Trying to find someone named James Waits who lives in Georgia? We found 22 records across 41 cities. See their information which may include contact info, employment histories, home addresses and phone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in Valdosta or Palmetto. When looking at their birthdates, James is 81 years old on average, with nearly 50% categorized in the 81+ age group. See more...

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James M Waits in Loganville, Georgia  |  Age Age: 57
James Waits addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 409 Crested View Dr, Loganville, GA
  • 5141 Stone Mountain Hwy Lot 57a, Stone Mountain, GA
  • 2046 Charter Ln, Lithonia, GA
James Waits phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 770-466-4807,
  • 404-992-9913
James Waits relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
James L Waits in Palmetto, Georgia  |  Age Age: 71
James Waits addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 12020 Hamilton Rd, Palmetto, GA
  • 3583 Douglas Ridge Trl, Douglasville, GA
  • 750 Six Flags Rd Lot 8, Austell, GA
James Waits phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 770-463-9621,
  • 678-838-9953,
  • 770-299-8548
James Waits relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
James Waits job titles
Possible Job Titles
  • Product Marketing Director at Bluefin Payment Systems
James L Waits  |  Palmetto, Georgia

James may go by James S Waits, James Waitssr or James L Waits Sr and have relatives of Geraldine Banks and Charlotte W Waits.

Age: 104
Phone Number: 
510 Locke St, Palmetto, GA ; Po Box 696, Palmetto, GA ; 510 Locke St # 696, Palmetto, GA
Geraldine Banks, Charlotte W Waits
Seen As:
James S Waits, James Waitssr, James L Waits Sr
James W Waits  |  Marietta, Georgia

James Waits may live at 169 Midway Rd NW in Marietta, GA with an 404 area phone number and may have connections to Susan Waits, Jeanne E Waits and William C Waits.

Age: 61
Phone Number: 
404-422-8422, 770-422-8422
169 Midway Rd NW, Marietta, GA ; 804 Woodrow Kay Rd, Rockmart, GA ; 523 Stanford Pl, Woodstock, GA
Susan Waits, Jeanne E Waits, William C Waits
Seen As:
James William Waits
James Waits  |  Monticello, Georgia
Age: 101
Phone Number: 
478-452-9917, 706-468-6070
2869 Persons St, Monticello, GA ; 143 Jm Walker Rd NE, Milledgeville, GA ; 2249 Vinson Hwy SE, Milledgeville, GA
Doris F Waits
James P Waits  |  Cleveland, Georgia

James Waits, also possibly known as James J Waits, has a last known location of 100 Alumni Dr in Cleveland, GA using the 706-219-2486 phone number. Potential relatives are Lisette P Waits, Barbara S Jackson and Johnnie S Waits.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
100 Alumni Dr, Cleveland, GA ; 35 Cardinal Ct, Cleveland, GA ; 306 N Zetterower Ave, Statesboro, GA
Lisette P Waits, Barbara S Jackson, Johnnie S Waits
Seen As:
James J Waits, Jim Waits, James Waitsjr, James P Waits Jr
Previous Locations:
Atlanta, GA; Cohutta, GA
Work Email:
James C Waits  |  Dawsonville, Georgia

James Waits may live at 146 Waits Dr in Dawsonville, GA with an 865 area phone number and may have connections to Imogene P Waits, Perry J Waits and Kim Waits.

Age: 93
Phone Number: 
865-774-8774, 706-216-3671
146 Waits Dr, Dawsonville, GA ; 3341 Cotter Way, Sevierville, TN ; 2 2 Rr # 2, Dawsonville, GA
Imogene P Waits, Perry J Waits, Kim Waits
James L Waits  |  Albany, Georgia
Age: 82
Phone Number: 
912-431-0045, 229-435-1133, 229-888-2622
2606 Elton St, Albany, GA ; 529 Sportsmans Club Rd, Leesburg, GA ; 600 Holly Dr Lot 65, Albany, GA
Hilary Waits, Dorothy Waits, Sandra D Waits
Previous Locations:
Valdosta, GA
James A Waits  |  Gay, Georgia
Age: 90
1387 Lillie Patrick Rd, Gay, GA ; 2593 Lake Harbin Rd, Morrow, GA ; 106 Holloway Rd, McDonough, GA
Josh Waits, Loretta F Sizemore, Danny Waits
Previous Locations:
Mcdonough, GA; Riverdale, GA; Griffin, GA
James D Waits  |  Hiram, Georgia
Age: 72
203 Pierce Rd, Hiram, GA ; 735 Walt Sanders Rd Apt C, Newnan, GA ; 2953 Lake Harbin Rd, Morrow, GA
Jimmy L Waits, Jimmy O Holloway, Donald K Waits
James M Waits  |  Alpharetta, Georgia
Age: 76
445 Weatherend Ct, Alpharetta, GA ; 261 Earl Jones Rd, Crossville, TN ; 1579 Monroe Dr NE Ste F, Atlanta, GA
Etta J Hughes, Riley C Waits
Previous Locations:
Roswell, GA
James Waits  |  Waco, Georgia
6750 Mount Zion Rd, Waco, GA
James Waits  |  Monroe, Georgia
342 Towler St # 1, Monroe, GA ; 409 Crested View Dr, Loganville, GA
James C Waites
James L Waits  |  Aragon, Georgia
Phone Number: 
404-229-5470, 770-684-9202
9 E 4th St, Aragon, GA ; Po Box 619, Aragon, GA ; 123 E 4th St, Rome, GA
James E Waites, Katie M Waits, Sonnie Hilburn
James M Waits  |  Valdosta, Georgia

James Waits may live at 6218 Sand Oak Dr in Valdosta, GA with an 229 area phone number and may have connections to Betty Belt, Carl M Swartz and Marjorie Waits.

Phone Number: 
229-559-8719, 229-559-8070
6218 Sand Oak Dr, Valdosta, GA ; 6208 Sand Oak Dr, Valdosta, GA ; 6218 Sand Oak Trce, Valdosta, GA
Betty Belt, Carl M Swartz, Marjorie Waits
James R Waits  |  Euharlee, Georgia

James Waits, also possibly known as Rodney Waits, has a last known location of 215 Cliff Nelson Rd in Euharlee, GA using the 706-393-5435 phone number. Potential relatives are Christine R Waits, Nancy A Waits and James R Waits.

Phone Number: 
706-393-5435, 770-606-9629
215 Cliff Nelson Rd, Euharlee, GA ; 4511 Bartow Carver Rd SE, Acworth, GA
Christine R Waits, Nancy A Waits, James R Waits
Seen As:
Rodney Waits, Rodney R Waits
James R Waits  |  Acworth, Georgia

James Waits may live at 4511 Bartow Carver Rd SE in Acworth, GA with an 770 area phone number and may have connections to Christine R Waits, Florence Waits and Thomas L Waits.

Phone Number: 
4511 Bartow Carver Rd SE, Acworth, GA
Christine R Waits, Florence Waits, Thomas L Waits
James W Waits  |  Temple, Georgia
1849 McGarity Rd, Temple, GA
James P Waits  |  Fernandina Beach, Florida

James may go by James P Waits Sr and have relatives of Paulyne P Waits, Lisette P Waits and James P Waits.

Age: 86
Phone Number: 
904-386-7432, 904-321-1502, 904-321-0655
1394 Shipwatch Cir, Fernandina Beach, FL ; 4200 Country Way, Cohutta, GA ; 1387 Shipwatch Cir # Aip, Fernandina Beach, FL
Paulyne P Waits, Lisette P Waits, James P Waits
Seen As:
James P Waits Sr
Previous Locations:
Dalton, GA
James R Waits  |  Blum, Texas

James Waits may live at 218 Hcr 1143 in Blum, TX with an 713 area phone number and may have connections to Danny R Waits and Cecelia A Waits.

Age: 95
Phone Number: 
713-739-1779, 254-874-5968
218 Hcr 1143, Blum, TX ; 409 W Round Grove Rd Apt 208, Lewisville, TX ; Rr 1 Box 214a, Blum, TX
Danny R Waits, Cecelia A Waits
Previous Locations:
Valley Mills, TX; Warner Robins, GA
James T Waits  |  Killen, Alabama

James Waits may live at 250 Cloverleaf Cir in Killen, AL with an 660 area phone number and may have connections to Sheila D Waits.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
660-339-7084, 913-541-1344, 706-863-7490
250 Cloverleaf Cir, Killen, AL ; Po Box 6523, Elberton, GA ; 1129 Old Middleton Rd, Elberton, GA
Sheila D Waits
Seen As:
James T Waits Jr
Previous Locations:
Overland Park, KS; Evans, GA; Lenexa, KS; Trenton, MO; Florence, KY; Athens, AL; West Point, MS
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Public records available for people named James Waits

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James Waits Phone Numbers

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Do you know of a Georgia area code telephone number for James? Do a reverse phone search on their number using our database. Look for matches when comparing them and other individuals, friends, relatives and other members of the family. Discovering more info is simply a click away using James Waits' telephone number.

Looking for a different James?

Are you trying to find an individual named James with a last name of Waits in Georgia? Start by using a person search with their understood location in Georgia by city. You could learn more about where they live at their residence address and how you might be able to call them by phone or email. Next, look for additional info related to James Waits, such as aliases used in Georgia and neighbors and family members.

FAQ: Learn more about James Waits

What is James Waits' address?
James Waits' address is 409 Crested View Dr, Loganville, Georgia 30052. James may also have lived in Auburn, GA
What is James Waits' phone number?
James Waits' phone number is 770-463-9621. Other phone numbers for James Waits may include 770-463-4972.
What is James Waits' age?
Average age for James Waits is 81 years old.

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