There are 16 record matches to Doris Holt in Georgia. Find more information about the Doris you are looking for by researching their possible previous addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and relatives. Wondering where most of them live? Mcdonough has the highest residency, with Evans next highest. For individuals with the Doris Holt name, the average is about 82 years old, with nearly 50% categorized in the 81+ age group. See more...

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Doris J Holt in Evans, Georgia  |  Age Age: 54
Doris Holt addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 913 Bartram Rdg, Evans, GA
  • 2124 Oak Ridge Rd, Augusta, GA
  • Po Box 2145, Evans, GA
Doris Holt phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 706-854-1132,
  • 706-309-9666
Doris Holt relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Doris A Holt in Eatonton, Georgia  |  Age Age: 66
Doris Holt addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 328 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Eatonton, GA
  • 891 Church St, Eatonton, GA
  • 897 Church St, Eatonton, GA
Doris Holt phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 706-749-8484
Doris Holt relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Doris S Holt  |  Augusta, Georgia

Doris Holt may live at 2124 Oak Ridge Rd in Augusta, GA with an 706 area phone number and may have connections to Chantel D Loggins, Jimmy D Holt and Doris J Holt.

Age: 77
Phone Number: 
2124 Oak Ridge Rd, Augusta, GA ; 4777 Sharon Dr # F, Evans, GA ; 4704 Mill Pond Ct, Grovetown, GA
Chantel D Loggins, Jimmy D Holt, Doris J Holt
Doris N Holt  |  Columbus, Georgia

Doris Holt, also possibly known as Dorris Holt, has a last known location of 4910 Teak Dr in Columbus, GA using the 706-563-6295 phone number. Potential relatives are Phillip L Holt, David L Holt and Christina Holt.

Age: 69
Phone Number: 
4910 Teak Dr, Columbus, GA ; 5341 Shanna Ln, Columbus, GA ; 1359 Sturkie Dr, Columbus, GA
Phillip L Holt, David L Holt, Christina Holt
Seen As:
Dorris Holt
Doris A Holt  |  Blue Ridge, Georgia

Doris Holt may live at 889 Chestnut Rdg in Blue Ridge, GA with an 678 area phone number and may have connections to Grady C Holt, Robert D Holt and Joe Mary Holt.

Age: 100
Phone Number: 
678-583-9336, 706-374-1421
889 Chestnut Rdg, Blue Ridge, GA ; 252 Overland Trl, McDonough, GA ; 227 Ashland Dr, Stockbridge, GA
Grady C Holt, Robert D Holt, Joe Mary Holt
Previous Locations:
Mcdonough, GA; Bogart, GA; Mineral Bluff, GA
Doris Holt  |  Dexter, Georgia
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
478-278-4002, 478-875-3697
1086 Hillbridge Rd, Dexter, GA ; 1083 Hillbridge Rd, Dexter, GA ; Po Box 860, Dexter, GA
Mark Alan Holt, Kenneth J Holt, Frank J Holt
Work Email:,,
Doris S Holt  |  McDonough, Georgia
Age: 79
Phone Number: 
108 Southgate Blvd, McDonough, GA ; 3204 Stratford Dr, MacOn, GA ; 3204 Stratford Dr # 3121, MacOn, GA
Freda H Alexander, Fred L Holt, Freda Holt
Previous Locations:
Mcdonough, GA; Macon, GA
Doris C Holt  |  Rock Spring, Georgia

Doris may go by Doris C Holt Jr and have relatives of H Holt, Paige H Hunter and Henry J Holt.

Age: 91
Phone Number: 
540-764-6973, 276-628-3525
1054 McIntire Rd, Rock Spring, GA ; 19164 Amelia Dr, Abingdon, VA ; 128 Crestview Dr, Abingdon, VA
H Holt, Paige H Hunter, Henry J Holt
Seen As:
Doris C Holt Jr
Doris F Holt  |  Warner Robins, Georgia

Doris Holt may live at 220 Golden Eagle Trl in Warner Robins, GA with an 478 area phone number and may have connections to Marcia D Holt, Bryan Holt and Scott D Holt.

Age: 88
Phone Number: 
220 Golden Eagle Trl, Warner Robins, GA ; 215 Mason Dr, Centerville, GA
Marcia D Holt, Bryan Holt, Scott D Holt
Seen As:
Dorins Holt, Dorns Holt
Doris Holt  |  Atlanta, Georgia
Phone Number: 
38 Wm Holmes Borders Dr SE Apt 24, Atlanta, GA ; 2775 Vineyards Dr SE, Atlanta, GA ; 88 Wm Holmes Borders Dr SE Apt E7, Atlanta, GA
Chester Holt, Torey Holt, Augustus Pennoh
Doris Holt  |  Decatur, Georgia
Phone Number: 
404-292-2951, 404-284-9054
1864 S Columbia Pl, Decatur, GA
Doris Harris
Doris Holt  |  Columbus, Georgia
4910 Teak Dr, Columbus, GA
Christina Holt, Phillip L Holt, Doris N Holt
Doris W Holt  |  Rockmart, Georgia
Phone Number: 
Po Box 325, Rockmart, GA ; 338 Morgan Valley Rd, Rockmart, GA ; 307 N Marble St, Rockmart, GA
James M Holt
Doris B Holt  |  Mountain City, Georgia
Age: 96
Po Box 341, Mountain City, GA
Fred T Holt, Eric C Holt, Robert E Holt
Doris Holt  |  Ocala, Florida

Doris may go by Holt Doris or Dorns Holt and have relatives of H Holt and Harry W Holt.

Age: 88
Phone Number: 
6784 SW 114th Street Rd, Ocala, FL ; Po Box 771981, Ocala, FL ; 438 Kingswood Dr # C46, Albany, GA
H Holt, Harry W Holt
Seen As:
Holt Doris, Dorns Holt
Previous Locations:
Dawson, GA
Work Email:,,,
Doris D Holt  |  Altamonte Springs, Florida
Age: 106
509 San Sebastian Prado, Altamonte Springs, FL ; 2571 Wood Valley Dr, Atlanta, GA
Melvin Holt, Melvin H Holt, Melvin P Holt
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Public records available for people named Doris Holt

Doris may have public records you can use to find more information about them in the state of Georgia. Try using our public records search for Doris Holt. These records use their legal name and may help you find them in Georgia. They come from the county or state government, so they provide useful, verified data. You can use this information for various purposes, such as trying to find a person’s location, genealogy research and other purposes.
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Doris Holt Phone Numbers

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Do you know of a Georgia area code telephone number for Doris? Do a reverse phone search on their number using our database. Look for matches when comparing them and other individuals, friends, relatives and other members of the family. Discovering more info is simply a click away using Doris Holt's telephone number.

Names score of the surname Holt over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

Looking for a different Doris?

Searching for Doris Holt in Georgia? We can help you locate possible matches. Start by looking up their full name with the person lookup search bar. Next, narrow down the results using their known age and location in Georgia by entering the city. You could learn more about where they live at their home address and how you might be able to contact them by phone or by email. You can also identify potential matches for Doris' alias names, social profiles, next-door neighbors in Georgia and family members.

FAQ: Learn more about Doris Holt

What is Doris Holt's address?
Doris Holt's address is 913 Bartram Rdg, Evans, Georgia 30809.
What is Doris Holt's phone number?
Doris Holt's phone number is 706-749-8484. Other phone numbers for Doris Holt may include 706-650-2961.
What is Doris Holt's age?
Average age for Doris Holt is 82 years old.
What is Doris Holt's email address?
Doris Holt's email address is wildc*****

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