Trying to find a person named Vickie Davis who resides in Oregon? We identified 12 records across 18 cities. See their details which may consist of contact details, employment histories, house addresses and telephone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in Eugene or Roseburg. When taking a look at their birth years, Vickie is usually 65 years of age, with nearly 50% classified in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Vickie J Davis in Harrisburg, Oregon  |  Age Age: 71
Vickie Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 859 Hammer Ct, Harrisburg, OR
  • 2786 Stark St, Eugene, OR
  • Po Box 1031, Creswell, OR
Vickie Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 541-914-3113
Vickie Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Vickie L Davis in Central Point, Oregon  |  Age Age: 73
Vickie Davis addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 232 Summer Glen Way, Central Point, OR
  • 150 Haven Rd, Jacksonville, OR
  • 2764 Aldersgate Rd, Medford, OR
Vickie Davis phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 541-664-4436,
  • 541-601-5617
Vickie Davis relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Vickie Davis job titles
Possible Job Titles
  • Clinic Aide at Jefferson County Schools
Vickie Davis  |  Grants Pass, Oregon
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
843-261-0511, 541-472-1148
1901 McCarter Ln, Grants Pass, OR ; 1252 Oak View Dr, Grants Pass, OR ; 814 NW C St, Grants Pass, OR
Paul Michael Davis, Mark Allen Davis, Estelle M Soy
Previous Locations:
Simi Valley, CA; Summerville, SC
Vickie L Davis  |  Gresham, Oregon

Vickie Davis may live at 424 NE Kelly Ave in Gresham, OR with an 503 area phone number and may have connections to Eric Davis, Scott Davis and Jean W Davis.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
424 NE Kelly Ave, Gresham, OR ; 35081 SE Kelso Rd, Boring, OR ; 505 NE 2nd St, Gresham, OR
Eric Davis, Scott Davis, Jean W Davis
Work Email:
Vickie Renee Davis  |  Salem, Oregon

Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vickie R Davis, has a last known location of 4037 Lansdowne Ct NE in Salem, OR using the 503-463-8423 phone number. Potential relatives are Shannon Gardner, Ronald J Davis and Michel R Hilfiker.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
4037 Lansdowne Ct NE, Salem, OR ; 4023 Wyant Ct NE, Salem, OR ; 4785 Herrin Rd NE, Salem, OR
Shannon Gardner, Ronald J Davis, Michel R Hilfiker
Seen As:
Vickie R Davis
Vickie K Davis  |  Roseburg, Oregon
Age: 59
1527 SE Mill St, Roseburg, OR ; 3700 Coyote Creek Rd, Wolf Creek, OR ; 822 E St, Springfield, OR
Billie C Davis, Robert Davis
Previous Locations:
Marcola, OR; Eugene, OR
Vickie L Davis  |  Days Creek, Oregon
Age: 57
21191 Tiller Trail Hwy, Days Creek, OR ; 5348 W Country Gables Dr, Glendale, AZ ; 7106 N 23rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ
Bernice J May, B May, Jeralyn Cox
Previous Locations:
Roseburg, OR; Hammond, IN
Vickie D Davis  |  Spurger, Texas

Vickie Davis may live at Po Box 14 in Spurger, TX with an 409 area phone number and may have connections to Bronson D Davis.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
Po Box 14, Spurger, TX ; Po Box 1254, Silsbee, TX ; 91704 Highway 99 S, Junction City, OR
Bronson D Davis
Previous Locations:
Eugene, OR
Vickie J Davis  |  Apache Junction, Arizona
Age: 83
Po Box 187, Apache Junction, AZ ; 9245 E Main St, Mesa, AZ ; 2425 E Main St, Mesa, AZ
Ronald E Davis, Layne Palmer Davis
Previous Locations:
Baker City, OR
Vickie L Davis  |  Hastings, Nebraska
Age: 70
1018 S Saint Joseph Ave, Hastings, NE ; Po Box 23, Selma, OR ; 1206 E Harvard St Apt D, Glendale, CA
Dorothy J Davis, Nicole Nappi, Dale Davis
Previous Locations:
Los Angeles, CA; Van Nuys, CA; Burbank, CA
Work Email:
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Public records available for people named Vickie Davis

Vickie may have public records you can use to identify more information about them in relation to Oregon. Try using our public records search for Vickie Davis. These records use their legal name and can help you find them in Oregon. They are worth looking into because they originate from the local county or Oregon state government. You can use this information for various applications, including trying to find an individual's address in Oregon, genealogy research and other investigative purposes.
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Social Media
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Professional History
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Vickie Davis Phone Numbers

Search possible phone numbers for Vickie Davis.
Perform a reverse phone search using their Oregon area code phone number. Telephone number searches can produce additional insight about Vickie Davis. Their number might be tied to their work history, social profiles and other related accounts and records. Other relatives might even have similar numbers you can identify using the area code and last four digits of the number.

Names score of the surname Davis over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Vickie?

Trying to find Vickie Davis in Oregon? We can help you find prospective matches using our people finder database. Start by searching for their complete name with the person lookup search bar. Next, narrow down the results using their understood age and geographic location in Oregon by entering the city. You could discover where they live at their residence address and how you may manage to call them by phone or email them. You can also discover potential matches for Vickie's alias names, social profiles, neighbors in Oregon and relatives.

FAQ: Learn more about Vickie Davis

What is Vickie Davis' address?
Vickie Davis' address is 859 Hammer Ct, Harrisburg, Oregon 97446. Vickie may also have lived in Tacoma, WA
What is Vickie Davis' phone number?
Vickie Davis' phone number is 541-664-4436. Other phone numbers for Vickie Davis may include 541-472-1148 and 843-261-0511.
What is Vickie Davis' age?
Average age for Vickie Davis is 65 years old.
What is Vickie Davis' email address?
Vickie Davis' email address is vjso****

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