Need to find information on Carol Garza? We found 101 records in 13 states for Carol in our US person directory. You could find out more about likely matches by searching for contact detail matches, prospective employment histories, house addresses and smartphone number records. The typical Carol is around 69 years old with about 35% falling into the 61-70 age bracket. See more...

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Carol A Garza in Freeland, Michigan  |  Age Age: 56
Carol Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 11555 Dice Rd, Freeland, MI
  • 1513 Bagley St, Saginaw, MI
  • Po Box 291, Carrollton, MI
Carol Garza phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 989-781-7042,
  • 989-752-9416
Carol Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Carol R Garza in Clarksville, Tennessee  |  Age Age: 56
Carol Garza addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 271 Clearfount Dr, Clarksville, TN
  • 106 Greenland Farms Dr, Clarksville, TN
  • 815 Turtle Creek Rd, Clarksville, TN
Carol Garza phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 931-358-5812,
  • 931-645-0107,
  • 931-358-5858
Carol Garza relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Carol T Garza  |  Appleton, Wisconsin

Carol Garza, also possibly known as Carole T Garza, has a last known location of 2201 Southwood Dr Apt 6 in Appleton, WI using the 920-954-8301 phone number. Potential relatives are Louis J Garza, Norma Castillo and Ivan James Garza.

Age: 57
Phone Number: 
920-954-8301, 920-470-2824, 920-830-8064
2201 Southwood Dr Apt 6, Appleton, WI ; 508 N Morrison St, Appleton, WI ; 1100 E Boulevard Ave, Bismarck, ND
Louis J Garza, Norma Castillo, Ivan James Garza
Seen As:
Carole T Garza
Previous Locations:
Fort Yates, ND; Oneida, WI; Rapid City, SD; Minneapolis, MN
Carol D Garza  |  Berlin, Wisconsin
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
N8866 Forest Ridge Rd, Berlin, WI ; 182 E Marquette St, Berlin, WI ; 320 C**** St, Berlin, WI
Mike G Garza, Michelle Garza, Mike Garza
Previous Locations:
Appleton, WI
Carol A Garza  |  New Boston, Michigan
Age: 67
Phone Number: 
734-678-5857, 734-753-9545
22047 Huron River Dr, New Boston, MI ; 318 Radcliff St, Garden City, MI ; 8851 Grandville Ave, Detroit, MI
Floyd W Lambert, Holly M Lambert, Samantha A Lambert
Previous Locations:
Woodhaven, MI; Dearborn Heights, MI
Carol Garza  |  Wayne, Michigan

Carol Garza may live at 34204 Harroun St in Wayne, MI with an 734 area phone number and may have connections to R Ritz, Reginald L Ritz and Albert Carol Garza.

Age: 85
Phone Number: 
34204 Harroun St, Wayne, MI ; Po Box 122, Wayne, MI ; 1005 Fleming Cir Apt 2, Virginia Beach, VA
R Ritz, Reginald L Ritz, Albert Carol Garza
Previous Locations:
Plymouth, MI
Carol J Garza  |  Manassas, Virginia
Age: 68
Phone Number: 
540-972-4726, 703-369-3707, 703-730-1913
8702 Phipps Farm Way, Manassas, VA ; 100 Coquina Dr, Emerald Isle, NC ; 100 Coquina Dr # B, Emerald Isle, NC
Alba J Ventura, Nicholas J Mendoza, Robin Nicholson
Previous Locations:
Chocowinity, NC; Havelock, NC; Nokesville, VA; Haymarket, VA; Atlantic Beach, NC; Broad Run, VA; Woodbridge, VA; Locust Grove, VA; Fairfax, VA; Manassas Park, VA
Carol J Garza  |  Grant, Michigan
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
12898 Willow Ave # 2, Grant, MI ; 12898 Willow Ave, Grant, MI ; 13349 Cypress Ave, Sand Lake, MI
Carol L Garza  |  Greenacres, Florida

Carol Garza may live at 1314 Monteray Way in Greenacres, FL with an 561 area phone number and may have connections to Arnold Garza, T Garza and Edwin J Beaver.

Age: 60
Phone Number: 
561-252-4426, 561-502-2890, 561-684-3956
1314 Monteray Way, Greenacres, FL ; 4750 Orleans Ct Apt A, West Palm Beach, FL ; 523 Colonial Rd Apt A, West Palm Beach, FL
Arnold Garza, T Garza, Edwin J Beaver
Carol A Garza  |  Roseburg, Oregon
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
123 Dobie Ct, Roseburg, OR ; 5083 Lance St, Roseburg, OR ; 2903 NE Parker Rd, Roseburg, OR
Robert M Garza, Raymond M Garza, Ashley Marshall
Carol A Garza  |  New Bedford, Massachusetts

Carol Garza may live at 137 Cedar Grove St in New Bedford, MA with an 508 area phone number and may have connections to S Spooner, Anthony P Demello and Chad E Spooner.

Age: 65
Phone Number: 
508-993-9623, 518-856-9690
137 Cedar Grove St, New Bedford, MA ; 137 Cedar Grove St Apt 1, New Bedford, MA ; 4944 Blue Mountain Rd, Saint Regis Falls, NY
S Spooner, Anthony P Demello, Chad E Spooner
Previous Locations:
Acushnet, MA
Carol Ann Garza  |  Lansing, Michigan
Age: 55
Phone Number: 
517-489-6080, 517-580-7524
531 N Rosemary St, Lansing, MI ; 3715 Wedgewood Dr, Lansing, MI ; 1409 N Chestnut St, Lansing, MI
Alura Garza, Armando Garza, Antonio Garza
Carol J Garza  |  Albuquerque, New Mexico
Age: 95
Phone Number: 
2405 Don Juan Loop NW, Albuquerque, NM ; 336 Crestview Dr, Harpers Ferry, WV ; 372 La Chamisal Ln NW, Los Ranchos, NM
Carol Garza, Celedonio M Garza
Previous Locations:
Port Saint Lucie, FL
Carol M Garza  |  Omaha, Nebraska
Age: 78
Phone Number: 
6609 S 108th Ave, Omaha, NE ; 3207 S 12th St, Norfolk, NE ; 3207 S 12th St Trlr 5, Norfolk, NE
Stephen A Vigil, Stephanie Davila, Jj Martinez
Carol Garza  |  Taylor, Michigan

Carol Garza may live at 10280 Pardee Rd in Taylor, MI with an 313 area phone number and may have connections to Christine J Garza, Jennifer A Garza and Robert J Garza.

Age: 75
Phone Number: 
10280 Pardee Rd, Taylor, MI ; 1049 Junction St, Detroit, MI ; 9222 Longworth St, Detroit, MI
Christine J Garza, Jennifer A Garza, Robert J Garza
Seen As:
Carol June Garza
Carol Garza  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Carol Garza, also possibly known as Carol M Garza, has a last known location of 213 S 76th St in Milwaukee, WI using the 414-774-0504 phone number. Potential relatives are Minerva C Garza, Ernesto Garza and Paul J Garza.

Age: 76
Phone Number: 
414-774-0504, 414-585-9829, 262-349-4674
213 S 76th St, Milwaukee, WI ; 415 N 69th St, Milwaukee, WI ; Po Box 26011, Milwaukee, WI
Minerva C Garza, Ernesto Garza, Paul J Garza
Seen As:
Carol M Garza, Garza Carol
Previous Locations:
Waukesha, WI
Carol C Garza  |  Royal Oak, Michigan

Carol may go by Carolann Garza and have relatives of Marjorie A Garza, Michael James Garza and Robert Ernest Garza.

Age: 83
Phone Number: 
313-549-1065, 248-549-1065
3221 Benjamin Ave, Royal Oak, MI ; 34225 Grand River Ave, Farmington, MI ; 3221 Benjamin Ave # 1, Royal Oak, MI
Marjorie A Garza, Michael James Garza, Robert Ernest Garza
Seen As:
Carolann Garza
Carol L Garza  |  Fort Myers, Florida
Age: 51
Phone Number: 
239-217-6451, 865-233-0265, 239-590-6199
Po Box 61937, Fort Myers, FL ; 107 Daniel Way, Maryville, TN ; 7191 Pinnacle Dr Apt I22, Fort Myers, FL
Dayle Faria, Timothy Ray Scobee, Marguerit E Barnett
Previous Locations:
Old Bridge, NJ; South River, NJ; Cape Coral, FL; Spring Hill, FL; North Fort Myers, FL
Carol Garza  |  Decatur, Michigan
Age: 52
81004 Garrett Dr, Decatur, MI ; 609 W 4th St Apt 35, Buchanan, MI ; 203 S Williams St, Decatur, MI
Vicenta Garza, Clifford A Goodrich, Gerilyn M Edwards
Carol L Garza  |  Keshena, Wisconsin
Age: 62
N1341 Thunder Bird Rd, Keshena, WI ; Po Box 34, Keshena, WI ; 1079 Shawano Ave, Green Bay, WI
Michael Peters, Judith A Pamamet, John F Garza
Previous Locations:
Shawano, WI
Carol S Garza  |  Denver, Colorado
Age: 65
1750 S Federal Blvd Apt 401, Denver, CO ; 5156 Tennyson St, Denver, CO ; 1750 S Federal Blvd Apt 304, Denver, CO
Amy L Martinez, Eddie G Garza, Thomas L Martinez
Previous Locations:
Wheat Ridge, CO
Carol A Garza  |  Salt Lake City, Utah

Carol may go by Carol C Garza or Carol Ann Garza and have relatives of P Garza, Karen Droubay and Russell P Garza.

Age: 84
Phone Number: 
711 Northland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT ; 1241 Brickyard Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
P Garza, Karen Droubay, Russell P Garza
Seen As:
Carol C Garza, Carol Ann Garza
Work Email:
Carol T Garza  |  Appleton, Wisconsin
Age: 57
2201 Southwood Dr Apt 6, Appleton, WI ; 2201 Southwood Dr, Appleton, WI
Carol T Garza, C Garza
Carol Garza  |  Denver, Colorado
1576 Meade St Apt B, Denver, CO
Carol Garza  |  Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Carol may go by Carol Gonzalez Garza and have relatives of Garza Carol Gonzalez, Shauna M Gonzalez Garza and Carol Gonzalez Garza.

214 Randall Pl, Elkhorn, WI
Garza Carol Gonzalez, Shauna M Gonzalez Garza, Carol Gonzalez Garza
Seen As:
Carol Gonzalez Garza
Carol Gonzalez Garza  |  Elkhorn, Wisconsin
214 Randall Pl, Elkhorn, WI
Carol Garza, Garza Carol Gonzalez, Shauna M Gonzalez Garza
Carol S Garza  |  Denver, Colorado
1576 Meade St, Denver, CO
Carol C Garza  |  Sharon, Massachusetts
Age: 92
Phone Number: 
617-784-5776, 781-793-0489, 781-784-5776
56 High St, Sharon, MA
Jaime Garza, Benjamin J Garza, Laura G Grenier
Carol Garza  |  Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Age: 95
Phone Number: 
336 Crestview Dr, Harpers Ferry, WV ; 2405 Don Juan Loop NW, Albuquerque, NM ; 372 La Chamisal Ln NW, Los Ranchos, NM
Celedonio M Garza, Carol J Garza
Previous Locations:
Port Saint Lucie, FL; Colonial Beach, VA
Carol S Garza  |  Los Angeles, California

Carol may go by Caroline Garza, Caroline S Garza, Carole S Garza or Garza Carol and have relatives of Vanessa Garza, Catarino M Garza and Jose D Garza.

Age: 62
Phone Number: 
509-925-1196, 323-591-1273, 512-989-0219
520 S Burnside Ave Apt 2e, Los Angeles, CA ; 1333 Old Spanish Trl Apt 4154, Houston, TX ; 928 Twisted Fence Dr, Pflugerville, TX
Vanessa Garza, Catarino M Garza, Jose D Garza
Seen As:
Caroline Garza, Caroline S Garza, Carole S Garza, Garza Carol
Previous Locations:
Austin, TX; Temple, TX; Ellensburg, WA; Friendswood, TX; League City, TX; Beaumont, TX; Oceanside, CA
Work Email:,
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Carol Garza Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Garza over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you search for Carol. The easiest way to look for them is by using their full name as 'Carol Garza' in a people search. You can also try alternative methods using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or neighbor they may be connected to? That is another potential touch point you can use to locate Carol.

FAQ: Learn more about Carol Garza

What is Carol Garza's address?
Carol Garza's address is 11555 Dice Rd, Freeland, Michigan 48623. Carol may also have lived in Elkton, KY
What is Carol Garza's phone number?
Carol Garza's phone number is 931-358-5812. Other phone numbers for Carol Garza may include 920-830-8064 and 920-470-2824.
What is Carol Garza's age?
Average age for Carol Garza is 69 years old.
What is Carol Garza's email address?
Carol Garza's email address is carolga******* We have 2 additional emails on file for Carol.

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