You could find the Ortiz Garcia you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to Ortiz's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 49 records in 14 states for people matching the Ortiz Garcia name. See more...

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Ortiz Walter Garcia in Richmond, Virginia  |  Age Age: 70
Ortiz Garcia addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 2215 Lancers Blvd, Richmond, VA
  • 2215 Lancers Blvd, North Chesterfield, VA
  • 4620 Bell Rd, Powhatan, VA
Ortiz Garcia phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 804-276-5869,
  • 804-275-5179,
  • 804-276-7695
Ortiz Garcia relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Ortiz Francine Garcia in Brooklyn, New York  |  Age Age: 55
Ortiz Garcia addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 908 Pine St, Brooklyn, NY
  • 908 Pine St Apt 2, Brooklyn, NY
  • 1445 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Ortiz Garcia phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 718-272-2049,
  • 718-940-8488
Ortiz Garcia relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Ortiz Rebecca Garcia  |  Reading, Pennsylvania

Ortiz Garcia, also possibly known as Rebecca Garcia, has a last known location of 16 Cherrydale Ave in Reading, PA using the 610-406-9026 phone number. Potential relatives are Luis A Ortiz, Osbardo M Garcia and Alyssa Ortiz.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
610-406-9026, 610-603-0193
16 Cherrydale Ave, Reading, PA ; 2733 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA ; 338 S 11th St, Reading, PA
Luis A Ortiz, Osbardo M Garcia, Alyssa Ortiz
Seen As:
Rebecca Garcia
Previous Locations:
Robesonia, PA; West Lawn, PA
Work Email:
Ortiz J Garcia  |  Scranton, Pennsylvania
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
1501 N Lincoln Ave, Scranton, PA ; 1501 N Lincoln Ave Apt 2s, Scranton, PA ; 523 E King St, Lancaster, PA
Ortiz J Garcia  |  Kissimmee, Florida
Age: 44
Phone Number: 
1616 Kendrick Dr, Kissimmee, FL ; 1702 Kenyon Cir, Kissimmee, FL ; 2730 Sample St, Kissimmee, FL
Previous Locations:
Naranjito, PR; Springfield, MA
Ortiz Hector Garcia  |  Miami, Florida

Ortiz Garcia, also possibly known as Hector Garcia Ortiz, has a last known location of 11435 SW 133rd Ct Apt 3 in Miami, FL using the 305-220-9909 phone number. Potential relatives are Aimee F Alvarez, Elsa Garcia and Maria E Garcia.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
305-220-9909, 305-383-6195
11435 SW 133rd Ct Apt 3, Miami, FL ; 11435 SW 133rd Ct Apt 1, Miami, FL ; 9433 Fontainebleau Blvd Apt 204, Miami, FL
Aimee F Alvarez, Elsa Garcia, Maria E Garcia
Seen As:
Hector Garcia Ortiz, Hector Garcia, Hector H Garcia, Hector Garcia Ortiz, Hector G Garcia Ortiz, Ortiz H Garcia, Hector Garcia-Ortiz
Ortiz P Garcia  |  Denver, Colorado

Ortiz Garcia, also possibly known as Ortiz Gloria Garcia, has a last known location of 4353 Denmark Ct in Denver, CO using the 720-244-7288 phone number. Potential relatives are Jessica Garcia, Maria G Garcia and Joanna Garcia.

Age: 43
Phone Number: 
720-244-7288, 303-250-1957, 303-233-3799
4353 Denmark Ct, Denver, CO ; 663 W 91st Ave Apt 103, Thornton, CO ; 3410 Lawrence St, Denver, CO
Jessica Garcia, Maria G Garcia, Joanna Garcia
Seen As:
Ortiz Gloria Garcia, Pedro O Garcia, Pedro Ortiz Garcia, Pedro Garcia
Previous Locations:
Lakewood, CO
Ortiz G Garcia  |  Portland, Oregon
Age: 55
14017 SW 97th Ave, Portland, OR ; 9555 SW Hall Blvd Apt 5, Portland, OR
Ortiz Garcia  |  Pensacola, Florida
1723 Blackwell Ln, Pensacola, FL ; 1348 Tate School Rd Lot 4, Cantonment, FL ; 7817 Lilac Ln, Pensacola, FL
Ortiz Garcia  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
3445 B St, Philadelphia, PA ; 930 8th St, Florence, OR
Ortiz A Garcia  |  Hyattsville, Maryland
Phone Number: 
4703 68th Ave, Hyattsville, MD
Ortiz Gonzalo Garcia  |  Denver, Colorado
1997 S Acoma St, Denver, CO
Ortiz Jorge Garcia  |  Manchester, New Hampshire
70 3rd St Apt 4, Manchester, NH
Ortiz Juan Garcia  |  Wilmington, Delaware
1201 Pleasant St, Wilmington, DE
Ortiz Natalia Garcia  |  Richmond, Virginia
4649 Southwood Pkwy Apt B, Richmond, VA
Ortiz S Garcia  |  Brooklyn, New York
632 Kosciuszko St, Brooklyn, NY ; 632 Kosciuszko St Apt 3, Brooklyn, NY ; 1252 Myrtle Ave Apt 1r, Brooklyn, NY
Ortiz T Garcia  |  Washington, DC
Phone Number: 
1300 Harvard St NW, Washington, DC
Ortiz Victor Garcia  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
916 W Walker St, Milwaukee, WI
Ortiz Garcia  |  Beaverton, Oregon
Age: 49
4655 SW 142nd Ave Apt 80, Beaverton, OR
Ortiz Wilfredo Garcia
Ortiz Joel A Garcia  |  Beaverton, Oregon
Age: 46
3450 SW 125th Ave, Beaverton, OR
Ortiz J Garcia  |  Hatboro, Pennsylvania
Age: 101
Phone Number: 
215-328-9244, 215-328-2244
412 Blair Mill Rd, Hatboro, PA
Ortiz Antonio Garcia  |  Atlantic City, New Jersey
26 N Hartford Ave, Atlantic City, NJ
Ortiz Carlos Garcia  |  Atlantic City, New Jersey
1411 Cedar Ct, Atlantic City, NJ
Ortiz Cassandra Garcia  |  West Covina, California

Ortiz may go by Cassandra V Garciaortiz, Ortiz C Garcia, Cassandra Garcia Ortiz, Cassandra Valeria Garcia, Cassandra Valeria Garciaortiz or Cassandra Garcia-Ortiz and have relatives of Valerie E Garcia and Michelle D Garcia-Ortiz.

Age: 45
Phone Number: 
626-422-7318, 626-330-3005
2016 Scott Rd, West Covina, CA
Valerie E Garcia, Michelle D Garcia-Ortiz
Seen As:
Cassandra V Garciaortiz, Ortiz C Garcia, Cassandra Garcia Ortiz, Cassandra Valeria Garcia, Cassandra Valeria Garciaortiz, Cassandra Garcia-Ortiz
Work Email:
Ortiz G Garcia  |  Vista, California

Ortiz Garcia may live at 1364 E Indian Rock Rd in Vista, CA with an 760 area phone number and may have connections to Alvaro Ortiz, Elena Lagunas Lagunasortiz and Gonzalo Ortiz.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
760-721-5802, 760-305-7708, 760-295-5435
1364 E Indian Rock Rd, Vista, CA ; 1316 Higgins St Apt A, Oceanside, CA ; 1726 Kraft St, Oceanside, CA
Alvaro Ortiz, Elena Lagunas Lagunasortiz, Gonzalo Ortiz
Ortiz Jose Garcia  |  Jersey City, New Jersey
110 Glenwood Ave Apt 104, Jersey City, NJ
Ortiz M Garcia  |  Victorville, California

Ortiz may go by Martin Garcia and have relatives of Abel Alcala, Elid Garcia and Gustavo G Garcia.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
760-956-1172, 562-810-8688, 760-952-1630
14904 Onyx Rd, Victorville, CA ; 8341 Vicki Dr, Whittier, CA ; 8440 Decosta Ave, Whittier, CA
Abel Alcala, Elid Garcia, Gustavo G Garcia
Seen As:
Martin Garcia
Ortiz Rosa Garcia  |  Bound Brook, New Jersey
220 1/2 E Main St, Bound Brook, NJ
Ortiz Steven Garcia  |  Fort Worth, Texas

Ortiz Garcia, also possibly known as Steven G Garciaortiz, has a last known location of 5912 Tuleys Creek Dr in Fort Worth, TX using the 972-978-9058 phone number. Potential relatives are Julia M Carcia, Connie F Diaz and Carmen Camacho.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
972-978-9058, 903-739-8381, 903-780-7008
5912 Tuleys Creek Dr, Fort Worth, TX ; 5713 Brazos Dr, Haltom City, TX ; 1150 Grove Ct, Burleson, TX
Julia M Carcia, Connie F Diaz, Carmen Camacho
Seen As:
Steven G Garciaortiz, Steven Garcia Diaz, Steven Garcia Ortiz
Previous Locations:
Grand Prairie, TX; Arlington, TX; Battle Creek, MI; Reno, TX; Paris, TX; Bayamon, PR
Ortiz Wilfredo Garcia  |  Glendale, California
Age: 65
132 S Adams St Apt 111, Glendale, CA ; 315 N Howard St Apt G, Glendale, CA ; 1318 W 23rd St Apt 1, Los Angeles, CA
Ortiz Garcia
Previous Locations:
Oxnard, CA
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Ortiz Garcia Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Garcia over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you search for Ortiz. The easiest method to search for them is by entering their complete name as 'Ortiz Garcia' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative approaches using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or next-door neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Ortiz.

FAQ: Learn more about Ortiz Garcia

What is Ortiz Garcia's address?
Ortiz Garcia's address is 2215 Lancers Blvd, Richmond, Virginia 23224.
What is Ortiz Garcia's phone number?
Ortiz Garcia's phone number is 718-272-2049. Other phone numbers for Ortiz Garcia may include 610-603-0193 and 610-406-9026.
What is Ortiz Garcia's age?
Average age for Ortiz Garcia is 58 years old.
What is Ortiz Garcia's email address?
Ortiz Garcia's email address is 61082***** We have 10 additional emails on file for Ortiz.

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