You could find the Catherine Oates you are searching for by checking our US directory. Explore available details about possible matches to Catherine's contact details, employment, work history, and residency locations. Our people finding directory features about 27 records in 14 states for individuals matching the Catherine Oates name. See more...

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Catherine Zella Oates in Richmond, Virginia  |  Age Age: 66
Catherine Oates addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 7325 Longview Ct, Richmond, VA
  • 1716 Green St, Philadelphia, PA
  • 420 Granite Ave, Richmond, VA
Catherine Oates phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 804-330-0325,
  • 804-560-0534
Catherine Oates relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Catherine G Oates in Beaufort, South Carolina  |  Age Age: 106
Catherine Oates addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 912 Scott St, Beaufort, SC
  • 580 Chandon Way, Lawrenceville, GA
  • 5856 Dana Dr, Norcross, GA
Catherine Oates phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 770-935-9451,
  • 770-547-8241
Catherine Oates relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Catherine R Oates  |  Kings Mountain, North Carolina

Catherine Oates may live at 108 Thompson Dr in Kings Mountain, NC with an 704 area phone number and may have connections to Frank L Robbs, Tearria Robbs and Darryl K Robbs.

Age: 83
Phone Number: 
704-604-8794, 704-435-9479
108 Thompson Dr, Kings Mountain, NC ; Rr 3 # 416, Kings Mtn, NC ; Rr 3 Box 416, Kings Mtn, NC
Frank L Robbs, Tearria Robbs, Darryl K Robbs
Catherine J Oates  |  Seaford, Delaware

Catherine Oates may live at 709 Washington Ave in Seaford, DE with an 302 area phone number and may have connections to Ashlie N Dates, Virginia Schaffer and Dale Vernon Shaffer.

Age: 82
Phone Number: 
709 Washington Ave, Seaford, DE ; Po Box 82, Cheltenham, MD ; 328 E Central Ave, Federalsburg, MD
Ashlie N Dates, Virginia Schaffer, Dale Vernon Shaffer
Seen As:
Catherine Oates Shaffer
Previous Locations:
Bridgeville, DE
Catherine Oates  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 92
Phone Number: 
2041 S Garnet St, Philadelphia, PA ; 2045 S Opal St, Philadelphia, PA ; 780 S Martin St, Philadelphia, PA
Artisit Oats, Leola Bey, Myra Oates Diallo
Catherine Oates  |  Pickens, South Carolina
Age: 61
107 Skyagunsta Dr, Pickens, SC ; Rr 2 Box 2 # 710 2, Pickens, SC ; 105 McDade St, Greenville, SC
Veronica Rucker, Donna M Bailey, Franklin Oates
Catherine E Oates  |  Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Age: 65
57 Springfield Rd, Pawleys Island, SC ; Po Box 274, Pawleys Island, SC ; 197 Lost Pines Loop, Pawleys Island, SC
Helen B Oates, Brian C Mosley, David M Scrivener
Catherine M Oates  |  North Attleboro, Massachusetts
Age: 78
165 Broad St, North Attleboro, MA ; 1 Stonewood Cir, North Attleboro, MA ; 127 County Rd, Reading, MA
Keely Oates, John Oates, John Oates
Previous Locations:
Watertown, MA
Catherine T Oates  |  Rockledge, Florida
Age: 98
1434 Victoria Blvd, Rockledge, FL ; 1181 Saint Andrews Dr, Rockledge, FL ; 1711 Rockledge Dr, Rockledge, FL
Kevin F Oates, Cynthia A Oates, John J Oate
Catherine G Oates  |  Glenmont, New York

Catherine Oates may live at 22 Standish Dr in Glenmont, NY with an 518 area phone number and may have connections to Kathleen L Oates, Jennifer C Oates and Mary C Purdy.

Age: 86
Phone Number: 
22 Standish Dr, Glenmont, NY ; 44 Cranbury Ct, Voorheesville, NY
Kathleen L Oates, Jennifer C Oates, Mary C Purdy
Catherine E Oates  |  Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
843-337-2305, 803-237-8784, 803-237-2305
Rr 3 Box 3, Pawleys Island, SC ; Rybolt, Pawleys Island, SC
Catherine Oates  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
5963 Chester Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Catherine Oates
Catherine Oates  |  Gainesville, Florida
809 SW 63rd Ter, Gainesville, FL
Catherine Oates  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Catherine Oates may live at 2028 S Norwood St in Philadelphia, PA with an 215 area phone number and may have connections to Catherine Oates, Myra Oates Diallo and Lacoya N Oates.

Phone Number: 
215-468-2427, 215-468-1731
2028 S Norwood St, Philadelphia, PA ; 2106 S Woodstock St, Philadelphia, PA ; 2107 S Opal St, Philadelphia, PA
Catherine Oates, Myra Oates Diallo, Lacoya N Oates
Catherine B Oates  |  Greenwood, Mississippi
Phone Number: 
662-453-9650, 662-453-6383
602 Hope St, Greenwood, MS
Margaret R Murphy, Anthony L Oates, A Oates
Catherine L Oates  |  Gore, Virginia
Phone Number: 
1649 Carpers Pike, Gore, VA ; Rr 1 Box 691, Gore, VA ; Rr 1 # 691, Gore, VA
Cindy S Dubois, Steven L Oates, Kevin S Oates
Catherine Oates  |  Louisville, Kentucky
Age: 85
4913 Bethune Ct, Louisville, KY
Catherine E Oates  |  Lincolnton, North Carolina
Age: 105
819 E Pine St, Lincolnton, NC
Catherine Oates  |  Fresno, California
2493 S Bardell Ave, Fresno, CA ; 115 S Woodrow Ave, Fresno, CA ; 4825 E Fillmore Ave Apt 249, Fresno, CA
Catherine L Oates, Deedra White, Cathy L Jones
Seen As:
Kathy Oates
Catherine Oates  |  Taylor, Texas

Catherine Oates may live at 2205 Canvas Back Dr in Taylor, TX with an 512 area phone number and may have connections to Jerry L Oates, Marcus Oates and Julius Oates.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
2205 Canvas Back Dr, Taylor, TX ; 619 Yarsa Blvd Apt A, Austin, TX ; 6407 Springdale Rd Apt 3202, Austin, TX
Jerry L Oates, Marcus Oates, Julius Oates
Catherine A Oates  |  Buena Park, California
Age: 62
Phone Number: 
714-350-4224, 714-326-4399, 714-236-9689
7089 Monroe Ave, Buena Park, CA ; 2961 Fury Ct Unit A, Lemoore, CA ; Po Box 1386, Cypress, CA
Philip A Kane, Erica Hoover, Stephanie E Kane
Previous Locations:
Harbor City, CA
Catherine A Oates  |  Oakley, California

Catherine Oates, also possibly known as Cathy A Oates, has a last known location of Po Box 285 in Oakley, CA using the 209-777-3056 phone number. Potential relatives are Malaysha Nolan and Cathy Oates.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
209-777-3056, 209-476-1472
Po Box 285, Oakley, CA ; 1275 Central Blvd Apt 236, Brentwood, CA ; 1846 Santa Fe St, Oakley, CA
Malaysha Nolan, Cathy Oates
Seen As:
Cathy A Oates, Kathy Oates
Previous Locations:
Stockton, CA; Concord, CA; San Francisco, CA
Catherine C Oates  |  Kouts, Indiana
Age: 76
Phone Number: 
415 N Church St, Kouts, IN ; Po Box 95, Kouts, IN
William M Oates, William Oates, William R Oates
Work Email:
Catherine C Oates  |  Mansfield, Ohio

Catherine Oates may live at 1095 Koogle Rd in Mansfield, OH with an 419 area phone number and may have connections to Katherine K Lehmann, Charles C Sewell and Martin Paul Brehm.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
1095 Koogle Rd, Mansfield, OH ; 176 W Airline Hwy, Kenner, LA ; 722 Malinda Ct, Kenner, LA
Katherine K Lehmann, Charles C Sewell, Martin Paul Brehm
Previous Locations:
Slidell, LA; Douglasville, GA
Work Email:,,,
Catherine J Oates  |  Harker Heights, Texas

Catherine Oates may live at 1517 Indian Trl in Harker Heights, TX with an 254 area phone number and may have connections to Richard A Oates and Heidi Oates.

Phone Number: 
1517 Indian Trl, Harker Heights, TX
Richard A Oates, Heidi Oates
Catherine L Oates  |  Fresno, California

Catherine Oates may live at 115 S Woodrow Ave in Fresno, CA with an 559 area phone number and may have connections to Aliyah Oates, Catherine Oates and Deedra White.

Age: 95
Phone Number: 
559-452-8819, 559-664-7529
115 S Woodrow Ave, Fresno, CA ; 4825 E Fillmore Ave Apt 249, Fresno, CA ; 750 Mono St Apt 106, Fresno, CA
Aliyah Oates, Catherine Oates, Deedra White
Previous Locations:
Mount Vernon, NY
Catherine M Oates  |  Valencia, California
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
805-297-7005, 661-297-7005
27602 Sycamore Creek Dr, Valencia, CA ; 2769 Gum Cir, Simi Valley, CA ; 28304 Oak Valley Rd, Castaic, CA
Iris Castilla, Julie Oates, Kimberly A Oates
Previous Locations:
Lancaster, CA; Van Nuys, CA
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Catherine Oates Phone Numbers

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FAQ: Learn more about Catherine Oates

What is Catherine Oates' address?
Catherine Oates' address is 7325 Longview Ct, Richmond, Virginia 23225.
What is Catherine Oates' phone number?
Catherine Oates' phone number is 770-935-9451. Other phone numbers for Catherine Oates may include 704-435-9479 and 704-604-8794.
What is Catherine Oates' age?
Average age for Catherine Oates is 79 years old.
What is Catherine Oates' email address?
Catherine Oates' email address is tbabyc******

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