W Smith.
Theodora may go by Sue Smith or Theodore Smith and have relatives of Gerald L Smith, M Smith and J Smith.
Theodora Smith may live at 10444 Fordham St in Spring Hill, FL with an 517 area phone number and may have connections to Terry K Smith, Jason E Smith and Lynn K Smith.
Theodora Smith may live at 8918 Links Dr E in Memphis, TN with an 256 area phone number and may have connections to T Smith, Saekuana C Smith and Saequana Smith.
Theodora may go by Theodora P Smith and have relatives of Brenda Lee Smith, B Smith and Teddie Smith.
Theodora may go by Theodora Smith King, Theodora Smithking or Theodora H Smithking and have relatives of Bola Smith, Abinbola M Smith and Kelly L Smith.
Theodora Smith may live at Po Box 2983 in Henderson, NC with an 252 area phone number and may have connections to Theodora S Smith, Arge Cseabrook and Meta L Seabrook.
Theodora Smith may live at 112 Dogwood Ln # A in Winchester, TN with an 615 area phone number and may have connections to Teddy Smith, Alexandra E Smith and Thomas A Smith.
Theodora Smith may live at 40 Crosby St in Milford, NH with an 603 area phone number and may have connections to Harold F Smith.
Theodora Smith may live at 4550 Karen Ave Apt 254 in Las Vegas, NV with an 702 area phone number and may have connections to Theotis A Deyampert, Linda Gray and Orlando A Deyampert.
Theodora may go by Theodora Jean Smith and have relatives of Vivian A Oliver, Kevin M Smith and Richard B Pahl.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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