You could find the Sara Cabrera you are searching for by checking our US directory. Explore available details about possible matches to Sara's contact details, employment, work history, and residency locations. Our people finding directory features about 94 records in 15 states for individuals matching the Sara Cabrera name. See more...

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Sara O Cabrera in North Miami Beach, Florida  |  Age Age: 66
Sara Cabrera addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 2173 NE 179th St, North Miami Beach, FL
  • 1501 NE 175th St, North Miami Beach, FL
  • 1991 NE 172nd St Apt 15, North Miami Beach, FL
Sara Cabrera phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-448-2199
Sara Cabrera relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sara Cabrera in Hallandale Beach, Florida  |  Age Age: 75
Sara Cabrera addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1928 S Ocean Dr Apt 204, Hallandale Beach, FL
  • 49 Hewes St, Brentwood, NY
  • 3810 SW 165th Ave, Miramar, FL
Sara Cabrera phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-433-8985,
  • 954-454-3019,
  • 954-822-1753
Sara Cabrera relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sara M Cabrera  |  Cartersville, Georgia

Sara Cabrera may live at 12 Rubie Ln SW in Cartersville, GA with an 706 area phone number and may have connections to Julio N Cabrera, Nick Cabrern and Jessica Cole.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
706-358-8252, 770-607-5414
12 Rubie Ln SW, Cartersville, GA ; Po Box 2224, Acworth, GA ; 6253 Westridge Trce, Acworth, GA
Julio N Cabrera, Nick Cabrern, Jessica Cole
Previous Locations:
Thomasville, GA; Woodstock, GA
Sara M Cabrera  |  Kissimmee, Florida
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
407-225-8570, 407-552-4532, 718-225-8570
2675 Stratham Ct, Kissimmee, FL ; 621 Maple Pass, Kissimmee, FL ; 4422 Evergreen Forest Loop, Kissimmee, FL
Elizabeth O Cabrera, Sandra C Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Bayside, NY; Oakland Gardens, NY; Farmingdale, NY
Sara Cabrera  |  Roslindale, Massachusetts

Sara Cabrera may live at 74 Clare Ave in Roslindale, MA with an 617 area phone number and may have connections to Martin D Morales, Javier Jose Ramos and Jose R Morales.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
617-699-1492, 617-770-1989, 617-984-2629
74 Clare Ave, Roslindale, MA ; 10 Malta St Apt 2, Mattapan, MA ; 49 Vernon St E, Norwood, MA
Martin D Morales, Javier Jose Ramos, Jose R Morales
Previous Locations:
Quincy, MA
Job Title:
Mba Candidate at Cambridge Judge Business School; Sr. Marketing Manager - Subsea Services & Offshore at Ge Oil & Gas
Sara Cabrera  |  Coral Springs, Florida

Sara Cabrera may live at 8402 W Sample Rd in Coral Springs, FL with an 954 area phone number and may have connections to Tony M Cabrera, Doris A Cabrera and Nitza E Esquilin.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
954-344-8714, 561-447-6701
8402 W Sample Rd, Coral Springs, FL ; 8402 W Sample Rd Apt 241, Coral Springs, FL ; 305 Lock Rd Apt 3, Deerfield Beach, FL
Tony M Cabrera, Doris A Cabrera, Nitza E Esquilin
Seen As:
Sara L Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Boca Raton, FL; Coconut Creek, FL; Margate, FL
Sara Cabrera  |  Hialeah, Florida

Sara Cabrera may live at 7006 W 17th Ct in Hialeah, FL with an 407 area phone number and may have connections to Santiago A Cabrera.

Age: 94
Phone Number: 
7006 W 17th Ct, Hialeah, FL ; 1024 Gwyn Cir, Oviedo, FL ; 5484 Lake Margaret Dr, Orlando, FL
Santiago A Cabrera
Sara Belen Cabrera  |  Hialeah, Florida

Sara Cabrera may live at 860 NE 4th Pl in Hialeah, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Jose de Cabrera, Alejandro R Cabrera and Alejandr R Cabrera.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
860 NE 4th Pl, Hialeah, FL ; 860 SE 4th Pl, Hialeah, FL ; 955 W 74th St Apt 306, Hialeah, FL
Jose de Cabrera, Alejandro R Cabrera, Alejandr R Cabrera
Seen As:
Sara B Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Kissimmee, FL
Sara M Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Sara may go by Cabrera Sara and have relatives of Barbara Nordelo, Yusledy Jarquin and Victor J Cabrera.

Age: 81
Phone Number: 
10381 SW 150th Ct Apt 11102, Miami, FL ; 3245 NW 106th St, Miami, FL ; 840 W 50th Pl, Hialeah, FL
Barbara Nordelo, Yusledy Jarquin, Victor J Cabrera
Seen As:
Cabrera Sara
Sara Quintana Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Sara Cabrera may live at 531b SW 8th Ave in Miami, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Amelia Sanchez, Julia Sanchez and Socorro Sanchez.

Age: 85
Phone Number: 
305-790-4458, 305-649-8784, 305-649-8060
531b SW 8th Ave, Miami, FL ; 531a SW 8th Ave, Miami, FL ; 151 NW 18th Ave Apt 2, Miami, FL
Amelia Sanchez, Julia Sanchez, Socorro Sanchez
Previous Locations:
Auke Bay, AK
Sara M Cabrera  |  Hialeah, Florida
Age: 77
Phone Number: 
275 Palm Ave Apt 513, Hialeah, FL ; 9455 W Flagler St Apt C214, Miami, FL ; 9455 W Flagler St Apt C2, Miami, FL
Hecta Cabrera, Jorge E Perez, Alberto M Cabrera
Sara M Cabrera  |  Homestead, Florida
Age: 89
Phone Number: 
29821 SW 148th Ct, Homestead, FL ; Po Box 901897, Homestead, FL ; 3920 S Roosevelt Blvd Apt 305e, Key West, FL
Silvia C Cabrera, Pedro R Cabrera, Jose Ricardo Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Wilmington, Delaware

Sara Cabrera may live at 10 Stroud St in Wilmington, DE with an 302 area phone number and may have connections to Rafael Cabrera, Rafael Cabrera and Sonia N Cabrera.

Age: 41
Phone Number: 
10 Stroud St, Wilmington, DE ; 508 S Van Buren St, Wilmington, DE ; 500 Homestead Rd Apt H11, Wilmington, DE
Rafael Cabrera, Rafael Cabrera, Sonia N Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Silver Spring, Maryland
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
703-257-3468, 301-946-1385, 301-326-1221
2614 Weisman Rd, Silver Spring, MD ; 17270 Highland Ave Apt 4e, Jamaica, NY ; 3150 Burgess Mill Way, Ellicott City, MD
Paula E Ciccone, Elsa Cabrera, Alfredo Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Baltimore, MD; Elkridge, MD; Washington, DC; Astoria, NY; Manassas, VA; Woodbridge, VA; New York, NY
Sara Cabrera  |  Superior, Wisconsin
Age: 43
Phone Number: 
519 Grand Ave, Superior, WI ; 4209 E 3rd St, Superior, WI ; 5716 Highland St, Duluth, MN
Anthony J Cabrera, Martha M Cabrera, Anthony P Cabrera
Previous Locations:
South Range, WI
Sara Cabrera  |  Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Age: 83
761 S Marshall St, Lancaster, PA ; 232 Mackin Ave, Lancaster, PA ; 1716 Swarr Run Rd, Lancaster, PA
Donato Cabrera, Sara Cabrera, Est Sara Cabrera
Sara R Cabrera  |  Hialeah, Florida
Age: 95
718 W 44th Pl, Hialeah, FL ; 7118 SW 44th St, Miami, FL
Deborah Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Greensboro, North Carolina

Sara Cabrera may live at 2704 Leo Dr in Greensboro, NC with an 336 area phone number and may have connections to Cristina Carbera, Ariana Mosqueda and Esteban B Cabrera.

Age: 30
Phone Number: 
2704 Leo Dr, Greensboro, NC ; 2704 Leo Dr # 123459, Greensboro, NC
Cristina Carbera, Ariana Mosqueda, Esteban B Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 83
Phone Number: 
15619 SW 73rd Circle Ter Apt 105, Miami, FL ; 16670 SW 70th St, Miami, FL
Sara R Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Sara Cabrera may live at 10230 SW 48th St in Miami, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Maria Cabrera, Jose A Cabrera and Luis A Cabrera.

Age: 88
Phone Number: 
10230 SW 48th St, Miami, FL ; 9320 SW 17th St, Miami, FL
Maria Cabrera, Jose A Cabrera, Luis A Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Wurtsboro, New York

Sara Cabrera may live at 27 Elm St in Wurtsboro, NY with an 516 area phone number and may have connections to Orlando L Cabrera, Orlando A Cabrera and Orlando C Cabrera.

Phone Number: 
516-623-4749, 845-888-4608
27 Elm St, Wurtsboro, NY ; Po Box 7480, Freeport, NY ; 29 Archer St, Freeport, NY
Orlando L Cabrera, Orlando A Cabrera, Orlando C Cabrera
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Sara Cabrera  |  Wichita, Kansas
1534 N Pine Grove St, Wichita, KS
Antonio P Cabrera, A Cabrera, Teresa R Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
19851 SW 114th Ave, Miami, FL ; 11107 SW 200th St, Cutler Bay, FL
Denys Cabrera-Ares
Sara Cabrera  |  Burnsville, Minnesota
Phone Number: 
14750 W Burnsville Pkwy, Burnsville, MN
Sara Cabrera  |  Brooklyn, New York
Phone Number: 
936 Dekalb Ave Apt 1a, Brooklyn, NY ; 94 E 1st St, New York, NY ; 89 Maujer St, Brooklyn, NY
Eddie Cabrera, Juan Cabrera, Encarnacion Cabrera
Sara A Cabrera  |  Glendale, Arizona
Phone Number: 
7153 N 57th Dr, Glendale, AZ ; 23307 N 119th Dr, Sun City, AZ
Sara Cabrera  |  Washington, DC
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
1373 Nicholson St NW Apt 4, Washington, DC
Sara Cabrera  |  Las Vegas, Nevada
Phone Number: 
7100 Pinelake Rd, Las Vegas, NV
Michael Cabrera, Valerie Cabrera Cabrera, Elaina Fluet Cabrera
Sara Cabrera  |  North Brunswick, New Jersey

Sara Cabrera, also possibly known as Sara S Cabrera, has a last known location of Po Box 7764 in North Brunswick, NJ using the 732-331-3206 phone number. Potential relatives are G Cabrera and Guillermo L Cabrera.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
732-331-3206, 860-439-0492, 732-220-9661
Po Box 7764, North Brunswick, NJ ; 918 Trinity St # 2, North Brunswick, NJ ; 918 Trinity St, North Brunswick, NJ
G Cabrera, Guillermo L Cabrera
Seen As:
Sara S Cabrera
Previous Locations:
New London, CT; Yonkers, NY
Sara H Cabrera  |  Wallington, New Jersey
Age: 76
256 Maple Ave, Wallington, NJ ; 227 Dayton Ave, Clifton, NJ ; 227 Dayton Ave Apt 4, Clifton, NJ
Ramon Cabrera, Debra Guzman, Ramon Cabrera
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Sara Cabrera Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Cabrera over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Sara Cabrera

What is Sara Cabrera's address?
Sara Cabrera's address is 2173 NE 179th St, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. Sara may also have lived in Pembroke Pines, FL, and Hicksville, NY.
What is Sara Cabrera's phone number?
Sara Cabrera's phone number is 954-433-8985. Other phone numbers for Sara Cabrera may include 770-607-5414 and 706-358-8252.
What is Sara Cabrera's age?
Average age for Sara Cabrera is 69 years old.
What is Sara Cabrera's email address?
Sara Cabrera's email address is butterf******* We have 1 additional email on file for Sara.

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