Trying to find Leonardo Cabrera in Miami? We identified 23 public records for Leonardo Cabrera in Miami. Other cities Leonardo might have resided in are Miami and Hialeah in addition to 23 other cities. Our public records name lookup tool might include their present address in addition to previous addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, social media profiles and other information. See more...

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Leonardo Cabrera in Miami, Florida  |  Age Age: 50
Leonardo Cabrera addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 12900 SW 189th St, Miami, FL
  • 2461 SW 152nd Ct, Miami, FL
  • 11227 NW 2nd Ter, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 305-846-9091,
  • 305-385-3599,
  • 305-382-2444
Leonardo Cabrera relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leonardo Cabrera in Miami, Florida  |  Age Age: 63
Leonardo Cabrera addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 9355 NW 36th Ave, Miami, FL
  • 16605 NW 70th Ave, Miami Lakes, FL
  • 4711 NW 3rd St, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 305-476-0898,
  • 305-785-1713
Leonardo Cabrera relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 60
10440 NW 32nd Ave, Miami, FL ; 1410 NW 30th St, Miami, FL ; 1426 NW 30th St, Miami, FL
Felix A Cabrera, Marcel B Cabrera, Emilia Cabrera
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Leonardo Cabrera may live at 201 NW 66th Ave in Miami, FL with an 786 area phone number and may have connections to Leslie Cabrera, Nelson A Cabrera and Julissa C Cabrera.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
201 NW 66th Ave, Miami, FL ; 5050 NW 7th St Apt 622, Miami, FL
Leslie Cabrera, Nelson A Cabrera, Julissa C Cabrera
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
2037 NW 1st Ter, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
3193 NW 94th St, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
Phone Number: 
305-262-9042, 305-630-2686, 305-285-5591
136 SW 75th Ave, Miami, FL ; 1033 SW 12th St, Miami, FL ; 6860 SW 16th St, Miami, FL
Ramon Cabrera, Roger Cabrera, Leonardo A Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Hialeah, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
Phone Number: 
14921 SW 82nd Ter Apt 210, Miami, FL ; 7701 SW 15th St, Miami, FL
Maria A Cabrera, Leonardo Cabrera, Maria E Reyes
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Leonardo may go by Leonaldo Cabrera and have relatives of Leonardo A Cabrera, Leonardo Cabrera and Julio R Cabrera-Mendoza.

Phone Number: 
305-630-2686, 251-661-5031
12355 SW 199th Ave, Miami, FL ; 9860 SW 48th St, Miami, FL ; 9400 McLeod Rd, Mobile, AL
Leonardo A Cabrera, Leonardo Cabrera, Julio R Cabrera-Mendoza
Seen As:
Leonaldo Cabrera
Leonardo P Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
13910 SW 102nd Ter, Miami, FL
Leonardo R Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
1122 SW 87th Ave Apt 8, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida

Leonardo Cabrera may live at 8485 SW 43rd St in Miami, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Rogelio Cabrera, Olga L Cabrera and Grettel Gonzalez.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
8485 SW 43rd St, Miami, FL
Rogelio Cabrera, Olga L Cabrera, Grettel Gonzalez
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 63
1874 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Cape Coral, Florida

Leonardo Cabrera may live at 624 SE 11th Ave in Cape Coral, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Lorenzo R Cabrera, Leonel Cabrera and Geraldine A Cabrera.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
305-865-2994, 239-673-9104
624 SE 11th Ave, Cape Coral, FL ; 426 SW 19th St, Cape Coral, FL ; 1145 Normandy Dr Apt 206, Miami Beach, FL
Lorenzo R Cabrera, Leonel Cabrera, Geraldine A Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Miami, FL; Hialeah, FL
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Doral, Florida

Leonardo Cabrera may live at 4320 NW 79th Ave Apt 2g in Doral, FL with an 786 area phone number and may have connections to Mercedes Cabrera, Leonardo Cabrera and Maritza Castro.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
786-287-2425, 305-591-1386
4320 NW 79th Ave Apt 2g, Doral, FL ; 617 S State Road 7 Apt 2f, Margate, FL ; 17101 SW 121st Ave, Miami, FL
Mercedes Cabrera, Leonardo Cabrera, Maritza Castro
Seen As:
Leonardo Cabrera Alberich, Leonardo Cabrera-Alberic, Leonardo Cabrera-Alberich
Leonardo A Cabrera  |  Homestead, Florida
Age: 93
15530 SW 308th St, Homestead, FL ; Po Box 901091, Homestead, FL ; 11001 SW 88th St Apt A105, Miami, FL
Isephine Martinez, Aida Cabrera, Elio Cabrera
Seen As:
Leonardo Andres Cabrera
Leonardo Alonso Cabrera  |  Orlando, Florida

Leonardo Cabrera may live at 502 Owl Cir in Orlando, FL with an 321 area phone number and may have connections to Maria Alonso, Leonel Alonso and Alexey Alonso.

Age: 43
Phone Number: 
502 Owl Cir, Orlando, FL ; 11461 SW 40th Ter, Miami, FL ; 11101 SW 200th St Apt 307, Cutler Bay, FL
Maria Alonso, Leonel Alonso, Alexey Alonso
Leonardo L Cabrera  |  Hialeah, Florida

Leonardo may go by Leonardo Luis Cabrera or Leo Cabrera and have relatives of Teresa Cabrera, Evelyn R Cabrera and Robert Cabrera.

Age: 59
Phone Number: 
786-246-5738, 305-557-8008, 305-829-5829
19551 NW 79th Ct, Hialeah, FL ; 7690 NW 177th Ter, Hialeah, FL ; 7597 NW 183rd Ter # 1603, Hialeah, FL
Teresa Cabrera, Evelyn R Cabrera, Robert Cabrera
Seen As:
Leonardo Luis Cabrera, Leo Cabrera
Previous Locations:
Miami, FL; Miami Gardens, FL
Work Email:
Leonardo Cabrera  |  Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
305-636-3832, 305-889-0823, 828-754-2872
2665 S Bruce St Apt 4, Las Vegas, NV ; 3574 NW 102nd St, Miami, FL ; 406 Crestmere St NE, Lenoir, NC
Milagros Perez Perez, Leonardo Cruz
Previous Locations:
Hialeah, FL
Leonardo A Cabrera  |  Jersey City, New Jersey
Age: 69
882 Pavonia Ave, Jersey City, NJ ; 100 Romaine Ave Apt 3, Jersey City, NJ ; 834 SW 8th Ave, Miami, FL
Carlos A Cabrera, Olga C Arriaga, Ashley Cabrera
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Public records available for people named Leonardo Cabrera

Searching for publicly accessible data related to Leonardo in Miami, Florida? Our records lookup tool can help you discover publicly available info about Leonardo Cabrera's legal, monetary, educational and professional backgrounds within the city of Miami. Use our public records search to check for Leonardo's prospective links to digital court records (involving possible personal bankruptcy, criminal, or traffic records), potentially related education history, likely jobs and associated professional work history in the city of Miami.
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Leonardo Cabrera Phone Numbers

Search possible phone numbers for Leonardo Cabrera.
Conduct a reverse phone search using their Miami area code phone number in Florida. Telephone number searches can produce more information about Leonardo Cabrera. Their number may be connected to their work history, social profiles and other associated accounts and records. Other relatives may also have similar numbers you can identify using the local Miami area code and the last four digits of the number.

Names score of the surname Cabrera over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Leonardo?

We can help you look for Leonardo in the city of Miami, Florida. One of the simplest methods to search for them is by entering their full name as 'Leonardo Cabrera' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative finding strategies by using a known street address in the city. Do you know a close relative or neighbor they may be connected to in Miami? That is another possible method you can use to locate Leonardo.

FAQ: Learn more about Leonardo Cabrera

What is Leonardo Cabrera's address?
Leonardo Cabrera's address is 12900 SW 189th St, Miami, Florida 33177. Leonardo may also have lived in Miami Gardens, FL, and Hialeah, FL.
What is Leonardo Cabrera's phone number?
Leonardo Cabrera's phone number is 305-476-0898..
What is Leonardo Cabrera's age?
Average age for Leonardo Cabrera is 61 years old.

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