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We found 266 records in 35 states for Valerie Barnes in our US directory. The top state of residence is Florida, followed by Georgia. The average Valerie Barnes is around 58 years of age with around 47% falling in the 51-60 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Valerie may go by Ervin Valerie Barnes or Valerie Parrish Barnes and have relatives of Cheryl L Green, Lumpkin Butts and Nytima P Mercado.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Valerie Jo Barnes, has a last known location of Rr 2 Box 3490 in Porum, OK using the 918-484-5962 phone number. Potential relatives are Larry N Barnes, Lauren G Martin and Cody B Barnes.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Valerie Lynn Barnes, has a last known location of 15610 W 145th St in Olathe, KS using the 785-271-2064 phone number. Potential relatives are William S Barnes, Carey L Barnes and P Geier.
Valerie may go by Valerie Louise Barnes and have relatives of Arthur Barnes, Ariel Barnes and Taja Barnes.
Valerie Barnes may live at 10 Cross Pl in Asheville, NC with an 828 area phone number and may have connections to Valerie Logan, Emily D Barn and Amanda M Barnes.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Barnes Valerie, has a last known location of 5030 SE 30th St in Ocala, FL using the 352-304-8963 phone number. Potential relatives are Rene Y Simmons, Art Smith and Kia Morgan.
Valerie may go by Valerie Yvonne Barnes Wilson and have relatives of Emma J Zachery, Kendra Wilson and Venetia Wilson.
Valerie Barnes may live at 7881 Dogwood Way in Douglasville, GA with an 770 area phone number and may have connections to Althea Leslie and Craig Leslie.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Valerie M Barnes, has a last known location of 2821 Golfside Rd Apt 17 in Ypsilanti, MI using the 734-391-5030 phone number. Potential relatives are Lakeysha Arlene Hicks, Rodrique Bigham and Gary L Barnes.
Valerie may go by Valerie D Barnes or Barnes Valerie Dixon and have relatives of Naeemah Dixon, James B Dixon and Derrick K Barnes.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Valerie Nmi Barnes, has a last known location of 2825 E Arroyo Chico in Tucson, AZ using the 720-933-7370 phone number. Potential relatives are Fred T Barnes, Cheryl Barnes and Mildred A Barnes.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Valerre Barnes, has a last known location of 99 Sherwood Cv in Batesville, MS using the 662-513-3954 phone number. Potential relatives are Bobby L Barnes, Wanda Cecil Barnes and Tiffany Barnes.
Valerie Barnes may live at Po Box 39008 in Phoenix, AZ with an 623 area phone number and may have connections to Shirley L Walton, Bianca Walton and Gregory Walton.
Valerie Barnes may live at 3518 Overview Rd in Baltimore, MD with an 410 area phone number and may have connections to Toney Barnes and Alvin Barnes.
Valerie Barnes may live at 10 Underwood St Apt 2 in Auburn, NY with an 315 area phone number and may have connections to Wallace Vanduyne, Lauri A Dechick and Vanessa E Barnes.
Valerie may go by Valarie Barnes or Valerie Dixie Barnes and have relatives of Victoria M Barnes, Karl L Gholston and Doris J Gholston.
Valerie Barnes may live at 2614 Saint Marys View Rd in Accokeek, MD with an 813 area phone number and may have connections to Tony J Barnes, Tony Barnes and Tracy Barnes.
Valerie Barnes may live at 4356 Bulluck School Rd in Rocky Mount, NC with an 252 area phone number and may have connections to Jeffrey G Kistler, Valerie Barnes and Phyliss Kistler.
Valerie Barnes, also possibly known as Barnes K Valerie, has a last known location of 12727 Pineridge Dr in Charlevoix, MI using the 231-547-2122 phone number. Potential relatives are M Snyder, Mark David Snyder and Barbara S Snyder.
Valerie may go by Valerie Jean Barnes and have relatives of Tara Barnes.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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