Want to know more about Enriqueta Ortiz? We located 40 records in 9 states for Enriqueta in our US directory. You could learn more about them by researching contact info matches, potential employment histories, home addresses, and phone records. The average Enriqueta is around 73 years old, with around 55% falling in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Enriqueta Q Ortiz in Healdton, Oklahoma  |  Age Age: 50
Enriqueta Ortiz addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 551 Lakeview Ave, Healdton, OK
  • Po Box 266, Ringling, OK
  • 5 Lakeview St, Healdton, OK
Enriqueta Ortiz phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 580-229-0113,
  • 580-641-2461
Enriqueta Ortiz relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Enriqueta Ortiz in New Rochelle, New York  |  Age Age: 65
Enriqueta Ortiz addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 10 9th St Apt 2, New Rochelle, NY
  • 777 W Mathews Rd, French Camp, CA
  • 18 May St, New Rochelle, NY
Enriqueta Ortiz relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Sun City, Arizona
Age: 74
10912 W Roundelay Cir, Sun City, AZ ; 3817 W Polk St, Phoenix, AZ ; 11633 W Olive Dr, Avondale, AZ
Mark S Mercado, Ana Garcia, Robert S Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Wendell, Idaho
Po Box 427, Wendell, ID
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Guymon, Oklahoma
Po Box 2464, Guymon, OK ; 211 French St, Boise City, OK ; 211 N French St, Boise City, OK
Paul Ortiz, Moises Ortiz, Eric Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Phoenix, Arizona
2134 W Hartford Ave, Phoenix, AZ ; 1620 N Wilmot Rd, Tucson, AZ ; 6161 Tinna Pl, Tucson, AZ
Gerardo Ortiz, Erika Garcia, Abraham Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Green Bay, Wisconsin
Po Box 371, Green Bay, WI ; 2118 Imperial Ln, Green Bay, WI ; 2118 Imperial Ln Apt 3, Green Bay, WI
Francisco B Ortiz, Jose P Suarez, Jessica Otiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Paramount, California
Age: 52
7133 Cloverlawn Dr, Paramount, CA ; 8020 Rose St Apt A, Paramount, CA ; 2030 W Cameron St, Long Beach, CA
Ricardo Anguiano, Ramiro Echeverria, Arturo Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Salinas, Puerto Rico
Po Box Coco, Salinas, PR ; 751 Bo Coco Nuev 270 J Benv, Salinas, PR
Margarita Colon
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Norco, California

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 2797 Reservoir Dr in Norco, CA with an 951 area phone number and may have connections to Jose M Ortiz, Virgil P Capps and Jacqueline Ortiz.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
2797 Reservoir Dr, Norco, CA
Jose M Ortiz, Virgil P Capps, Jacqueline Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Missouri City, Texas
Age: 72
1803 Fresh Meadow Dr, Missouri City, TX ; 531 W Oaks Mall, Houston, TX ; Po Box 645, Stafford, TX
Joe Ortiz, Joe E Ortiz, Joe O Paredes
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  San Jose, California
Phone Number: 
408-839-9959, 408-379-4792
3225 Cadillac Dr, San Jose, CA
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Los Angeles, California
Age: 84
411 Estudillo Ave, Los Angeles, CA ; 737 Ranlett Ave, La Puente, CA ; 966 Orme Ave, Los Angeles, CA
Antonio Ceja, Mercedes Ortiz, Martha Escamilla
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Van Vleck, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 828 1st St in Van Vleck, TX with an 979 area phone number and may have connections to Vicente Ortiz, Melinda Barron and Vicente Ortiz.

Age: 88
Phone Number: 
979-323-9134, 979-548-1038, 979-323-0236
828 1st St, Van Vleck, TX ; 508 Avenue B, Sweeny, TX ; 579 1st St, Van Vleck, TX
Vicente Ortiz, Melinda Barron, Vicente Ortiz
Seen As:
Katy Ortiz
Previous Locations:
Garden City, MI
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Bellingham, Washington

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 2188 Yew St in Bellingham, WA with an 360 area phone number and may have connections to Angel L Ortiz.

Age: 46
Phone Number: 
2188 Yew St, Bellingham, WA ; 3328 McAlpine Rd Apt 109a, Bellingham, WA ; 3328 McAlpine Rd, Bellingham, WA
Angel L Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Laredo, Texas
Age: 72
2015 Barrios St, Laredo, TX ; 419 Pitaya Dr, Laredo, TX ; 2015 Barrios St Apt 3, Laredo, TX
Jesus Ortiz, Ramiro V Deleon, Ramiro J Deleon
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Eagle Pass, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz, also possibly known as Enrigreta Ortiz, has a last known location of 1128 Kiriaka Dr in Eagle Pass, TX using the 830-776-5484 phone number. Potential relatives are Efrain Ortiz, Enrigreta Ortiz and E Ortiz.

Age: 72
Phone Number: 
830-776-5484, 830-776-5782, 830-773-7789
1128 Kiriaka Dr, Eagle Pass, TX ; 441 Candelario Montalvo, Eagle Pass, TX ; 1124 Kiriaka Dr, Eagle Pass, TX
Efrain Ortiz, Enrigreta Ortiz, E Ortiz
Seen As:
Enrigreta Ortiz, Enriqueta G Ortiz
Enriqueta Ortiz  |  Campbell, California
Phone Number: 
408-605-2399, 408-379-4792
117 W Hamilton Ave, Campbell, CA ; 3208 Cadillac Dr Apt 1, San Jose, CA ; 127 W Hamilton Ave, Campbell, CA
Enriqueta A Ortiz  |  Houston, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 4201 La Branch St in Houston, TX with an 713 area phone number and may have connections to Hugo Ortiz, Nicolas E Ortiz and Francisco P Ortiz.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
4201 La Branch St, Houston, TX
Hugo Ortiz, Nicolas E Ortiz, Francisco P Ortiz
Seen As:
Enrriqueta Ortiz
Enriqueta A Ortiz  |  Socorro, Texas
Age: 64
10132 Calcutta Dr, Socorro, TX ; 657 Stedham Cir, El Paso, TX ; 619 Stedham Cir, El Paso, TX
Rebecca Ortiz, Daneth G Ortiz
Enriqueta A Ortiz  |  San Antonio, Texas
Age: 106
Phone Number: 
127 Dorris St, San Antonio, TX ; 2031 Albidress, San Antonio, TX ; 442 Hazel St, San Antonio, TX
Gina M Ortiz, Cecilia Ortiz, Lewis M Almanza
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com
Enriqueta B Ortiz  |  West Covina, California

Enriqueta may go by Enriqueta B Ortiz Jr and have relatives of Ricardo A Ortiz, Lauren L Nailen and Angel Leyva.

Age: 106
3509 Eucalyptus St, West Covina, CA ; 3805 Sycamore St, West Covina, CA ; 901 N Carpenter Rd, Modesto, CA
Ricardo A Ortiz, Lauren L Nailen, Angel Leyva
Seen As:
Enriqueta B Ortiz Jr
Enriqueta E Ortiz  |  El Paso, Texas
Age: 70
Phone Number: 
12488 Carlos Bombach Ave, El Paso, TX ; 12113 Saint Cassian Dr, El Paso, TX ; 1750 Green Gate Way, El Paso, TX
Cynthia Gonzalez, Adrian Sanchez, Ignacio G Ortiz
Previous Locations:
Clint, TX
Enriqueta F Ortiz  |  Fort Worth, Texas
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
817-921-6152, 817-921-3637
1106 W Richmond Ave, Fort Worth, TX
Edith Ortiz, Jose A Ortiz, Jose Hillario Ortiz
@hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @gci.net, @tampabay.rr.com
Enriqueta G Ortiz  |  Oxnard, California
Age: 68
2220 Miramonte Dr, Oxnard, CA ; 1948 Camino Del Sol Apt 1, Oxnard, CA ; 340 N Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA
Jose H Ortiz, Efrain Ortiz, Lorena Ortiz
Enriqueta G Ortiz  |  Houston, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 1805 Dismuke St in Houston, TX with an 281 area phone number and may have connections to Jonathan Ortiz, Jonathan Ortiz and Juan M Ortiz.

Age: 75
Phone Number: 
281-464-4375, 713-928-3211
1805 Dismuke St, Houston, TX ; 12510 S Green Dr, Houston, TX ; 5429 Southlea St, Houston, TX
Jonathan Ortiz, Jonathan Ortiz, Juan M Ortiz
Seen As:
Enriqueta V Ortiz
Enriqueta L Ortiz  |  El Paso, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 7161 Dale Rd in El Paso, TX with an 915 area phone number and may have connections to Renee Ortiz, Josefina R Ortiz and Raul R Ortiz.

Age: 101
Phone Number: 
7161 Dale Rd, El Paso, TX ; 7828 Alameda Ave # 104, El Paso, TX ; 7176 Dale Rd, El Paso, TX
Renee Ortiz, Josefina R Ortiz, Raul R Ortiz
Enriqueta O Ortiz  |  Dallas, Texas
Age: 83
Phone Number: 
214-280-4846, 214-698-9400
3321 Coronet Blvd, Dallas, TX ; 821 S Nursery Rd Apt 226, Irving, TX
Francisco R Ortiz, Gustavo Rocha
@gmail.com, @sbcglobal.net, @yahoo.com, @aol.com, @earthlink.net
Enriqueta P Ortiz  |  Crystal City, Texas

Enriqueta Ortiz may live at 1224 E Holland St in Crystal City, TX with an 830 area phone number and may have connections to Cynthia Flores, Leopoldo Ortiz and Henry B Perez.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
830-561-1498, 830-374-3341
1224 E Holland St, Crystal City, TX ; 1238 N High St, Uvalde, TX ; 524 E Maverick St, Crystal City, TX
Cynthia Flores, Leopoldo Ortiz, Henry B Perez
Seen As:
Enriquetta Ortiz
Enriqueta R Ortiz  |  San Antonio, Texas
Phone Number: 
210-473-5666, 210-657-5732
4119 Bretton Rdg, San Antonio, TX ; 3514 Palm Leaf St, San Antonio, TX
Sam Ortiz, Isaac R Ortiz, Sandra Gerrera
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Enriqueta Ortiz Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Ortiz over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you look for Enriqueta. One of the easiest ways to search for them is by using their full name as 'Enriqueta Ortiz' in a people search. You can also try alternative techniques using an address in a known city. Do you know of a close relative or neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Enriqueta.

FAQ: Learn more about Enriqueta Ortiz

What is Enriqueta Ortiz's address?
Enriqueta Ortiz's address is 551 Lakeview Ave, Healdton, Oklahoma 73438.
What is Enriqueta Ortiz's age?
Average age for Enriqueta Ortiz is 73 years old.
What is Enriqueta Ortiz's email address?
Enriqueta Ortiz's email address is rene.o******@yahoo.com.

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