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We found 427 records in 32 states for Nisha Patel in our US directory. The top state of residence is Florida, followed by New York. The average Nisha Patel is around 51 years of age with around 47% falling in the 51-60 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Nisha may go by Nishaben V Patel, Nisha B Patel or Nisha V Patel and have relatives of Virendra D Patel, V D Patel and Jayanit S Patel.
Nisha Patel, also possibly known as Nisha M Patel, has a last known location of 6608 Lakeway St in Ypsilanti, MI using the 734-480-3345 phone number. Potential relatives are Samir M Patel, Sybil P Patel and Deborah R Clay.
Nisha Patel, also possibly known as Nisha Patel Quill, has a last known location of 1013 Firethorne Club Dr in Waxhaw, NC using the 704-363-9736 phone number. Potential relatives are Rebecca Jean Quill, Chandrakant C Patel and Ranjan P Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 2369 Khushboo Cv in Southaven, MS with an 901 area phone number and may have connections to Manubhai B Patel, Subhash B Patel and Kirit R Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 1385 Clear Creek Dr in Rochester Hills, MI with an 586 area phone number and may have connections to Kalaben Patel, Chandu Patel and Maheshbhai Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 3828 Eagle Crest Dr in Roanoke, VA with an 540 area phone number and may have connections to Rasik M Patel, Bhupendra L Amin and Manisha D Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 9409 Enfield Dr in Johnston, IA with an 515 area phone number and may have connections to Mrudang R Patel, N R Patel and Rasik M Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 1018 Rio Ln in Forest, VA with an 434 area phone number and may have connections to Elizabeth S Nelson, Tejaskumar B Patel and Suresh P Patel.
Nisha may go by Nisha V Patel and have relatives of Pravinkumar K Patel, V Patel and Rina Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 109 Towering Beech Ct in Sandy Spring, MD with an 240 area phone number and may have connections to Arvind C Patel, Kailas A Patel and Sonil Patel.
Nisha may go by Kiran N Patel, Krushekant Patel, Kiran Patel or Krushekanp Patel and have relatives of Crystal K Patel, Kiran N Patel and Meenaben K Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 45 Stonegate Vlg in Quakertown, PA with an 215 area phone number and may have connections to Bhasker T Patel and Aman S Patel.
Nisha Patel, also possibly known as Nisha V Patel, has a last known location of 26 Matthew Ct in Piscataway, NJ using the 908-463-7513 phone number. Potential relatives are Niel M Patel, Jagdish J Patel and Mehul A Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 26 ****inson Ln # D in Livingston, NJ with an 973 area phone number and may have connections to Rajendra P Patel, Nalit A Patel and Bhavna Patel.
Nisha Patel, also possibly known as Nisha N Patel, has a last known location of 347 Swedesboro Rd in Mullica Hill, NJ using the 609-239-5671 phone number. Potential relatives are Vinubhai D Patel, Raxit Patel and M U Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at 292 Brookfield Dr in Jackson, NJ with an 732 area phone number and may have connections to Sanjaylumar L Patel, Jayanti A Patel and Shantaben Patel.
Nisha Patel may live at Po Box 617 in Lodi, NJ with an 201 area phone number and may have connections to Vidva S Patel, Manju Patel and Bhaichandbhai Hai.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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