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We found 825 records in 17 states for Vickie in our United States directory. Learn more about them by investigating contact info matches, prospective work histories, house addresses, and phone records. The typical Vickie match is around 58 years of age with about 63% falling into the 51-60 age group. See more...
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vickie McDonald-Davis, has a last known location of Po Box 208 in Hartsdale, NY using the 845-896-7595 phone number. Potential relatives are Theresa M Brown, Ashley Davis and Dwayne W Davis.
Vickie Davis may live at 595 Porter Swamp Rd in Cerro Gordo, NC with an 910 area phone number and may have connections to Richard Davis, Joseph Davis and Martha J Davis.
Vickie may go by Gordon Vickie Davis, Vicki Davis or Vickie Davis Deloatch and have relatives of Sharon Y Gordon, William Gordon and Barry K Gordon.
Vickie may go by Vickie Lynn Davis and have relatives of Bobbie Mixon, Randolph Pickett and Fawn E Kirby.
Vickie Davis may live at 684 N Sir Patrick Dr in Salt Lake City, UT with an 801 area phone number and may have connections to Mandy E Davis, Alice Pervaiz Pervaiz and Bryan G Davis.
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vickie Lynn Davis, has a last known location of 9460 Darlene Cir in Pensacola, FL using the 321-373-6653 phone number. Potential relatives are Andrw S Davis and Bradley David Cook.
Vickie may go by Vicky Davis or Viclie Davis and have relatives of Corrie A McMillian, Alfreda J Davis and Tina Davis.
Vickie may go by Vicki Davis or Vicky T Davis and have relatives of Tonya L Davis, James Davis and Chrissan F Davis.
Vickie Davis may live at 725 Us Highway 51 Byp E Apt D3 in Dyersburg, TN with an 731 area phone number and may have connections to Tammy L Hinson, Steven R Anderson and Julie Anderson.
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Victoria A Davis, has a last known location of 27 Swinging Bridge Ln in Ringgold, GA using the 706-866-6055 phone number. Potential relatives are Curtis Smith, Ruth J Smith and Stefanie R Bently.
Vickie Davis may live at 233 Navajo Ct in Barnesville, GA with an 706 area phone number and may have connections to Mamie Andre, Norman Davis and William E Davis.
Vickie Davis may live at 205 Robyn Dr in Winchester, KY with an 859 area phone number and may have connections to Summer L Emerson, Billy R Davis and Morris Ealy.
Vickie may go by Vickie Leigh Davis and have relatives of Jason D White, Thelbert Davis and Lisa M Chisman.
Vickie may go by Vicky Davis or Vickie D Davis and have relatives of Corey Davis, Alicia M Lewis and Felicia L Lewis.
Vickie Davis may live at 239 Bay Head Dr in Kissimmee, FL with an 407 area phone number and may have connections to Fred S Avis and Robert C Garmany.
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vicki Davis, has a last known location of 10100 190th St in Lindsay, OK using the 405-830-0576 phone number. Potential relatives are Christi Leatherwood, June Davis and Tonya R Vestle.
Vickie may go by Vickie L Davis and have relatives of Leon M Davis, Alan M Davis and Emma Coltrone Davis.
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vicki Davis, has a last known location of 3145 Lassiter Mill Rd in Asheboro, NC using the 336-629-9909 phone number. Potential relatives are John J Davis, Donovan Lane Davis and John Daniel Davis.
Vickie Davis, also possibly known as Vickie S Davis, has a last known location of 808 38th St in Vienna, WV using the 304-295-6762 phone number. Potential relatives are Diana M Martin, Christi Markin and Richard Davis.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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