We investigated 35 records in 16 states for Kathleen Coffin in our US person lookup tool. The leading state of residency is California, followed by Delaware. The average Kathleen Coffin is approximately 72 years of age, with around 56% falling into the 61-80 age group. Our public record names directory site might provide previous and recent property addresses, cell phones, and other information. See more...

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Kathleen M Coffin in Saint Petersburg, Florida  |  Age Age: 69
Kathleen Coffin addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 663 86th Ter N, Saint Petersburg, FL
  • 1016 E 109th Ave Apt B, Tampa, FL
  • 1016 E 109th Ave, Tampa, FL
Kathleen Coffin phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 813-971-1093,
  • 813-977-3074
Kathleen Coffin relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Kathleen S Coffin in Prairie Village, Kansas  |  Age Age: 73
Kathleen Coffin addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 7524 Pawnee St, Prairie Village, KS
  • 1034 Mississippi St Apt 204, Lawrence, KS
  • 1034 Mississippi St, Lawrence, KS
Kathleen Coffin phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 785-856-0886,
  • 913-649-1952
Kathleen Coffin relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Kathleen Coffin  |  Stoneham, Massachusetts
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
8 Eastern Ave, Stoneham, MA ; 1 Laurie Ln, Stoneham, MA ; 603 Lewis O Gray Dr, Saugus, MA
Alan J Coffin, Thomas A Sacco, Jean Coffin
@aol.com, @hotmail.com
Previous Locations:
Wakefield, MA
Work Email:
Kathleen J Coffin  |  Palm Harbor, Florida

Kathleen Coffin, also possibly known as Kathleen Jane Coffin, has a last known location of 3180 Mission Grove Dr in Palm Harbor, FL using the 405-607-6364 phone number. Potential relatives are Mary J Coffin, Albert W Coffin and Laurie J Coffin.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
405-607-6364, 813-837-1029, 727-787-3804
3180 Mission Grove Dr, Palm Harbor, FL ; 3760 Preakness Pl Apt 1811, Palm Harbor, FL ; 4806 Alexandria Ave, Tampa, FL
Mary J Coffin, Albert W Coffin, Laurie J Coffin
Seen As:
Kathleen Jane Coffin
Previous Locations:
Brunswick, ME
Job Title:
State Of Maine; Self Employed
Health Administration, Neuroscience; Saint Joseph's, Bowdoin College
Kathleen S Coffin  |  Palm Harbor, Florida
Age: 77
Phone Number: 
813-787-8392, 732-538-0095, 727-785-5526
4068 Wellington Pkwy, Palm Harbor, FL ; 1871 Eagle Ridge Blvd, Palm Harbor, FL ; 1 Brandywine Ln, Colts Neck, NJ
Charles H Coffin, Christina Coffin
Previous Locations:
Mountain Lakes, NJ
Kathleen R Coffin  |  Aspers, Pennsylvania

Kathleen may go by Kathy Coffin and have relatives of John E Coffin, Melissa L Runk and Matthew Coffin.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
1587 Center Mills Rd, Aspers, PA ; 1215 Old Route 30, Orrtanna, PA ; Po Box 21, Cashtown, PA
John E Coffin, Melissa L Runk, Matthew Coffin
@gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Kathy Coffin
Previous Locations:
Williamsport, PA
Work Email:
Kathleen K Coffin  |  Sioux City, Iowa

Kathleen Coffin, also possibly known as Kathy K Coffin, has a last known location of 23503 Glacier Rd in Sioux City, IA using the 712-239-5657 phone number. Potential relatives are Peter R Coffin, Dpm Paul Coffin and Katie Coffin.

Age: 70
Phone Number: 
23503 Glacier Rd, Sioux City, IA ; 1511 38th St, Sioux City, IA ; 3022 Viking Dr, Sioux City, IA
Peter R Coffin, Dpm Paul Coffin, Katie Coffin
Seen As:
Kathy K Coffin
Kathleen H Coffin  |  Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
651-247-3987, 651-768-9769, 651-501-3774
9211 79th St S, Cottage Grove, MN ; 10 Dellwood Ln, Saint Paul, MN ; 8167 100th St S, Cottage Grove, MN
David R Coffin, Charmaine A Krob, Jane F Coffin
@aol.com, @cox.net
Previous Locations:
Manitowoc, WI
Kathleen A Coffin  |  Kelley, Iowa

Kathleen Coffin may live at 805 Hubbel St in Kelley, IA with an 515 area phone number and may have connections to John R Coffin, Jess A Coffin and Brian D Coffin.

Age: 75
Phone Number: 
515-984-6671, 515-294-5839, 515-769-2313
805 Hubbel St, Kelley, IA ; Po Box 293, Kelley, IA ; 807 S 3rd St, Polk City, IA
John R Coffin, Jess A Coffin, Brian D Coffin
@aol.com, @worldnet.att.net
Work Email:
@huxcomm.net, @iastate.edu
Kathleen A Coffin  |  Duxbury, Massachusetts
Age: 79
Phone Number: 
30 Tremont St Apt 4a, Duxbury, MA ; 30 Tremont St Apt 20f, Duxbury, MA ; 10 Knight Ave, Plymouth, MA
Kelly M Musial, James Coffin, Thomas J Coffin
Previous Locations:
Halifax, MA; Pembroke, MA
Kathleen M Coffin  |  Nottingham, Maryland
Age: 47
Phone Number: 
7929 Rolling View Ave, Nottingham, MD ; 9409 Hannahs Mill Dr Apt 404, Owings Mills, MD ; 9409 Hannahs Mill Dr, Owings Mills, MD
George H Coffin, Frank G Coffin, Christine Adams
Previous Locations:
Catonsville, MD; Columbia, MD; Baltimore, MD; Lutherville Timonium, MD
Kathleen B Coffin  |  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Kathleen Coffin may live at 4937 NW 62nd Ter in Oklahoma City, OK with an 405 area phone number and may have connections to Wayne W Coffin.

Age: 99
Phone Number: 
405-607-6364, 405-721-5528, 405-728-2071
4937 NW 62nd Ter, Oklahoma City, OK ; 3105 NW 52nd St, Oklahoma City, OK ; 4937 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK
Wayne W Coffin
@yahoo.com, @sbcglobal.net
Kathleen M Coffin  |  New Hartford, New York

Kathleen Coffin may live at 18 Slusser Ave in New Hartford, NY with an 315 area phone number and may have connections to Joseph P Reinhardt and Joette A Coffin.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
315-823-9282, 315-823-9392, 315-533-6633
18 Slusser Ave, New Hartford, NY ; 132 Ringdahl Ct Apt 5, Rome, NY ; 98 Church St, Little Falls, NY
Joseph P Reinhardt, Joette A Coffin
@address.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Marie E Coffin, Coffin Kathleen Reinhardt, Kathleen Coffin-Reinhardt
Kathleen Mary Coffin  |  Dagsboro, Delaware

Kathleen Coffin may live at 32146 C**** St in Dagsboro, DE with an 302 area phone number and may have connections to Jerry W Coffin and Justin Coffin.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
32146 C**** St, Dagsboro, DE ; Po Box 177, Dagsboro, DE ; 104 C**** Rd # 177, Bethany Beach, DE
Jerry W Coffin, Justin Coffin
Kathleen M Coffin  |  Frederick, Maryland
Age: 100
Phone Number: 
6873 Buttonwood Ct, Frederick, MD ; 5657 Denton Ct, Frederick, MD ; 14 Nassau Blvd, Malverne, NY
Kathleen M Warner, Wm L Coffin, Bradley J Warner
Previous Locations:
Fairfax, VA; Hagerstown, MD
Kathleen N Coffin  |  Harpswell, Maine

Kathleen Coffin may live at 64 Grover Ln in Harpswell, ME with an 207 area phone number and may have connections to Kristina Coffin, Christopher P Coffin and Victoria L Coffin.

Age: 41
Phone Number: 
207-841-9772, 207-833-6513
64 Grover Ln, Harpswell, ME ; Po Box 196, Bailey Island, ME ; Po Box 186, Bailey Island, ME
Kristina Coffin, Christopher P Coffin, Victoria L Coffin
Kathleen N Coffin  |  Westbrook, Maine

Kathleen Coffin may live at 375 Pride St Unit 40 in Westbrook, ME with an 207 area phone number and may have connections to Karen Lynn Kindred, Kerri M Coffin and Barbara A Coffin.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
375 Pride St Unit 40, Westbrook, ME ; 10 Lunt Dr, Westbrook, ME ; 48 Constitution Dr, Westbrook, ME
Karen Lynn Kindred, Kerri M Coffin, Barbara A Coffin
Kathleen R Coffin  |  Trevett, Maine

Kathleen Coffin may live at 155 W Side Rd in Trevett, ME with an 207 area phone number and may have connections to David G Coffin, Tiffany Eddy and Julie Reed.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
207-633-0606, 207-633-5421, 207-633-4517
155 W Side Rd, Trevett, ME ; 21 Tower Cir, Bath, ME ; Po Box 391, Trevett, ME
David G Coffin, Tiffany Eddy, Julie Reed
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Kathleen A Coffin  |  Orrs Island, Maine
Age: 69
Rr 24 # 238, Orrs Island, ME ; Po Box 282, Bailey Island, ME ; Po Box 238, Orrs Island, ME
Shawnda L Coffin, Jill Davis Coffin, George A Coffin
Kathleen D Coffin  |  Rochester, New Hampshire
Age: 61
36 Cleo Cir, Rochester, NH ; 13 Salmon Falls Est, Rochester, NH ; 26 Mavis Ave, Rochester, NH
Calvin A Robertson, Scott K Robertson, Tonya Robertson
@netzero.com, @rocketmail.com
Previous Locations:
Lebanon, ME; Dover, NH
Kathleen M Coffin  |  New Castle, Delaware
Age: 101
Phone Number: 
184 Christiana Rd, New Castle, DE ; 60 Enchanted Acres, Millsboro, DE
Horace L Coffin
Kathleen Coffin  |  Selbyville, Delaware
Age: 88
44 N Main St, Selbyville, DE ; N Main St, Selbyville, DE
Patricia A Coffin
Kathleen Coffin  |  Little Falls, New York
47 Alexander St, Little Falls, NY
Kathleen Coffin  |  Medford, Oregon
Po Box 4205, Medford, OR
Kathleen Coffin  |  Gulfport, Florida
5955 30th Ave S Apt 309, Gulfport, FL
Kathleen A Coffin  |  Anaheim, California
Age: 80
Phone Number: 
6570 E Paseo Alcazaa, Anaheim, CA ; 225 S Rio Vista St Apt 85, Anaheim, CA
Marc J Coffin, Paulette M Johnson, Billie L Coffin
Kathleen D Coffin  |  Kettle Falls, Washington
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
Po Box 772, Kettle Falls, WA ; 550 Narcissus St, Kettle Falls, WA ; 1213 Minter Blvd, Marcus, WA
Cory R Coffin, Eric S Coffin, Stanley M Coffin
@gmail.com, @aol.com
Previous Locations:
Sandpoint, ID; Liberty Lake, WA; Greenacres, WA
Kathleen M Coffin  |  Pahrump, Nevada
Age: 77
1141 Sixshooter Ave Apt E, Pahrump, NV ; 1491 Heritage Dr, Pahrump, NV ; 17386 Mesquite Rd, Apple Valley, CA
Harry E Jensen, Harry E Jensen, Stacee Jensen
Previous Locations:
Lockeford, CA; Antioch, CA; Pittsburg, CA
Kathleen M Coffin  |  Seattle, Washington
Age: 105
6038 47th Ave SW, Seattle, WA
Daniel J Coffin, Mary Johnson, Earl E Coffin
Kathleen Z Coffin  |  Sutter Creek, California
Age: 44
Po Box 861, Sutter Creek, CA ; Po Box 1427, Jackson, CA ; 761 48th St, Sacramento, CA
Courtney C Avenell, David G Coffin, James E Coffin
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Public records available for people named Kathleen Coffin

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Kathleen Coffin Phone Numbers

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Perform a reverse phone search using their phone number. Phone number searches can provide additional information about Kathleen Coffin. Their number may be tied to their work history, social media profiles and other related accounts and records. Other family members may also have similar numbers you can identify using the area code and the last four digits of the number.

Looking for a different Kathleen?

We can help you look for Kathleen. One of the easiest methods to try to find them is by entering their complete name as 'Kathleen Coffin' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative methods by using an address in a known state of residence. Do you know a close relative or next-door neighbor they may be connected to? That is another possible touch point you can use to help locate Kathleen.

FAQ: Learn more about Kathleen Coffin

What is Kathleen Coffin's address?
Kathleen Coffin's address is 663 86th Ter N, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33702.
What is Kathleen Coffin's phone number?
Kathleen Coffin's phone number is 785-856-0886. Other phone numbers for Kathleen Coffin may include 781-665-3056.
What is Kathleen Coffin's age?
Average age for Kathleen Coffin is 72 years old.
What is Kathleen Coffin's email address?
Kathleen Coffin's email address is kcs***@aol.com. We have 2 additional emails on file for Kathleen.

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