Need to find information on Sandra Landy? We found 14 records in 11 states for Sandra in our US person directory. You could find out more about likely matches by searching for contact detail matches, prospective employment histories, house addresses and smartphone number records. The typical Sandra is around 77 years old with about 64% falling into the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Sandra J Landy in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania  |  Age Age: 62
Sandra Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 26 McMillan Rd, Canonsburg, PA
  • 1046 Morgan Rd, Bridgeville, PA
  • 201 Appleglen Ct, Mc Donald, PA
Sandra Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 724-873-5046,
  • 724-514-7370,
  • 412-221-9229
Sandra Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sandra M Landy in Tonawanda, New York  |  Age Age: 70
Sandra Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 378 Broad St, Tonawanda, NY
  • 138 Adams St, Buffalo, NY
  • 178 Adam St, Tonawanda, NY
Sandra Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 716-694-6476
Sandra Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Sandra Marie Landy  |  Mason City, Iowa
Age: 68
Phone Number: 
812-303-4762, 262-297-1120, 641-201-1320
1111 N Jefferson Ave, Mason City, IA ; 1126 W State St, Mason City, IA ; 935 N Monroe Ave, Mason City, IA
Seen As:
Sandy Landy
Previous Locations:
Slinger, WI; Newburgh, IN; Evansville, IN; Lake Nebagamon, WI; Superior, WI; Austin, TX
Work Email:
Sandra Landy  |  Schenectady, New York
Age: 68
Phone Number: 
518-842-7204, 518-842-9079, 518-280-9282
233 Ninth St, Schenectady, NY ; 8 Chester St, Schenectady, NY ; 56 Vrooman Ave, Amsterdam, NY
Sandra M Mackey, Robert Lansing, Grace Lansing
Previous Locations:
Lehigh Acres, FL
Sandra M Landy  |  Scottsdale, Arizona

Sandra Landy may live at 17030 N 49th St Apt 1061 in Scottsdale, AZ with an 602 area phone number and may have connections to Sidney L Landy, Taylor Landy and Allison B Landy.

Age: 86
Phone Number: 
602-391-0893, 602-971-0879, 480-649-3373
17030 N 49th St Apt 1061, Scottsdale, AZ ; 4602 N 24th St Apt 461, Phoenix, AZ ; 3212 N Miller Rd Apt 138, Scottsdale, AZ
Sidney L Landy, Taylor Landy, Allison B Landy
Previous Locations:
Mesa, AZ
Sandra K Landy  |  Miami, Florida

Sandra Landy, also possibly known as Sandra Kay Landy, has a last known location of 14180 SW 84th St Apt 103 in Miami, FL using the 786-436-0394 phone number. Potential relatives are Edward H Landy, Mayer Landy and Lynn L Benade.

Age: 81
Phone Number: 
786-436-0394, 305-385-3552
14180 SW 84th St Apt 103, Miami, FL ; 13230 SW 68th St, Miami, FL ; 12461 SW 130th St Ste 17, Miami, FL
Edward H Landy, Mayer Landy, Lynn L Benade
Seen As:
Sandra Kay Landy
Sandra L Landy  |  Belhaven, North Carolina

Sandra Landy, also possibly known as Sandra Lee Landy, has a last known location of 119 Boss Hog Ave in Belhaven, NC using the 757-549-7474 phone number. Potential relatives are Sandra A Holt, Jeremy Shulman and Dawn M Landy.

Age: 80
Phone Number: 
757-549-7474, 252-964-3037
119 Boss Hog Ave, Belhaven, NC ; 1302 Copper Stone Cir, Chesapeake, VA ; Po Box 64921, Virginia Beach, VA
Sandra A Holt, Jeremy Shulman, Dawn M Landy
Seen As:
Sandra Lee Landy
Work Email:
Sandra Landy  |  Great Neck, New York
Age: 89
8 Kenneth Ct, Great Neck, NY ; 200 E 71st St Apt 5k, New York, NY ; 475 Northern Blvd, Great Neck, NY
John W Landy, J W Landy
Sandra L Landy  |  Williamstown, Massachusetts
Age: 77
Phone Number: 
413-458-6330, 413-458-5330
32 Mountain View St, Williamstown, MA ; 15 A St # 2, North Adams, MA
James W Landy, Lee R Landy, Nicole R Crouse
Work Email:,
Sandra M Landy  |  Duluth, Minnesota
615 N 39th Ave W, Duluth, MN ; 701 W Stowe St, Duluth, MN
Sandra Landy  |  Normandy Park, Washington
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
18154 Normandy Ter SW, Normandy Park, WA ; 20647 6th Ave SW, Normandy Park, WA
Mary J Mondry, Larry E Mondry, Martina R Mondry
Sandra Landy  |  Cleveland, Ohio
6305 Fleet Ave # Up Frt, Cleveland, OH
Sandra M Landy  |  Frankston, Texas
Age: 83
Po Box 37, Frankston, TX ; 100 Warren Ave, Gillette, WY ; Po Box 6, Kirtland, NM
Varge Landy, Jodi L Brauher, Todd R Candy
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Public records available for people named Sandra Landy

Sandra may have public records you can use to uncover more details about them. Try using our public records search for Sandra Landy. These records use their legal name and may help you locate them because they originate from the county or state government. You can use this information for a variety of applications, such as finding a person's location, genealogy studies and other investigative reasons.
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Sandra Landy Phone Numbers

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Are you looking for an individual named Sandra with a surname of Landy? Start by using an individual search with their last known location in a city or state. You could discover more about where they live and how you might be able to contact them by phone or email. Next, search for additional information related to Sandra Landy, like next-door neighbors and relatives and aliases used.

FAQ: Learn more about Sandra Landy

What is Sandra Landy's address?
Sandra Landy's address is 26 McMillan Rd, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317.
What is Sandra Landy's phone number?
Sandra Landy's phone number is 716-694-6476. Other phone numbers for Sandra Landy may include 641-201-1320 and 262-297-1120.
What is Sandra Landy's age?
Average age for Sandra Landy is 77 years old.
What is Sandra Landy's email address?
Sandra Landy's email address is landy***** We have 8 additional emails on file for Sandra.

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