You could find the Louis Garza you are looking for by searching through our US directory. Locate available information about potential matches to Louis' contact information, employment, work history, and residency locations. Our US names directory contains around 143 records in 15 states for people matching the Louis Garza name. See more...

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Louis J Garza in Neenah, Wisconsin  |  Age Age: 55
Louis Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 2120 Henry St Apt 5, Neenah, WI
  • 1439 S Commercial St Apt 58, Neenah, WI
  • 1401 S Nicolet Rd, Appleton, WI
Louis Garza phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 920-558-4994,
  • 920-734-6025
Louis Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Louis Garza in Deckerville, Michigan  |  Age Age: 67
Louis Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3123 N Ruth Rd, Deckerville, MI
  • 2369 Black River St, Deckerville, MI
  • 2122 Black River St, Deckerville, MI
Louis Garza phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 810-376-6105,
  • 810-376-8189
Louis Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Louis C Garza  |  Amelia Court House, Virginia

Louis Garza may live at 9671 Wayside Ave in Amelia Court House, VA with an 804 area phone number and may have connections to Mary Ann Snoddy, Dorothy Garza and Matthew D Garza.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
804-514-0801, 804-561-2948
9671 Wayside Ave, Amelia Court House, VA ; Po Box 3, Amelia Court House, VA ; Po Box 626, Amelia Court House, VA
Mary Ann Snoddy, Dorothy Garza, Matthew D Garza
Louis Garza  |  Columbia, South Carolina
Age: 70
Phone Number: 
1944 Pennfield Dr, Columbia, SC ; 1702 Cheltenham Ln, Columbia, SC ; 1146 Cullasaja Cir, Columbia, SC
Patricia A Garza, Jonathan L Garza
Louis J Garza  |  Omaha, Nebraska

Louis Garza may live at 14128 Weir St in Omaha, NE with an 702 area phone number and may have connections to Angela M Dunaway, Jake Garza and Levi L Crook.

Age: 82
Phone Number: 
14128 Weir St, Omaha, NE ; 9429 Medford Falls Ave, Las Vegas, NV ; 6913 Coral Rock Dr, Las Vegas, NV
Angela M Dunaway, Jake Garza, Levi L Crook
Louis Na Garza  |  Saint Louis, Missouri

Louis may go by Louis Na Garza Ii or Louis Na Garza Jr and have relatives of Ann Cunningham, Ray Cunningham and Latoya R Cunningham.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
4620 Ashland Ave, Saint Louis, MO ; 1906 Geyer Ave, Saint Louis, MO ; 5860 Page Blvd, Saint Louis, MO
Ann Cunningham, Ray Cunningham, Latoya R Cunningham
Seen As:
Louis Na Garza Ii, Louis Na Garza Jr
Louis L Garza  |  Portage, Michigan
Age: 87
Phone Number: 
8540 Dolphin St, Portage, MI ; 2233 Miles Ave, Kalamazoo, MI ; 1016 Mills St, Kalamazoo, MI
Guadalupe Garza
Louis A Garza  |  Auburn Hills, Michigan

Louis Garza, also possibly known as Louie Garza, has a last known location of 2811 Patrick Henry St Apt 208 in Auburn Hills, MI using the 248-377-8996 phone number. Potential relatives are Marion Garza, Andres M Garea and Andrew Garza.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
248-377-8996, 248-977-3850
2811 Patrick Henry St Apt 208, Auburn Hills, MI ; 2811 Patrick Henry St, Auburn Hills, MI ; 2811 Patrick Henry St Apt 308, Auburn Hills, MI
Marion Garza, Andres M Garea, Andrew Garza
Seen As:
Louie Garza
Previous Locations:
Saginaw, MI
Louis F Garza  |  Windham, Maine

Louis Garza may live at 54 Land Of Nod Rd in Windham, ME with an 207 area phone number and may have connections to Cathy Carabajal, Luann F Garza and Louis F Garza.

Age: 87
Phone Number: 
207-774-3250, 207-892-4484
54 Land Of Nod Rd, Windham, ME ; 469 Main St, South Portland, ME ; Po Box 152, Yarmouth, ME
Cathy Carabajal, Luann F Garza, Louis F Garza
Seen As:
Louis N Garza, Lou F Garza, Louis F Garza Jr
Previous Locations:
West Rockport, ME
Work Email:
Louis M Garza  |  Forest Hills, New York
Age: 63
10440 Queens Blvd Apt 21c, Forest Hills, NY ; 10440 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY ; 40 Bennett Hall, Stillwater, OK
David M Garza, Joan B Garza, Joan E Garza
Previous Locations:
Woodside, NY; Rego Park, NY
Louis N Garza  |  Safford, Arizona
Age: 78
354 E Calle Mesa Verde, Safford, AZ ; Po Box 1464, Safford, AZ ; 510 S 11th Ave, Safford, AZ
Viola L Garza, Kathy Garza
Previous Locations:
Tucson, AZ
Louis Garza  |  Casa Grande, Arizona
Age: 63
213 E 2nd Ave, Casa Grande, AZ ; 7110 E Continental Dr, Scottsdale, AZ
Catarina Garza, Andrew H Garza
Louis Garza  |  Longmont, Colorado
2237 Emery St, Longmont, CO
Louis Garza  |  Fremont, Michigan
3 W Elm St, Fremont, MI
Maria G Herrera
Louis Garza  |  Saint Louis, Missouri
2740 Potomac St # A, Saint Louis, MO
Louis Garza  |  Leslie, Georgia
Po Box 262, Leslie, GA
Louis Garza  |  Mesa, Arizona
2249 E Calypso Ave, Mesa, AZ
Sandra J Garza, Darlene Pool, Angelica Garza
Louis Garza  |  Fort Smith, Arkansas
Phone Number: 
1914 S N St, Fort Smith, AR ; 1914 N N St, Fort Smith, AR
Louis A Garza  |  Wichita, Kansas
8106 E Grail St, Wichita, KS
Stephanie D Garza
Louis F Garza  |  South Portland, Maine

Louis may go by Louis F Garza Sr or Louis F Garza Jr and have relatives of Luann F Garza, Cathy Carabajal and Stephanie R Cilley.

Age: 87
469 Main St, South Portland, ME
Luann F Garza, Cathy Carabajal, Stephanie R Cilley
Seen As:
Louis F Garza Sr, Louis F Garza Jr
Louis Garza  |  Casa Grande, Arizona
Age: 81
Phone Number: 
1129 E 3rd St, Casa Grande, AZ
Lisa Weir, Rita Garza, Irina Demyanyuk
Work Email:
Louis P Garza  |  Deckerville, Michigan
Age: 97
3110 N Ruth Rd, Deckerville, MI
Florence Garza
Louis Garza  |  Lake Worth, Florida
Age: 63
3780 Ocala Rd, Lake Worth, FL
David Garza, Thomas Garza, Gilbert Garza
Louis Garza  |  Bradenton, Florida
Age: 71
1506 13th St W, Bradenton, FL
Louis Garza  |  Omaha, Nebraska
Age: 105
2609 Monroe St, Omaha, NE
Louis Garza  |  Beeville, Texas

Louis may go by Luis M Garza, Luis J Garza or Luis Garza Jr and have relatives of Patricia G Garza, Lillie Mae Garza and Mary E Delagarza.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
210-849-0476, 361-358-4812, 210-493-0651
806 S Tyler St Lot 3, Beeville, TX ; 806 E Tyler St, Brownsville, TX ; 806 S Tyler St, Beeville, TX
Patricia G Garza, Lillie Mae Garza, Mary E Delagarza
Seen As:
Luis M Garza, Luis J Garza, Luis Garza Jr
Previous Locations:
San Antonio, TX; Harlingen, TX; Mcallen, TX; Mckinney, TX
Louis A Garza  |  Sherman, Texas

Louis may go by Lou Garza and have relatives of Maria Garza, Anna A Garza and Lance A Garza.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
512-868-5851, 940-465-7453, 940-383-5998
1306 La Salle Dr, Sherman, TX ; 6434 N Bob White Way, Sanger, TX ; Po Box 205, Sanger, TX
Maria Garza, Anna A Garza, Lance A Garza
Seen As:
Lou Garza
Previous Locations:
Lewisville, TX; Denton, TX
Louis A Garza  |  San Antonio, Texas

Louis Garza, also possibly known as Luis Garza, has a last known location of 4907 La Barranca St in San Antonio, TX using the 210-560-2591 phone number. Potential relatives are Luis A Tellez, Luis A Cantu and Rosemary M Garza.

Age: 66
Phone Number: 
210-560-2591, 210-462-1917, 210-290-8127
4907 La Barranca St, San Antonio, TX ; 4905 S Flores St, San Antonio, TX ; 758 Division Ave, San Antonio, TX
Luis A Tellez, Luis A Cantu, Rosemary M Garza
Seen As:
Luis Garza, Luis A Garza
Previous Locations:
Elmendorf, TX
Louis L Garza  |  San Antonio, Texas

Louis Garza, also possibly known as Louie L Garza, has a last known location of 922 E Sonterra Blvd Apt 7314 in San Antonio, TX using the 407-570-8435 phone number. Potential relatives are Emilio G Garza, Charles L Garza and Maria Guadalupe Garza.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
407-570-8435, 210-494-2218, 210-474-0212
922 E Sonterra Blvd Apt 7314, San Antonio, TX ; 1697 Bear Oak, Schertz, TX ; 12511 Jones Maltsberger Rd Apt 7308, San Antonio, TX
Emilio G Garza, Charles L Garza, Maria Guadalupe Garza
Seen As:
Louie L Garza, Louie Garza, Luis Garza, Luis Luz Garza
Previous Locations:
Altamonte Springs, FL; Orlando, FL; Casselberry, FL; Midland, TX; Winter Park, FL
Work Email:
Louis V Garza  |  San Antonio, Texas

Louis Garza may live at 562 Jennings Ave in San Antonio, TX with an 210 area phone number and may have connections to Alice Casillas, Christine Y Garza and Elodia Rodriguez Garza.

Age: 50
Phone Number: 
210-884-5019, 210-214-8745
562 Jennings Ave, San Antonio, TX ; 154 Continental, San Antonio, TX ; 307 Continental, San Antonio, TX
Alice Casillas, Christine Y Garza, Elodia Rodriguez Garza
Seen As:
Louis V Garza III
Previous Locations:
Kansas City, KS; Arkansas City, KS
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Public records available for people named Louis Garza

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Louis Garza Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Garza over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Louis Garza

What is Louis Garza's address?
Louis Garza's address is 2120 Henry St Apt 5, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956.
What is Louis Garza's phone number?
Louis Garza's phone number is 810-376-6105. Other phone numbers for Louis Garza may include 804-561-2948 and 804-514-0801.
What is Louis Garza's age?
Average age for Louis Garza is 70 years old.
What is Louis Garza's email address?
Louis Garza's email address is louis*****

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