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We found 239 records in 35 states for Janice Jacobs in our US directory. The top state of residence is Florida, followed by Pennsylvania. The average Janice Jacobs is around 61 years of age with around 73% falling in the 61-70 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Janice may go by Janice Jacobs Cooper and have relatives of Jimmy Jacobs, James Furman Jacobs and Janelle Jacobs.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Janice Delilah Jacobs, has a last known location of 2906 Saint Marks Rd Apt A in Winston Salem, NC using the 336-213-6367 phone number. Potential relatives are Ericke D Jocobs, Loela Jacobs and Gertie P Jacobs.
Janice Jacobs may live at 1003 W 36th St in Hays, KS with an 785 area phone number and may have connections to Richard D Gagnon, Steven J Scheetz and Richard Gagnon.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Janice Lee Jacobs, has a last known location of 3801 58th Ave N Lot 39 in Saint Petersburg, FL using the 727-528-4191 phone number. Potential relatives are Patrick P Jacobs, Kimberly Jacobs and Carolyn P Jacobs.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Janice L Jacobs, has a last known location of 1900 33rd St in Orlando, FL using the 407-947-3279 phone number. Potential relatives are John Morales, Judy S Jacobs and John D Demorales.
Janice Jacobs may live at 4691 Aberdeen Ln in Stone Mountain, GA with an 770 area phone number and may have connections to Jerry Worthy, Richard H Jacob and Marcus Newton.
Janice may go by Janice P Jacobs, Janice Pamela Jacobs or Janice H Jacobs and have relatives of Mary G Harding, James T Henry and James A Henry.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Janice C Jacobs, has a last known location of 5809 Quave Rd in Vancleave, MS using the 601-497-2195 phone number. Potential relatives are Maxine J Jacobs, Mike D Jacobs and Connie Jacobs.
Janice may go by Janice T Jacobs Jr and have relatives of Jodie N Jacobs, Ann Timms and James M Timms.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Janice F Jacobs, has a last known location of 320 Fox Run Rd in Meridian, MS using the 601-479-1655 phone number. Potential relatives are Jodie N Jacobs, Jodie N Jacobs and Janice T Jacobs.
Janice Jacobs may live at 230 Henry St in Orange, NJ with an 973 area phone number and may have connections to Akeisha Jacobs.
Janice Jacobs, also possibly known as Jervis C Jacobs, has a last known location of 8401 Highway 1 in Mansura, LA using the 318-964-2352 phone number. Potential relatives are Walter Jacob, Huey Jacobs and Melvin Jacobs.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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