We found 5 public records for John Herr in Ephrata. Other cities John might have lived in are Lancaster and Lititz along with 5 other cities. Our public records name directory might include their current address, previous addresses, contact numbers, email addresses, social profiles and additional information. See more...

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John L Herr in Ephrata, Pennsylvania  |  Age Age: 83
John Herr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 109 Queen Annes Way, Ephrata, PA
  • 46 Redwood Cir, Ephrata, PA
  • Rr 2 # 204, Ephrata, PA
John Herr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 717-733-3392
John Herr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John O Herr in Ephrata, Pennsylvania  |  Age Age: 102
John Herr addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 34 Nolt Dr, Ephrata, PA
  • 403 S Bridge St, Christiana, PA
  • 420 W Lincoln Hwy, Coatesville, PA
John Herr phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 717-355-0729,
  • 717-813-5166
John Herr relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
John R Herr  |  Millersville, Pennsylvania
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
717-940-4331, 717-860-8215, 717-871-1747
170 W Frederick St, Millersville, PA ; 212 Fairfax Dr, Lancaster, PA ; 100 Julie Ann Ct, Ephrata, PA
Adrienne K Herr, Andrew Herr, Robin R Herr
@fuse.net, @juno.com, @live.com
John Randall Herr  |  Quarryville, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 
52 Stony Hill Rd, Quarryville, PA ; Po Box 191, New Providence, PA ; Rr 1 # 1, Ephrata, PA
Alice M Herr, Nicholas Herr, Norine M Herr
Previous Locations:
New Providnce, PA
John H Herr  |  Fort Mc Coy, Florida
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
352-595-8871, 352-266-6210
10510 NE 153rd St, Fort Mc Coy, FL ; 3001 SE Lake Weir Ave Apt 608, Ocala, FL ; 132 Park Ave, Ephrata, PA
Calvin E Herr, Joan L Harmes, Wendy A Bradney
Previous Locations:
Manheim, PA
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Public records available for people named John Herr

Searching for public information related to John in the state of Pennsylvania and city of Ephrata? Our public records directory can help you discover publicly available info about John Herr's legal, monetary, educational and professional backgrounds in Ephrata. Use our public records search to look for John's prospective links to digitized court records (involving possible bankruptcy, criminal or traffic records), potentially connected education history, likely jobs held and associated professional work history near Ephrata.
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John Herr Phone Numbers

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Do a phone search to see which numbers John may be using. Our phone database has millions of numbers for people in Pennsylvania. Doing a reverse phone search on John Herr's number might expose additional information about them. This info can include their location in the city of Ephrata and social media accounts.

Looking for a different John?

We can help you find John in Ephrata. The easiest method to look for them is by entering their full name as 'John Herr' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative finding strategies by using an address in the city. Do you know of a close relative or neighbor they may be connected to in Ephrata? That is another possible touch point you can use to find John.

FAQ: Learn more about John Herr

What is John Herr's address?
John Herr's address is 109 Queen Annes Way, Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522.
What is John Herr's phone number?
John Herr's phone number is 717-355-0729. Other phone numbers for John Herr may include 717-871-1747 and 717-860-8215.
What is John Herr's age?
Average age for John Herr is 82 years old.
What is John Herr's email address?
John Herr's email address is kh**@fuse.net. We have 2 additional emails on file for John.

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