We located 40 records in 17 states for Roselyn in our United States directory. You could find out more about them by looking into contact information matches, possible work histories, house addresses, and phone records. See more...

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Roselyn B Davis in Waycross, Georgia  |  Age Age: 76
Roselyn Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 400 Juniper St Lot 5, Waycross, GA
  • 400 Juniper St, Waycross, GA
  • 504 Pineview Dr Apt B, Waycross, GA
Roselyn Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 912-284-0164,
  • 229-482-9292
Roselyn Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Roselyn D Davis in Port Saint Lucie, Florida  |  Age Age: 56
Roselyn Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 291 NW Archer Ave, Port Saint Lucie, FL
  • 1781 SW Burlington St, Port Saint Lucie, FL
  • 1811 S 82nd St Apt 2, Tacoma, WA
Roselyn Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 772-344-7512,
  • 772-621-3772
Roselyn Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Roselyn J Davis  |  Decatur, Georgia
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
4500 Dover Castle Ct, Decatur, GA ; 5118 Oaktree Trl, Lithonia, GA ; 4144 Rocky Face Dr, Douglasville, GA
Carol D Davis, Chanell Davis, Robert W Lampkin
@collegeclub.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com, @bellsouth.net, @hotmail.com
Previous Locations:
Brunswick, GA; Jacksonville, FL
Roselyn M Davis  |  Lake Worth, Florida

Roselyn Davis, also possibly known as Roselyn J Davis, has a last known location of 1513 15th Ave S in Lake Worth, FL using the 561-585-4575 phone number. Potential relatives are Keithton J Jones, Charlie J Davis and Charlie J Davis.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
1513 15th Ave S, Lake Worth, FL ; Po Box 5695, Tallahassee, FL ; 1415 S K St, Lake Worth, FL
Keithton J Jones, Charlie J Davis, Charlie J Davis
@gmail.com, @bellsouth.net
Seen As:
Roselyn J Davis
Work Email:
Roselyn M Davis  |  Camilla, Georgia

Roselyn Davis may live at Po Box 141 in Camilla, GA with an 706 area phone number and may have connections to Andrew J Davis, Joann Hanes and Gaila D Davis.

Age: 46
Phone Number: 
706-507-9867, 719-284-0013, 502-942-4989
Po Box 141, Camilla, GA ; 3779 New Hope Rd, Pelham, GA ; 3641 NW 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Andrew J Davis, Joann Hanes, Gaila D Davis
@gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Previous Locations:
Lauderhill, FL; Colorado Springs, CO; Fort Benning, GA; Columbus, GA; Fort Knox, KY; Pompano Beach, FL
Roselyn A Davis  |  Abingdon, Maryland
Age: 99
Phone Number: 
904-445-1979, 410-569-4496
311 Laurel Woods Dr Apt E, Abingdon, MD ; 311 Laurel Woods Dr, Abingdon, MD ; 311 Laurel Woods Dr Apt D, Abingdon, MD
Kirk M Davis, Lynn J Davis, Sharon J Davis
Previous Locations:
Palm Coast, FL; Essex, MD
Roselyn D Davis  |  Winter Park, Florida
Age: 83
Phone Number: 
407-645-0614, 407-628-4683, 386-427-3383
1210 N Park Ave, Winter Park, FL ; 5255 S Atlantic Ave, New Smyrna Beach, FL ; 610 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL
Ashley Barnett, John G Davis, Wilbur M Davis
@gmail.com, @bellsouth.net
Roselyn Davis  |  Detroit, Michigan

Roselyn may go by Roslind Davis and have relatives of Rosalind S Davis, Deborah Davis and Deborah A Davis.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
313-657-2469, 313-657-2464, 313-837-5405
17405 Pennington Dr, Detroit, MI ; 14046 Glastonbury Ave, Detroit, MI ; Detroit, Detroit, MI
Rosalind S Davis, Deborah Davis, Deborah A Davis
Seen As:
Roslind Davis
Roselyn Davis  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 93
Phone Number: 
2115 SW 83rd Ct, Miami, FL ; 4955 Ponce de Leon Blvd # B, Coral Gables, FL ; 2115 SW 83rd Ct # 83, Miami, FL
John H Gillingham, Jeffrey B Gillingham
Roselyn L Davis  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 73
Phone Number: 
215-457-2109, 267-847-8151, 267-297-7620
1511 Nedro Ave # 1, Philadelphia, PA ; 1511 Nedro Ave, Philadelphia, PA ; 7067 Forrest Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Rasheen Nicole Davis, Gregory K Davis, Christana T Davis
@yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Roselyn A Davis  |  Alexandria, Virginia
Age: 66
7286 Hillary St, Alexandria, VA ; 783 N Van Dorn St, Alexandria, VA ; 5781 Rayburn Ave Apt 163, Alexandria, VA
Jeffrey W Davis, Darrell F Jackson
Roselyn T Davis  |  Taylors, South Carolina
Age: 98
301 Falcon Prey Ct, Taylors, SC ; Po Box 182, Zirconia, NC ; 355 Sycamore Dr, Arden, NC
Keith O Davis, Graham L Davis, Carrie B Davis
Roselyn Davis  |  Mount Vernon, New York
Age: 67
52 S 8th Ave, Mount Vernon, NY ; 14 S High St, Mount Vernon, NY
Tiara Wilson
Roselyn S Davis  |  Pocatello, Idaho
Age: 104
1308 Paramount St, Pocatello, ID ; 635 Gary St, Pocatello, ID
Val K Champion, Dennis S Champion, Dc Champion
Roselyn Davis  |  Brunswick, Georgia
Phone Number: 
2708 Evergreen Rd Apt E, Brunswick, GA ; 2708 Evergreen Rd, Brunswick, GA
Roselyn Davis  |  Lansing, Michigan
948 W Miller Rd, Lansing, MI
Roselyn Davis  |  Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Phone Number: 
507 W 24th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR ; 507 E 24th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR
Roselyn Davis  |  Tallahassee, Florida
3210 Dan Fletcher Dr, Tallahassee, FL
Roselyn Davis  |  Saint Louis, Missouri
7101 Robbins Ave, Saint Louis, MO
Roselyn Davis  |  Bean Station, Tennessee

Roselyn Davis may live at 577 Cross Rd in Bean Station, TN with an 865 area phone number and may have connections to James L Davis.

Phone Number: 
577 Cross Rd, Bean Station, TN
James L Davis
Roselyn C Davis  |  Tucson, Arizona
2213 E 20th St, Tucson, AZ
Roselyn S Davis  |  Pompano Beach, Florida
518 SW 2nd St Apt 7, Pompano Beach, FL
Roselyn Davis  |  Naples, New York
Age: 99
16 Elizabeth St, Naples, NY
Bernard P Davis, Ray G Davis, James R Davis
Roselyn Davis  |  Miami, Florida

Roselyn may go by Roselynv V Davis and have relatives of Victoria C Davis, Charlene A Davis and Avonelle T Davis.

Age: 79
Phone Number: 
11855 SW 223rd St, Miami, FL
Victoria C Davis, Charlene A Davis, Avonelle T Davis
Seen As:
Roselynv V Davis
Roselyn Davis  |  La Quinta, California
Age: 88
Phone Number: 
50925 Paloma Ct, La Quinta, CA ; 50925 Calle Paloma, La Quinta, CA ; 229 12th St Apt B, Manhattan Beach, CA
William P Davis, Tamara Davis
@verizon.net, @charter.net, @sbcglobal.net
Management, Business Administration And Management; University Of Memphis
Roselyn A Davis  |  Sun City, California
Age: 73
Phone Number: 
951-672-0651, 951-566-5228, 626-872-0204
26380 Brandywine Ct, Sun City, CA ; Po Box 542, San Gabriel, CA ; Po Box 4083, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Seen As:
Roslyn Davis, Roselyn Ann Davis
Previous Locations:
Fontana, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Inglewood, CA; Hawthorne, CA; Los Angeles, CA
Roselyn D Davis  |  Zachary, Louisiana

Roselyn Davis may live at 3610 Rollins Rd in Zachary, LA with an 225 area phone number and may have connections to Marcus Davis, Matilda Davis and Michael T Davis.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
225-774-0369, 225-658-2195
3610 Rollins Rd, Zachary, LA ; 10824 La Highway 965, Saint Francisville, LA ; 5510 Lavey Ln Trlr 52, Baker, LA
Marcus Davis, Matilda Davis, Michael T Davis
Seen As:
Roselyn Deshon Davis, Roslyn D Davis
Previous Locations:
Tucson, AZ
Roselyn E Davis  |  Devine, Texas

Roselyn Davis, also possibly known as Rose Z Davis, has a last known location of 6790 County Road 4514 in Devine, TX using the 830-985-9466 phone number. Potential relatives are James Allan Rehak, Jimmy D Davis and Olivia Arriaga.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
830-985-9466, 830-762-3284
6790 County Road 4514, Devine, TX ; 6924 County Road 4514, Devine, TX ; Rr 1 Box 249a, Devine, TX
James Allan Rehak, Jimmy D Davis, Olivia Arriaga
@live.com, @gmail.com, @sbcglobal.net, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Rose Z Davis, Roselyn Z Davis, Roslyn Davis
Roselyn E Davis  |  New Orleans, Louisiana
Age: 67
Phone Number: 
218 S Dupre St, New Orleans, LA ; Po Box 51316, New Orleans, LA ; 7724 Keats St, New Orleans, LA
Ane D Coleman
Roselyn P Davis  |  Bergenfield, New Jersey
66 Brook St, Bergenfield, NJ
Joseph G Davis, Rowen Davis, Wendy Polintan Davis
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Public records available for people named Roselyn Davis

Roselyn may have public records you can use to find out more information about them. Try using our public records search for Roselyn Davis. These records use their legal name and may help you find them since they come from the county or state government. You can use this information for various purposes, such as finding a person's location, genealogy research and other investigative purposes.
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Roselyn Davis Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Davis over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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Are you searching for a person called Roselyn with a surname of Davis? Start by using a person search with their last recorded area in a city or state. You could find out more about where they live and how you might be able to contact them by phone or email. Next, try to find additional details related to Roselyn Davis, like next-door neighbors and family members together with aliases used.

FAQ: Learn more about Roselyn Davis

What is Roselyn Davis' address?
Roselyn Davis' address is 400 Juniper St Lot 5, Waycross, Georgia 31501. Roselyn may also have lived in Lakewood, WA
What is Roselyn Davis' phone number?
Roselyn Davis' phone number is 772-344-7512. Other phone numbers for Roselyn Davis may include 678-715-4761.
What is Roselyn Davis' age?
Average age for Roselyn Davis is 74 years old.
What is Roselyn Davis' email address?
Roselyn Davis' email address is blackn******@collegeclub.com. We have 5 additional emails on file for Roselyn.

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