Want to know more about Donald Howard? We located 1440 records in 17 states for Donald in our US directory. You could learn more about them by researching contact info matches, potential employment histories, home addresses, and phone records. The average Donald is around 57 years old, with around 50% falling in the 51-60 age bracket. See more...

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Donald W Howard in Savannah, Georgia  |  Age Age: 48
Donald Howard addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 128 Suncrest Blvd, Savannah, GA
  • 905 Hosta Valley Ct, Wake Forest, NC
  • 11251 Lofty Heights Pl, Raleigh, NC
Donald Howard phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 912-898-0907,
  • 919-263-8903,
  • 919-793-0195
Donald Howard relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Donald Howard job titles
Possible Job Titles
  • Color Program Manager at Lafarge; Masonry Technical Sales Engineer at Argos Usa
Donald Howard in Kansas City, Missouri  |  Age Age: 58
Donald Howard addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 505 Oakley Ave, Kansas City, MO
  • 1225 S Maywood Ave, Independence, MO
  • 7322 N Euclid Ave, Kansas City, MO
Donald Howard phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 816-886-2562,
  • 913-262-1122,
  • 816-833-8022
Donald Howard relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Donald E Howard  |  Marietta, Georgia
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
678-428-2080, 478-718-7649, 770-565-6803
1864 Kristen Mill Way, Marietta, GA ; 14408 Birnam Woods Rd, Midlothian, VA ; 14603 Duck Cove Pl, Midlothian, VA
Jeffrey Howard, Ryan Howard, Jean L Howard
@hotmail.com, @aol.com, @comcast.net
Previous Locations:
Herndon, VA; Woodstock, GA; Fairfax, VA; Garden, MI
Donald W Howard  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia

Donald Howard, also possibly known as Don Howard, has a last known location of 4740 Shore Dr in Virginia Beach, VA using the 757-412-4181 phone number. Potential relatives are Tonya Maire Howard, Regina Y Howard and Donald W Howard.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
4740 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA ; 1288 Laskin Rd Apt 203, Virginia Beach, VA ; 1325 Five Point Rd, Virginia Beach, VA
Tonya Maire Howard, Regina Y Howard, Donald W Howard
Seen As:
Don Howard, Dw Howard, Donald W Howard Jr, Donald W Howard Sr
Previous Locations:
Denver, CO; Claymont, DE; Edison, NJ
Work Email:
Donald J Howard  |  Parker, Colorado
Age: 52
Phone Number: 
718-275-0989, 719-597-3643
6573 Cherry Creek Dr, Parker, CO ; 354 State St Apt 2c, Brooklyn, NY ; 886 Badger Dr, Colorado Springs, CO
Donald D Howard, Heather M Eaves, Saori Abe
Previous Locations:
New York, NY; Denver, CO; Forest Hills, NY
Donald E Howard  |  Mason City, Iowa

Donald may go by Don Howard and have relatives of Amanda Anderson, Wendy Stinar Howard and Selina Potucek.

Age: 48
Phone Number: 
601-506-6782, 641-423-1649, 641-822-3227
777 S Eisenhower Ave Trlr 44, Mason City, IA ; 110 E 5th St, Argyle, MN ; 503 3rd St S, Rockwell, IA
Amanda Anderson, Wendy Stinar Howard, Selina Potucek
Seen As:
Don Howard
Previous Locations:
Warren, MN; Garner, IA; Oklee, MN
Donald J Howard  |  Allentown, Pennsylvania
Age: 46
Phone Number: 
814-887-6986, 814-778-5833, 610-841-7683
714 Blue Heron Dr, Allentown, PA ; 91 Wolf Farm Rd, Kane, PA ; 921 W Juniata St, Allentown, PA
Robert A Howard, Christian J Howard, Robert W Howard
Previous Locations:
Smethport, PA
Donald J Howard  |  Ashland, Kentucky

Donald may go by Donald R Howard, Don Howard or Donald J Howard Jr and have relatives of Ruth H Dotson, B Howard and D Howard.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
606-327-4872, 606-298-4357, 606-324-4310
60 Cheshire Ln, Ashland, KY ; 2203 6th St, Ashland, KY ; 2222 Waugh St, Ashland, KY
Ruth H Dotson, B Howard, D Howard
Seen As:
Donald R Howard, Don Howard, Donald J Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Debord, KY
Work Email:
Donald L Howard  |  Stafford, Virginia

Donald Howard may live at 18 Lamplighter Ln in Stafford, VA with an 540 area phone number and may have connections to Donald L Howard, Donald L Rencher and Donald L Howard.

Age: 50
Phone Number: 
540-659-1995, 540-720-5156, 540-720-0831
18 Lamplighter Ln, Stafford, VA ; 16314 Taconic Cir, Dumfries, VA ; 124 Douglas Dr, Stafford, VA
Donald L Howard, Donald L Rencher, Donald L Howard
Seen As:
Donald R Howard, Donald W Howard
Previous Locations:
Fredonia, NY; Van Buren Point, NY; Triangle, VA
Donald L Howard  |  Albuquerque, New Mexico
Age: 55
Phone Number: 
505-362-9156, 505-265-4402
340 Laguayra Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM ; 331 Vista Del Angel SW, Albuquerque, NM ; 920 Louisiana Blvd SE Apt 74, Albuquerque, NM
Rose M Howard, Rose M Franklin, Samone Howard
Donald B Howard  |  Greensboro, North Carolina

Donald may go by Donald B Howard Jr and have relatives of Larry B Colville, B Diane Howard and Jessica H Worrell.

Age: 47
Phone Number: 
Po Box 36101, Greensboro, NC ; 1014 Onslow Dr, Greensboro, NC ; 3239 Pleasant Garden Rd Apt 3h, Greensboro, NC
Larry B Colville, B Diane Howard, Jessica H Worrell
@aol.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Donald B Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Fort Drum, NY; Watertown, NY; Louisville, KY; Aston, PA; Lynchburg, VA; Dover, DE; Springfield, MO
Donald S Howard  |  Hope, Arkansas

Donald may go by Howard Donald Speed and have relatives of Albert Lynn Speed, Kim A Speed and Benjamin Speed.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
501-249-6316, 501-337-1202, 501-337-1971
712 E 3rd St, Hope, AR ; 520 S Washington St, Hope, AR ; 28196 Highway 84, Malvern, AR
Albert Lynn Speed, Kim A Speed, Benjamin Speed
Seen As:
Howard Donald Speed
Donald J Howard  |  Zephyrhills, Florida

Donald Howard, also possibly known as Don Howard, has a last known location of 7578 Oak Brook Dr in Zephyrhills, FL using the 727-517-9256 phone number. Potential relatives are Mendy C Howard, Janice S Howard and June Howard Elkins.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
727-517-9256, 413-245-3396
7578 Oak Brook Dr, Zephyrhills, FL ; 26 Dearth Hill Rd, Brimfield, MA ; 17912 Villa Creek Dr, Tampa, FL
Mendy C Howard, Janice S Howard, June Howard Elkins
Seen As:
Don Howard
Previous Locations:
Indian Rocks Beach, FL; Brookfield, MA; Valrico, FL; Wesley Chapel, FL; Saint Petersburg, FL; Lindsay, OK
Donald L Howard  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
412-327-8153, 412-885-9006, 412-882-8303
3151 Belleville St, Pittsburgh, PA ; 3600 Library Rd, Pittsburgh, PA ; 4289 Trouthaven Dr, Murrysville, PA
Catherine A Howard, Lora E Schad
Previous Locations:
East Pittsburgh, PA
Work Email:
Donald Ray Howard  |  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Donald Howard may live at 2321 NW 113th St in Oklahoma City, OK with an 405 area phone number and may have connections to Archie W Howard, Michael S Howard and Chris D Howard.

Age: 54
Phone Number: 
405-799-7967, 405-755-1271, 405-286-4018
2321 NW 113th St, Oklahoma City, OK ; 1600 N Moore Ave, Moore, OK ; 1829 Greenway Ave, Yukon, OK
Archie W Howard, Michael S Howard, Chris D Howard
Seen As:
Don R Howard, Don Howard
Work Email:
Donald Howard  |  Shawnee, Oklahoma

Donald Howard may live at 1414 N Minnesota Ave in Shawnee, OK with an 843 area phone number and may have connections to Nellie B Greenhoward, Mary Linaren and Jasmine D Greenhoward.

Age: 50
Phone Number: 
843-332-1000, 405-275-1164
1414 N Minnesota Ave, Shawnee, OK ; 4528 S 19th St, Phoenix, AZ ; 2016 N Dorothy Ave, Shawnee, OK
Nellie B Greenhoward, Mary Linaren, Jasmine D Greenhoward
@yahoo.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
Don W Howard
Previous Locations:
Mesa, AZ; Edmond, OK; Oklahoma City, OK; Bristow, OK; Bartlesville, OK; Enid, OK; Hodgen, OK
Donald L Howard  |  Concord, North Carolina
Age: 53
Phone Number: 
407-891-7543, 352-486-2247, 386-312-0923
910 Lily Green Ct NW, Concord, NC ; 70 Pearl St, Bangor, ME ; 1802 Montague Dr, Saint Cloud, FL
Karleen Swett, Betty R Howard, David L Howard
@aol.com, @earthlink.net, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @webtv.com, @webtv.net, @msn.com
Previous Locations:
Hollister, FL; Bronson, FL; Asheville, NC; Falmouth, KY; Intercession City, FL; Satsuma, FL
Donald J Howard  |  Canton, Massachusetts

Donald Howard may live at 7 Andrea Dr in Canton, MA with an 781 area phone number and may have connections to Luke Hamory, George S Howard and Doanld J Howard.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
781-828-7848, 781-948-1981, 339-502-8180
7 Andrea Dr, Canton, MA ; 2890 Castleford Ct, Saint Paul, MN ; 4 Caverly Ct, Barrington, NH
Luke Hamory, George S Howard, Doanld J Howard
@yahoo.com, @aol.com
Seen As:
Donald Jay Howard
Previous Locations:
Rochester, NH; Dover, NH; Seabrook, NH; Newmarket, NH
Work Email:
@acrehab.com, @martignetti.com
Donald F Howard  |  Lewisville, North Carolina
Age: 59
Phone Number: 
336-946-2082, 336-945-4699, 336-945-2995
470 Cedarbrook Ct, Lewisville, NC ; 300 Lewisville Clemmons Rd, Lewisville, NC ; 300 Lewisville Clemmons Rd # E1, Lewisville, NC
Donald Fred Howard, Fred A Howard, Fred Howard
@att.net, @triad.rr.com, @windstream.net
Previous Locations:
Winston Salem, NC
Donald A Howard  |  Aurora, Colorado

Donald may go by Donald A Howard Jr and have relatives of Deidre L Howard, Deider Howard and Daniel Y Howard.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
720-435-5409, 303-537-4117
10998 E 16th Ave Apt 8, Aurora, CO ; 17090 E Ford Dr Apt 212, Aurora, CO ; 2264 S Quentin Way Apt E202, Aurora, CO
Deidre L Howard, Deider Howard, Daniel Y Howard
Seen As:
Donald A Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Topeka, KS
Donald P Howard  |  Fulton, Maryland

Donald Howard may live at 11237 Chase St Unit 2 in Fulton, MD with an 816 area phone number and may have connections to Donald P Howard, Teresa M Howard and Mary D Brecke.

Age: 59
Phone Number: 
816-229-5694, 301-317-5970
11237 Chase St Unit 2, Fulton, MD ; 11237 Chase St, Fulton, MD ; 8465 Oakton Ln Apt 4d, Ellicott City, MD
Donald P Howard, Teresa M Howard, Mary D Brecke
Seen As:
Don Howard, Donald P Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Blue Springs, MO; Columbia, MO; Tipton, MO; Denver, CO
Job Title:
Director Of Clinical Services at New Directions Behavioral Health
Work Email:
Donald R Howard  |  Owensboro, Kentucky

Donald may go by Don Howard or Donald R Howard Jr and have relatives of Donna Kaye Howard, Vicki Elaine Dickerson and John Lindsey Howard.

Age: 59
Phone Number: 
270-233-0720, 270-281-0885, 270-233-0974
1904 Graham Ln E, Owensboro, KY ; 4789 State Route 1389, Hawesville, KY ; 10053 Locust St, Whitesville, KY
Donna Kaye Howard, Vicki Elaine Dickerson, John Lindsey Howard
@att.net, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Seen As:
Don Howard, Donald R Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Philpot, KY; Lewisport, KY
Donald K Howard  |  Raleigh, North Carolina

Donald may go by Donald E Howard or Donald Earl Howard and have relatives of William F Howard, Valerie H Kornegay and Rebecca T Howard.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
252-568-2207, 252-566-3568, 252-568-4591
3802 Lexington Dr Apt F, Raleigh, NC ; 3809 Jackson St Apt D, Raleigh, NC ; 240 Renaissance Pkwy NE Apt 210, Atlanta, GA
William F Howard, Valerie H Kornegay, Rebecca T Howard
Seen As:
Donald E Howard, Donald Earl Howard
Previous Locations:
Deep Run, NC; La Grange, NC; Jonesboro, GA; Leland, NC; Kinston, NC; Riverdale, GA; Stockbridge, GA
Donald W Howard  |  Wilson, North Carolina

Donald Howard, also possibly known as Don Howard, has a last known location of 3603 Woods Myrtle Ct N in Wilson, NC using the 919-834-4730 phone number. Potential relatives are Jesse W Howard, Daniel Jackson Howard and Melissa S Howard.

Age: 52
Phone Number: 
919-834-4730, 919-754-3698, 252-291-4910
3603 Woods Myrtle Ct N, Wilson, NC ; 818 Cotton Exchange Ct, Raleigh, NC ; 1004 Sheetbend Ln, Raleigh, NC
Jesse W Howard, Daniel Jackson Howard, Melissa S Howard
Seen As:
Don Howard, Howard Don, Donald Wesley Howard
Previous Locations:
Chapel Hill, NC; Wilmington, NC; Morehead City, NC
Donald R Howard  |  Hahira, Georgia
Age: 54
Phone Number: 
803-695-1862, 229-794-4129, 229-585-9060
626 E Main Street Ext, Hahira, GA ; 1030 Chevis St, Columbia, SC ; 3827 Montgomery Ave, Columbia, SC
T Howard, Tonya F Howard, Darlene S Howard
@yahoo.com, @mindspring.com, @eudoramail.com, @hotmail.com, @netzero.com, @netzero.net, @rcn.com
Previous Locations:
Spring Lake, NC; Hopkins, SC; Greensboro, NC; White Oak, SC
Job Title:
Owner at Rcn
Donald E Howard  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 65
Phone Number: 
215-482-2342, 215-508-2184, 215-482-3660
4410 Manayunk Ave, Philadelphia, PA ; 4410 Manayunk Ave # 2, Philadelphia, PA ; 3887 Manayunk Ave # 1, Philadelphia, PA
Virgina A Howard, Ilissa Howard, Joanne M Howard
Donald R Howard  |  Kingston, Massachusetts

Donald may go by Donald M Howard or Donald R Howard Jr and have relatives of Jacqueline E Howard, Mary T Howard and Charles Howard.

Age: 64
Phone Number: 
802-253-9976, 802-888-1141, 212-371-3569
14 High Pines Dr, Kingston, MA ; 162 Small Pond Rd, Morrisville, VT ; 474 48th Ave, Long Island City, NY
Jacqueline E Howard, Mary T Howard, Charles Howard
@aol.com, @msn.com
Seen As:
Donald M Howard, Donald R Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
New York, NY; Stowe, VT; Hanover, MA; Holbrook, MA
Donald D Howard  |  Shapleigh, Maine
Age: 61
Phone Number: 
56 Main St, Shapleigh, ME ; 175 Twombley Rd Apt A1, Sanford, ME ; 46 Pleasant St Apt 10, Saco, ME
Ronald L Howard, Bird A Howard, Darlene F Howard
Previous Locations:
Carbondale, PA; South Chesterfield, VA; Spring Grove, VA; Colonial Heights, VA
Donald E Howard  |  East Orange, New Jersey

Donald Howard may live at 407 Glenwood Ave in East Orange, NJ with an 973 area phone number and may have connections to Deirdre Howard, Tamara Salomon Rowe and Tamara E Salomon.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
407 Glenwood Ave, East Orange, NJ ; 837 Stuyvesant Ave Apt 13, Irvington, NJ ; 837 Stuyvesant Ave, Irvington, NJ
Deirdre Howard, Tamara Salomon Rowe, Tamara E Salomon
@adelphia.net, @aol.com, @msn.com
Seen As:
Donald E Howard Jr
Previous Locations:
Perth Amboy, NJ; Orange, NJ
Donald R Howard  |  Shreveport, Louisiana
Age: 57
Phone Number: 
770-593-1623, 318-562-3654, 225-753-7260
350 Millicent Way, Shreveport, LA ; 15313 Alma Mater Ct, Baton Rouge, LA ; Po Box 196, Shreveport, LA
Frank E Howard, V Howard, Mozell Howard
@cox.net, @yahoo.com, @bellsouth.net
Previous Locations:
Stone Mountain, GA; Lawrenceville, GA; Norcross, GA; Columbus, MS; Atlanta, GA
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Public records available for people named Donald Howard

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Donald Howard Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Howard over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you search for Donald. The easiest method to search for them is by entering their complete name as 'Donald Howard' in a people search engine. You can also try alternative approaches using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or next-door neighbor they may have a relationship with? That is another possible touch point you can use to find Donald.

FAQ: Learn more about Donald Howard

What is Donald Howard's address?
Donald Howard's address is 128 Suncrest Blvd, Savannah, Georgia 31410. Donald may also have lived in Raytown, MO, and Kansas City, KS.
What is Donald Howard's phone number?
Donald Howard's phone number is 816-886-2562. Other phone numbers for Donald Howard may include 770-565-6803 and 478-718-7649.
What is Donald Howard's age?
Average age for Donald Howard is 57 years old.
What is Donald Howard's email address?
Donald Howard's email address is dhowa*****@hotmail.com. We have 4 additional emails on file for Donald.

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