You could find the Phillip Coffin you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to Phillip's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 16 records in 11 states for people matching the Phillip Coffin name. See more...

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Phillip Coffin in Lincoln, Nebraska  |  Age Age: 43
Phillip Coffin addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 832 Hanneman Dr Apt 105, Lincoln, NE
  • 4010 Locust St, Lincoln, NE
  • 2511 S 14th St, Lincoln, NE
Phillip Coffin phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 402-601-7299
Phillip Coffin relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Phillip C Coffin in Titusville, Florida  |  Age Age: 56
Phillip Coffin addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 925 Loretta Dr, Titusville, FL
  • 133 Virginia Rd, Melbourne, FL
  • 2477 Pepper Ave, Melbourne, FL
Phillip Coffin phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 321-385-0587,
  • 321-246-1274
Phillip Coffin relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Phillip B Coffin  |  Nederland, Colorado
Age: 89
Phone Number: 
304-754-6630, 970-249-4472, 303-530-4109
Po Box 3291, Nederland, CO ; 2316 Election Way, Montrose, CO ; 11907 Chantilly Ln, Bowie, MD
Gregory J Coffin, Gregory P Coffin
Previous Locations:
Longmont, CO; Hedgesville, WV; Martinsburg, WV
Phillip Coffin  |  Bangor, Maine

Phillip Coffin, also possibly known as Philip Coffin, has a last known location of 323 Stillwater Ave Apt 29 in Bangor, ME using the 207-659-7519 phone number. Potential relatives are Corey A Coffin, Scott P Coffin and Donald C Coffin.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
323 Stillwater Ave Apt 29, Bangor, ME ; 323 Stillwater Ave, Bangor, ME ; 764 County Rd, Milford, ME
Corey A Coffin, Scott P Coffin, Donald C Coffin
Seen As:
Philip Coffin
Previous Locations:
Carmel, ME
Phillip D Coffin  |  Mount Pleasant, Iowa
Age: 46
1345 255th St, Mount Pleasant, IA ; 110 N Gunnison St, Burlington, IA ; 224 Hayes St, Burlington, IA
Scott J Coffin, Jonica A Giesel, Patricia A Coffin
Phillip L Coffin  |  Saint Paul, Minnesota
Age: 76
360 Wyndham Cir E, Saint Paul, MN ; 11459 Round Lake Blvd NW, Minneapolis, MN ; 16020 Neon St NW, Anoka, MN
Yong C Coffin, Jeresa Bouten
Phillip Coffin  |  Schenectady, New York
210 Van Voast St, Schenectady, NY ; 210 Van Voast Ln, Schenectady, NY
Phillip Coffin  |  Schenectady, New York
501 Schenectady St, Schenectady, NY
Phillip M Coffin  |  Schenectady, New York
509 Mumford St, Schenectady, NY ; 1102 6th Ave, Schenectady, NY
Antoinette M Coffin, John Coffin, Tera Coffin
Phillip Coffin  |  Addison, Texas
14600 Marsh Ln Apt 1001, Addison, TX
Sharon A Coffin, Philip R Coffin
Phillip J Coffin  |  Bloomington, Indiana
Age: 91
Phone Number: 
812-339-6689, 812-331-2322
Po Box 81, Bloomington, IN ; 1215 S Willow Tree Pl, Bloomington, IN ; 2925 W Vernal Pike, Bloomington, IN
Jennifer M Coffin, Mary A Coffin, Angela L Coffin
Phillip L Coffin  |  Oysterville, Washington

Phillip Coffin may live at Po Box 611 in Oysterville, WA with an 702 area phone number and may have connections to Ann Coffin and A J Coffin.

Age: 91
Phone Number: 
702-813-4865, 702-436-7361, 702-658-1109
Po Box 611, Oysterville, WA ; 8843 Haviland Rd, Las Vegas, NV ; 6604 Hartman St, Las Vegas, NV
Ann Coffin, A J Coffin
Seen As:
Philip Leroy Coffin
Phillip O Coffin  |  Oakland, California

Phillip Coffin, also possibly known as Phillip Oliver Coffin, has a last known location of 5823 Mendocino Ave in Oakland, CA using the 415-626-1205 phone number. Potential relatives are Oliver E Coffin, Veronica E Clark and Barry K Coffin.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
415-626-1205, 508-255-1680, 510-653-8109
5823 Mendocino Ave, Oakland, CA ; 845 Coventry Rd, Kensington, CA ; 4212 Meridian Ave N, Seattle, WA
Oliver E Coffin, Veronica E Clark, Barry K Coffin
Seen As:
Phillip Oliver Coffin
Previous Locations:
New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; Eastham, MA
Phillip R Coffin  |  Denison, Texas

Phillip may go by Phil Coffin, Philip Coffin, Philip Coffin Jr or Phillip R Coffin Jr and have relatives of Philip R Coffin, Philip R Coffin and Catherin T Coffin.

Age: 94
Phone Number: 
903-465-6466, 903-337-0579
2912 Sidney Dr, Denison, TX
Philip R Coffin, Philip R Coffin, Catherin T Coffin
Seen As:
Phil Coffin, Philip Coffin, Philip Coffin Jr, Phillip R Coffin Jr
Phillip S Coffin  |  Lancaster, California
6334 Treehaven Ct, Lancaster, CA ; 3310 Chertsey Ln, Palmdale, CA ; 16744 Goodvale Rd, Canyon Country, CA
Tracy Coffin, Vicki J Forrano, Stephen H Coffin
Previous Locations:
Castaic, CA
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Phillip Coffin Phone Numbers

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FAQ: Learn more about Phillip Coffin

What is Phillip Coffin's address?
Phillip Coffin's address is 832 Hanneman Dr Apt 105, Lincoln, Nebraska 68522.
What is Phillip Coffin's phone number?
Phillip Coffin's phone number is 321-385-0587. Other phone numbers for Phillip Coffin may include 303-530-4109 and 970-249-4472.
What is Phillip Coffin's age?
Average age for Phillip Coffin is 70 years old.
What is Phillip Coffin's email address?
Phillip Coffin's email address is gregory******* We have 1 additional email on file for Phillip.

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