Trying to find a person named Freddie Lopez who resides in New York? We identified 14 records across 16 cities. See their details which may consist of contact details, employment histories, house addresses and telephone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in Bronx or New York. When taking a look at their birth years, Freddie is usually 58 years of age, with nearly 58% classified in the 41-60 age bracket. See more...

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Freddie Lopez in Brooklyn, New York  |  Age Age: 62
Freddie Lopez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 442 Columbia St, Brooklyn, NY
  • 442 Columbia St Apt 4b, Brooklyn, NY
  • 25 Harkness St, Providence, RI
Freddie Lopez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 718-403-0159,
  • 347-689-9730
Freddie Lopez relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Freddie Lopez in Bronx, New York  |  Age Age: 49
Freddie Lopez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 730 E 165th St Apt 13e, Bronx, NY
  • 1780 1st Ave, New York, NY
  • 1780 1st Ave Apt 14f, New York, NY
Freddie Lopez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 646-755-8504,
  • 646-861-1621
Freddie Lopez relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Freddie Lopez  |  Wyandanch, New York

Freddie Lopez may live at Po Box 1263 in Wyandanch, NY with an 631 area phone number and may have connections to Mary Louise Lopez and Jose R Lopez.

Age: 67
Phone Number: 
Po Box 1263, Wyandanch, NY ; 79 S 35th St, Wyandanch, NY ; 220 Highland Blvd Apt 3j, Brooklyn, NY
Mary Louise Lopez, Jose R Lopez
Previous Locations:
Lynbrook, NY; Bronx, NY
Freddie F Lopez  |  Oakdale, New York

Freddie Lopez, also possibly known as Freddy Lopez, has a last known location of 154 Lakeside Dr in Oakdale, NY using the 718-468-1137 phone number. Potential relatives are Ronald E Lopez, Guadalupe L Lopez and Fernanda F Lopez.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
718-468-1137, 631-226-0685, 631-244-2830
154 Lakeside Dr, Oakdale, NY ; 97 N Kings Ave, Lindenhurst, NY ; 126 N Clinton Ave, Lindenhurst, NY
Ronald E Lopez, Guadalupe L Lopez, Fernanda F Lopez
Seen As:
Freddy Lopez
Previous Locations:
North Baldwin, NY; Hempstead, NY; Queens Village, NY
Work Email:,
Freddie R Lopez  |  New York, New York

Freddie Lopez may live at Po Box 251 in New York, NY with an 212 area phone number and may have connections to Nelson Lopez, A Lopez Freddy and Lashan T Cole.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
Po Box 251, New York, NY ; 56 Broad St, Middletown, NY ; 131 Saint Nicholas Ave, New York, NY
Nelson Lopez, A Lopez Freddy, Lashan T Cole
Previous Locations:
Bronx, NY; Mount Vernon, NY
Freddie Lopez  |  Bronx, New York
Age: 53
2172 Anthony Ave Apt 16, Bronx, NY ; 626 W 141st St, New York, NY ; 626 E 141st St Apt 6d, Bronx, NY
Chasity Lopez
Freddie Lopez  |  Glendale, New York
8807 82nd Ave, Glendale, NY
Freddie Lopez  |  Bronx, New York
661 Rosedale Ave Apt 7g, Bronx, NY ; 758 Rosedale Ave, Bronx, NY ; 661 Rosedale Ave, Bronx, NY
Yolanda Baker, Jerry Lopez, Rosa Lopez
Freddie Lopez  |  Bronx, New York
Age: 64
747 E 218th St, Bronx, NY
Freddie Lopez  |  Franklinville, New Jersey
Age: 50
965 Delsea Dr, Franklinville, NJ ; 11 Hillside Ave Apt 3l, New York, NY ; 1216 N 13th St, Milwaukee, WI
Previous Locations:
Bronx, NY; Somerville, NJ
Freddie Lopez  |  Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 50
Phone Number: 
8000 Edward Baher Ave, Las Vegas, NV ; 6874 Momentos St, Las Vegas, NV ; 2237 2nd Ave Apt 6b, New York, NY
Tiffany M Lopez
Previous Locations:
Canton, NY; Fort Myer, VA; Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Freddie Lopez  |  Haledon, New Jersey

Freddie Lopez may live at 209 Belmont Ave in Haledon, NJ with an 914 area phone number and may have connections to Nancy M Correa, Altagracia J Lopez and Edgar L Orantes.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
914-588-9550, 914-423-1185
209 Belmont Ave, Haledon, NJ ; 900 Fox St Apt 5b, Bronx, NY ; 190 Palisade Ave Apt 6d, Yonkers, NY
Nancy M Correa, Altagracia J Lopez, Edgar L Orantes
Previous Locations:
Bayamon, PR; Indio, CA
Freddie Lopez  |  Altoona, Pennsylvania

Freddie Lopez may live at 3015 Broad Ave in Altoona, PA with an 814 area phone number and may have connections to Roberta Freijo, Norma E Lopez and Marjorie Hickson.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
814-502-3569, 814-381-1028, 717-681-0277
3015 Broad Ave, Altoona, PA ; 508 39th St, Altoona, PA ; 305 Locust St, Columbia, PA
Roberta Freijo, Norma E Lopez, Marjorie Hickson
Previous Locations:
New York, NY
Freddie Lopez  |  Camden, New Jersey
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
1219 N 25th St, Camden, NJ ; 709 Berkley St, Camden, NJ ; 19 W 2nd St, Dunkirk, NY
Gloria Lopez, Norma Bass, Jimmy B Lopez
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Public records available for people named Freddie Lopez

Freddie may have public records you can use to find more information about them in the state of New York. Try using our public records search for Freddie Lopez. These records use their legal name and may help you find them in New York. They come from the county or state government, so they provide useful, verified data. You can use this information for various purposes, such as trying to find a person’s location, genealogy research and other purposes.
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Freddie Lopez Phone Numbers

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Know Freddie's number in the state of New York? Do a phone search to see what info is tied to it. Our phone database has millions of numbers for people in New York. Doing a reverse phone search on Freddie Lopez's number may expose additional information about them. Results can include their address and social network profiles.

Names score of the surname Lopez over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Freddie?

Are you searching for an individual in New York who is named Freddie with a last name of Lopez? Start by using an individual search with their last known location in New York by city. You could discover more about where they live at their home address and how you may be able to call them by phone or email. Next, try to find additional information related to Freddie Lopez like next-door neighbors and relatives in New York along with aliases used.

FAQ: Learn more about Freddie Lopez

What is Freddie Lopez's address?
Freddie Lopez's address is 442 Columbia St, Brooklyn, New York 11231. Freddie may also have lived in Cleveland, OH
What is Freddie Lopez's phone number?
Freddie Lopez's phone number is 646-755-8504. Other phone numbers for Freddie Lopez may include 631-643-5603.
What is Freddie Lopez's age?
Average age for Freddie Lopez is 58 years old.

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