There are 22 record matches to Sheila Gardner in North Carolina. Find more info about the Sheila you are trying to find by researching their potential addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and connected relatives. Wondering where the majority of them live? Kinston has the highest residency, with Charlotte as the next highest. For individuals with the Sheila Gardner name, the average is approximately 64 years old, with 67% classified in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Sheila P Gardner in Youngsville, North Carolina  |  Age Age: 69
Sheila Gardner addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 15 Darius Pearce Rd, Youngsville, NC
  • 6424 Rock Quarry Rd, Raleigh, NC
  • Po Box 69, Youngsville, NC
Sheila Gardner phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 919-772-1172
Sheila Gardner relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sheila Oliver Gardner in Goldsboro, North Carolina  |  Age Age: 71
Sheila Gardner addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3230 Nc 111 Hwy N, Goldsboro, NC
  • 579 Oliver Rd, Kenly, NC
  • 1 1st St, Kenly, NC
Sheila Gardner phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 919-735-1946,
  • 919-284-4481
Sheila Gardner relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sheila Johnson Gardner  |  Benson, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner may live at 7314 Elevation Rd in Benson, NC with an 919 area phone number and may have connections to Danny S Gardner, Sheila M Gardner and John Moses Gardener.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
919-894-4405, 919-894-2218, 919-207-2387
7314 Elevation Rd, Benson, NC ; 7350 Elevation Rd, Benson, NC ; 7350 Elevation Rd # 3a, Benson, NC
Danny S Gardner, Sheila M Gardner, John Moses Gardener
Previous Locations:
Angier, NC
Sheila H Gardner  |  Swannanoa, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as Shelia Gardner, has a last known location of 100 Aster Ridge Trl in Swannanoa, NC using the 828-686-1471 phone number. Potential relatives are Dean Gardner, Sarah W Hilton and Edward A Hilton.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
100 Aster Ridge Trl, Swannanoa, NC ; 315 Saddlers Run, Chesnee, SC ; 170 Meadow Creek Ln, Athens, GA
Dean Gardner, Sarah W Hilton, Edward A Hilton
Seen As:
Shelia Gardner, Sheila Hilton Gardner
Previous Locations:
Shelby, NC
Sheila B Gardner  |  Shelby, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner may live at 2548 Oak Grove Rd in Shelby, NC with an 704 area phone number and may have connections to Brad Gardner, Sheila H Gardner and Roger W Gardner.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
2548 Oak Grove Rd, Shelby, NC ; 621 Leander St, Shelby, NC ; Rr 1 # 140, Shelby, NC
Brad Gardner, Sheila H Gardner, Roger W Gardner
Sheila W Gardner  |  Concord, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as Sheila Warren Gardner, has a last known location of 3072 Champion Ln SW in Concord, NC using the 704-451-5277 phone number. Potential relatives are Ann C Gardner and James D Gardner.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
704-451-5277, 704-451-5270
3072 Champion Ln SW, Concord, NC ; 598 Union St S, Concord, NC ; 7515 Farm Gate Dr, Charlotte, NC
Ann C Gardner, James D Gardner
Seen As:
Sheila Warren Gardner
Job Title:
Global Payroll Administrator at Acn
Work Email:,
Sheila G Gardner  |  Stokes, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner may live at 1974 Stokes Elementary School Rd in Stokes, NC with an 713 area phone number and may have connections to Nambi Gardner, James E Gardner and Dana Casper.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
713-826-7722, 252-551-5665, 504-947-4999
1974 Stokes Elementary School Rd, Stokes, NC ; 3045 Burgundy St, New Orleans, LA ; 8022 Ebbtide Ct, New Orleans, LA
Nambi Gardner, James E Gardner, Dana Casper
Seen As:
Shelia Gardner
Previous Locations:
Houston, TX
Sheila A Gardner  |  Asheboro, North Carolina
Age: 75
Phone Number: 
336-625-5422, 336-472-0972, 336-859-9619
Po Box 61, Asheboro, NC ; 1011 Tysinger Rd, Denton, NC ; 5468 Covered Bridge Rd, Trinity, NC
Suzan E Miller, Amanda Sexton, Zannie C Garner
Previous Locations:
Thomasville, NC
Sheila A Gardner  |  High Point, North Carolina

Sheila may go by Shelia Adkins Gardner and have relatives of Julia S Gardner, Roger L Gardner and Daniel Gardner.

Age: 59
108 Sunview Ave, High Point, NC ; 1100 Johnson St, High Point, NC ; 1204 Delk Dr, High Point, NC
Julia S Gardner, Roger L Gardner, Daniel Gardner
Seen As:
Shelia Adkins Gardner
Sheila D Gardner  |  Erwin, North Carolina
Age: 61
202 E E St, Erwin, NC ; Rr 2 Box 300ab, Fuquay Varina, NC ; 405 W D St, Erwin, NC
Doreen U Jones, Kent Dean, Sherry M Dean
Seen As:
Gardner Sheila Lauffer, Sheila Dean Gardner
Sheila Gardner  |  Kinston, North Carolina

Sheila Gardner may live at 1954 W Vernon Ave in Kinston, NC with an 252 area phone number and may have connections to Sheila S Gardner and Sheila Gardner.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
252-560-0980, 252-523-1449
1954 W Vernon Ave, Kinston, NC ; 1954 Mount Vernon Est, Kinston, NC
Sheila S Gardner, Sheila Gardner
Sheila Gardner  |  Denton, North Carolina

Sheila may go by Shella Gardner, Shelia Gardner or Sheila Lumanog Gardner and have relatives of Jeffery S Gardner, Sharon G Key and Jack A Gardner.

Phone Number: 
24540 S Nc Highway 109, Denton, NC ; 1610 Cornerhouse Rd, Mc Leansville, NC ; 25540 S Nc Highway 109, Denton, NC
Jeffery S Gardner, Sharon G Key, Jack A Gardner
Seen As:
Shella Gardner, Shelia Gardner, Sheila Lumanog Gardner
Work Email:
Sheila Renee Gardner  |  Wake Forest, North Carolina
Rr 1 # 30, Wake Forest, NC ; Rr 1 Box 30, Wake Forest, NC
Sheila Renee Gardner
Sheila Renee Gardner  |  Wake Forest, North Carolina
Rr 1 # 30, Wake Forest, NC ; Rr 1 Box 30, Wake Forest, NC
Sheila Renee Gardner
Sheila R Gardner  |  Charlotte, North Carolina
Age: 63
6617 Wannamaker Ln, Charlotte, NC
Helen C Gardner
Sheila Gardner  |  Houston, Texas
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
252-560-0980, 252-522-4596, 252-267-8255
8701 Spaulding St # A, Houston, TX ; 34 Wellington Rd, Livingston, NJ ; 1954 Mt Vernon Estates Dr, Kinston, NC
Sheila M Gardner, Sargent C Gardiner, Linda M Gardner
Sheila D Gardner  |  Georgetown, South Carolina

Sheila may go by Gardner Sheila Irvin, Sheila I Gardner, Shelia Gardner or Sheila D Irvin Gardner and have relatives of Gerald Irvin, Barbara G Irvin and Brenda Gardner.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
581 Buck Dr, Georgetown, SC ; 607 Duke St, Georgetown, SC ; 1706 Church St, Georgetown, SC
Gerald Irvin, Barbara G Irvin, Brenda Gardner
Seen As:
Gardner Sheila Irvin, Sheila I Gardner, Shelia Gardner, Sheila D Irvin Gardner
Previous Locations:
Raleigh, NC
Sheila F Gardner  |  Thornwood, New York
Age: 71
Phone Number: 
518-248-2667, 518-932-9188, 518-475-0909
732 Linda Ave, Thornwood, NY ; 6740 Poppy Hills Ln Apt 122, Charlotte, NC ; 9 Clovebrook Rd, Valhalla, NY
Seen As:
Shelia Gardner, Shelia F Gardner
Previous Locations:
Delmar, NY; Hawthorne, NY; Chapel Hill, NC; Harpswell, ME
Sheila L Gardner  |  Catonsville, Maryland

Sheila Gardner, also possibly known as See Gardner, has a last known location of 4 Rambling Oaks Way in Catonsville, MD using the 202-367-0499 phone number. Potential relatives are Nicole Dlee Busch, Clifton C Gardner and Sheila S Gardner.

Age: 53
Phone Number: 
202-367-0499, 410-744-6706, 252-756-9474
4 Rambling Oaks Way, Catonsville, MD ; 4 Rambling Oaks Way Apt L, Catonsville, MD ; 3239 Walters Ln Apt 2, District Heights, MD
Nicole Dlee Busch, Clifton C Gardner, Sheila S Gardner
Seen As:
See Gardner, Sheila Lakisha Gardner
Previous Locations:
Winterville, NC; Capitol Heights, MD; Upper Marlboro, MD; Greenville, NC; Bryans Road, MD
Work Email:,
Sheila L Gardner  |  Salem, Oregon

Sheila may go by Sheila J Gardner and have relatives of J L Gardner, Brittani D Jeanes and Sheree E Ross.

Age: 58
2235 Country Dr S, Salem, OR ; 3210 S Metropolitan Way, Salt Lake City, UT ; 3210 Metropolitan Way, Salt Lake City, UT
J L Gardner, Brittani D Jeanes, Sheree E Ross
Seen As:
Sheila J Gardner
Previous Locations:
Winston Salem, NC; Abingdon, VA
Sheila S Gardner  |  Oxon Hill, Maryland

Sheila may go by Sheila G Gardner, Gardner Sheila Gray, Lakisha Gardner or Sheila Selene Gardner and have relatives of Willisa L Gardner, Mykia Coleman and Carl S Busch.

Age: 74
Phone Number: 
301-735-0287, 410-744-6706, 252-756-9474
5103 Linwood Dr, Oxon Hill, MD ; 6587 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 103, District Heights, MD ; 6587 Pennsylvania Ave, District Heights, MD
Willisa L Gardner, Mykia Coleman, Carl S Busch
Seen As:
Sheila G Gardner, Gardner Sheila Gray, Lakisha Gardner, Sheila Selene Gardner
Previous Locations:
Winterville, NC; Catonsville, MD; Glen Burnie, MD; Greenville, NC; Capitol Heights, MD; Hyattsville, MD
Job Title:
Retired at East Carolina University
Work Email:,
Paralegal; Kaplan University
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Public records available for people named Sheila Gardner

Sheila may have records you can use to discover more details about them in the state of North Carolina. Try using our public records search for Sheila Gardner. These records use their legal name and can help you find by address in North Carolina because they come from the county or North Carolina state government. You can use this information for various purposes, such as trying to identify a person's location by city in North Carolina, genealogy studies and other reasons.
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Sheila Gardner Phone Numbers

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Perform a reverse phone search using their North Carolina area code phone number. Phone number searches can provide additional details about Sheila Gardner. Their number may be connected to their work history, social profiles and other associated accounts and records. Other family members may even have comparable numbers you can identify using the last four digits of the number.

Names score of the surname Gardner over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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Are you trying to find a person in North Carolina named Sheila with a surname of Gardner? Start by using a person search with their understood address in North Carolina by city. You could discover more about where they live at their residence address and how you may be able to contact them by phone or email. Next, search for additional information related to Sheila Gardner like next-door neighbors and family members in North Carolina and alternate names.

FAQ: Learn more about Sheila Gardner

What is Sheila Gardner's address?
Sheila Gardner's address is 15 Darius Pearce Rd, Youngsville, North Carolina 27596. Sheila may also have lived in Lucama, NC
What is Sheila Gardner's phone number?
Sheila Gardner's phone number is 919-735-1946. Other phone numbers for Sheila Gardner may include 919-207-2387 and 919-894-2218.
What is Sheila Gardner's age?
Average age for Sheila Gardner is 64 years old.

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