Want to know more about Patricia Landy? We located 19 records in 14 states for Patricia in our US directory. You could learn more about them by researching contact info matches, potential employment histories, home addresses, and phone records. The average Patricia is around 77 years old, with around 56% falling in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Patricia C Landy in Yonkers, New York  |  Age Age: 87
Patricia Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 137 Homewood Ave, Yonkers, NY
  • 472 Gramatan Ave Apt Aa2, Mount Vernon, NY
  • 62 Lee Ave Apt 258, Yonkers, NY
Patricia Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 914-969-0934
Patricia Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Patricia A Landy in Hope Mills, North Carolina  |  Age Age: 65
Patricia Landy addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 100 Bledsoe St, Hope Mills, NC
  • 7439 Van Noy Loop, Fort George G Meade, MD
  • 5612 Tee Ct, Hope Mills, NC
Patricia Landy phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 910-223-2797,
  • 910-975-0651
Patricia Landy relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Patricia A Landy  |  Wagener, South Carolina

Patricia Landy may live at 134 Landy Dr in Wagener, SC with an 803 area phone number and may have connections to Bernard T West, Carrie Landy and Florean Landy.

Age: 67
Phone Number: 
803-984-7960, 803-564-3670
134 Landy Dr, Wagener, SC ; Po Box 222, Wagener, SC ; Po Box 122, Wagener, SC
Bernard T West, Carrie Landy, Florean Landy
@gmail.com, @aol.com
Patricia A Landy  |  Saint Paul, Minnesota
Age: 76
Phone Number: 
651-296-2930, 651-698-4336
1408 Sargent Ave, Saint Paul, MN ; 1726 Ashland Ave, Saint Paul, MN ; 1488 Sargent Ave, Saint Paul, MN
Patricia S Landy  |  Somers, New York
Age: 79
Phone Number: 
914-591-8466, 302-576-1849, 610-268-5098
368 Heritage Hls Unit B, Somers, NY ; 108 Lily Pond Ln, Katonah, NY ; 750 Kappock St, Bronx, NY
R J Landy, Katherine R Steele, Michael S Landy
@gmail.com, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Previous Locations:
Wilmington, DE; Irvington, NY; Avondale, PA; Roslyn Heights, NY; New York, NY
Job Title:
Vp - Senior Partnership Manager at Jpmorgan Chase; Vp Portfolio Opitmization at Mastercard
Patricia G Landy  |  Pfafftown, North Carolina

Patricia may go by Patricia Greene Landy and have relatives of Mary K Landy, Michael Scott Landy and Michael J Landy.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
3625 Dunhurst Dr, Pfafftown, NC ; Po Box 222, Pfafftown, NC ; 3756 Crosland Rd, Winston Salem, NC
Mary K Landy, Michael Scott Landy, Michael J Landy
@msn.com, @triad.rr.com
Seen As:
Patricia Greene Landy
Work Email:
Patricia K Landy  |  Cheyenne, Wyoming
Age: 74
Phone Number: 
307-220-1703, 307-433-0145
Po Box 22109, Cheyenne, WY ; 1806 E 17th St, Cheyenne, WY ; 2017 Prairie Dog Dr, Cheyenne, WY
Raymond L Landy, Kathryn E Landy, K E Landy
@aol.com, @comcast.net, @hotmail.com, @msn.com, @yahoo.com, @earthlink.net
Previous Locations:
Lakewood, OH; Lovington, NM; Austin, TX
Patricia A Landy  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 88
Phone Number: 
2210 S 15th St, Philadelphia, PA ; 1801 W Porter St, Philadelphia, PA ; 1538 W Porter St, Philadelphia, PA
Marie E Landy
Patricia F Landy  |  Lanham, Maryland
Age: 96
9333 Washington Blvd, Lanham, MD ; 6408 Sandy St, Laurel, MD ; 4219 Honeybrook Ave, Dayton, OH
Cynthia Ltashjian, Susan D Landy, Patrick T Landy
Patricia K Landy  |  Conifer, Colorado
Age: 57
25457 Snyder Ave, Conifer, CO ; Po Box 206, Pine, CO ; 5 Whippoorwill Ln, Tijeras, NM
Lisa K Landy, William G MacCuish, Edith C Landy
@yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Previous Locations:
Lakewood, CO; Denver, CO
Patricia Landy  |  Lynchburg, Virginia
2923 Rivermont Ave, Lynchburg, VA
Patricia A Landy  |  Atlanta, Georgia
763 Cascade Ave SW Apt 39, Atlanta, GA
Patricia A Wissing
Patricia D Landy  |  Klamath Falls, Oregon
Age: 74
1945 Fargo St, Klamath Falls, OR
Amanda M Woodcock, Earl W Yeoman, Earlpatricia Yeoman
Patricia Landy  |  San Diego, California
Age: 58
5221 Rex Ave, San Diego, CA
Patricia A Lapinski
Patricia A Landy  |  Bellevue, Washington
Age: 74
Phone Number: 
206-412-5873, 425-644-2915
101 101st Ave SE Apt 302a, Bellevue, WA ; 15020 SE 47th Pl, Bellevue, WA ; 8810 Meadowcreek Dr, Dayton, OH
Michael A Land, Rachel Landy, Stephanie Landy
Previous Locations:
Seattle, WA
Work Email:
Patricia A Landy  |  Kendall Park, New Jersey

Patricia may go by Patricia T Landy and have relatives of Patrick D Landy, Mary Anne Hrusch and Anne Christine Hallisy.

Age: 68
Phone Number: 
908-227-3058, 732-960-1466
11 Wharton Ct, Kendall Park, NJ ; 1921 Pershing Pl, South Plainfield, NJ ; 4493 Ardendale Rd, Cleveland, OH
Patrick D Landy, Mary Anne Hrusch, Anne Christine Hallisy
@yahoo.com, @sbcglobal.net, @mail.com, @crosswinds.net
Seen As:
Patricia T Landy
Previous Locations:
North Brunswick, NJ; Metuchen, NJ; Highland Park, NJ
Patricia J Landy  |  Beverly Hills, California

Patricia may go by Patricia Jane Landy and have relatives of Theodore G Soderberg.

Age: 88
Po Box 3363, Beverly Hills, CA ; 2731 Anchor Ave, Los Angeles, CA ; 17 N Vista de Catalina, Laguna Beach, CA
Theodore G Soderberg
Seen As:
Patricia Jane Landy
Patricia M Landy  |  Montclair, New Jersey

Patricia Landy may live at 142 Montclair Ave in Montclair, NJ with an 212 area phone number and may have connections to C C Landy, J Morgan Landy and Pamela L Arian.

Age: 97
Phone Number: 
212-744-4093, 973-509-0225
142 Montclair Ave, Montclair, NJ ; 530 Valley Rd Apt 3p, Montclair, NJ ; 415 E 85th St Apt 3b, New York, NY
C C Landy, J Morgan Landy, Pamela L Arian
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Find Patricia Landy in BeenVerified's Address Directory

Public records available for people named Patricia Landy

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Patricia Landy Phone Numbers

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We can help you search for Patricia. The easiest method to search for them is by entering their complete name as 'Patricia Landy' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative approaches using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or next-door neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Patricia.

FAQ: Learn more about Patricia Landy

What is Patricia Landy's address?
Patricia Landy's address is 137 Homewood Ave, Yonkers, New York 10701. Patricia may also have lived in Monterey, CA
What is Patricia Landy's phone number?
Patricia Landy's phone number is 910-223-2797. Other phone numbers for Patricia Landy may include 803-564-3670 and 803-984-7960.
What is Patricia Landy's age?
Average age for Patricia Landy is 77 years old.
What is Patricia Landy's email address?
Patricia Landy's email address is blackca*******@gmail.com. We have 2 additional emails on file for Patricia.

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