You could find the Winston Francis you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to Winston's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 62 records in 7 states for people matching the Winston Francis name. See more...

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Winston Francis in North Lauderdale, Florida  |  Age Age: 62
Winston Francis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 8220 SW 7th St, North Lauderdale, FL
  • 2094 NW 15th Ave Apt B, Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • 2545 NW 56th St, Miami, FL
Winston Francis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-933-2986,
  • 305-634-1318,
  • 305-635-1222
Winston Francis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Winston C Francis in Pembroke Pines, Florida  |  Age Age: 56
Winston Francis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 400 Palm Cir W, Pembroke Pines, FL
  • 1840 SW 155th Ave, Miramar, FL
  • 11058 Mainsail Dr, Hollywood, FL
Winston Francis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-251-2781,
  • 954-438-0148,
  • 954-691-5289
Winston Francis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Winston Francis  |  Bradenton, Florida

Winston Francis may live at 603 63rd Ave W Lot B8 in Bradenton, FL with an 941 area phone number and may have connections to Lloyd R Francis, Shirley A Francis and Mark W Francis.

Age: 83
Phone Number: 
941-915-0913, 941-752-4872
603 63rd Ave W Lot B8, Bradenton, FL ; 570 57th Ave W Lot 183, Bradenton, FL ; 631 22nd Rd E, Bradenton, FL
Lloyd R Francis, Shirley A Francis, Mark W Francis
Seen As:
Winston I Francis
Previous Locations:
Windsor, CT
Winston A Francis  |  Mount Vernon, New York
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
917-657-5726, 917-657-2665
224 E 5th St, Mount Vernon, NY ; 39 Putnam Ave Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY ; 39 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Nicole A Francis
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Winston N Francis  |  Middletown, New York

Winston Francis, also possibly known as Francis N Winston, has a last known location of 15 Anna Ct in Middletown, NY using the 845-692-5011 phone number. Potential relatives are Joan Franchis, Kisha J Francis and Nettie J Francis.

Age: 78
Phone Number: 
15 Anna Ct, Middletown, NY ; 394 E 54th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 2800 Coyle St Apt 401, Brooklyn, NY
Joan Franchis, Kisha J Francis, Nettie J Francis
Seen As:
Francis N Winston
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Winston M Francis  |  Brooklyn, New York

Winston Francis, also possibly known as Winston Mortimor Francis, has a last known location of 1154 Sterling Pl in Brooklyn, NY using the 801-904-2759 phone number. Potential relatives are Marsha A Francis, M Francis and Devolyn Francis.

Age: 78
Phone Number: 
1154 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn, NY ; 762 Sunny River Rd Apt 1525, Salt Lake City, UT ; 2956 Bayswater Ave, Far Rockaway, NY
Marsha A Francis, M Francis, Devolyn Francis
Seen As:
Winston Mortimor Francis
Work Email:
Winston M Francis  |  Brooklyn, New York
Age: 70
Phone Number: 
1109 E 59th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 1240 Union St Apt 3b, Brooklyn, NY ; 1109 59th St, Brooklyn, NY
Peter L Francis, Duane Francis, Maelyn M Brown
Winston Francis  |  Brooklyn, New York
Age: 83
Phone Number: 
718-622-0862, 718-230-1639
19 MacOn St, Brooklyn, NY ; 19 MacOn St # 1, Brooklyn, NY ; 2305 Newton St, Gretna, LA
Yvonne Francis, Paul H Francis, Yvonne E Francis
Winston Francis  |  Seminole, Florida

Winston Francis may live at 9209 Seminole Blvd Apt 27 in Seminole, FL with an 954 area phone number and may have connections to Keisha N Key, Kert J Francis and Winston C Francis.

Age: 67
Phone Number: 
954-937-8250, 828-612-6514, 704-921-4991
9209 Seminole Blvd Apt 27, Seminole, FL ; 12805 Avelar Manor Pl, Riverview, FL ; 7700 Locust Ln, Fort Washington, MD
Keisha N Key, Kert J Francis, Winston C Francis
Previous Locations:
Hyattsville, MD; Pembroke Pines, FL
Winston W Francis  |  West Palm Beach, Florida

Winston Francis may live at 12288 Citrus Grove Blvd in West Palm Beach, FL with an 561 area phone number and may have connections to Joseph A Francis, Beverly E Smith and Mernel Newell.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
561-379-4607, 561-753-8567
12288 Citrus Grove Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL ; 17797 38th Ln N, Loxahatchee, FL ; 2110 NW 91st Ter, Pembroke Pines, FL
Joseph A Francis, Beverly E Smith, Mernel Newell
Previous Locations:
Delray Beach, FL; North Lauderdale, FL
Winston E Francis  |  Kissimmee, Florida

Winston Francis, also possibly known as Winston Edward Francis, has a last known location of 1432 Aldersgate Dr Apt 1 in Kissimmee, FL using the 407-350-5218 phone number. Potential relatives are Phyllis M Francis and Wilson D Francis.

Age: 84
Phone Number: 
1432 Aldersgate Dr Apt 1, Kissimmee, FL ; 1432 Aldersgate Dr, Kissimmee, FL ; 1120 W Donegan Ave, Kissimmee, FL
Phyllis M Francis, Wilson D Francis
Seen As:
Winston Edward Francis
Previous Locations:
Shreveport, LA; Adrian, MI
Winston E Francis  |  Miami, Florida

Winston Francis may live at 2281 E Golf Dr in Miami, FL with an 407 area phone number and may have connections to Aretha A Francis, Jody J Francis and Connie C Francis.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
2281 E Golf Dr, Miami, FL ; 506 Bassett Dr, Kissimmee, FL ; 136 W 91st St Apt 3g, New York, NY
Aretha A Francis, Jody J Francis, Connie C Francis
Winston Roosvelt Francis  |  Bronx, New York

Winston may go by Winston R Francis and have relatives of Jacqueline Francis, Laura J Francis and Omar A Messado.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
718-654-4041, 347-964-1554
730 E 236th St Apt 6f, Bronx, NY ; 3334 Fish Ave, Bronx, NY ; 1314 Hicks St Apt 1a, Bronx, NY
Jacqueline Francis, Laura J Francis, Omar A Messado
Seen As:
Winston R Francis
Winston L Francis  |  Bronx, New York

Winston Francis may live at 1141 E 224th St Apt 1 in Bronx, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Eusi F Francis, Winston Francis and Georgette A Francis.

Age: 80
Phone Number: 
718-405-0805, 347-346-6771
1141 E 224th St Apt 1, Bronx, NY ; 1141 E 224th St, Bronx, NY ; 3180 Tiemann Ave, Bronx, NY
Eusi F Francis, Winston Francis, Georgette A Francis
Previous Locations:
Queens Village, NY
Winston Francis  |  Paducah, Kentucky
Age: 54
527 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Paducah, KY ; 315 N 6th St, Paducah, KY ; 1001 Madison Dr # 106, La Vergne, TN
Rebecca Francis, Margaret F Belfon, Beverly B Francis
Seen As:
Winston S Francis, Francis S Winston, Winston S Francis Jr
Previous Locations:
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Winston A Francis  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 73
1880 NW 87th St, Miami, FL ; 1200 NW 77th Ter, Miami, FL ; 8150 NW 24th Ave # B, Miami, FL
Winston C Francis  |  Orlando, Florida
Age: 73
1740 Mercy Dr Apt 8, Orlando, FL ; 908 Silver Oak Ct, Orlando, FL ; 639 W Anderson St Apt 2, Orlando, FL
Benona Francis, Tiffany Francis, Winston Francis
Winston D Francis  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 55
2100 NW 127th St, Miami, FL ; 5769 SW 20th St, West Park, FL ; 1350 NW 183rd St, Miami, FL
Joan P Francis, Dante Francis, Trinece Si Francis
Seen As:
Winston Dean Francis
Winston Armando Francis  |  Parkville, Maryland
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
3623 Northway Dr, Parkville, MD ; 305 Lord Byron Ln Apt 102, Cockeysville, MD
Janie Green, Janice Fowlkes, Noel A Francis
Job Title:
Jones Day
Winston Anthony Francis  |  Opa Locka, Florida

Winston Francis may live at 15331 NW 30th Ave in Opa Locka, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Phillip G Francis, Omar Mullings and Stanley R Francis.

Age: 73
Phone Number: 
305-613-3642, 305-205-4709, 305-687-7122
15331 NW 30th Ave, Opa Locka, FL ; 917 E 218th St, Bronx, NY
Phillip G Francis, Omar Mullings, Stanley R Francis
Work Email:
Winston G Francis  |  Saint Albans, New York

Winston Francis may live at 18310 Dunlop Ave in Saint Albans, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Ruby Francis, Ahart M Francis and Arlene A Francis.

Age: 74
Phone Number: 
18310 Dunlop Ave, Saint Albans, NY ; 18723 Dunkirk Dr, Saint Albans, NY
Ruby Francis, Ahart M Francis, Arlene A Francis
Winston Francis  |  Lynn, Massachusetts
Phone Number: 
781-526-7238, 781-596-4229, 781-596-0354
66 Williams Ave, Lynn, MA ; 131 Chatham St, Lynn, MA ; 385 Chatham St, Lynn, MA
Karen Francis, Winston J Francis, Mariah Francis
Winston Francis  |  Lauderhill, Florida
Phone Number: 
718-771-1639, 954-735-2390
5011 NW 16th Ct, Lauderhill, FL ; 333 Patchen Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Winston C Francis  |  Baltimore, Maryland

Winston Francis may live at 3512 Frankford Ave in Baltimore, MD with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Pamela M Francis, Norma M Francis and Jasmine Baptistefranc.

Phone Number: 
718-629-0942, 516-644-0633
3512 Frankford Ave, Baltimore, MD ; 851 E 45th St, Brooklyn, NY ; 851 45th St, Brooklyn, NY
Pamela M Francis, Norma M Francis, Jasmine Baptistefranc
Winston H Francis  |  Braintree, Massachusetts
648 Washington St, Braintree, MA ; 146 Truro Ln, Milton, MA ; 42 Osceola St, Mattapan, MA
Rene M Francis, Ikehia Francis, Evandissa Cabral
Previous Locations:
Roxbury, MA; Hyde Park, MA
Winston Francis  |  Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
3338 SW West Globe St, Port Saint Lucie, FL
Winsome E Francis, Ashley Francis, Michael Francis
Winston S Francis  |  Battle Creek, Michigan
Age: 54
27 32nd St N, Battle Creek, MI
Winston Francis  |  Parkville, Maryland
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
88 Dendron Ct, Parkville, MD
Winston Francis  |  Bronx, New York
Age: 63
893c Prospect Ave, Bronx, NY
Marguerite A James, Eusi F Francis, Tishera P Francis
Winston D Francis  |  Newark, New Jersey
Age: 69
70 Vaughan Dr, Newark, NJ ; 55 Roosevelt Ave, East Orange, NJ ; 52 Yancy Dr, Newark, NJ
Cristal M McKnight, Brenda D Francis, Denia M Budhan
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Names score of the surname Francis over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Winston Francis

What is Winston Francis' address?
Winston Francis' address is 8220 SW 7th St, North Lauderdale, Florida 33068. Winston may also have lived in Miami, FL
What is Winston Francis' phone number?
Winston Francis' phone number is 954-251-2781. Other phone numbers for Winston Francis may include 941-752-4872 and 941-915-0913.
What is Winston Francis' age?
Average age for Winston Francis is 67 years old.

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