You could find the Leonid Feldman you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to Leonid's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 25 records in 8 states for people matching the Leonid Feldman name. See more...

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Leonid Feldman in Brooklyn, New York  |  Age Age: 66
Leonid Feldman addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 501 Surf Ave Apt 5e, Brooklyn, NY
  • 1629 E 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY
  • 1902 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY
Leonid Feldman phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 718-338-3517
Leonid Feldman relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leonid Feldman in West Newton, Massachusetts  |  Age Age: 69
Leonid Feldman addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 40 Upham St, West Newton, MA
  • 98 Longwood Ave Apt 4, Brookline, MA
  • 168 41st St, Brooklyn, NY
Leonid Feldman phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 617-969-0913,
  • 617-784-9531
Leonid Feldman relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leonid Feldman  |  Rochester, New York
Age: 41
Phone Number: 
68 Amherst St, Rochester, NY ; 5 Crown Oak Dr Apt E205, Penfield, NY ; 138 Willow Pond Way, Penfield, NY
Olga E Feldman, Genya Feldman, Semyon L Feldman
Previous Locations:
Fairport, NY
Leonid A Feldman  |  West Palm Beach, Florida

Leonid may go by Leonid Ariel Feldman and have relatives of Perri Feldman, Jared Feldman and Jerome B Feldman.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
305-678-0500, 305-674-0500, 561-655-2743
1803 N Flagler Dr Apt 303, West Palm Beach, FL ; 1803 N Flagler Dr, West Palm Beach, FL ; 1777 Michigan Ave Apt 104, Miami Beach, FL
Perri Feldman, Jared Feldman, Jerome B Feldman
Seen As:
Leonid Ariel Feldman
Previous Locations:
Palm Beach, FL; New York, NY; Jupiter, FL
Leonid G Feldman  |  Salt Lake City, Utah
Age: 74
Phone Number: 
435-658-5443, 801-263-5309, 330-467-9268
283 E Park Hill Way, Salt Lake City, UT ; 283 Park Hill Way, Salt Lake City, UT ; 794 Lost Creek Ln, Northfield, OH
Seen As:
Leonid J Feldman, Leomid Feldman
Previous Locations:
Willoughby, OH; Cleveland, OH; Cleveland Heights, OH; Park City, UT
Job Title:
Ski Istructor at Park City Mountain Resort
Work Email:,,,,
Leonid M Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
Age: 74
2331 E 66th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 819 Sheldon Ave # 1, Staten Island, NY ; 2213 E 29th St # 2, Brooklyn, NY
Boris L Feldman, Roman Feldman, Boris Feldman
Leonid M Feldman  |  Valley Stream, New York

Leonid Feldman may live at 159 Hungry Harbor Rd in Valley Stream, NY with an 516 area phone number and may have connections to Matvey Feldman, Larisa T Feldman and Mikey Feldman.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
516-652-2350, 516-652-1879, 516-337-6395
159 Hungry Harbor Rd, Valley Stream, NY ; 331 Beach St # 31, Far Rockaway, NY
Matvey Feldman, Larisa T Feldman, Mikey Feldman
Seen As:
Leonid Larisa Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Flushing, New York

Leonid Feldman may live at 15521 Jewel Ave Apt 2b in Flushing, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Shprintsa Feldman and Sara Feldman.

Age: 91
Phone Number: 
15521 Jewel Ave Apt 2b, Flushing, NY ; 15505 67th Ave, Fresh Meadows, NY
Shprintsa Feldman, Sara Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Miami Beach, Florida
Age: 98
Phone Number: 
305-962-4513, 305-534-1417
757 West Ave Apt 508, Miami Beach, FL ; 757 West Ave, Miami Beach, FL
Rachel Ben Bendavid, Faina Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
Age: 85
Phone Number: 
2411 E 3rd St Apt 3f, Brooklyn, NY ; 2411 E 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY
Leonid A Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York

Leonid may go by Leon Feldman and have relatives of Klara N Feldman, Yelena M Pinzur and Svetlana L Gordover.

Age: 82
Phone Number: 
2821 W 12th St Apt 1c, Brooklyn, NY ; 2821 W 12th St, Brooklyn, NY
Klara N Feldman, Yelena M Pinzur, Svetlana L Gordover
Seen As:
Leon Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
1111 Banner Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Irina Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Centennial, Colorado
20212 E Lake Ave, Centennial, CO ; 10843 E Jewell Ave, Aurora, CO
Alexanda Alexander, A Feldman, Raisa Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
Phone Number: 
2152 81st St Apt 2a, Brooklyn, NY ; 3100 Ocean Pkwy Ste 2, Brooklyn, NY ; 6501 Bay Pkwy Ste 4, Brooklyn, NY
Anna Feldman, Yakov Feldman, Leonid Geldman
Previous Locations:
Forest Hills, NY
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York

Leonid Feldman may live at 319 Bay 14th St in Brooklyn, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Anna Feldman and Arkady Feldman.

Phone Number: 
319 Bay 14th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 13180 233rd St, Rosedale, NY ; 1037 51st St Apt A2, Brooklyn, NY
Anna Feldman, Arkady Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Owings Mills, Maryland
Phone Number: 
15 Wimbledon Ln, Owings Mills, MD ; 6636 Eberle Dr Apt 204, Baltimore, MD
Debra L Feldman, Isadore A Feldman, Aleksandr Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
2632 W 2nd St Apt 6k, Brooklyn, NY
Leonid Feldman  |  Miami Beach, Florida
Phone Number: 
757 West Ave, Miami Beach, FL
Leonid Feldman  |  Staten Island, New York
70 New Ln Apt 5aa, Staten Island, NY ; 29221 63rd Pl S, Auburn, WA ; 70 New Ln Apt 5a, Staten Island, NY
Yanina L Feldman, Luiza Feldman
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York
3100 Ocean Pkwy # Store, Brooklyn, NY
Leonid Feldman  |  Brooklyn, New York

Leonid Feldman may live at 2411 E 3rd St Apt 5k in Brooklyn, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Galina Feldman, Dmitriy Feldman and Yudif Feldman.

Age: 85
Phone Number: 
2411 E 3rd St Apt 5k, Brooklyn, NY
Galina Feldman, Dmitriy Feldman, Yudif Feldman
Leonid B Feldman  |  Redwood City, California

Leonid Feldman may live at 910 Clinton St Apt 203 in Redwood City, CA with an 650 area phone number and may have connections to Daniel Rozenfeld, Joseph Rozenfeld and Diana B Rozenfeld.

Age: 86
Phone Number: 
910 Clinton St Apt 203, Redwood City, CA ; 910 Clinton St Apt 306, Redwood City, CA ; 20 Duane St Apt 7, Redwood City, CA
Daniel Rozenfeld, Joseph Rozenfeld, Diana B Rozenfeld
Leonid S Feldman  |  San Diego, California
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
858-699-2503, 858-450-0571
7932 Camino Tranquilo, San Diego, CA ; 8332 Regents Rd Unit 2k, San Diego, CA ; 7866 Camino Aguila, San Diego, CA
Yakov S Feldman, Yelena Y Feldman
Previous Locations:
La Mesa, CA
Leonid Udmila Feldman  |  Plano, Texas
Age: 89
Phone Number: 
214-507-9971, 214-503-0962, 972-384-0268
5520 Tribune Way, Plano, TX ; 11470 Audelia Rd Apt 358, Dallas, TX ; 10661 Steppington Dr, Dallas, TX
Lyudmila Feldman
Job Title:
Technical Translation: English-russian And Vice Versa at Freelance Translator; Contract Patent Paralegal at Ericsson
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Leonid Feldman Phone Numbers

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Looking for a different Leonid?

We can help you look for Leonid. One of the easiest ways to search for them is by using their full name as 'Leonid Feldman' in a people search. You can also try alternative techniques using an address in a known city. Do you know of a close relative or neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Leonid.

FAQ: Learn more about Leonid Feldman

What is Leonid Feldman's address?
Leonid Feldman's address is 501 Surf Ave Apt 5e, Brooklyn, New York 11224.
What is Leonid Feldman's phone number?
Leonid Feldman's phone number is 617-969-0913. Other phone numbers for Leonid Feldman may include 585-388-6075.
What is Leonid Feldman's age?
Average age for Leonid Feldman is 77 years old.
What is Leonid Feldman's email address?
Leonid Feldman's email address is olga.f******

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