We located 18 records in 5 states for Johnnie in our United States directory. You could find out more about them by looking into contact information matches, possible work histories, house addresses, and phone records. See more...

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Johnnie L Garza in Salt Lake City, Utah  |  Age Age: 71
Johnnie Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1190 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT
  • 528 E 4050 S Apt 4g, Salt Lake City, UT
  • 2875 N Hill Field Rd Trlr 65, Layton, UT
Johnnie Garza phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 801-825-2916
Johnnie Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Johnnie C Garza in Saint Petersburg, Florida  |  Age Age: 65
Johnnie Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 6297 20th St S, Saint Petersburg, FL
  • 13681 Gragston Cir, Tampa, FL
  • 12736 N 17th St, Tampa, FL
Johnnie Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Johnnie Garza  |  Orlando, Florida
Age: 75
Phone Number: 
407-823-8742, 407-823-1640
3810 Cleary Way, Orlando, FL ; 3810 Cleary Way, Houston, TX
@hotmail.com, @gmail.com
Work Email:
Johnnie R Garza  |  Manning, South Carolina
Phone Number: 
803-546-3934, 803-473-3678
1318 Hamilton Rd, Manning, SC
Johnnie Garza  |  San Benito, Texas
1302 N Fannin St, San Benito, TX
Rose Garza, Daniel Garza, Rene Garza
@gmail.com, @rocketmail.com
Johnnie Garza  |  Fresno, California
1475 N Roosevelt Ave, Fresno, CA
Johnnie Garza  |  Corpus Christi, Texas
1216 Chipito St, Corpus Christi, TX
Johnnie Garza  |  Del Valle, Texas

Johnnie Garza, also possibly known as Juan J Garza, has a last known location of 2525 Highway 71 E in Del Valle, TX using the 512-389-2504 phone number. Potential relatives are Johnny Garza, Gloria Garza and Mary Garza.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
2525 Highway 71 E, Del Valle, TX ; 1203 Taylor St, Austin, TX ; Po Box 17353, Austin, TX
Johnny Garza, Gloria Garza, Mary Garza
Seen As:
Juan J Garza
Johnnie Garza  |  Hutto, Texas
Age: 63
505 Olivia Ct, Hutto, TX ; 108 Owen Cir, Georgetown, TX ; 1303 Scenic Dr, Georgetown, TX
Olivia Ann Garza, Jessica Garza, Abbie Acosta
@yahoo.com, @gmail.com
Johnnie G Garza  |  Canyon Lake, Texas

Johnnie Garza may live at 4578 Sir Arthur Way in Canyon Lake, TX with an 361 area phone number and may have connections to Geneva Garza, Russell Garza and Jeanette S Garcia.

Age: 86
Phone Number: 
361-776-7466, 361-238-2371, 361-776-3788
4578 Sir Arthur Way, Canyon Lake, TX ; 2719 San Angelo Ave, Ingleside, TX ; 2593 Garza Ln, Ingleside, TX
Geneva Garza, Russell Garza, Jeanette S Garcia
Previous Locations:
Corpus Christi, TX
Johnnie G Garza  |  Canyon Lake, Texas
1009 Somerset, Canyon Lake, TX
Johnnie G Garza  |  Corpus Christi, Texas
Age: 89
Phone Number: 
512-289-2607, 361-289-0540
122 Green Pass Dr, Corpus Christi, TX
Erasmo Garza, Ma Guadalupe Garza, Maria Garza
Johnnie J Garza  |  Del Valle, Texas
Age: 68
Phone Number: 
361-894-7757, 281-586-8872, 210-362-1047
7316 Iwanna Dr, Del Valle, TX ; 13603 Clarks Fork Dr, Houston, TX ; 617 Thrasher Ln, Austin, TX
Flora E Garza, Veronica Garza, Maria E Garcia
Previous Locations:
Victoria, TX; San Antonio, TX
Work Email:
Johnnie R Garza  |  Anna, Texas

Johnnie Garza may live at Po Box 434 in Anna, TX with an 972 area phone number and may have connections to Lori A Garza, Guadalupe P Garza and Bradley G Robbins.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
Po Box 434, Anna, TX ; 1801 Pecan Grove Dr, Anna, TX ; 635 Puller Pl Apt B, San Clemente, CA
Lori A Garza, Guadalupe P Garza, Bradley G Robbins
@aol.com, @yahoo.com, @sbcglobal.net, @cebridge.net
Seen As:
John Garza
Previous Locations:
Plano, TX; Dallas, TX
Johnnie R Garza  |  Edna, Texas

Johnnie Garza may live at 305 Asbeck Ln in Edna, TX with an 361 area phone number and may have connections to Mary Ellen Garza, Hayley Garza and Hayley Garza.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
305 Asbeck Ln, Edna, TX ; 303 Asbeck Ln, Edna, TX ; 1400 N Wells St, Edna, TX
Mary Ellen Garza, Hayley Garza, Hayley Garza
Johnnie W Garza  |  League City, Texas

Johnnie may go by Johnnie Garza Jr or Johnnie W Garza Jr and have relatives of Jeffrey R Garza, Timothy Garza and Johnnie W Garza.

Age: 44
Phone Number: 
2205 W Walker St Apt 1127, League City, TX ; 424 Dry Gully Ct, Dickinson, TX ; 1497 McGuire Rd, League City, TX
Jeffrey R Garza, Timothy Garza, Johnnie W Garza
Seen As:
Johnnie Garza Jr, Johnnie W Garza Jr
Previous Locations:
Galveston, TX; Santa Fe, TX
Johnnie W Garza  |  Yorba Linda, California

Johnnie may go by Johnnie Williams Garza or Johnnie W Garza Jr and have relatives of Amy Garza, Cynthia A Garza and Matthew Garza.

Age: 66
Phone Number: 
661-878-0062, 661-400-9322, 661-272-9664
17042 Traditions Way, Yorba Linda, CA ; 1829 Autumnmist Dr, Palmdale, CA ; 18408 86th Avenue Ct E, Puyallup, WA
Amy Garza, Cynthia A Garza, Matthew Garza
@cs.com, @gmail.com, @aol.com, @earthlink.net, @hotmail.com, @att.net
Seen As:
Johnnie Williams Garza, Johnnie W Garza Jr
Johnnie W Garza  |  Dickinson, Texas

Johnnie Garza may live at 404 Pecan Grv in Dickinson, TX with an 281 area phone number and may have connections to Johnnie W Garza, Timothy Garza and Lorraine Z Garza.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
281-337-9097, 281-337-3604
404 Pecan Grv, Dickinson, TX ; 2918 Overland Trl, Dickinson, TX ; 12724 Fm, Santa Fe, TX
Johnnie W Garza, Timothy Garza, Lorraine Z Garza
Seen As:
Johnnie W Garza Sr, Johnnie W Garza Jr
Previous Locations:
Galveston, TX
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Public records available for people named Johnnie Garza

Johnnie might have public records you can use to uncover more information about them. Try using our public records search for Johnnie Garza. These records use their legal name and could help you locate them because they originate from the county or state government. You can use this information for several purposes, such as finding an individual's location, family history studies and other investigative purposes.
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Johnnie Garza Phone Numbers

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Know Johnnie's number? Perform a phone search to see what information is tied to it. Our phone database contains millions of numbers of individuals all around the United States. Doing a reverse phone search on Johnnie Garza's number might reveal more details about them. Results can include their location and social media profiles.

Names score of the surname Garza over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Johnnie Garza

What is Johnnie Garza's address?
Johnnie Garza's address is 1190 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104.
What is Johnnie Garza's age?
Average age for Johnnie Garza is 67 years old.
What is Johnnie Garza's email address?
Johnnie Garza's email address is jga***@postpro.net. We have 2 additional emails on file for Johnnie.

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