Justin Lavelle

Justin Lavelle is the social media director and blogger for BeenVerified.com. He is based out of Northern Virginia.

Recent Articles by Justin

3 Olympians With Criminal Records

August 12, 2016

The Olympics are a time for national pride and the Summer Games are going particularly well for the USA in Rio. However, that very same success can later cause trouble for some athletes who are not used to the sudden thrust and scrutiny of the spotlight. Below are three notable US Olympic athletes who got into criminal trouble, including one who has been winning gold medals this very week. Michael Phelps

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Bitcoin Explained

August 20, 2016

Supposedly invented in late 2008 by the reclusive Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has been making an impact in the world of currency and commerce. While critics say it is a mere funding tool for unsavory drug runners and other black market participants, its supporters say bitcoin is the future in a world with ever increasing economic uncertainty and instability. Free of the backing of a treasury or government, many believe it is a currency by the people, for the people, and of the people.

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Bots Take Over The White House

August 18, 2016

Bots are fast becoming the hottest new trend in technology. They are all over the Internet and now even the White House is getting in on the trend. The Obama administration recently debuted a bot that uses Facebook Messenger to let ordinary Americans send messages to the President. The bot, while not intelligent enough to hold an actual conversation, can easily guide people through the process of writing a note to the President using the popular messaging app.

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Online Deception: What to Watch For

July 19, 2016

Last week we discussed how to identify verbal and nonverbal cues to tell if someone is lying, but what if the person you are interacting with is online? How do you know if that person really is who he or she says they are or if you are dealing with some form of online deception? The truth is that it is very difficult to tell if someone is lying to you online.

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Pokémon Go: Stop and Read This

July 15, 2016

Pokémon GO is an augmented reality app game that overlays the graphical world of Pokémon in an effort to encourage players to get outside and venture their surroundings. The app uses your phone’s GPS and camera to track and display where you are in the real world. As you walk around in real life, your character moves and Pokémon are revealed on the screen. Your goal is to catch and train Pokémon.

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The Battle Against Cybercrime

August 8, 2016

The Cyber Grand Challenge, the first all-computer cyber defense tournament, recently came to an exciting conclusion. Seven computers competed in Las Vegas to autonomously defend their systems from attacks and point out flaws without human intervention. The challenge was an effort by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense, to train computers to be strong enough to protect themselves against hackers. Today, the only way to detect unknown flaws in software is for a human to find and fix them.

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The Future of Augmented Reality Apps

August 3, 2016

_This is part two of our look at augmented reality (AR). Read part one here. _ The craze of Pokémon GO has captured the attention of millions of users with its use of augmented reality. Now, it seems, we are just at the beginning of a new kind of industrial revolution. By the year 2020, augmented reality and virtual reality together are expected to generate roughly $150 billion in revenue.

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The Niche Online Dating Effect

July 30, 2016

Whatever your interest – may it be offbeat, looks-based or food-oriented – there’s a dating site for it; because after all, there has to be someone out there who likes Ayn Rand as much as you and is looking for a romantic relationship. We seem to think we know exactly what we want in life; especially when it comes to a romantic relationship. This idea has given way to the rise of niche online dating sites today.

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Top 3 Airbnb Scams

July 25, 2016

Don’t let your summer vacation be ruined by a rental house scam. Airbnb is one of the coolest innovations to happen in recent years, giving travelers more options that ever before to find that perfect beach house or downtown condo, often for way cheaper than a hotel. Airbnb and similar sites added security and verification features also make them better bets than relying on the more anonymous and scam-infested Craigslist.

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What Is Augmented Reality?

July 26, 2016

With the help of Pokémon GO, augmented reality (AR) has exploded into the mainstream consciousness. This growing technology is set to rise with an expected compound annual growth rate of 96% over the next five years. The question is – in what ways will it affect our lives? Here are some of the new applications (and risks) on the horizon: Online Dating In a world where online and offline data is increasingly merging, online dating will be affected in both good ways and bad.

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Disclaimer: The above is solely intended for informational purposes and in no way constitutes legal advice or specific recommendations.