You could find the David Lonsdale you are trying to find by checking our US names directory. Locate available info about probable matches to David's contact details, work, work history, and residency locations. Our names directory includes people based in the United States with about 22 records in 10 states for people matching the David Lonsdale name. See more...

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David J Lonsdale in Glasgow, Virginia  |  Age Age: 65
David Lonsdale addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • Po Box 42, Glasgow, VA
  • 3007 Dundas Rd, North Chesterfield, VA
  • 15373 Corinth Rd, Ivor, VA
David Lonsdale phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 757-242-3211
David B Lonsdale in Reisterstown, Maryland  |  Age Age: 69
David Lonsdale addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 3930 Worthington Ave, Reisterstown, MD
  • 2408 Stanwick Rd, Phoenix, MD
  • 314 Delmar Ct, Abingdon, MD
David Lonsdale phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 410-666-0354,
  • 410-702-7366,
  • 410-977-2099
David Lonsdale relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
David J Lonsdale  |  Astoria, New York

David Lonsdale may live at 2149 48th St Apt 2 in Astoria, NY with an 505 area phone number and may have connections to Lynda S Montoya, John D Lonsdale and Susan J Corey.

Age: 58
Phone Number: 
505-275-9356, 206-592-0244, 206-937-2857
2149 48th St Apt 2, Astoria, NY ; 2416 54th Pl SW Apt 21, Seattle, WA ; 2420 54th Pl SW Apt 33, Seattle, WA
Lynda S Montoya, John D Lonsdale, Susan J Corey
Previous Locations:
Burien, WA; Albuquerque, NM; Seatac, WA
David H Lonsdale  |  Baldwinsville, New York
Age: 62
9 Division St, Baldwinsville, NY ; 35 Frawley Dr, Baldwinsville, NY ; 102 Landrush Way # 2, Baldwinsville, NY
Harry R Lonsdale, Amanda J Sedore, Harry G Lonsdale
Previous Locations:
Syracuse, NY; Liverpool, NY
David Lonsdale  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 88
3350 NE 192nd St, Miami, FL ; 19195 Mystic Pointe Dr, Aventura, FL
David M Lonsdale  |  Biddeford, Maine
Age: 75
Phone Number: 
301 West St, Biddeford, ME ; 9 Newtown Rd, Biddeford, ME
Joan M Lonsdale, Lori Jo Labrecque, J Lonsdale
David L Lonsdale  |  Greeley, Colorado
Age: 107
2001 22nd St, Greeley, CO ; 1718 8th Ave, Greeley, CO
John D Lonsdale, Linda M Hall, Helen C Lonsdale
David Lonsdale  |  Baltimore, Maryland
6009 Edna Ave Apt 5, Baltimore, MD ; 314 Delmar Ct, Abingdon, MD ; 707 Country Village Dr Apt 2a, Bel Air, MD
David B Lonsdale
David Lonsdale  |  Muskogee, Oklahoma
Phone Number: 
5703 N 23rd St E, Muskogee, OK
John Walter Lonsdale, Stephanie Lonsdale, Carolyn Sue Lonsdale
David Lonsdale  |  Arnold, Missouri
Po Box 13, Arnold, MO
David Lonsdale  |  Brooklyn, New York
1290 Bay Ridge Pkwy # 1b, Brooklyn, NY
David Lonsdale  |  Fort Collins, Colorado
Age: 107
2731 Canterbury Dr, Fort Collins, CO
Amanda T Lonsdale, John D Lonsdale, Megan Lonsdale
David Lonsdale  |  Santa Monica, California
Age: 102
1002 California Ave, Santa Monica, CA
Virginia E Lonsdale, Rick Lonsdale, B Lonsdale
David Lonsdale  |  Escondido, California

David may go by David James Lonsdale or David Jr Lonsdale Jr and have relatives of Lisa D Lonsdale, Deborah F Lonsdale and John K Lonsdale.

Age: 74
Phone Number: 
9856 Canyon Country Ln, Escondido, CA ; 4128 Napier St, San Diego, CA ; 3019 Columbia St, San Diego, CA
Lisa D Lonsdale, Deborah F Lonsdale, John K Lonsdale
Seen As:
David James Lonsdale, David Jr Lonsdale Jr
Work Email:
David Lonsdale  |  Riverside, California
Po Box 5315, Riverside, CA
David M Lonsdale  |  Coppell, Texas
Age: 37
Phone Number: 
940-577-2151, 214-704-7942, 972-459-3187
603 Canemount Ln, Coppell, TX ; 1700 Cedar Springs Rd Apt 1008, Dallas, TX ; 5 Tudor City Pl Apt 1532, New York, NY
Yvonne L Lonsdale, Jessica J Lonsdale, Kittie L Lonsdale
Previous Locations:
Irving, TX
David M Lonsdale  |  Dallas, Texas
Age: 71
Phone Number: 
314-401-0830, 214-401-0830, 972-459-3187
1700 Cedar Springs Rd Apt 2008, Dallas, TX ; 1700 Cedar Springs Rd Apt 1008, Dallas, TX ; 5 Tudor City Pl Apt 1532, New York, NY
Jessica J Lonsdale, David M Lonsdale, Kittie L Lonsdale
Previous Locations:
Coppell, TX; Mesquite, TX; Saint Louis, MO; Irving, TX
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David Lonsdale Phone Numbers

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FAQ: Learn more about David Lonsdale

What is David Lonsdale's address?
David Lonsdale's address is Po Box 42, Glasgow, Virginia 24555. David may also have lived in Towson, MD
What is David Lonsdale's phone number?
David Lonsdale's phone number is 410-666-0354. Other phone numbers for David Lonsdale may include 206-937-2857 and 206-592-0244.
What is David Lonsdale's age?
Average age for David Lonsdale is 76 years old.
What is David Lonsdale's email address?
David Lonsdale's email address is emuhat****** We have 2 additional emails on file for David.

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