Want to know more about Leonor Contreras? We found 58 records in 14 states for Leonor in our United States directory. You could find out more about potential matches by looking into contact detail matches, potential work histories, home addresses, and telephone records. The average Leonor is about 68 years of age with about 39% in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Leonor Contreras in Mount Vernon, New York  |  Age Age: 70
Leonor Contreras addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 223 N High St, Mount Vernon, NY
  • 104 Oregon Ave, Bronxville, NY
  • 337 N Terrace Ave, Mount Vernon, NY
Leonor Contreras phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 914-663-1242
Leonor Contreras relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leonor M Contreras in Bridgeport, Connecticut  |  Age Age: 92
Leonor Contreras addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 91 Butler Ave, Bridgeport, CT
  • Po Box 3103, Bridgeport, CT
  • 5 Overlook Rd, Norwich, CT
Leonor Contreras phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 860-885-1578,
  • 860-965-9032,
  • 203-260-4902
Leonor N Contreras  |  Mesa, Arizona

Leonor may go by Maria Contreras or Mario Contreras and have relatives of Oscar Contreras, Mario A Contreras and Cecilia G Contreras.

Age: 70
Phone Number: 
480-319-9254, 480-821-9392, 480-726-3909
510 E 10th Ave, Mesa, AZ ; 2209 N Pennington Dr, Chandler, AZ ; 1917 E Jamaica Ave, Mesa, AZ
Oscar Contreras, Mario A Contreras, Cecilia G Contreras
Seen As:
Maria Contreras, Mario Contreras
Previous Locations:
El Monte, CA; Rosemead, CA; San Bernardino, CA; West Covina, CA
Leonor T Contreras  |  Lovington, New Mexico
Age: 81
Phone Number: 
618 S 5th St, Lovington, NM ; 5808 Tautoga Dr, El Paso, TX
Israel T Contreras, Pete Contreas, Justin A Contreras
Leonor Contreras  |  Phoenix, Arizona
1405 E Atlanta Ave, Phoenix, AZ
Leonor Contreras  |  Coral Gables, Florida
Phone Number: 
305-801-6804, 305-461-2190
4341 SW 1st St, Coral Gables, FL ; 192.146.236 # 157, Miami, FL
Leonor Contreras  |  Miami, Florida
4421 SW 99th Ct, Miami, FL
Leonor Contreras  |  Winston Salem, North Carolina
Phone Number: 
336-650-9825, 336-549-9336, 336-529-6896
815 Utah Dr, Winston Salem, NC ; 11500 Westwood Blvd Apt 324, Orlando, FL
Belky Contreras, Diego Moreno
@aol.com, @att.net, @worldnet.att.net
Work Email:
Leonor Garcia Contreras  |  Phoenix, Arizona
Age: 52
5418 W Belleview St, Phoenix, AZ
Celia Guerrero, Santiago Contreras
Leonor Contreras  |  Fresno, California
Age: 53
Phone Number: 
2578 S Laval Ave, Fresno, CA ; 2579 S Laval Ave, Fresno, CA ; 4720 E Kaviland Ave, Fresno, CA
Hector A Contreras, Pio F Contreras, Daena C Avila
Previous Locations:
Clovis, CA
Leonor Contreras  |  Columbus, Ohio
Phone Number: 
295 Leesburg Ct E, Columbus, OH
Leonor Contreras  |  El Paso, Texas
8278 Troy Ave, El Paso, TX ; 7631 N Loop Dr Apt 207, El Paso, TX ; 447 S Schutz Dr Apt 146, El Paso, TX
Claudia Corina Contreras, Linda Contreras, Maria Avalos
Leonor Contreras  |  San Bernardino, California

Leonor may go by Leonor Salgado Contreras or Leonor S Contreras and have relatives of Jorge Contreras, Raul S Contreras and Rosa Isela Perez.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
909-864-3973, 909-383-1432
2141 E Jane St, San Bernardino, CA ; 3635 Modesto Dr, San Bernardino, CA ; 11065 Hillsborough Ct, Adelanto, CA
Jorge Contreras, Raul S Contreras, Rosa Isela Perez
@worldnet.att.net, @aol.com
Seen As:
Leonor Salgado Contreras, Leonor S Contreras
Previous Locations:
Rowland Heights, CA; La Puente, CA
Work Email:
Leonor Contreras  |  Long Beach, California

Leonor Contreras may live at 1085 Olive Ave in Long Beach, CA with an 562 area phone number and may have connections to Eubaldo Contreras, Anabel Quezada and Carmen Quezada.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
1085 Olive Ave, Long Beach, CA
Eubaldo Contreras, Anabel Quezada, Carmen Quezada
Leonor Contreras  |  San Ysidro, California
Phone Number: 
619-628-8006, 619-429-5452
1540 Monterey Pine Dr Unit A, San Ysidro, CA ; 1540 Monterey Pine Dr, San Ysidro, CA ; 4114 Camino de La Plz Apt 24a, San Ysidro, CA
Claudia J Contreras, Antonio Contreras, De Lopez Contreras
Previous Locations:
San Diego, CA
Leonor Contreras  |  San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rr 6, San Juan, PR ; Rr 10, San Juan, PR ; 842 St Ext Km 91 Bo Los Rom, San Juan, PR
Leonor Contreras  |  Sun Valley, California
Phone Number: 
13042 Roscoe Blvd, Sun Valley, CA
Leonor Contreras  |  Burien, Washington
Phone Number: 
1223 SW 137th St Apt 435, Burien, WA ; 10739 17th Ave SW, Seattle, WA ; 1223 SW 137th St, Burien, WA
Alma Cervantes, Silvano Contreras, Ruelas R Contreras
Leonor Contreras  |  North Las Vegas, Nevada

Leonor Contreras may live at 605 Lillis Ave in North Las Vegas, NV with an 702 area phone number and may have connections to Luis C Favela, Maria Favela and Leopoldo Cervantes.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
605 Lillis Ave, North Las Vegas, NV ; 5525 Hidden Rainbow St, North Las Vegas, NV ; 4705 Lucite Ln, Las Vegas, NV
Luis C Favela, Maria Favela, Leopoldo Cervantes
Leonor Contreras  |  Los Angeles, California
Age: 44
1213 W 127th St, Los Angeles, CA
Leonor Contreras
Leonor Contreras  |  Sacramento, California

Leonor Contreras may live at 5632 59th St in Sacramento, CA with an 408 area phone number and may have connections to Inocente Contreras Ramirez, Luis A Contreras and Reynaldo Contreras Contreras.

Phone Number: 
408-691-1078, 916-421-1880, 916-451-3903
5632 59th St, Sacramento, CA ; 4981 Mack Rd Apt 293, Sacramento, CA ; 4981 Mack Rd, Sacramento, CA
Inocente Contreras Ramirez, Luis A Contreras, Reynaldo Contreras Contreras
Previous Locations:
Milpitas, CA
Leonor Contreras  |  Columbus, Ohio
Age: 46
Phone Number: 
614-279-7976, 614-279-7627
690 Galli Ct, Columbus, OH ; 310 Leesburg Ct W, Columbus, OH ; 108 Derrer Meadow Ln, Columbus, OH
Marino Contreras, Julian S Contreras
Leonor A Contreras  |  Newbury Park, California

Leonor Contreras may live at 608 Debbie St in Newbury Park, CA with an 805 area phone number and may have connections to L Contreras, Violeta Contreras and Maria G Contreras.

Age: 71
Phone Number: 
805-499-1512, 805-492-0482
608 Debbie St, Newbury Park, CA ; 2205 Sonoma Ct, Thousand Oaks, CA ; 1824 Los Feliz Dr Apt 3, Thousand Oaks, CA
L Contreras, Violeta Contreras, Maria G Contreras
Leonor G Contreras  |  Austin, Texas

Leonor Contreras may live at 2610 Canterbury St in Austin, TX with an 512 area phone number and may have connections to Leonor Contreras and Leonara G Contreras.

Age: 103
Phone Number: 
2610 Canterbury St, Austin, TX ; 5416 Tipton Dr, Austin, TX ; 1809 Holly St, Austin, TX
Leonor Contreras, Leonara G Contreras
Seen As:
Lionor Contreras
Leonor M Contreras  |  Salinas, California
Age: 84
Phone Number: 
408-444-6040, 831-444-6040
129 Rodeo Ave, Salinas, CA ; 1000 S Main St, Salinas, CA
Danny M Contreras, Lucia R Contreras, Arman Contreras
@aol.com, @gmail.com
Leonor N Contreras  |  Ligonier, Indiana
Phone Number: 
513 W 3rd St, Ligonier, IN
Jesus Contreras, Uriel Contreras, Christine Barton
Leonor N Contreras  |  El Centro, California

Leonor Contreras may live at 1248 Woodward Ave in El Centro, CA with an 760 area phone number and may have connections to Leonora A Contreras, Alicia Avina and Juan M Contreras.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
1248 Woodward Ave, El Centro, CA ; 475 E Hamilton Ave Apt 14, El Centro, CA
Leonora A Contreras, Alicia Avina, Juan M Contreras
Seen As:
Leono Contreras
Leonor R Contreras  |  Rancho Mirage, California

Leonor Contreras may live at 70642 Boothill Rd in Rancho Mirage, CA with an 562 area phone number and may have connections to Cathy Rodriguez, Maria G Rodriguez and Primo Rodriguez.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
562-944-0378, 562-947-4538, 562-693-1340
70642 Boothill Rd, Rancho Mirage, CA ; 7641 Newlin Ave Apt 5, Whittier, CA ; 7641 Newlin Ave, Whittier, CA
Cathy Rodriguez, Maria G Rodriguez, Primo Rodriguez
@hotmail.com, @socal.rr.com, @yahoo.com
Previous Locations:
Santa Monica, CA
Job Title:
Medical Interpreter at Selftrade
Work Email:
Leonor R Contreras  |  Houston, Texas
Age: 44
8132 Wier Dr, Houston, TX
Leonor S Contreras  |  Marlboro, New Jersey
Age: 86
Phone Number: 
20 Graversham, Marlboro, NJ ; 11 Saratoga, Trabuco Canyon, CA ; 4 Lynn Dr, Spring Valley, NY
Previous Locations:
Ocean, NJ; Elmwood Park, NJ; Clifton, NJ
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Public records available for people named Leonor Contreras

Using public records can help you identify Leonor Contreras. Do a public records search on their complete first and last name to try to find and pinpoint county records which are associated with their name and geographic location. See if you can find judicial record data, education history and jobs connected with Leonor. Judicial record data may include personal bankruptcy, criminal and/or traffic record information.
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Leonor Contreras Phone Numbers

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Conduct a reverse phone search using their telephone number. Phone number searches can provide a bit more insight about Leonor Contreras. Their number may be tied to their work history, social media profiles and other associated accounts and records. Other members of the family might also have comparable numbers you can identify using the area code and the last four digits of the number.

Names score of the surname Contreras over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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Searching for Leonor Contreras? We can help you find prospective matches to the Leonor you are searching for using our people search engine. Start by looking up their complete name with the person lookup search bar. Next, narrow down the results using their known age and geographic location with the city and state. You could learn more about where they live and how you may be able to contact them by phone or email. You can also discover prospective matches for Leonor's alias names, social media profiles, next-door neighbors and relatives.

FAQ: Learn more about Leonor Contreras

What is Leonor Contreras' address?
Leonor Contreras' address is 223 N High St, Mount Vernon, New York 10550.
What is Leonor Contreras' phone number?
Leonor Contreras' phone number is 860-885-1578. Other phone numbers for Leonor Contreras may include 480-726-3909 and 480-821-9392.
What is Leonor Contreras' age?
Average age for Leonor Contreras is 68 years old.
What is Leonor Contreras' email address?
Leonor Contreras' email address is cardo*****@gmail.com.

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