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We found 27 records in 12 states for Walter Vetter in our US directory. The top state of residence is Florida, followed by Maryland. The average Walter Vetter is around 93 years of age with around 71% falling in the 81+ age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Walter Vetter, also possibly known as John Vetter, has a last known location of 4606 Sandy Creek Ln in Tampa, FL using the 850-321-2708 phone number. Potential relatives are L Vetter, Stephen M Vetter and Carmon L Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 151 Brooke Dr in Venetia, PA with an 717 area phone number and may have connections to Margaret G Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 520 N Rice St in Kasota, MN with an 507 area phone number and may have connections to Bernice A Vetter, Nancy M Vetter and Gerald W Vetter.
Walter Vetter, also possibly known as Walter E Vetter Jr, has a last known location of 27 Kiowa Ln in Palmyra, VA using the 434-589-2970 phone number. Potential relatives are Chester Reaces, Deshawn C Berry and Christoph J Vetter.
Walter Vetter, also possibly known as Vetter Walter, has a last known location of 2505 Parktrail Rd in Parkville, MD using the 410-282-3786 phone number. Potential relatives are Lisa Vetter, Gary M Vetter and Catherine E Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 2005 Winslow Dr in Orlando, FL with an 407 area phone number and may have connections to Harriet E Hoff, Betsy M Corlette and Alice Yvonne Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 36 Vetter Rd in Sangerville, ME with an 717 area phone number and may have connections to Walter Vetter and Helen C Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 5366 Sienna Dr in Stockton, CA with an 209 area phone number and may have connections to Paulette J Vetter and Rita J Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 16551 Pine Dr in Fort Bragg, CA with an 707 area phone number and may have connections to D J Vetter, Mildred E Vetter and Dorothy J Baumeister.
Walter Vetter may live at 208 Matlock Meadow Dr in Arlington, TX with an 817 area phone number and may have connections to Nicole L Vetter, N Vetter and Debbie J Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at Po Box 21 in Winnemucca, NV with an 775 area phone number and may have connections to Tami R Ashdown, Jordan Vetter and John W Vetter.
Walter Vetter may live at 370 Taylor St in Amherst, OH with an 440 area phone number and may have connections to Brenda D Vetter, David A Vetter and Jennifer L Leonard.
Walter Vetter may live at 3201 Crider Rd in Mansfield, OH with an 419 area phone number and may have connections to Debbie A Ohm, Warren A Vetter and Debbiecrider Vetter.
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