We found 189 records in 18 states for Jennifer in our United States directory. Learn more about them by investigating contact info matches, prospective work histories, house addresses, and phone records. The typical Jennifer match is around 48 years of age with about 53% falling into the 41-50 age group. See more...

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Jennifer A Walls in Loveland, Colorado  |  Age Age: 51
Jennifer Walls addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 4318 Suncreek Dr, Loveland, CO
  • 4376 McWhinney Blvd, Loveland, CO
  • 4376 McWhinney Blvd Unit 815, Loveland, CO
Jennifer Walls phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 970-282-3766,
  • 970-218-6102
Jennifer Walls relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Jennifer S Walls in Chattanooga, Tennessee  |  Age Age: 49
Jennifer Walls addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3713 Anderson Ave, Chattanooga, TN
  • Po Box 777, Collegedale, TN
  • 105 Fidelity St, Carrboro, NC
Jennifer Walls phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 919-932-9083,
  • 919-931-5144
Jennifer Walls relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Jennifer L Walls  |  Kansas City, Kansas

Jennifer Walls may live at 1449 S 44th St in Kansas City, KS with an 913 area phone number and may have connections to Marie E Walls, J Walls and George A Walls.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
913-831-0997, 913-351-3884, 913-671-7065
1449 S 44th St, Kansas City, KS ; 1801 SW 8th St Apt A, Blue Springs, MO ; 2621 S 34th St, Kansas City, KS
Marie E Walls, J Walls, George A Walls
@sbcglobal.net, @worldnet.att.net, @cableone.net, @hotmail.com
Previous Locations:
Paola, KS; Lathrop, MO; Kansas City, MO; Leavenworth, KS; Bonner Springs, KS; Basehor, KS
Jennifer D Walls  |  Fayetteville, North Carolina

Jennifer Walls, also possibly known as Jennifer Day Walls, has a last known location of 3208 Dove Hunter Cir in Fayetteville, NC using the 910-904-0695 phone number. Potential relatives are David Lee Walls, Nancy B Walls and Joel B Damin.

Age: 51
Phone Number: 
910-904-0695, 910-425-9047, 910-875-7447
3208 Dove Hunter Cir, Fayetteville, NC ; 132 Ranier Dr, Raeford, NC ; 201 Cypress Dr, Raeford, NC
David Lee Walls, Nancy B Walls, Joel B Damin
@yahoo.com, @att.net
Seen As:
Jennifer Day Walls
Previous Locations:
Harrisburg, PA; Hershey, PA; Port Royal, PA; Hummelstown, PA
Jennifer M Walls  |  Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Jennifer Walls may live at Rr 2 Box 11 in Broken Bow, OK with an 505 area phone number and may have connections to C Walls, Leroy Walls and P Walls.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
505-640-8049, 505-524-1200, 870-642-8700
Rr 2 Box 11, Broken Bow, OK ; 102 Eugene St, Broken Bow, OK ; 111 S Lakeside Dr, De Queen, AR
C Walls, Leroy Walls, P Walls
@hotmail.com, @rocketmail.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
Jennifer Maxine Walls
Previous Locations:
Las Cruces, NM; Eagletown, OK
Jennifer Lynn Walls  |  Hebron, Kentucky
Age: 46
Phone Number: 
859-619-2216, 859-991-7582, 859-534-5076
1970 Blue Heron Pt, Hebron, KY ; 613 Orchard St, Elsmere, KY ; 413 Clark St, Bellevue, KY
Micki Walls, Tonya Miller, Pam G Walls
@aol.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @fuse.net, @nky.rr.com, @zoomtown.com, @gmail.com, @cableone.net
Previous Locations:
Florence, KY; Erlanger, KY; Ludlow, KY
Jennifer L Walls  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan
Age: 51
Phone Number: 
1500 Blythe Ct NW, Grand Rapids, MI ; Po Box 307, Belmont, MI ; 7211 Herrington Ave NE, Belmont, MI
James A Watts, Timothy A Watts, Trinch P Watts
Previous Locations:
Hortonville, NY; Brooklyn, NY; New York, NY
Jennifer N Walls  |  North Charleston, South Carolina

Jennifer Walls may live at 8538 Pantego Ln in North Charleston, SC with an 843 area phone number and may have connections to Christoph Walls, Amanda L Simmons and Amy Hunt.

Age: 46
Phone Number: 
843-764-0704, 843-821-1045, 843-771-0622
8538 Pantego Ln, North Charleston, SC ; 5300 Patron Pl Apt 1111, Summerville, SC ; 705 Sandpiper Ct Apt B, Ladson, SC
Christoph Walls, Amanda L Simmons, Amy Hunt
@bellatlantic.net, @bellsouth.net, @cableone.net, @hotmail.com, @sc.rr.com, @ymail.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com
Previous Locations:
Charleston, SC
Jennifer R Walls  |  Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
Age: 50
Phone Number: 
12603 Hickory Dr, Conneaut Lake, PA ; 508 Lighthouse St, Erie, PA ; 12286 Lakeside Dr, Conneaut Lake, PA
Previous Locations:
Owings Mills, MD
Jennifer A Walls  |  York, South Carolina
Age: 41
Phone Number: 
803-684-5332, 803-818-5238, 803-628-3014
151 Woody Ln, York, SC ; 486 Sandifer Rd, York, SC ; 902 Buddys Choice, York, SC
Michelle M Walls, Mary Ellen Duffels, Debbie Diane Franklin
@attbi.com, @inbox.com, @att.net, @sbcglobal.net, @yahoo.com
Jennifer Nicole Walls  |  Seminole, Florida

Jennifer Walls may live at 10095 88th Way in Seminole, FL with an 517 area phone number and may have connections to Annie Lebron, Molly Skidmore and James Edward Walls.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
517-629-2471, 727-289-1736, 727-201-9301
10095 88th Way, Seminole, FL ; 1105 Maple St, Albion, MI ; 2936 Tangerine Ct, Leesburg, FL
Annie Lebron, Molly Skidmore, James Edward Walls
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, @excite.com, @live.com
Seen As:
Jennifer N Walls
Previous Locations:
Flat Rock, MI
Jennifer F Walls  |  Chatsworth, Georgia

Jennifer Walls may live at 1217 Brown Bridge Rd in Chatsworth, GA with an 706 area phone number and may have connections to Kizzey B Alton, Jeffery C Cline and Linda Fayegroover.

Age: 49
Phone Number: 
706-517-9051, 706-971-4219, 706-695-1498
1217 Brown Bridge Rd, Chatsworth, GA ; 56 Charlie Walls Rd, Chatsworth, GA ; 168 Rustic View Dr, Resaca, GA
Kizzey B Alton, Jeffery C Cline, Linda Fayegroover
@alltel.net, @charter.net, @windstream.net
Seen As:
Jennifer R Walls
Jennifer D Walls  |  Coldwater, Mississippi

Jennifer may go by Jenifer Walls and have relatives of Shannon Walls, Ira Walls and Janice M Walls.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
601-622-7496, 662-622-7304, 662-562-9153
2380 Rifle Range Rd, Coldwater, MS ; 632 Hill Rd, Coldwater, MS ; 401 Providence Place Dr, Senatobia, MS
Shannon Walls, Ira Walls, Janice M Walls
Seen As:
Jenifer Walls
Jennifer J Walls  |  Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Age: 55
Phone Number: 
46 Aiken Ave, Berwyn, PA ; 118 Richmond Rd, Paoli, PA ; 32 Central Ave, Berwyn, PA
Sylvia E Shaner, David W Wails, Edward R Hofmann
Previous Locations:
Malvern, PA; Boyertown, PA; Huntington, NY; Bechtelsville, PA; Halethorpe, MD
Jennifer Walls  |  Janesville, Wisconsin
Age: 40
Phone Number: 
608-449-8984, 608-756-2128, 608-563-1838
812 Sherman Ave, Janesville, WI ; 5513 E County Road A, Janesville, WI ; 814 W Van Buren St, Janesville, WI
Sally Walls, Valen M Walls, Cecilia M Walls
@yahoo.com, @mail.com
Jennifer E Walls  |  Beloit, Wisconsin
Age: 40
Phone Number: 
608-751-9069, 608-207-9304, 608-363-9122
1407 Moore St, Beloit, WI ; 847 Elm St, Beloit, WI ; 1420 Emerson St, Beloit, WI
Frances Eldridge, Sally Walls, Frances E Walls
@yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @netscape.net
Jennifer Walls  |  Oakland Park, Florida

Jennifer Walls may live at 1280 NE 33rd St in Oakland Park, FL with an 267 area phone number and may have connections to Andrew F Laws.

Age: 38
Phone Number: 
267-847-9993, 313-333-8534, 561-967-4656
1280 NE 33rd St, Oakland Park, FL ; 15878 Kentucky St, Detroit, MI ; 2846 Keel Ct Apt 208, Lake Worth, FL
Andrew F Laws
@gmail.com, @excite.com, @rocketmail.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA
Jennifer S Walls  |  Benson, Arizona

Jennifer Walls may live at 987 W Edwards Ln in Benson, AZ with an 520 area phone number and may have connections to Nathan Walls, David Walls and Norman D Walls.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
520-586-9059, 520-586-7904, 520-586-3587
987 W Edwards Ln, Benson, AZ ; 234 N Brandt Ave, Benson, AZ ; Po Box 6201, Benson, AZ
Nathan Walls, David Walls, Norman D Walls
@aol.com, @rochester.rr.com, @yahoo.com
Jennifer C Walls  |  Portland, Oregon
Age: 48
Phone Number: 
4100 SW 6th Avenue Dr, Portland, OR ; 1721 Avalon Way, Hood River, OR ; 908 SW Gaines St Apt 16, Portland, OR
Doris C Walls, Ryan Thomas, Jack D Walls
Work Email:
Jennifer Walls  |  Louisville, Kentucky

Jennifer may go by Jenifer Walls and have relatives of Melissa J Walls, Carol A Walls and Mancy K Mattingly.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
502-540-5671, 502-231-8723, 502-963-5929
6702 Cooper Chapel Rd, Louisville, KY ; 6215 Mercury Dr, Louisville, KY ; 1047 E Oak St, Louisville, KY
Melissa J Walls, Carol A Walls, Mancy K Mattingly
@ix.netcom.com, @aol.com, @worldnet.att.net, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @ameritech.net, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Jenifer Walls
Previous Locations:
Fairdale, KY
Work Email:
@bellnexxia.com, jenik****y.rr.com
Jennifer L Walls  |  Pylesville, Maryland

Jennifer Walls, also possibly known as Jennifer L Walls Jr, has a last known location of 4843 Clermont Mill Rd in Pylesville, MD using the 410-893-7247 phone number. Potential relatives are Roger D Eckard and Clarence G Walls.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
410-893-7247, 410-937-5601, 443-424-0063
4843 Clermont Mill Rd, Pylesville, MD ; 29 Tudor Ct, Lutherville Timonium, MD ; 120 Laburnum Rd, Edgewood, MD
Roger D Eckard, Clarence G Walls
@hotmail.com, @adelphia.com, @aol.com, @worldnet.att.net, @tivejo.com, @erols.com, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Jennifer L Walls Jr
Previous Locations:
Nottingham, MD
Work Email:
Jennifer Rivers Walls  |  Mocksville, North Carolina
Age: 47
Phone Number: 
336-671-6206, 336-607-7595, 336-463-5846
2439 Farmington Rd, Mocksville, NC ; 972 Wyo Rd, Mocksville, NC ; 1401 NE 22nd St, Winston Salem, NC
Paul E Rivers, Mary C Smith, Scott Walls
@peoplepc.com, @yahoo.com, @comcast.net
Jennifer Walls  |  Derby, Kansas
Age: 42
Phone Number: 
316-775-1951, 316-688-0809
406 W White Tail St, Derby, KS ; 3201 E Macarthur Rd Lot 129, Wichita, KS ; 5053 E Morris St, Wichita, KS
Rachael Petty, Jeremy R Walls, Jeremy Walls
@co3media.com, @sbcglobal.net, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, @aol.com, @earthlink.com, @att.net, @comcast.net, @hotmail.com, @juno.com
Previous Locations:
Augusta, KS
Work Email:
Jennifer D Walls  |  Miami, Florida

Jennifer Walls may live at 1031 NE 204th Ln in Miami, FL with an 352 area phone number and may have connections to W Walls and Jennifer Walls.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
352-683-0648, 305-652-0811, 305-654-1007
1031 NE 204th Ln, Miami, FL ; 1031 NE 204th Ln # A, Miami, FL ; 20760 NE 4th Ct Apt 103, Miami, FL
W Walls, Jennifer Walls
@netzero.net, @collegeclub.com, @excite.com, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Jennifer L Walls
Previous Locations:
Hialeah, FL; North Miami, FL; Bay Harbor Islands, FL; Miami Beach, FL
Job Title:
Freshpoint Inc.; Steelcase
Work Email:
Jennifer Walls  |  Grand Junction, Colorado

Jennifer Walls may live at 303 Carriage Hills Ct in Grand Junction, CO with an 970 area phone number and may have connections to Stan D Walls, Yvonne K Walls and Dale E Walls.

Age: 38
Phone Number: 
970-245-2044, 303-974-5018, 303-646-0527
303 Carriage Hills Ct, Grand Junction, CO ; 12515 Meadow Bridge Way, Parker, CO ; 2429 Spanish Branch Ct, Grand Junction, CO
Stan D Walls, Yvonne K Walls, Dale E Walls
@yahoo.com, @mail.com, @ymail.com, @msn.com
Previous Locations:
Elizabeth, CO; Gulfport, MS
Jennifer M Walls  |  Milton, Delaware
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
18453 Josephs Rd, Milton, DE ; Po Box 234, Rehoboth Beach, DE ; 703 Silver Hl, Milford, DE
Norman C Walls, Jason Walls, Jasonlc Walls
@hotmail.com, @aol.com
Previous Locations:
Lincoln, DE; Rockaway Park, NY
Jennifer L Walls  |  New Castle, Delaware

Jennifer Walls may live at 19 Liborio Ln in New Castle, DE with an 302 area phone number and may have connections to Jeffrey M Walls and David R Groce.

Age: 49
Phone Number: 
302-545-1452, 302-325-3285
19 Liborio Ln, New Castle, DE ; 40 Juniper St, New Castle, DE ; 809 W 28th St, Wilmington, DE
Jeffrey M Walls, David R Groce
@aol.com, @cfl.rr.com, @verizon.net, @att.net
Previous Locations:
Newark, DE
Jennifer Walls  |  Silver Spring, Maryland
Age: 42
Phone Number: 
301-675-2751, 301-894-1675, 301-579-9875
13914 Notley Rd, Silver Spring, MD ; 15670 Ballards Pl, Brandywine, MD ; 3807 Webster Pl, Fort Washington, MD
John W Leak, Sandra L Baker, Kala Leak
@gmail.com, @aol.com
Previous Locations:
Temple Hills, MD; Bowie, MD
Jennifer L Walls  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jennifer Walls may live at 8869 N Iroquois Rd in Milwaukee, WI with an 940 area phone number and may have connections to Sherry S Dunker, Nathan Walls and Priscilla Ruth Blann.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
940-766-2155, 262-512-1840, 262-242-0819
8869 N Iroquois Rd, Milwaukee, WI ; 396 Park Hill Dr Unit E, Pewaukee, WI ; 206 Williamsburg Dr Apt 6, Thiensville, WI
Sherry S Dunker, Nathan Walls, Priscilla Ruth Blann
@netzero.com, @netzero.net, @wi.rr.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @prodigy.net, @att.net, @sbcglobal.net
Previous Locations:
Wales, WI; Hillsdale, MI; Springfield, MO; Menomonee Falls, WI
Jennifer D Walls  |  Dellslow, West Virginia

Jennifer Walls may live at Po Box 316 in Dellslow, WV with an 304 area phone number and may have connections to Suzanne D Walls and Delmer J Walls.

Age: 42
Phone Number: 
304-288-5538, 304-282-8478, 304-291-6978
Po Box 316, Dellslow, WV ; 210 Glen Abbey Ln, Morgantown, WV ; 96 Marion St Apt C, Morgantown, WV
Suzanne D Walls, Delmer J Walls
@angelfire.com, @aol.com, @cs.com, @hotmail.com, @gmail.com
Seen As:
Jenn Walls
Previous Locations:
Blacksville, WV
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Jennifer Walls Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Walls over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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FAQ: Learn more about Jennifer Walls

What is Jennifer Walls' address?
Jennifer Walls' address is 4318 Suncreek Dr, Loveland, Colorado 80538. Jennifer may also have lived in Chapel Hill, NC, and Raleigh, NC.
What is Jennifer Walls' phone number?
Jennifer Walls' phone number is 919-932-9083. Other phone numbers for Jennifer Walls may include 913-671-7065 and 913-351-3884.
What is Jennifer Walls' age?
Average age for Jennifer Walls is 48 years old.
What is Jennifer Walls' email address?
Jennifer Walls' email address is balls*****@sbcglobal.net. We have 3 additional emails on file for Jennifer.

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