We found 539 records in 19 states for Ken in our United States directory. Learn more about them by investigating contact info matches, prospective work histories, house addresses, and phone records. The typical Ken match is around 56 years of age with about 77% falling into the 51-60 age group. See more...

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Ken Cordell Davis in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania  |  Age Age: 63
Ken Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3304 Ellis Dr, Glen Mills, PA
  • 5100 Huxey Glenn Ct, Durham, NC
  • 1302 Ellis Dr, Glen Mills, PA
Ken Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 919-598-8939
Ken Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Ken Ashley Davis in Apex, North Carolina  |  Age Age: 55
Ken Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 111 Lansbrooke Ln, Apex, NC
  • 211 Rushing Wind Way, Apex, NC
  • 6214 Moore Rd, Nashville, NC
Ken Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 919-303-1191,
  • 252-626-7008,
  • 252-985-5926
Ken Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Ken M Davis  |  Pikeville, North Carolina

Ken Davis, also possibly known as Kenneth Morris Davis Jr, has a last known location of 2133 Nc Highway 581 in Pikeville, NC using the 919-242-8814 phone number. Potential relatives are Patricia M Davis and Kenneth M Davis.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
2133 Nc Highway 581, Pikeville, NC ; 707 Lackland St, Goldsboro, NC ; 8505 Hawaii Ct Apt A, Clovis, NM
Patricia M Davis, Kenneth M Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Morris Davis Jr, Ken M Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Portales, NM; Tucson, AZ
Ken K Davis  |  Oakland, Tennessee
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
901-371-0548, 901-387-2376, 901-465-6429
25 Rolling Oaks Dr, Oakland, TN ; 7072 Markim Dr, Memphis, TN ; 3100 Feathers Chapel Dr, Somerville, TN
Rhesa Ross Davis, Rhesa M Davis, Janet L Beckett
@malvern.com, @bellsouth.net
Previous Locations:
Cordova, TN; Eads, TN
Ken Davis  |  Lake City, Arkansas

Ken may go by William Kennard Davis and have relatives of Ann Davis, Albert Davis and Douglas D Davis.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
870-237-4544, 870-237-4380, 870-237-4245
900 Ladd St, Lake City, AR ; 104 Stone St, Lake City, AR ; 711 Lake St, Lake City, AR
Ann Davis, Albert Davis, Douglas D Davis
@bscn.com, @msn.com, @yahoo.com, @centurytel.net
Seen As:
William Kennard Davis
Previous Locations:
Columbus, MS
Ken B Davis  |  Greenwood, South Carolina
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
819 Old Abbeville Hwy, Greenwood, SC ; 229 Ashcroft Dr, Greenwood, SC ; 905 Swee****er Rd, Greenwood, SC
Sekema R Blakeley, Randy H Davis, Kalifa Davis
Previous Locations:
Seneca, SC; Ninety Six, SC
Ken W Davis  |  Marianna, Florida

Ken may go by Kenneth Davis and have relatives of Tammy L Davis, Winema N Davis and William W Davis.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
850-832-2194, 569-526-0185, 850-482-7699
4356 Deering St, Marianna, FL ; 2300 Martin Rd, Marianna, FL ; 2304 Fairview Rd, Marianna, FL
Tammy L Davis, Winema N Davis, William W Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis
Previous Locations:
Levittown, NY
Work Email:
Ken L Davis  |  Pensacola, Florida

Ken Davis may live at 2004 Wyatt St in Pensacola, FL with an 850 area phone number and may have connections to Laurene T Davis, Janice M Morin and Mark D Davis.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
850-434-0897, 850-377-9482, 850-476-5733
2004 Wyatt St, Pensacola, FL ; Po Box 142233, Gainesville, FL ; 4117 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL
Laurene T Davis, Janice M Morin, Mark D Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis
Ken W Davis  |  Emporium, Pennsylvania

Ken may go by Davis Kent or Davis Service and have relatives of Wendy R Davis, Alex Davis and Kent Davis.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
814-594-2929, 814-486-0345
150 Carson St, Emporium, PA ; 38 N Cherry St, Emporium, PA ; Po Box 309, Emporium, PA
Wendy R Davis, Alex Davis, Kent Davis
Seen As:
Davis Kent, Davis Service
Ken Davis  |  Kennesaw, Georgia

Ken Davis, also possibly known as Kenneth W Davis, has a last known location of 2774 Cobb Pkwy NW Ste 109 in Kennesaw, GA using the 770-827-0271 phone number. Potential relatives are Mert Davis, Cynthia M Davis and Kenneth E Davis.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
770-827-0271, 770-419-7827
2774 Cobb Pkwy NW Ste 109, Kennesaw, GA ; 263 Mount Vernon Dr, Calhoun, GA ; 191 Holly Dr SW, Calhoun, GA
Mert Davis, Cynthia M Davis, Kenneth E Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth W Davis
Ken Davis  |  Pembroke Pines, Florida

Ken Davis may live at 450 Palm Cir W Apt 303 in Pembroke Pines, FL with an 772 area phone number and may have connections to Charlie Davis, Emma L Davis and Latrecia Davis.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
772-408-6015, 772-486-7529, 754-400-7360
450 Palm Cir W Apt 303, Pembroke Pines, FL ; Po Box 220673, West Palm Beach, FL ; 6447 Pershing St, Hollywood, FL
Charlie Davis, Emma L Davis, Latrecia Davis
Previous Locations:
Stockbridge, GA; Palm City, FL; Port Saint Lucie, FL; Tamarac, FL; Sunrise, FL; Monroe, LA; North Lauderdale, FL; Miami, FL; Pompano Beach, FL; Deerfield Beach, FL; Slidell, LA; New Orleans, LA
Ken Davis  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
6410 Petersburg Ct, Colorado Springs, CO ; 3880 Riviera Grv Apt 204, Colorado Springs, CO ; 3815 Radiant Dr Apt 611, Colorado Springs, CO
Charles M Summa, Carol E Davis, C E Davis
@adelphia.net, @roadrunner.com, @attbi.com, @home.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @gmail.com
Previous Locations:
Kansas City, MO
Work Email:
@vanion.com, @aslmail.com
Ken Davis  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
910-791-4511, 719-219-1614
2448 Duffield Dr, Colorado Springs, CO ; 1201 Chiricahua Dr, Colorado Springs, CO ; 717 Hathaway Dr Apt 201e, Colorado Springs, CO
Ken S Davis, Barton Davis, Kelly Leutwiler
Previous Locations:
Leland, NC; Wilmington, NC
Ken D Davis  |  Elberton, Georgia

Ken Davis, also possibly known as Kenneth D Davis, has a last known location of 1382 Whites Chapel Rd in Elberton, GA using the 706-546-7763 phone number. Potential relatives are Tabatha H Davis, Louvenia Davis and Perry Davis.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
706-546-7763, 706-318-7333, 706-783-2531
1382 Whites Chapel Rd, Elberton, GA ; 105 Howell Way, Athens, GA ; 105 Howell Way Apt 4, Athens, GA
Tabatha H Davis, Louvenia Davis, Perry Davis
@aol.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kenneth D Davis
Previous Locations:
Comer, GA
Ken D Davis  |  Douglasville, Georgia

Ken Davis, also possibly known as Ken D Davis Jr, has a last known location of 4236 Windgate Ct in Douglasville, GA using the 678-715-9657 phone number. Potential relatives are Brenda J Brown, Sherry Woods and Kenneth C Davis.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
678-715-9657, 706-305-3374, 678-324-7202
4236 Windgate Ct, Douglasville, GA ; 4722 Yeager Rd, Douglasville, GA ; 5804 Shoal Creek Ct, Douglasville, GA
Brenda J Brown, Sherry Woods, Kenneth C Davis
@yahoo.com, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Ken D Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Jonesboro, GA; Winston, GA; Grovetown, GA; Atlanta, GA
Ken B Davis  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Ken may go by Kenneth B Davis or Kenneth B Davis Jr and have relatives of Evelyn J Davis, Kenneth B Davis and Lorena J Davis.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
602-864-2496, 602-249-8086, 602-249-2060
3450 W Missouri Ave Apt 105, Phoenix, AZ ; 5002 W Bethany Home Rd Lot 99, Glendale, AZ ; 523 N 100 W Apt 10, Provo, UT
Evelyn J Davis, Kenneth B Davis, Lorena J Davis
@msn.com, @tivejo.com, @cox.net, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Kenneth B Davis, Kenneth B Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
American Fork, UT; Salt Lake City, UT; Albuquerque, NM; Mesa, AZ
Work Email:
Ken H Davis  |  Fraser, Michigan

Ken Davis may live at 31129 Franklin Dr in Fraser, MI with an 586 area phone number and may have connections to Lydia Davis, Cynthia L Szumanski and Cassandra Ann Davis.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
31129 Franklin Dr, Fraser, MI ; 31117 Franklin Dr, Fraser, MI ; 5500 Trumbull St Apt 317, Detroit, MI
Lydia Davis, Cynthia L Szumanski, Cassandra Ann Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Howard Davis, Kenneth Davis
Previous Locations:
Mount Clemens, MI; Clinton Township, MI
Ken Michael Davis  |  Perryville, Missouri

Ken may go by Ken Michael Davis Sr and have relatives of Jason L Davis, Patricia A Davis and Gary L Davis.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
4874 N Highway 51, Perryville, MO ; 2571 Pcr 928 # 928, Saint Mary, MO ; 2571 Pcr 928, Saint Mary, MO
Jason L Davis, Patricia A Davis, Gary L Davis
@yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Seen As:
Ken Michael Davis Sr
Previous Locations:
Sainte Genevieve, MO
Ken Davis  |  Woodhaven, New York

Ken Davis may live at 7432 88th Ave in Woodhaven, NY with an 540 area phone number and may have connections to Judith S Davis, Melissa Bunnell and Jennifer L Davis.

Age: 36
Phone Number: 
540-521-1230, 540-345-1412
7432 88th Ave, Woodhaven, NY ; 2500 N Centennial St, High Point, NC ; 2148 Chester Ridge Dr Apt D, High Point, NC
Judith S Davis, Melissa Bunnell, Jennifer L Davis
@juno.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kenneth W Davis, Kenneth Davisjr, Kenny Davis
Previous Locations:
Sayre, PA; Vinton, VA
Ken J Davis  |  Salem, Oregon
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
2273 Thrush Ct SE, Salem, OR ; 3410 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR ; 1828 NE Stanton St, Portland, OR
Ann Marie Albrich, Rita C Davis, Frank P Davis
Previous Locations:
Eugene, OR; Albany, OR
Ken C Davis  |  Helena, Arkansas

Ken Davis may live at 100 Wire Rd in Helena, AR with an 501 area phone number and may have connections to Carla L Cornelius, C S Davis and Carolyn M Davis.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
501-265-0263, 870-338-6504, 501-615-8733
100 Wire Rd, Helena, AR ; 67 Laver Cir, Little Rock, AR ; 2010 Rebsamen Park Rd, Little Rock, AR
Carla L Cornelius, C S Davis, Carolyn M Davis
@msn.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis
Previous Locations:
Maumelle, AR; Beebe, AR; Sherwood, AR
Ken A Davis  |  Nottingham, Maryland
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
443-850-3856, 443-969-4277, 410-665-1563
4 Viewridge Ct Apt G, Nottingham, MD ; 2310 Harmony Ter, Fallston, MD ; 4 Viewridge Ct, Nottingham, MD
Asa B Davis, Melissa A Randolph
@gmail.com, @bellatlantic.net
Previous Locations:
Rosedale, MD; Severn, MD
Ken C Davis  |  Apopka, Florida

Ken may go by Kenneth Charles Davis Sr or Kenneth Charles Davis and have relatives of Nancy C Davis, Ann L Davis and Kenneth C Davis.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
407-814-7167, 407-814-7628
1941 Nicole Lee Cir Apt 1012, Apopka, FL ; 1941 Nicole Lee Cir, Apopka, FL ; 375 Palm Springs Dr, Altamonte Springs, FL
Nancy C Davis, Ann L Davis, Kenneth C Davis
@gmail.com, @excite.com, @msn.com, @hotmail.com
Seen As:
Kenneth Charles Davis Sr, Kenneth Charles Davis
Previous Locations:
Queens Village, NY; Cambria Heights, NY
Ken R Davis  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

Ken Davis may live at 1103 Bowser Dr in Colorado Springs, CO with an 719 area phone number and may have connections to K P Davis, Janet M Davis and Samantha Davis.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
719-596-5038, 727-559-1118, 386-437-5987
1103 Bowser Dr, Colorado Springs, CO ; 7040 White Mountain Dr, Colorado Springs, CO ; 80 James Ct, Oldsmar, FL
K P Davis, Janet M Davis, Samantha Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis, Kenneth R Davis, Kenny Davis, Kenneth R Davis III, Kenneth R Davis Jr, Ken R Davis III
Previous Locations:
Palm Coast, FL; Mesa, AZ
Ken Davis  |  Wichita, Kansas

Ken Davis, also possibly known as Kenneth Davis, has a last known location of 606 N Belmont Ave in Wichita, KS using the 316-636-5214 phone number. Potential relatives are Deborah L Davis and Taylor Davis.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
316-636-5214, 316-733-6558
606 N Belmont Ave, Wichita, KS ; 1743 S Tara Falls Ct, Wichita, KS ; 3073 N Hedgetree St, Wichita, KS
Deborah L Davis, Taylor Davis
@att.net, @gmail.com, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis
Previous Locations:
Raytown, MO
Ken Davis  |  Hyattsville, Maryland

Ken Davis may live at 6927 Decatur Pl in Hyattsville, MD with an 301 area phone number and may have connections to Lucille S Davis, Dorota B Davis and K Davis.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
301-773-2718, 301-484-0361, 301-386-6065
6927 Decatur Pl, Hyattsville, MD ; 15010 79th Ave Apt 6a, Flushing, NY ; 15010 79th Ave, Flushing, NY
Lucille S Davis, Dorota B Davis, K Davis
@aol.com, @gmail.com, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kenneth S Davis
Ken O Davis  |  Salem, Wisconsin

Ken Davis may live at 31030 76th St in Salem, WI with an 262 area phone number and may have connections to Shirley J Davis, Bridget A Smith and Kenneth Davis.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
262-862-9477, 262-862-6065, 262-843-4806
31030 76th St, Salem, WI ; 10035 269th Ave, Trevor, WI ; Po Box 124, Silver Lake, WI
Shirley J Davis, Bridget A Smith, Kenneth Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth O Davis Rd, Kenneth Davis, Kenneth O Davis, Kenneth O Davis III, Kenneth O Davis Sr
Previous Locations:
Kenosha, WI
Ken Davis  |  Gulfport, Mississippi

Ken may go by Ken S Davis, Talmage K Davis, Talmage G Davis, Talmage Davis, Talmadge Davis, Talmadge K Davis or Talmage K Davis Jr and have relatives of S Davis, Sally G Davis and Barry L Davis.

Age: 66
Phone Number: 
228-860-8576, 228-326-7137, 228-832-6301
13588 Tara Hills Dr, Gulfport, MS ; 13454 Windsong Dr, Gulfport, MS ; 13588 Tara Hills Cir, Gulfport, MS
S Davis, Sally G Davis, Barry L Davis
@bellsouth.net, @cableone.net, @hotmail.com, @netzero.com, @netzero.net, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Ken S Davis, Talmage K Davis, Talmage G Davis, Talmage Davis, Talmadge Davis, Talmadge K Davis, Talmage K Davis Jr
Previous Locations:
Long Beach, MS; Zachary, LA
Work Email:
Ken A Davis  |  Jerome, Idaho

Ken Davis may live at 1814 N Tiger Dr in Jerome, ID with an 208 area phone number and may have connections to Trisha L King, Brianna Davis and Stacy L Davis.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
208-661-7891, 208-733-2403, 208-595-1456
1814 N Tiger Dr, Jerome, ID ; 2306 Castle Dr, Twin Falls, ID ; 592 Pioneer Cir, Jerome, ID
Trisha L King, Brianna Davis, Stacy L Davis
Seen As:
Kenneth Davis, Ken A Davis Jr
Ken Davis  |  Newton, New Jersey
Age: 55
Phone Number: 
201-663-2743, 973-663-4316
6 Lower Hill Rd, Newton, NJ ; 20 Waterside Dr, Lake Hopatcong, NJ ; 80 Taylor Rd, Wharton, NJ
Maria Chrobock, Bobbi J Williams, Annamarie M Davis
Previous Locations:
Denville, NJ; Sewell, NJ
Work Email:
@schindler.com, @avisbudget.com
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Names score of the surname Davis over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Ken Davis

What is Ken Davis' address?
Ken Davis' address is 3304 Ellis Dr, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania 19342. Ken may also have lived in Cary, NC, and Garner, NC.
What is Ken Davis' phone number?
Ken Davis' phone number is 919-303-1191. Other phone numbers for Ken Davis may include 919-242-8814.
What is Ken Davis' age?
Average age for Ken Davis is 56 years old.
What is Ken Davis' email address?
Ken Davis' email address is kmdav*****@hotmail.com.

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