We discovered 19 records in 9 states for Harold Levenson in our US people directory. The top state of residence is California, followed by Florida. The average Harold Levenson is about 95 years of age, with approximately 79% falling into the 81+ age group. Our public records names directory site may include previous and present house addresses, mobile phone numbers and other information. See more...

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Harold Levenson in Pompano Beach, Florida  |  Age Age: 108
Harold Levenson addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1370 S Ocean Blvd Apt 606, Pompano Beach, FL
  • 1370 S Ocean Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL
  • 1370 S Ocean Blvd Apt 601, Pompano Beach, FL
Harold Levenson phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 954-781-3823,
  • 305-781-3823,
  • 954-547-3064
Harold Levenson relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Harold L Levenson in Greenville, South Carolina  |  Age Age: 107
Harold Levenson addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 1180 Haywood Rd Apt 240, Greenville, SC
  • 6780 E Cedar Ave Apt 504, Denver, CO
  • 1180 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC
Harold Levenson phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 864-281-7750,
  • 303-388-1235
Harold Levenson relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Harold G Levenson  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia
Age: 84
Phone Number: 
757-871-2731, 757-496-3701, 757-496-0745
2004 Brickell Ct, Virginia Beach, VA ; Po Box 33550, San Diego, CA ; 921 First Colonial Rd # S1805, Virginia Beach, VA
E Levenson, Will A Levenson, Emily Kurland
Harold Levenson  |  Boca Raton, Florida

Harold Levenson may live at 8902 Belle Aire Dr # 365 in Boca Raton, FL with an 561 area phone number and may have connections to Jan S Levenson, Etta L Levenson and Shirley Levenson.

Age: 100
Phone Number: 
561-662-9257, 561-883-3562
8902 Belle Aire Dr # 365, Boca Raton, FL ; 8902 Belle Aire Dr, Boca Raton, FL ; 1409 Sheffield Ct, Charleston, WV
Jan S Levenson, Etta L Levenson, Shirley Levenson
@aol.com, @comcast.net, @geocities.com, @msn.com, @yahoo.com
Harold M Levenson  |  Greensboro, North Carolina
Age: 113
Phone Number: 
910-483-2336, 336-773-1555, 336-299-3668
6100 W Friendly Ave Apt 1211, Greensboro, NC ; 3813 Parkwood Dr, Greensboro, NC ; 1244 Arbor Rd Apt B203, Winston Salem, NC
Mazie J Levenson, Mariam M Garner
Harold D Levenson  |  Rockville, Maryland
Age: 60
Phone Number: 
14923 Bradwill Ct, Rockville, MD ; 12209 Village Square Ter Apt 402, Rockville, MD ; 4923 McCall St, Rockville, MD
Barbara M Levenson, Howard D Levenson, Perry Dan Levenson
Harold E Levenson  |  Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
Age: 98
Phone Number: 
215-885-4311, 215-657-3133
1003 Easton Rd Apt 401, Willow Grove, PA ; 1003 Easton Rd, Willow Grove, PA ; 556 Wanamaker Rd, Jenkintown, PA
Rita N Levenson, Rita Levenson, Alan E Levenson
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA
Harold R Levenson  |  Newtown, Pennsylvania
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
8 Zinnia Dr, Newtown, PA ; 9 Sherman Pl, Lawrence Township, NJ ; 1230 Parkway Ave Ste 301, Ewing, NJ
Neil K Levenson, Carol Maslak Levenson, Carol Levenson
Harold Levenson  |  Delray Beach, Florida
Age: 96
Phone Number: 
201-694-2007, 201-818-9409
7340 Amberly Ln Apt 301, Delray Beach, FL ; 392 Green Mountain Rd, Mahwah, NJ ; 520 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ
Susan Janet Levenson, H L Levenson
Harold E Levenson  |  Sunrise, Florida
Age: 103
9421 Sunrise Lakes Blvd, Sunrise, FL ; 1701 Southwind Dr, Brandon, FL ; Po Box 640231, Oakland Gardens, NY
Susan L Glickman
Previous Locations:
College Point, NY
Harold Levenson  |  Boynton Beach, Florida
Age: 97
Phone Number: 
561-723-1472, 407-731-0097, 561-736-4910
12111 Bay Club Dr, Boynton Beach, FL ; 1211 Club Dr W # Bay, Delray Beach, FL
Amy Levenson, Andrea J Levenson, Alan M Levenson
@aol.com, @comcast.net, @hotmail.com
Harold D Levenson  |  Syracuse, New York
Age: 112
215 Hope Ave, Syracuse, NY ; 943 10th Ave, San Diego, CA
Martin S Levenson
Harold Levenson  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Age: 112
Phone Number: 
412-480-6454, 412-621-4335
5 Bayard Rd Apt 912, Pittsburgh, PA ; 5858 Phillips Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
Mark D Levenson, Shoshana Levenson
Harold B Levenson  |  Lauderhill, Florida
Age: 120
Phone Number: 
1281 NW 43rd Ave, Lauderhill, FL
Harold Levenson  |  East Brunswick, New Jersey

Harold Levenson, also possibly known as Harry Levenson, has a last known location of 540 Cranbury Rd Apt 416 in East Brunswick, NJ using the 954-749-0434 phone number. Potential relatives are C Levenson, Cynthia R Hoffman and Jerel Levenson.

Age: 96
Phone Number: 
954-749-0434, 732-613-2670
540 Cranbury Rd Apt 416, East Brunswick, NJ ; 540 Cranbury Rd, East Brunswick, NJ ; 190 Summerhill Rd # 251, East Brunswick, NJ
C Levenson, Cynthia R Hoffman, Jerel Levenson
Seen As:
Harry Levenson
Previous Locations:
Sunrise, FL; Oakland Gardens, NY; Rosedale, NY; Union, NJ; Fort Lauderdale, FL
Harold A Levenson  |  Beverly Hills, California
Age: 105
151 N Almont Dr Apt 203, Beverly Hills, CA ; 7250 Franklin Ave Unit 1201, Los Angeles, CA ; 137 S Palm Dr Apt 505, Beverly Hills, CA
Previous Locations:
Arcadia, CA; Pasadena, CA
Harold C Levenson  |  Santa Monica, California
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
201-342-5784, 310-310-8773, 201-343-8311
1440 23rd St Apt 206, Santa Monica, CA ; 2002 4th St Apt 104, Santa Monica, CA ; 240 Prospect Ave Apt 383, Hackensack, NJ
Daniel M Levenson, Gloria Levenson, Michael J Levenson
@aol.com, @gmail.com
Previous Locations:
Park Ridge, NJ; New York, NY; Bergenfield, NJ; West Hollywood, CA
Job Title:
Director Of Accounting at Career Group Companies; Director Of Accounting at Career Group Inc.
Work Email:
Harold L Levenson  |  Morgan Hill, California
Age: 65
455 San Simeon Ct, Morgan Hill, CA ; Po Box 571285, Tarzana, CA ; 1520 Hillside Dr, Glendale, CA
Hazel M Levenson, Maurice D Levenson
Previous Locations:
San Diego, CA; Sunnyvale, CA
Harold S Levenson  |  Rohnert Park, California
Age: 108
4855 Snyder Ln Apt 267, Rohnert Park, CA ; 5577 Inverness Ave # R3, Santa Rosa, CA
Alice N Levenson
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Harold Levenson Phone Numbers

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FAQ: Learn more about Harold Levenson

What is Harold Levenson's address?
Harold Levenson's address is 1370 S Ocean Blvd Apt 606, Pompano Beach, Florida 33062.
What is Harold Levenson's phone number?
Harold Levenson's phone number is 864-281-7750. Other phone numbers for Harold Levenson may include 757-496-0745 and 757-496-3701.
What is Harold Levenson's age?
Average age for Harold Levenson is 95 years old.
What is Harold Levenson's email address?
Harold Levenson's email address is mles****@msn.com.

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