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There are 22 record matches to Sheila Gardner in North Carolina. Find more info about the Sheila you are trying to find by researching their potential addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and connected relatives. Wondering where the majority of them live? Kinston has the highest residency, with Charlotte as the next highest. For individuals with the Sheila Gardner name, the average is approximately 64 years old, with 67% classified in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses
These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals
Sheila Gardner may live at 7314 Elevation Rd in Benson, NC with an 919 area phone number and may have connections to Danny S Gardner, Sheila M Gardner and John Moses Gardener.
Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as Shelia Gardner, has a last known location of 100 Aster Ridge Trl in Swannanoa, NC using the 828-686-1471 phone number. Potential relatives are Dean Gardner, Sarah W Hilton and Edward A Hilton.
Sheila Gardner may live at 2548 Oak Grove Rd in Shelby, NC with an 704 area phone number and may have connections to Brad Gardner, Sheila H Gardner and Roger W Gardner.
Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as Sheila Warren Gardner, has a last known location of 3072 Champion Ln SW in Concord, NC using the 704-451-5277 phone number. Potential relatives are Ann C Gardner and James D Gardner.
Sheila Gardner may live at 1974 Stokes Elementary School Rd in Stokes, NC with an 713 area phone number and may have connections to Nambi Gardner, James E Gardner and Dana Casper.
Sheila may go by Shelia Adkins Gardner and have relatives of Julia S Gardner, Roger L Gardner and Daniel Gardner.
Sheila Gardner may live at 1954 W Vernon Ave in Kinston, NC with an 252 area phone number and may have connections to Sheila S Gardner and Sheila Gardner.
Sheila may go by Shella Gardner, Shelia Gardner or Sheila Lumanog Gardner and have relatives of Jeffery S Gardner, Sharon G Key and Jack A Gardner.
Sheila may go by Gardner Sheila Irvin, Sheila I Gardner, Shelia Gardner or Sheila D Irvin Gardner and have relatives of Gerald Irvin, Barbara G Irvin and Brenda Gardner.
Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as See Gardner, has a last known location of 4 Rambling Oaks Way in Catonsville, MD using the 202-367-0499 phone number. Potential relatives are Nicole Dlee Busch, Clifton C Gardner and Sheila S Gardner.
Sheila may go by Sheila J Gardner and have relatives of J L Gardner, Brittani D Jeanes and Sheree E Ross.
Sheila may go by Sheila G Gardner, Gardner Sheila Gray, Lakisha Gardner or Sheila Selene Gardner and have relatives of Willisa L Gardner, Mykia Coleman and Carl S Busch.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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