There are 22 record matches to Dorothy Fraser in Florida. Find more info about the Dorothy you are trying to find by researching their potential addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and connected relatives. Wondering where the majority of them live? Bradenton has the highest residency, with Orlando as the next highest. For individuals with the Dorothy Fraser name, the average is approximately 99 years old, with 100% classified in the 81+ age bracket. See more...

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Dorothy C Fraser in Bradenton, Florida  |  Age Age: 104
Dorothy Fraser addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 6506 26th Ave W, Bradenton, FL
  • 2514 Nightingale Ln, Bradenton, FL
  • 6505 26th Ave W, Bradenton, FL
Dorothy Fraser phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 941-794-6105,
  • 423-795-2066
Dorothy Fraser relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Dorothy S Fraser in Saint Petersburg, Florida  |  Age Age: 104
Dorothy Fraser addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 7005 Central Ave, Saint Petersburg, FL
  • 4575 13th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL
  • 4574 13th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL
Dorothy Fraser phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 786-553-4149
Dorothy S Fraser  |  New Port Richey, Florida
Age: 94
Phone Number: 
6036 Madeira Ave, New Port Richey, FL ; 98 Montego Ave, New Port Richey, FL ; 3459 Pasadena, Lake Orion, MI
Terence S Fraser
Dorothy M Fraser  |  Orlando, Florida
Age: 103
Phone Number: 
5520 Beggs Rd, Orlando, FL ; Po Box 607404, Orlando, FL ; 921 Orange Ave, Longwood, FL
Dorothy P Fraser, Ralph G Fraser
Dorothy J Fraser  |  Jacksonville, Florida

Dorothy may go by Jean Fraser or Jean Wilson Fraser and have relatives of Aaron G Fraser, Stacy Lee Gilder and John Fraser.

Age: 81
Phone Number: 
904-252-5232, 904-252-3279, 904-751-2118
8495 Cedar Point Rd, Jacksonville, FL ; 77 Andress St, Jacksonville, FL
Aaron G Fraser, Stacy Lee Gilder, John Fraser
Seen As:
Jean Fraser, Jean Wilson Fraser
Dorothy B Fraser  |  Bradenton, Florida
Age: 98
Phone Number: 
813-758-8703, 941-758-8703
4022 37th Street Ct W, Bradenton, FL ; 4022 Lakeside South 37th St Ct W, Bradenton, FL
Laurie S Fraser, Sam Fraser
Dorothy P Fraser  |  Orlando, Florida
Age: 104
5520 Beggs Rd, Orlando, FL ; Po Box 607404, Orlando, FL
Ralph G Fraser, Dorothy M Fraser
Dorothy Fraser  |  Bradenton, Florida
Phone Number: 
6506 26th Ave W, Bradenton, FL
Dorothy C Fraser, John M Fraser, Dorothy A Fraser
Dorothy Fraser  |  Lighthouse Point, Florida
Phone Number: 
2731 NE 52nd Ct, Lighthouse Point, FL
Dorothy Fraser  |  Weirsdale, Florida
Phone Number: 
352-821-1877, 352-751-6388
13522 SE Sunset Harbor Rd, Weirsdale, FL
Dorothy A Fraser  |  Lighthouse Point, Florida
Age: 120
Phone Number: 
2731 NE 52nd Ct, Lighthouse Point, FL
Dorothy C Fraser  |  Daytona Beach, Florida
Age: 119
1269 Heritage Dr, Daytona Beach, FL
Dorothy Fraser  |  Englewood, Florida
Age: 97
Phone Number: 
642 Foxwood Blvd, Englewood, FL
George A Fraser
Dorothy A Fraser  |  Asheville, North Carolina
Age: 119
Phone Number: 
9 Big Level Dr, Asheville, NC ; 4343 Lebanon Pike, Hermitage, TN ; 109 Fern Ct, Delray Beach, FL
Dorothy A Fraser  |  Hanover, Massachusetts

Dorothy Fraser may live at 18 Winterberry Ln in Hanover, MA with an 239 area phone number and may have connections to Anisha K Desai, Paul Fraser and Cheryl F Bacon.

Age: 84
Phone Number: 
239-434-0998, 781-681-4333
18 Winterberry Ln, Hanover, MA ; 440 Fox Haven Dr Apt 2305, Naples, FL ; 91 Mount Hope St, Norwell, MA
Anisha K Desai, Paul Fraser, Cheryl F Bacon
Previous Locations:
Plymouth, MA; Quincy, MA
Dorothy A Fraser  |  Norris, Tennessee

Dorothy Fraser may live at Po Box 1073 in Norris, TN with an 423 area phone number and may have connections to Doris L Breault, Dorothy Fraser and Robin J Jenks.

Age: 85
Phone Number: 
423-795-2066, 941-371-4917
Po Box 1073, Norris, TN ; 845 Audubon Dr, Bradenton, FL ; 3004 Florida Blvd, Bradenton, FL
Doris L Breault, Dorothy Fraser, Robin J Jenks
Job Title:
Manager at Cardinal Mooney High School
Dorothy C Fraser  |  Lakeville, Connecticut
Age: 104
Phone Number: 
904-463-1815, 941-483-4609
50 Farnum Rd, Lakeville, CT ; 192 Spanish Lakes Dr, Nokomis, FL ; 209 Spanish Lakes Dr, Nokomis, FL
Margaret B Fraser, Vanessa L Fraser
Previous Locations:
Ocala, FL
Dorothy H Fraser  |  Tuckerton, New Jersey

Dorothy Fraser may live at 709 S Green St in Tuckerton, NJ with an 954 area phone number and may have connections to Deborah A Awilson, Roderick Fraser and Edward R Frazier.

Age: 95
Phone Number: 
954-426-4042, 954-570-7631
709 S Green St, Tuckerton, NJ ; 532 Jamaica Blvd, Toms River, NJ ; 47 Cedarbrook Ln, Little Egg Harbor Twp, NJ
Deborah A Awilson, Roderick Fraser, Edward R Frazier
Previous Locations:
Ramsey, NJ; Deerfield Beach, FL; Pittsburgh, PA; Pompano Beach, FL
Dorothy J Fraser  |  Westford, Massachusetts

Dorothy Fraser, also possibly known as Dorathy Fraser, has a last known location of 65 Tadmuck Rd Apt 45 in Westford, MA using the 978-692-4972 phone number. Potential relatives are Edwin W Fraser, Deborah D Kinghorn and Susan J Martinage.

Age: 95
Phone Number: 
978-692-4972, 941-741-4962
65 Tadmuck Rd Apt 45, Westford, MA ; Po Box 881, Cortez, FL ; 65 Tadmuck Rd, Westford, MA
Edwin W Fraser, Deborah D Kinghorn, Susan J Martinage
Seen As:
Dorathy Fraser
Previous Locations:
Bradenton, FL; York Beach, ME; York Harbor, ME
Dorothy J Fraser  |  North Billerica, Massachusetts

Dorothy Fraser may live at 220 Shoreline Dr in North Billerica, MA with an 978 area phone number and may have connections to Mark C Fraser, Cindy Ann Fraser and Clayton A Fraser.

Age: 81
Phone Number: 
978-828-0713, 978-670-5737
220 Shoreline Dr, North Billerica, MA ; 1321 Henry Ave, Spring Hill, FL
Mark C Fraser, Cindy Ann Fraser, Clayton A Fraser
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Public records available for people named Dorothy Fraser

Dorothy may have records you can use to discover more details about them in the state of Florida. Try using our public records search for Dorothy Fraser. These records use their legal name and can help you find by address in Florida because they come from the county or Florida state government. You can use this information for various purposes, such as trying to identify a person's location by city in Florida, genealogy studies and other reasons.
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Dorothy Fraser Phone Numbers

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Are you trying to find a person in Florida named Dorothy with a surname of Fraser? Start by using a person search with their understood address in Florida by city. You could discover more about where they live at their residence address and how you may be able to contact them by phone or email. Next, search for additional information related to Dorothy Fraser like next-door neighbors and family members in Florida and alternate names.

FAQ: Learn more about Dorothy Fraser

What is Dorothy Fraser's address?
Dorothy Fraser's address is 6506 26th Ave W, Bradenton, Florida 34209.
What is Dorothy Fraser's phone number?
Dorothy Fraser's phone number is 786-553-4149. Other phone numbers for Dorothy Fraser may include 727-847-7175.
What is Dorothy Fraser's age?
Average age for Dorothy Fraser is 99 years old.

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