We investigated 280 records in 14 states for Leopoldo Lopez in our US person lookup tool. The leading state of residency is Arizona, followed by Colorado. The average Leopoldo Lopez is approximately 59 years of age, with around 48% falling into the 51-60 age group. Our public record names directory site might provide previous and recent property addresses, cell phones, and other information. See more...

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Leopoldo J Lopez in Hallandale Beach, Florida  |  Age Age: 66
Leopoldo Lopez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 400 NE 1st St Apt 103, Hallandale Beach, FL
  • 840 SW 10th Ave, Hallandale Beach, FL
  • 700 NE 4th Ct # 7, Hallandale Beach, FL
Leopoldo Lopez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-458-5556
Leopoldo Lopez relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leopoldo Lopez in Jacksonville, Florida  |  Age Age: 72
Leopoldo Lopez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3220 Lowell Ave, Jacksonville, FL
  • 1643 W 26th St, Jacksonville, FL
  • 860 Melson Ave, Jacksonville, FL
Leopoldo Lopez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 904-683-1057,
  • 904-738-8606,
  • 904-766-9946
Leopoldo Lopez relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Lenoir City, Tennessee
Age: 70
Phone Number: 
119 Candlenook Ln, Lenoir City, TN ; 698 Halls Ferry Rd, Lenoir City, TN ; 100 E Broadway St # 102, Lenoir City, TN
Maria C Lopez, Javier Lopez, Alejandro Lopez
@aol.com, @cox.net, @yahoo.com
Leopoldo E Lopez  |  Ogden, Utah

Leopoldo Lopez may live at 616 Downs Dr in Ogden, UT with an 801 area phone number and may have connections to Leopoldo Lopez, Leppoda Lopez and Cesar A Vieyra.

Age: 66
Phone Number: 
616 Downs Dr, Ogden, UT ; 2931 Pingree Ave, Ogden, UT ; 2274 Monroe Blvd, Ogden, UT
Leopoldo Lopez, Leppoda Lopez, Cesar A Vieyra
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Gilbert, South Carolina
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
772-429-1974, 772-466-8333
4650 Augusta Hwy, Gilbert, SC ; 14171 Range Line Rd, Port Saint Lucie, FL ; 3245 Mura Dr, Fort Pierce, FL
Pedro L Huipe, Nancy Lopez, Claudia Lopez
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Bronx, New York
Age: 51
Phone Number: 
914-751-9722, 718-562-6131
2153 Belmont Ave, Bronx, NY ; 1129 Morris Ave Apt 3s, Bronx, NY ; 249 McLean Ave Apt 5b, Yonkers, NY
Ana J Lopez
@yahoo.com, @msn.com, @aol.com, @charter.net, @cox-internet.com, @hotmail.com, @aim.com
Leopoldo O Lopez  |  Goodyear, Arizona
Age: 61
Phone Number: 
301 N Los Robles Dr, Goodyear, AZ ; 9203 W Washington St, Tolleson, AZ ; 12428 W Lower Buckeye Rd, Avondale, AZ
Salvador Moreno, Amelia R Lopez, Jose L Moreno
Leopoldo Q Lopez  |  Douglas, Arizona
Age: 81
Phone Number: 
520-364-6436, 520-364-3686
2315 E 8th St, Douglas, AZ ; 752 E Mariposa Pl, Chandler, AZ ; 10 Sheila Ln, Sierra Vista, AZ
Norma Lopez, Lucia Lopez, Josefina Lopez
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Cornelius, Oregon

Leopoldo Lopez, also possibly known as Leopoldo V Lopez, has a last known location of 265 S 14th Ave in Cornelius, OR using the 503-359-8450 phone number. Potential relatives are Esteban Villanueva, Ines Villanueva and Maria Tavera.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
265 S 14th Ave, Cornelius, OR ; 1405 Madrona Ln, Forest Grove, OR ; 2915 224th Ave, Hillsboro, OR
Esteban Villanueva, Ines Villanueva, Maria Tavera
Seen As:
Leopoldo V Lopez, Lopez Leopoldo Villanueva, Leopoldo Villaneuva Lopez
Previous Locations:
Beaverton, OR
Leopoldo P Lopez  |  South Miami, Florida
Age: 54
Phone Number: 
7500 SW 59th Ave Apt B2, South Miami, FL ; 2920 Forest Hills Blvd Apt 3l, Coral Springs, FL ; 2920 Forest Hills Blvd Apt 3a, Coral Springs, FL
@cfl.rr.com, @hotmail.com
Leopoldo L Lopez  |  Northglenn, Colorado

Leopoldo Lopez may live at 334 E 112th Pl in Northglenn, CO with an 303 area phone number and may have connections to Christopher J Lopez, Angela Lopez and Jose Lopez.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
334 E 112th Pl, Northglenn, CO ; 7715 Osceola St, Westminster, CO ; 34 112th Pl, Northglenn, CO
Christopher J Lopez, Angela Lopez, Jose Lopez
@aol.com, @comcast.net, @msn.com
Leopoldo R Lopez  |  Cleveland, Tennessee

Leopoldo Lopez may live at 4150 Elm Dr NE in Cleveland, TN with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to L Lopez, Loida Lopez and Liliannet Herrera.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
239-574-6343, 423-458-1359, 239-542-3342
4150 Elm Dr NE, Cleveland, TN ; 5315 Clover Dr NW, Cleveland, TN ; 225 Royal Dr NW, Cleveland, TN
L Lopez, Loida Lopez, Liliannet Herrera
@aol.com, @gmail.com, @charter.net, @att.net
Previous Locations:
Cape Coral, FL; Miami, FL; Hialeah, FL; Altamonte Springs, FL
Work Email:
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Blackwell, Oklahoma
Age: 60
315 W Dewey Ave, Blackwell, OK ; 922 S 6th St, Blackwell, OK ; 525 S 11th St, Blackwell, OK
Evadalupe Mora, Norene Fixico, Jorge L Mora
Previous Locations:
Ponca City, OK
Leopoldo C Lopez  |  Denver, Colorado
Age: 65
4901 Decatur St, Denver, CO ; 10999 E 14th Ave Apt 102, Aurora, CO ; 10999 E 14th Ave, Aurora, CO
Leopoldo F Lopez  |  Clearfield, Utah

Leopoldo may go by Lopez Leopoldo or Leopoldo Lopez Fonseca and have relatives of Maria M Lopez, Juan M Robledo and Joseph Lopez.

Age: 52
1808 W 500 N, Clearfield, UT ; 745 Barlow St, Clearfield, UT ; 449 Adobe Mill Ln, Ogden, UT
Maria M Lopez, Juan M Robledo, Joseph Lopez
Seen As:
Lopez Leopoldo, Leopoldo Lopez Fonseca
Leopoldo G Lopez  |  Portland, Oregon
Age: 48
16119 SE Alder St, Portland, OR ; 8104 SE Raymond St Apt 8, Portland, OR ; 1033 NE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR
Juan M Soto, Phyllis M Blethen
Seen As:
Leopoldo A Lopez, Leopaldo G Lopez, Soto Leopoldo G Lopez, Leopaldo G Lopez Soto, Leopoldo Lopez Soto, Soto Leopoldo Lopez, Leopaldo G Lopez-Soto
Leopoldo P Lopez  |  Sandy, Utah
Age: 54
787 W Still Blossom Ln, Sandy, UT ; 240 Barker Rd, Nashville, TN ; 1219 Saxon Dr, Nashville, TN
Tammie M Duncan
Previous Locations:
Brentwood, TN; Antioch, TN
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Naples, Florida

Leopoldo Lopez may live at 3782 33rd Ave NE in Naples, FL with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to Elida Lopez and Belinda Lopez.

Age: 40
Phone Number: 
3782 33rd Ave NE, Naples, FL ; Po Box 22, Immokalee, FL
Elida Lopez, Belinda Lopez
Leopoldo P Lopez  |  Gadsden, Arizona
Age: 54
Po Box 101, Gadsden, AZ ; Po Box 1601, San Luis, AZ
Noe L Godoy, Rosana Lopez, Elena Lopez
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Prospect Park, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
1314 Lincoln Ave Apt C, Prospect Park, PA ; 2029 Macdade Blvd, Holmes, PA ; 144 E Chester Pike Apt 2, Ridley Park, PA
Previous Locations:
Jacksonville, FL
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Jacksonville, Florida

Leopoldo may go by Leopoldo S Lopez IV and have relatives of Rose Lopez, Ignacio Lopez and Leopoldo Lopez.

Phone Number: 
904-554-1283, 904-738-8606, 904-683-1057
3220 Lowell Ave, Jacksonville, FL ; 860 Melson Ave, Jacksonville, FL ; 456 Livingston St, Elizabethport, NJ
Rose Lopez, Ignacio Lopez, Leopoldo Lopez
Seen As:
Leopoldo S Lopez IV
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Nashville, Tennessee
Phone Number: 
615-366-1124, 615-366-4055
1199 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN ; 308 Plus Park Blvd, Nashville, TN ; 1199 Murfreesboro Pike Apt B15, Nashville, TN
Leopoldo Lopez
Leopoldo L Lopez  |  Ringwood, Oklahoma
Phone Number: 
Po Box 32, Ringwood, OK ; Rr 1 Box 268, Ringwood, OK ; Po Box 76, Ringwood, OK
Lucas Que, Delores Johnson, Lydia Solis
Leopoldo S Lopez  |  Hutchinson, Kansas

Leopoldo may go by Leopoldo B Lopez and have relatives of Retha Ann Lopez and Nancy Lopez.

Phone Number: 
620-669-0690, 620-662-2515, 620-245-0267
413 E Campbell St, Hutchinson, KS ; 414 E 7th Ave, Hutchinson, KS ; 1018 S Elm St, McPherson, KS
Retha Ann Lopez, Nancy Lopez
Seen As:
Leopoldo B Lopez
Previous Locations:
Mcpherson, KS; Topeka, KS; Lyons, KS
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Immokalee, Florida
Age: 63
2909 Bradley Ln, Immokalee, FL
Leopoldo Lopez
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Ridgewood, New York
Age: 51
1720 Palmetto St Apt 3r, Ridgewood, NY
Luis A Lopez, Edward Atiles, Jasmine Lopez
Leopoldo C Lopez  |  Elk River, Minnesota
Age: 61
18746 Troy St NW, Elk River, MN
Leopoldo O Lopez  |  Lawrence, Michigan
Age: 63
112 N Paw Paw St, Lawrence, MI
Leopoldo E Lopez  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 53
431 Arvida Pkwy, Miami, FL
Leopoldo Lopez  |  Pennsauken, New Jersey

Leopoldo Lopez may live at 2250 Browning Rd in Pennsauken, NJ with an 856 area phone number and may have connections to Nancy Lopez, Irisell N Diaz and Javier Seguinot.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
856-663-1517, 856-662-7909, 856-662-7124
2250 Browning Rd, Pennsauken, NJ ; 406 Clinton St, Camden, NJ ; 3736 Garfield Ave Apt A, Pennsauken, NJ
Nancy Lopez, Irisell N Diaz, Javier Seguinot
@yahoo.com, @att.net, @bellsouth.net, @gci.net, @aol.com
Seen As:
Leopoldo N Lopez, Leopolda Lopez, Leo Lopez
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Public records available for people named Leopoldo Lopez

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Leopoldo Lopez Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Lopez over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Leopoldo?

We can help you search for Leopoldo. The easiest way to look for them is by using their full name as 'Leopoldo Lopez' in a people search. You can also try alternative methods using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or neighbor they may be connected to? That is another potential touch point you can use to locate Leopoldo.

FAQ: Learn more about Leopoldo Lopez

What is Leopoldo Lopez's address?
Leopoldo Lopez's address is 400 NE 1st St Apt 103, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009. Leopoldo may also have lived in Elizabethport, NJ, and New Brunswick, NJ.
What is Leopoldo Lopez's phone number?
Leopoldo Lopez's phone number is 904-683-1057. Other phone numbers for Leopoldo Lopez may include 865-988-4759.
What is Leopoldo Lopez's age?
Average age for Leopoldo Lopez is 59 years old.
What is Leopoldo Lopez's email address?
Leopoldo Lopez's email address is jesu****@aol.com. We have 2 additional emails on file for Leopoldo.

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