Trying to find a person named Frank Woods who resides in South Carolina? We identified 16 records across 17 cities. See their details which may consist of contact details, employment histories, house addresses and telephone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in North Charleston or Columbia. When taking a look at their birth years, Frank is usually 76 years of age, with nearly 62% classified in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Frank Jerome Woods in Walterboro, South Carolina  |  Age Age: 63
Frank Woods addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 619 4th St, Walterboro, SC
  • 2137 Cindy Dr, Summerville, SC
  • 678 Columbia Rd, Chester, SC
Frank Woods phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 843-893-2122,
  • 843-782-3102
Frank Woods relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Frank D Woods in Summerville, South Carolina  |  Age Age: 85
Frank Woods addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 103 Reynard Ct, Summerville, SC
  • 166 Columns Rd, Summerville, SC
  • 101 Dunbury Dr, Summerville, SC
Frank Woods phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 843-873-5556,
  • 803-873-5556
Frank Woods relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Frank E Woods  |  Lexington, South Carolina
Age: 89
Phone Number: 
218 Farmhouse Loop, Lexington, SC ; 44 Vermont Ct, Asheville, NC ; 3119 Sierra Dr, West Columbia, SC
Teresa B Teel, Donald E Woods, Doris E Woods
Previous Locations:
Columbia, SC
Frank L Woods  |  Sumter, South Carolina
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
803-840-6489, 803-775-8358
7 Yeadon St, Sumter, SC ; 682 Lawrence St, Elmont, NY ; 30 Chandler St, Sumter, SC
Rodney O'Neal Woods, Gladys A Woods, Dorothy J Nivens
Frank Woods  |  Gadsden, South Carolina
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
803-353-2674, 803-353-9720
1024 Goodwin Rd, Gadsden, SC ; 32 Roseclair Dr SE, Atlanta, GA ; 2802 Congaree Rd, Gadsden, SC
Brain Woods, Khristie N Woods, Brian C Woods
Frank B Woods  |  Gadsden, South Carolina

Frank may go by Frank J Woods or Frank B Woods Jr and have relatives of Brain Woods, Mary Ann Woods and Khristie N Woods.

Age: 73
Phone Number: 
803-353-2674, 803-776-1210, 803-353-9720
1024 Goodwin Rd, Gadsden, SC ; 14 Paperbark Ct, Columbia, SC ; 2802 Congaree Rd, Gadsden, SC
Brain Woods, Mary Ann Woods, Khristie N Woods
Seen As:
Frank J Woods, Frank B Woods Jr
Frank T Woods  |  Rock Hill, South Carolina

Frank may go by Frances C Woods and have relatives of Frank E Cason, Cedric Woods and Kelly J Woods.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
803-684-9673, 803-324-5013
648 Goldflower Dr, Rock Hill, SC ; 20 Greenwich Blvd Apt 118, Clover, SC ; 101 Autumn Pl, York, SC
Frank E Cason, Cedric Woods, Kelly J Woods
Seen As:
Frances C Woods
Work Email:
Frank H Woods  |  Lancaster, South Carolina

Frank Woods may live at 2432 Old Camden Hwy in Lancaster, SC with an 208 area phone number and may have connections to Carolyn Edelle Mackey, Joseph H Wood and Tiana A Yokom.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
2432 Old Camden Hwy, Lancaster, SC ; 908 17th Ave E, Jerome, ID ; 2316 Watts Dr, Lancaster, SC
Carolyn Edelle Mackey, Joseph H Wood, Tiana A Yokom
Seen As:
Frank H Woods Jr
Frank Woods  |  Lake View, South Carolina
Age: 77
Po Box 1015, Lake View, SC ; 1823 Moores Rd, Farmington, MI
Tony Dwayne Woods, Tony Woods, Samantha Worley
Frank Woods  |  Rock Hill, South Carolina
3708 Marshall Rd, Rock Hill, SC
Frank Woods  |  Lexington, South Carolina
218 Farmhouse Loop, Lexington, SC
William F Woods, Donald E Woods, Doris Wessels Wood
Frank Woods  |  North Charleston, South Carolina
3405 Seiberling Rd, North Charleston, SC
Frank E Woods  |  Apex, North Carolina
Age: 90
Phone Number: 
828-584-9216, 843-705-5568
62 Old Grove Ln, Apex, NC ; 35 Rose Bush Ln, Bluffton, SC ; 3649 Blankenship Dr, Morganton, NC
Chloe J Woods, James C Woods
Previous Locations:
Elkin, NC; Topeka, KS; Palm Bay, FL; Burlington, KS; Arden, NC; Wilkesboro, NC; Raleigh, NC
Frank J Woods  |  Ocala, Florida

Frank Woods may live at 7580 NW 83rd Court Rd in Ocala, FL with an 315 area phone number and may have connections to Patricia L Woods, Kathleen M Wood and D A Woods.

Age: 93
Phone Number: 
7580 NW 83rd Court Rd, Ocala, FL ; 198 Beverly Dr, Syracuse, NY ; 351 Lake Arrowhead Rd Unit 103, Myrtle Beach, SC
Patricia L Woods, Kathleen M Wood, D A Woods
Frank W Woods  |  Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Frank may go by Frank Woodsjr, Frank Woods Jr or Frank W Woods Jr and have relatives of Holly A Woods, Melissa Woods and Willarence J Woods.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
412-394-5724, 412-394-5700, 412-372-7374
4232 1st St, Monroeville, PA ; 475 E Waterfront Dr, Homestead, PA ; 475 Waterfront Dr E, Homestead, PA
Holly A Woods, Melissa Woods, Willarence J Woods
Seen As:
Frank Woodsjr, Frank Woods Jr, Frank W Woods Jr
Previous Locations:
North Charleston, SC; Pittsburgh, PA
Work Email:,
Frank Willie Woods  |  Toccoa, Georgia
Age: 96
Phone Number: 
706-779-5277, 706-886-8864
148 Watson St, Toccoa, GA ; 167 York St, Toccoa, GA ; 1525 Cooper Store Rd, Moncks Corner, SC
Billy Boyd, Dalton K Woods, Jeff R Woods
Previous Locations:
Baldwin, GA; Martin, GA; Eastanollee, GA
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Public records available for people named Frank Woods

Frank may have public records you can use to find more information about them in the state of South Carolina. Try using our public records search for Frank Woods. These records use their legal name and may help you find them in South Carolina. They come from the county or state government, so they provide useful, verified data. You can use this information for various purposes, such as trying to find a person’s location, genealogy research and other purposes.
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Frank Woods Phone Numbers

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Know Frank's number in the state of South Carolina? Do a phone search to see what info is tied to it. Our phone database has millions of numbers for people in South Carolina. Doing a reverse phone search on Frank Woods' number may expose additional information about them. Results can include their address and social network profiles.

Names score of the surname Woods over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Frank?

Are you searching for an individual in South Carolina who is named Frank with a last name of Woods? Start by using an individual search with their last known location in South Carolina by city. You could discover more about where they live at their home address and how you may be able to call them by phone or email. Next, try to find additional information related to Frank Woods like next-door neighbors and relatives in South Carolina along with aliases used.

FAQ: Learn more about Frank Woods

What is Frank Woods' address?
Frank Woods' address is 619 4th St, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488. Frank may also have lived in Columbia, SC, and North Charleston, SC.
What is Frank Woods' phone number?
Frank Woods' phone number is 843-873-5556. Other phone numbers for Frank Woods may include 803-996-6310.
What is Frank Woods' age?
Average age for Frank Woods is 76 years old.

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